

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Forsaken Revolt IC (Open)
Interaction : Anzu, Jay, others in the store

He became a bit more alert as Jay hinted about the group, tho he calmed down as soon as the guy talked about two newly aquired recrute. He didnt knew them personaly tho he had heard about their powers. "So, if you know the newbies i take it you were also offered a spot ? You should try joining, i'll even slip a good word for ya if you do, it will blow the other's mind." He added the last part with a light shuckle, despite being in the organisation for quite some time now he never realy showed much interest toward recruting people, or just meeting the others outside of work related stuff but the guy was alright so there is a first time for everything.
Interaction : Anzu, Jay, others in the store

He became a bit more alert as Jay hinted about the group, tho he calmed down as soon as the guy talked about two newly aquired recrute. He didnt knew them personaly tho he had heard about their powers. "So, if you know the newbies i take it you were also offered a spot ? You should try joining, i'll even slip a good word for ya if you do, it will blow the other's mind." He added the last part with a light shuckle, despite being in the organisation for quite some time now he never realy showed much interest toward recruting people, or just meeting the others outside of work related stuff but the guy was alright so there is a first time for everything.
@Natalic (do you mind being pinged?)
Sarai - Interactions: Ben, Oliver (mentioned)

Sarai took a moment to process her thoughts and shifted slightly. "On second thought, Mr. Oliver, thank you for the offer, but I must be going."
She reluctantly left the window where the plants were and continued down the street. Starting to feel a bit antsy, like things were watching her in the dark, she walked a bit quicker. Up ahead there was a young man sitting on top of a halfwall, eating food from one of the vendors. Are those horns?
@Natalic (do you mind being pinged?)
Sarai - Interactions: Ben, Oliver (mentioned)

Sarai took a moment to process her thoughts and shifted slightly. "On second thought, Mr. Oliver, thank you for the offer, but I must be going."
She reluctantly left the window where the plants were and continued down the street. Starting to feel a bit antsy, like things were watching her in the dark, she walked a bit quicker. Up ahead there was a young man sitting on top of a halfwall, eating food from one of the vendors. Are those horns?
With Sarai @Ruatani (I don’t mind, you?)

Ben sniffled slightly. The food was spicier than expected. Lucas would like it.

He looked around for his brother, only seeing a woman looking as lost as he felt. She seemed to look at Ben and he wondered if she had seen his brother recently. It may be worth trying. He didn’t dare get down from his perch should she try to snatch him, settling for calling down to her.

“Hey, have you seen my brother around? He’s tall, red hair, can’t really miss him.” Ben asked, pausing before adding on, “Oh, and his eyes are really bright too.”


Lucas was getting more and more worried the longer it took to find Ben. He began circling buildings in hopes of seeing him somewhere. Where would he go? What would Ben do…? Make some trinkets… Search for food? The street vendors might have information. Lucas discreetly leapt down from the buildings, beginning to scan the food available for something that Ben would go for.
With Sarai @Ruatani (I don’t mind, you?)

Ben sniffled slightly. The food was spicier than expected. Lucas would like it.

He looked around for his brother, only seeing a woman looking as lost as he felt. She seemed to look at Ben and he wondered if she had seen his brother recently. It may be worth trying. He didn’t dare get down from his perch should she try to snatch him, settling for calling down to her.

“Hey, have you seen my brother around? He’s tall, red hair, can’t really miss him.” Ben asked, pausing before adding on, “Oh, and his eyes are really bright too.”


Lucas was getting more and more worried the longer it took to find Ben. He began circling buildings in hopes of seeing him somewhere. Where would he go? What would Ben do…? Make some trinkets… Search for food? The street vendors might have information. Lucas discreetly leapt down from the buildings, beginning to scan the food available for something that Ben would go for.
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@Natalic (Nope! If anything, it helps me keep everything organized (: )
Sarai - Interactions: Ben

"Uh, no. I don't think so, sorry." She paused. "Would you happen to know how to get to South Oak Street?"
@Natalic (Nope! If anything, it helps me keep everything organized (: )
Sarai - Interactions: Ben

"Uh, no. I don't think so, sorry." She paused. "Would you happen to know how to get to South Oak Street?"
With Sarai @Ruatani

“Hmm, nope. I’m new here. My brother might but I don’t know where he is.” Ben tilted his head, carefully considering. Lucas wouldn’t be happy but then he wouldn’t be happy if they were separated too long. “Maybe we can find what we’re both looking for? Together?”

Then, as if as a peace offering, he offered some of his food, “You can have some of this if you want. Or I can show you were I got it.”
With Sarai @Ruatani

“Hmm, nope. I’m new here. My brother might but I don’t know where he is.” Ben tilted his head, carefully considering. Lucas wouldn’t be happy but then he wouldn’t be happy if they were separated too long. “Maybe we can find what we’re both looking for? Together?”

Then, as if as a peace offering, he offered some of his food, “You can have some of this if you want. Or I can show you were I got it.”
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Sarai - Interactions: Ben

Sarai smiled. "No, thank you. I'll eat at home."
The food did look good, but all of the clashing sounds of the city had ruined her appetite and her headache was back in full force. "I'm Sarai."
Sarai - Interactions: Ben

Sarai smiled. "No, thank you. I'll eat at home."
The food did look good, but all of the clashing sounds of the city had ruined her appetite and her headache was back in full force. "I'm Sarai."
With Sarai @Ruatani

Ben nodded. He understood that sharing food wasn't for everyone. She looked almost pained at the thought. Maybe it wasn't the thought.

"I'm Ben." He replied before asking, "Are you okay?"
With Sarai @Ruatani

Ben nodded. He understood that sharing food wasn't for everyone. She looked almost pained at the thought. Maybe it wasn't the thought.

"I'm Ben." He replied before asking, "Are you okay?"
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Sarai - Interactions: Ben

"I-I'll be alright." The cacophony of all of the concrete and steel around her seemed to assault her mind. Not really registering what she was doing, she reached up and held onto the wall. "It's.... it's all just... too much."
She felt a faint sense of amusement, though it could barely be called that. "I remember why I... don't walk home much..."
Sarai - Interactions: Ben

"I-I'll be alright." The cacophony of all of the concrete and steel around her seemed to assault her mind. Not really registering what she was doing, she reached up and held onto the wall. "It's.... it's all just... too much."
She felt a faint sense of amusement, though it could barely be called that. "I remember why I... don't walk home much..."
With Sarai @Ruatani

"Um, Miss? I don't think you're going to be alright." Ben hopped off the wall, holding out a cautious hand, "You look like you're about to faint. Do you know if there is anywhere about you'd be safe to go?"
With Sarai @Ruatani

"Um, Miss? I don't think you're going to be alright." Ben hopped off the wall, holding out a cautious hand, "You look like you're about to faint. Do you know if there is anywhere about you'd be safe to go?"
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Sarai - Interactions: Ben

Her vision was starting to blur, the clashing sounds ringing louder and louder. She wanted to scream. She lifted her hands to her ears, as if to shut out the sounds. She started to crumple and pitch forward towards the ground.
Sarai - Interactions: Ben

Her vision was starting to blur, the clashing sounds ringing louder and louder. She wanted to scream. She lifted her hands to her ears, as if to shut out the sounds. She started to crumple and pitch forward towards the ground.