

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 (w/Amphista)
(Reawaken my friend!! Fir we shall have this rpbrought back.... TO LIFE!!!!)
(Reawaken my friend!! Fir we shall have this rpbrought back.... TO LIFE!!!!)
(I wrote an answer and forgot to press sent lol x_x)

"You laugh but there are some peoples who actualy stuggle with this. Usualy those who use psychic or dark types ya know. It's still a gym challenge but it would have been more tricky if that sweet little eevee of yours had liked you too much !" She said playfull at her friend as she picked up a cupcake and her badge, thanking te gym leader for the gift. She had almost forgotten the feeling of receaving a shiny new badge by now, it realy had been a while since last time she took down a gym.
(I wrote an answer and forgot to press sent lol x_x)

"You laugh but there are some peoples who actualy stuggle with this. Usualy those who use psychic or dark types ya know. It's still a gym challenge but it would have been more tricky if that sweet little eevee of yours had liked you too much !" She said playfull at her friend as she picked up a cupcake and her badge, thanking te gym leader for the gift. She had almost forgotten the feeling of receaving a shiny new badge by now, it realy had been a while since last time she took down a gym.
(Hehe hapens to the best of us)

Afier gave a chuckle as he tapped the side of his head. "I get the worry but I think I know a thing or two about okemon. I think I would be fie going along" He said with a laugh. Afier picked out his own cupcake with a wide smile. He gave a small thank you to the gym leader as he took a bite out of the cupcake. He genty took the badge with a smile and looked at it with a proud smile on his face. "Heh first one, I am excited to go on" He said with a wide smile. "I would like to thank you too for coming to my gym" Katy said with a smile. Afier gave a thumbs up. "Of coarse, thank you for the badge and the cupcakes" He said with a chuckle as he took another bite out of the cupcake. Katy took her leave and moved off to go back to the gym.
(Hehe hapens to the best of us)

Afier gave a chuckle as he tapped the side of his head. "I get the worry but I think I know a thing or two about okemon. I think I would be fie going along" He said with a laugh. Afier picked out his own cupcake with a wide smile. He gave a small thank you to the gym leader as he took a bite out of the cupcake. He genty took the badge with a smile and looked at it with a proud smile on his face. "Heh first one, I am excited to go on" He said with a wide smile. "I would like to thank you too for coming to my gym" Katy said with a smile. Afier gave a thumbs up. "Of coarse, thank you for the badge and the cupcakes" He said with a chuckle as he took another bite out of the cupcake. Katy took her leave and moved off to go back to the gym.

After thanking the woman one last time she turned to Afier. She hadn't forgotten the mental to-do list she had been making since her arrival in town but she wasnt the only one to be a part of that trip after all. "So what's next ? We could try to check the breeder association to get our teams checked out while we are here or we could take a break first... unless you have somthing else in mind ?"

After thanking the woman one last time she turned to Afier. She hadn't forgotten the mental to-do list she had been making since her arrival in town but she wasnt the only one to be a part of that trip after all. "So what's next ? We could try to check the breeder association to get our teams checked out while we are here or we could take a break first... unless you have somthing else in mind ?"
Agier thanked the woman and gave a thankful sigh that everything went well. His attention was brought to June as she spoke. He thought for a moment. "Hm I feel quite energiezed so I guess we can go to the breeder association thing" He said with a wide smile.Katy moved away from the two and got on the phone. She whispered a few things into the phone as she spoke to the person on the otherside. They will definatly get some company before they get to the next gym. "...Then we can take a break and maybe hit the road again" He said.
Agier thanked the woman and gave a thankful sigh that everything went well. His attention was brought to June as she spoke. He thought for a moment. "Hm I feel quite energiezed so I guess we can go to the breeder association thing" He said with a wide smile.Katy moved away from the two and got on the phone. She whispered a few things into the phone as she spoke to the person on the otherside. They will definatly get some company before they get to the next gym. "...Then we can take a break and maybe hit the road again" He said.

"Sound good to me ! Let's see that association !" She happilly agreed before pulling her pokedex out to look where it was situated. She had never went to this perticuliar branche of the breeder association, she was way too busy with her team back then besside starters came with their special identification so you didnt neaded them to know what gender Almond use to be. She had tryed it with Coin back in the day, out of curiosity, but it had been in her home town. Now that she had a new team, maby it would be more responsable to check things out again, maby they even had aptitude for breeding related move or somthing even if she highly doubted it.

Leading her friend out of the gym and into the assosiation building she kept an eye on the information about the place. "Oh, hey ! They say here that they have a rehoming service in the building, they arn't kidding about avoiding non-native speacies being releassed uh ? It's probably safer for the pokemon too, some people woudnt hesitate to releass ice type in the desert."

"Sound good to me ! Let's see that association !" She happilly agreed before pulling her pokedex out to look where it was situated. She had never went to this perticuliar branche of the breeder association, she was way too busy with her team back then besside starters came with their special identification so you didnt neaded them to know what gender Almond use to be. She had tryed it with Coin back in the day, out of curiosity, but it had been in her home town. Now that she had a new team, maby it would be more responsable to check things out again, maby they even had aptitude for breeding related move or somthing even if she highly doubted it.

Leading her friend out of the gym and into the assosiation building she kept an eye on the information about the place. "Oh, hey ! They say here that they have a rehoming service in the building, they arn't kidding about avoiding non-native speacies being releassed uh ? It's probably safer for the pokemon too, some people woudnt hesitate to releass ice type in the desert."
Afier gave a thumbs up. He had heard of breeder associatios in his past. Something that is supposed to help with trainers in getting what pokemon and moves they want out of them. Turning pokemon into weaons, and efficient oes at that. He made sure to keep quiet of his own opinion. He knew it wouldn't end well if he said something. He looked around the buiding as he was lead inside of the breeder association. "Ah That is definatly a good thing I am sure many pokemon just being dropped in the dessert will just end up falling to the weather. Some people can be cruel to their polemon. using them only until they have no use for them anymore" He said with a small sigh. "But it at least seems to be somewhat good here" he said. "So what are we going to be doing here?" He asked.
Afier gave a thumbs up. He had heard of breeder associatios in his past. Something that is supposed to help with trainers in getting what pokemon and moves they want out of them. Turning pokemon into weaons, and efficient oes at that. He made sure to keep quiet of his own opinion. He knew it wouldn't end well if he said something. He looked around the buiding as he was lead inside of the breeder association. "Ah That is definatly a good thing I am sure many pokemon just being dropped in the dessert will just end up falling to the weather. Some people can be cruel to their polemon. using them only until they have no use for them anymore" He said with a small sigh. "But it at least seems to be somewhat good here" he said. "So what are we going to be doing here?" He asked.