
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | The research hut
[center][img][/img][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] As you stand at the entrance of the small camp, you were still wondering how you got there in the first place. Maby you were trying to go to the town located ferther up of the jagged montain, or maby you were simply drawn to crystalspine reach without you even noticing it. Eather way, you were here now so why not take a peak ? A wooden sign welcomed you into the area, giving you the rather obvious name of the missmatched buildings and tents. [indent][b][i][font=Century Schoolbook] Welcome to the Crystalspine Reaches research hut ! Our goal is to help the new generation of multi-elemental dragons to integrate and thrive within other clans. To meet the new arrival, please follow the trail left, toward the main building.[/font] [/i][/b][/indent] The thick foliage crunching under your steps as playfull hiss and chirps were escaping from a large building. You caugh a glimps of a gray and white Skydanser taking notes as two fuzzy dragons, bearly the size of your hand, flew pass. Taking note of your presence, the Skydanser beacond you closer before motioning to a piece of paper in front of you... [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [size=4][font=Century Schoolbook][i]Rules[/i][/font][/size] [LIST] [*] A ping goes a long way, i am sub just in case but i wont react as fast without it. [*] Feel free to add yourself to the ping list and check the pairs you want updates about. [b]Please do not modify anything else in the list ![/b] [*] Both tresaures and gems are accepted (1g:1000t). [*] This hatchery do first come first served. [*] All hatchling will be named before leaving my lair, if you have a name already picked for your little one mention in next to your name in the[url=] [b][u]ping list[/u][/b][/url]. [size=1]( i dont have the best memorie of who got what so if you no longer want/nead new updates on a pair offsprings, feel free to remove your name from the list or ask me to do it if you cant ^-^)[size=1] [*] Each pair have their own element fusion, therfore only those will be avalable as eye colors. However, due to the Research hut location, any offsprings may get arcane eyes if i cant find a nest in time. [*] If you want to be affiliate, just ask ! [/LIST] [size=4][font=Century Schoolbook][i]Discounts[/i][/font][/size] * The discounts have a stack limit to 30% [LIST] [*] New players (less then 2 months) : 20% [*] Birthday : 20% [*] Affiliate : 10% [*] Arcane Flight or sharing your element with the current clutch : 10% [/LIST] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [indent]" Hello and welcome, i am the proffessor Raodra but no nead for formality, just call me Raodra. I supose you have read the rules of this establishment, yes ? Well then, i seem to read some confusion on you, let me explain. You see, me and a few others dragons here are studying a rather odd phenomenon that happen here, dragons with multiple elements. It isnt clear if this place simply attract them or if it somhow have a play into how they are created but for some raison, alot of those dragons chose to comback here to raise or even hatch their offspring at the base of this mountain. Those multi elemental dragons, also known here as multi elemental organism (MEO), well we realy just use it because the acronym make it sound more sciency ahah ! But as far as we know they can normaly only control the element shown by their eye colors, the mix of element does however act on their temper. Oh right, where was i... right ! So Those MEO have features similar to encien legends so most pairing ended up with a nickname. Some of those pair left a few of their hatchling in our care to try and find them a suitable clan. This is where you come in ! You will be given more information on the offspring and pairs avalable bellow !"[/indent]

As you stand at the entrance of the small camp, you were still wondering how you got there in the first place. Maby you were trying to go to the town located ferther up of the jagged montain, or maby you were simply drawn to crystalspine reach without you even noticing it. Eather way, you were here now so why not take a peak ? A wooden sign welcomed you into the area, giving you the rather obvious name of the missmatched buildings and tents.

Welcome to the Crystalspine Reaches research hut !
Our goal is to help the new generation of multi-elemental dragons to integrate and thrive within other clans.
To meet the new arrival, please follow the trail left, toward the main building.

The thick foliage crunching under your steps as playfull hiss and chirps were escaping from a large building. You caugh a glimps of a gray and white Skydanser taking notes as two fuzzy dragons, bearly the size of your hand, flew pass. Taking note of your presence, the Skydanser beacond you closer before motioning to a piece of paper in front of you...

  • A ping goes a long way, i am sub just in case but i wont react as fast without it.
  • Feel free to add yourself to the ping list and check the pairs you want updates about. Please do not modify anything else in the list !
  • Both tresaures and gems are accepted (1g:1000t).
  • This hatchery do first come first served.
  • All hatchling will be named before leaving my lair, if you have a name already picked for your little one mention in next to your name in the ping list.
    ( i dont have the best memorie of who got what so if you no longer want/nead new updates on a pair offsprings, feel free to remove your name from the list or ask me to do it if you cant ^-^)
  • Each pair have their own element fusion, therfore only those will be avalable as eye colors. However, due to the Research hut location, any offsprings may get arcane eyes if i cant find a nest in time.
  • If you want to be affiliate, just ask !

* The discounts have a stack limit to 30%
  • New players (less then 2 months) : 20%
  • Birthday : 20%
  • Affiliate : 10%
  • Arcane Flight or sharing your element with the current clutch : 10%
" Hello and welcome, i am the proffessor Raodra but no nead for formality, just call me Raodra. I supose you have read the rules of this establishment, yes ? Well then, i seem to read some confusion on you, let me explain. You see, me and a few others dragons here are studying a rather odd phenomenon that happen here, dragons with multiple elements. It isnt clear if this place simply attract them or if it somhow have a play into how they are created but for some raison, alot of those dragons chose to comback here to raise or even hatch their offspring at the base of this mountain.

Those multi elemental dragons, also known here as multi elemental organism (MEO), well we realy just use it because the acronym make it sound more sciency ahah ! But as far as we know they can normaly only control the element shown by their eye colors, the mix of element does however act on their temper. Oh right, where was i... right ! So Those MEO have features similar to encien legends so most pairing ended up with a nickname. Some of those pair left a few of their hatchling in our care to try and find them a suitable clan. This is where you come in ! You will be given more information on the offspring and pairs avalable bellow !"
[center][size=7][font=Century Schoolbook][b]Avalable[/b][/font][/size] [size=1]looking for the price reminder ? The next post have pricing for all avalable offsprings ^-^ [/size][/center] [center][size=5][u][b]Drumlin[/b][/u][/size] fusion name : Basilic [/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [emoji=normal eyes size=1][emoji=earth rune size=1] 60[emoji=gem size=1] or 60k [emoji=treasure size=1][/center] [/columns] Drumlin seem to be sharing more then just his name with a type of deposit left by glaciers. Even as small as he may be, he is still more the willing to get in arguments with anyone who disrespect him. He may be a bit rough around the eadges but he still meen well, as long as he is left alone when he want to be... (click the picture for his full bio !) [/columns] Named after a type of topography rather common in the area her nest was made in, Esker become quickly an highly positive presence in the life on anybody who meet her. Even if it does take some time for her to be fully confortable around newcomers, she alwais attempt to brighten their days... (click the picture for his full bio !) [center][size=7][font=Century Schoolbook][b]Nesting[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center]
looking for the price reminder ? The next post have pricing for all avalable offsprings ^-^

fusion name : Basilic

60 or 60k
Drumlin seem to be sharing more then just his name with a type of deposit left by glaciers. Even as small as he may be, he is still more the willing to get in arguments with anyone who disrespect him. He may be a bit rough around the eadges but he still meen well, as long as he is left alone when he want to be... (click the picture for his full bio !)

Named after a type of topography rather common in the area her nest was made in, Esker become quickly an highly positive presence in the life on anybody who meet her. Even if it does take some time for her to be fully confortable around newcomers, she alwais attempt to brighten their days... (click the picture for his full bio !)

[center][size=5][font=Century Schoolbook][b]Pairs[/b][/font][/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Griffin[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=earth rune size=1] [/center] Those griffin looking dragons were the first multi-elemental to have been discovered by the team. They are known to be flighty, weary of outsider and sometime even agressive but to those who befriend them gain an indeffectible ally who will follow them until the end of time itself. They are a fusion between the elements of Air, Light and Earth. Regular adoption fee : 120[emoji=gem size=1] or 120k [emoji=treasure size=1] [center][img][/img] [/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [img][/img] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Raiju[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=fire rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1][/center] Hardy and independent by nature, they were wrongfully name after the mythical beast of thunder due to their lightning patern. Despite not being tied to the element of lightning, their personality can be quite shocking. They alwais seek to learn on their on term, witch often involve trying things first hand (claw?), keep them out of trouble without preventing them from exploring and you'll get a genius in no time. They are a fusion of light, fire and shadow ! Regular adoption fee : 80[emoji=gem size=1] or 80k [emoji=treasure size=1] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [img][/img] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Bake-Kujira[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=plague rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=lightning rune size=1][/center] This terrifying group of dragons can spend years underwater suviving even in the deepest abyss, their body have adapted to this situation witch also affected their vocal range. Their voices are often very high pitch and their screams can stun or even temporarily paralyse those who hear it. Because of their nomadic livestyle they are not picky about their preys, witch infortunately can translate to them catching smaller dragon speacies in some extreme cases. To prevent issues, it is better to start teaching them young what is and isnt food, they are stuborn and sly but under the right guidance they can trive and become great assets within their new flight. They are a mix between plague, water and lightning Regular adoption fee :90[emoji=gem size=1] or 90k [emoji=treasure size=1] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [img][/img] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Basilic[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=earth rune size=1] [emoji=plague rune size=1][/center] A group of fae with a strange mutation causing the scales of their wings to be feather like. Their element mix cause them to be fairly reclusive and suspicious of other dragons. Because of this, encontering them in their own territory is a rare occurence, tho, if raised around other types of dragons, their natural distrust can be curbed to some extent. Despite them being fae, and therfore fairly small, they the only MEO known to date who get at least some control over all of their elements. Of course, their eyes element is still the one who is the strongest, the others faculties only manifesting in small somtime even unnoticeables ways. They may seem difficult to handle at first, but those stuborn enough to break through a basilic mental barrier earn the most trustworty of friends in return. They respond to nature, plague and earth elements. Regular adoption fee :60[emoji=gem size=1] or 60k [emoji=treasure size=1] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Fairy[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=fire rune size=1][/center] A mysterious group of dragons, while they can fit in your cupped palms they have the capacity to change their size to appear as normal dragons. They are mischivious little things that are willing to go quite far for a laugh. While they mean no harm, they can cause accidental damage or injuries to the victims of their pranks, somthing they are quick to fix, or at least attempt too. Despite the trouble those dragons can cause at time, they are sure to bring a smile to those who meet them. They appear to be a mix of Nature, light and fire. Regular adoption fee : Tundra : 25[emoji=gem size=1] or 25k [emoji=treasure size=1] Imperial : 95[emoji=gem size=1] or 95k [emoji=treasure size=1] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Siren[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1][/center] Those dragons retain their child like curiosity their whole life. Since they spend the majority of their time at sea, they only have basic knowledge of land customs. Unlike the group of the Bake-Kujiras, the sirens are friendly and welcoming toward anyone who meet them, they alwais seek to trade knowledge and never miss an opportunity to do so. However, because of those traits, they also have the tendency to be very naive and easily influenced by others witch can lead them in bad situations at time. Their caracteristics seem to be comming from the fusion between light, nature and water. Regular adoption fee : 80[emoji=gem size=1] or 80k [emoji=treasure size=1] [center][img][/img] [/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [img][/img] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]The Dullahan[/font][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] Those dragons have a very strong sense of justice, however each individual also follow their own rules as to what they considere as good and bad. They seem to have a natural attraction toward places where others have died. It isnt clear if they can actualy see ghosts or if they simply see the energy left behind by magical attack but their eyes are perticularely sensitive to light. They have the tendencie to be very private dragons, choosing not to be seen or heard until they belive the time is right. When they do speak, each of their words seem to have a deeper meaning, carrying the wisdom from those beyond the grave, as such they can often be incredible advisors. Regular adoption fee : 80[emoji=gem size=1] or 80k [emoji=treasure size=1] [img][/img] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [center][size=3][font=Century Schoolbook]???[/font][/size] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=fire rune size=1] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] ? Interactions with the Griffins have unearthed stories about a counterpart of them, weather those are still around remain a mystery. With a bit of prodding and alot of luck we may be able to track down their location or at the very least find out what happened to them.

The Griffin

Those griffin looking dragons were the first multi-elemental to have been discovered by the team. They are known to be flighty, weary of outsider and sometime even agressive but to those who befriend them gain an indeffectible ally who will follow them until the end of time itself.

They are a fusion between the elements of Air, Light and Earth.

Regular adoption fee : 120 or 120k


The Raiju

Hardy and independent by nature, they were wrongfully name after the mythical beast of thunder due to their lightning patern. Despite not being tied to the element of lightning, their personality can be quite shocking. They alwais seek to learn on their on term, witch often involve trying things first hand (claw?), keep them out of trouble without preventing them from exploring and you'll get a genius in no time.

They are a fusion of light, fire and shadow !

Regular adoption fee : 80 or 80k

The Bake-Kujira

This terrifying group of dragons can spend years underwater suviving even in the deepest abyss, their body have adapted to this situation witch also affected their vocal range. Their voices are often very high pitch and their screams can stun or even temporarily paralyse those who hear it. Because of their nomadic livestyle they are not picky about their preys, witch infortunately can translate to them catching smaller dragon speacies in some extreme cases. To prevent issues, it is better to start teaching them young what is and isnt food, they are stuborn and sly but under the right guidance they can trive and become great assets within their new flight.

They are a mix between plague, water and lightning

Regular adoption fee :90 or 90k

The Basilic

A group of fae with a strange mutation causing the scales of their wings to be feather like. Their element mix cause them to be fairly reclusive and suspicious of other dragons. Because of this, encontering them in their own territory is a rare occurence, tho, if raised around other types of dragons, their natural distrust can be curbed to some extent. Despite them being fae, and therfore fairly small, they the only MEO known to date who get at least some control over all of their elements. Of course, their eyes element is still the one who is the strongest, the others faculties only manifesting in small somtime even unnoticeables ways. They may seem difficult to handle at first, but those stuborn enough to break through a basilic mental barrier earn the most trustworty of friends in return.

They respond to nature, plague and earth elements.

Regular adoption fee :60 or 60k
The Fairy

A mysterious group of dragons, while they can fit in your cupped palms they have the capacity to change their size to appear as normal dragons. They are mischivious little things that are willing to go quite far for a laugh. While they mean no harm, they can cause accidental damage or injuries to the victims of their pranks, somthing they are quick to fix, or at least attempt too. Despite the trouble those dragons can cause at time, they are sure to bring a smile to those who meet them.

They appear to be a mix of Nature, light and fire.

Regular adoption fee :
Tundra : 25 or 25k
Imperial : 95 or 95k

The Siren

Those dragons retain their child like curiosity their whole life. Since they spend the majority of their time at sea, they only have basic knowledge of land customs. Unlike the group of the Bake-Kujiras, the sirens are friendly and welcoming toward anyone who meet them, they alwais seek to trade knowledge and never miss an opportunity to do so. However, because of those traits, they also have the tendency to be very naive and easily influenced by others witch can lead them in bad situations at time.

Their caracteristics seem to be comming from the fusion between light, nature and water.

Regular adoption fee : 80 or 80k
The Dullahan

Those dragons have a very strong sense of justice, however each individual also follow their own rules as to what they considere as good and bad. They seem to have a natural attraction toward places where others have died. It isnt clear if they can actualy see ghosts or if they simply see the energy left behind by magical attack but their eyes are perticularely sensitive to light. They have the tendencie to be very private dragons, choosing not to be seen or heard until they belive the time is right. When they do speak, each of their words seem to have a deeper meaning, carrying the wisdom from those beyond the grave, as such they can often be incredible advisors.

Regular adoption fee : 80 or 80k



Interactions with the Griffins have unearthed stories about a counterpart of them, weather those are still around remain a mystery. With a bit of prodding and alot of luck we may be able to track down their location or at the very least find out what happened to them.

[center][size=4]The archives[/size][/center] In the room next to Raodra's improvised office, a brightly colored Skydancer and an Aberartion seem to be working on piles of paparworks. It didnt take long for one of the two heads of the ancien breed notice you, motioning their single-headded coworker to go check on you. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] " Hello ! I am guessing that you have at least one MEO in your clan, this is so great to finaly meet you ! Ah, about that, the paperwork they have can be updated if you want to add additional information on the little one. Raodra can be a bit scatterbrain at time, he have alot to keep track off after all, here are the additions ! All free of charge and free to use, just coppy the code and add it beneth the existing section of your file ! Oh, and if you want me to my observations about one of the little one's relationship with others dragons of your clan that's somthing that can be arranged for the right price ..." [/columns] [b][u]Relationship template[/u][/b] [code] [columns] [center][img][/img] *Place holder for your dragon * [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] NAME - Relationship[img][/img][img][/img] Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore [right][size=1]Hearts by [url=]SmrTim[/url],divider by [url=]dreamingcity[/url].[/size] [/code] [columns] [center][img][/img] *Place holder for your dragon * [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] NAME - Relationship[img][/img][img][/img] Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore [right][size=1]Hearts by [url=]SmrTim[/url],divider by [url=]dreamingcity[/url].[/size] [/right] [/columns] [b][u]Familiar template[/u][/b] [code][columns] [center]NAME - Speacie [img][/img][/center] Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore [nextcol] [center][img][/img] *placeholder* [/center] [right][size=1]divider by [url=]dreamingcity[/url].[/size] [/columns][/code] [columns] [center]NAME - Speacie [img][/img][/center] Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore [nextcol] [center][img][/img] *placeholder* [/center] [right][size=1]divider by [url=]dreamingcity[/url].[/size] [/columns]
The archives

In the room next to Raodra's improvised office, a brightly colored Skydancer and an Aberartion seem to be working on piles of paparworks. It didnt take long for one of the two heads of the ancien breed notice you, motioning their single-headded coworker to go check on you.

74237513p.png " Hello ! I am guessing that you have at least one MEO in your clan, this is so great to finaly meet you ! Ah, about that, the paperwork they have can be updated if you want to add additional information on the little one. Raodra can be a bit scatterbrain at time, he have alot to keep track off after all, here are the additions ! All free of charge and free to use, just coppy the code and add it beneth the existing section of your file ! Oh, and if you want me to my observations about one of the little one's relationship with others dragons of your clan that's somthing that can be arranged for the right price ..."

Relationship template
[columns] [center][img][/img] *Place holder for your dragon * [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] NAME - Relationship[img][/img][img][/img] Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore [right][size=1]Hearts by [url=]SmrTim[/url],divider by [url=]dreamingcity[/url].[/size]
*Place holder for your dragon *
NAME - RelationshipAAYGj0N.pngYl9VokC.png
Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore

Hearts by SmrTim,divider by dreamingcity.

Familiar template
[columns] [center]NAME - Speacie [img][/img][/center] Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore [nextcol] [center][img][/img] *placeholder* [/center] [right][size=1]divider by [url=]dreamingcity[/url].[/size] [/columns]
NAME - Speacie


Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore Lore


divider by dreamingcity.
[center][size=5][font=Century Schoolbook][b]Affiliate[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [url=][emoji=dog 2 size=1][/url] DoggoNoWanno's Hatchery [url=][emoji=dog 1 size=1] [emoji=dog 3 size=1][/url][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] _________________________________________________ [url=][img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]


DoggoNoWanno's Hatchery




UPDATE: Sconce and Sunup were now added to the avalable hatcheling !

UPDATE: Sconce and Sunup were now added to the avalable hatcheling !
Update :

The easter hatches were finaly added !
Update :

The easter hatches were finaly added !
@Amphista Okay, your hatchery is incredibly cool, I love the concepts! I'd love to adopt Petrichor and Sunup - I think they'd have some very funny interactions together. Also, would you like to be affiliates? :D
@Amphista Okay, your hatchery is incredibly cool, I love the concepts! I'd love to adopt Petrichor and Sunup - I think they'd have some very funny interactions together. Also, would you like to be affiliates? :D
@MineralTownNPC Of course ! I would love to be affiliate ^-^

@MineralTownNPC Of course ! I would love to be affiliate ^-^
