

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 (w/Amphista)

"Yea, i guess i should, even if it's just to make sure. I'll have to watch them alot closer if they turn out to be female, i doubt i'll ever nead another bug type tho so it is still kind of safe." She said shrugging a bit, she doubted she would realy nead it but she did had her old team evaluated so it coudnt hurt. Maby she'll be able to sneak in a request for a decent fire type as well, a fuecoco would be great tho she had no expectation about that, starters were very rares after all, a charcadet would also work just fine.

Giggling she nodded in affirmation at Afier's joke, playing along. " Yea, you'll just go up to one and pick it up no problem ! Anyone else would loose an arm but not you right ?" Shaking her head playfully she finaly picked up her bag. "Welp, let's get this badge, i am sure the leader wont be too mad loosing twice in one day !"

"Yea, i guess i should, even if it's just to make sure. I'll have to watch them alot closer if they turn out to be female, i doubt i'll ever nead another bug type tho so it is still kind of safe." She said shrugging a bit, she doubted she would realy nead it but she did had her old team evaluated so it coudnt hurt. Maby she'll be able to sneak in a request for a decent fire type as well, a fuecoco would be great tho she had no expectation about that, starters were very rares after all, a charcadet would also work just fine.

Giggling she nodded in affirmation at Afier's joke, playing along. " Yea, you'll just go up to one and pick it up no problem ! Anyone else would loose an arm but not you right ?" Shaking her head playfully she finaly picked up her bag. "Welp, let's get this badge, i am sure the leader wont be too mad loosing twice in one day !"

Afier gave a small nod. "Hm that sort of reminds me, I should get my onw team evaluated. After I so easily nab that gibble. Do you know of a place that can do that?" He asked. Might be a good way to act like a trainer. "I don't plan on getting any more of a certain tipe of pokemon. I can just find what need in the wild" He said with a smile. "Saying I am the "Pokemon Whisperer", it never seems to be too difficult to find and get myself pokemon" He said with a chuckle as he looked to the gym and walked behind June. He gave a giggle. "I am sure I can pick up a gibble without any hardships" He said with a confedent smile. "Yeah I am sure we can both very much beat them into the ground with relative ease" he said. As they made it into the town Afier continued to smell the sweets. The smell was cut off by the relative blandness of the gym. They walked up to the desk with the smiling attendent. "I do believe you two will be going for the gym today? We are happy to have you here. If I can get your names please" The attendi said.
Afier gave a small nod. "Hm that sort of reminds me, I should get my onw team evaluated. After I so easily nab that gibble. Do you know of a place that can do that?" He asked. Might be a good way to act like a trainer. "I don't plan on getting any more of a certain tipe of pokemon. I can just find what need in the wild" He said with a smile. "Saying I am the "Pokemon Whisperer", it never seems to be too difficult to find and get myself pokemon" He said with a chuckle as he looked to the gym and walked behind June. He gave a giggle. "I am sure I can pick up a gibble without any hardships" He said with a confedent smile. "Yeah I am sure we can both very much beat them into the ground with relative ease" he said. As they made it into the town Afier continued to smell the sweets. The smell was cut off by the relative blandness of the gym. They walked up to the desk with the smiling attendent. "I do believe you two will be going for the gym today? We are happy to have you here. If I can get your names please" The attendi said.

"Yea, there are a few places actualy, since there isnt a daycare institution in Paldea most town have breeders associations instead." She explained with a slight shrug. "Tho, the one here is an extention to the one from Mesagoza so you would have to wait alot longer before getting an appointment. We could still try once we get the badge if you want." She didnt though she would have much luck on this side but who knows maby they will have a last minute opening ? Smilling at Afier's bragging she shook her head playfully. "Uh-uh, let's just hope it wont have rough skin then. You never know, some could have their hiden habilities."

Arriving at the gym she waved at the attendent. "Hello ! Yes, we are here for the challange. I am June and my friend here is Afier." She said the last part while pointing at the guy next to her while her other hand was already getting ready to pull out Gale from their pokeball, it would be showtime soon enough and she hoped the training they had done would pay off.

"Yea, there are a few places actualy, since there isnt a daycare institution in Paldea most town have breeders associations instead." She explained with a slight shrug. "Tho, the one here is an extention to the one from Mesagoza so you would have to wait alot longer before getting an appointment. We could still try once we get the badge if you want." She didnt though she would have much luck on this side but who knows maby they will have a last minute opening ? Smilling at Afier's bragging she shook her head playfully. "Uh-uh, let's just hope it wont have rough skin then. You never know, some could have their hiden habilities."

Arriving at the gym she waved at the attendent. "Hello ! Yes, we are here for the challange. I am June and my friend here is Afier." She said the last part while pointing at the guy next to her while her other hand was already getting ready to pull out Gale from their pokeball, it would be showtime soon enough and she hoped the training they had done would pay off.
The attedant gave a nod. "Alrighty Miss June and Mr Afier. Alrighty Miss June we can get the Gym leader right on the feild in a few minutes for your battle. If you haven't heard the newest champion has expressed her doubt and annoyance at the gym challenges so the leaders have scrapped them for the time being, so we can have you go straight to the battle. But Mr. Afier, It seems you are not in the school system, If we can get your date of birth, founding region, and starter pokemon please?" The attendant said. Afier gave a small nod. um ok I was born on september 22, 2XXX and I was born in the Hoenn region, and I don't have an offical starter pokemon, But my first pokemon Is named Nux and they are a Zorua" He listed off what the attendant need and they gave a nod. "Alright we can have you registered and you can fight the gym leader after Miss June here" The attendant said. "Now go to the battle grounds while everything gets ready please" The attendant said.
The attedant gave a nod. "Alrighty Miss June and Mr Afier. Alrighty Miss June we can get the Gym leader right on the feild in a few minutes for your battle. If you haven't heard the newest champion has expressed her doubt and annoyance at the gym challenges so the leaders have scrapped them for the time being, so we can have you go straight to the battle. But Mr. Afier, It seems you are not in the school system, If we can get your date of birth, founding region, and starter pokemon please?" The attendant said. Afier gave a small nod. um ok I was born on september 22, 2XXX and I was born in the Hoenn region, and I don't have an offical starter pokemon, But my first pokemon Is named Nux and they are a Zorua" He listed off what the attendant need and they gave a nod. "Alright we can have you registered and you can fight the gym leader after Miss June here" The attendant said. "Now go to the battle grounds while everything gets ready please" The attendant said.

She was a bit surprise that they had finaly dropped those challenge but this didnt ment she was going to complain about it, quite the contrary they were kind of a waste of time in her opinion too. Nodding in agreement, she patiently waited for Afier to be registered. At the mention of starter she did felt a bit sad that Almond wasn't with her for those trials but she quickly pushed that asside, she wasnt alone anymore after all.

As soon as the registration was done she was more then ready to fight. She may not have been nearly as battle craisy as Nemona but waiting had made her a bit more excited about trying again so without thinking she took Afier's hand, pulling him softly toward the battle ground. " Look like it's finaly show time ! "

She was a bit surprise that they had finaly dropped those challenge but this didnt ment she was going to complain about it, quite the contrary they were kind of a waste of time in her opinion too. Nodding in agreement, she patiently waited for Afier to be registered. At the mention of starter she did felt a bit sad that Almond wasn't with her for those trials but she quickly pushed that asside, she wasnt alone anymore after all.

As soon as the registration was done she was more then ready to fight. She may not have been nearly as battle craisy as Nemona but waiting had made her a bit more excited about trying again so without thinking she took Afier's hand, pulling him softly toward the battle ground. " Look like it's finaly show time ! "
Afier gave a nod. So this was the time they finally removed those annoying gym challenges. He gave a chuckle to himself. He was very excited and he was sort of happy to be taking on the gym leader second. Using his intimidation might affect June's battle. He gave a chuckle as he was pulled along by June. "Alroght alright I am coming" he said. "Show time indeed, We need to show off a bit, get people talking" he said with a laugh. They walked up and onto the top if the bakery and looked around this was actually a pretty nice view. "Hm I would bet money on you winning if I had any heheh" he said with a chuckle. As if on cue Katy moved up on the other side. "Good morning. You must be miss June am I correct? She asked with a warm smile. Afier gave a thumbs up before moving to the side of the arena. "Hope you are ready, don't underestimate my buts, they might look pretty but bugs bite hurt" she said. "And maybe when we finish we can get you some of my famous cupcakes" she said with a smile.
Afier gave a nod. So this was the time they finally removed those annoying gym challenges. He gave a chuckle to himself. He was very excited and he was sort of happy to be taking on the gym leader second. Using his intimidation might affect June's battle. He gave a chuckle as he was pulled along by June. "Alroght alright I am coming" he said. "Show time indeed, We need to show off a bit, get people talking" he said with a laugh. They walked up and onto the top if the bakery and looked around this was actually a pretty nice view. "Hm I would bet money on you winning if I had any heheh" he said with a chuckle. As if on cue Katy moved up on the other side. "Good morning. You must be miss June am I correct? She asked with a warm smile. Afier gave a thumbs up before moving to the side of the arena. "Hope you are ready, don't underestimate my buts, they might look pretty but bugs bite hurt" she said. "And maybe when we finish we can get you some of my famous cupcakes" she said with a smile.

"Yep, i think Gale will have plenty of time to show off with this ! Worst case senario, i get some back up from Popcorn to close things off." She replied playfully to her friend as she got the few last things prepared for the battle.

As soon as the leader appeared she waved at her. "Hello ! Yes, i am June, nice finaly meeting you." She said as she took her first pokeball, listening to the woman's intro. With popcorn in her team, she had already a good idea of what bug types could do, tho her flying type would be fine with them. "I am looking forward to this then ! Coi-Gale, go for it!" For a moment she almost slipped and called her previous flying type but caugh on before the corvisquire could pick up on it. They realy didnt neaded to feel like a replacement for someone else, this wasnt the raison why she had caugh Gale after all.

"Yep, i think Gale will have plenty of time to show off with this ! Worst case senario, i get some back up from Popcorn to close things off." She replied playfully to her friend as she got the few last things prepared for the battle.

As soon as the leader appeared she waved at her. "Hello ! Yes, i am June, nice finaly meeting you." She said as she took her first pokeball, listening to the woman's intro. With popcorn in her team, she had already a good idea of what bug types could do, tho her flying type would be fine with them. "I am looking forward to this then ! Coi-Gale, go for it!" For a moment she almost slipped and called her previous flying type but caugh on before the corvisquire could pick up on it. They realy didnt neaded to feel like a replacement for someone else, this wasnt the raison why she had caugh Gale after all.
Afier watched in excitement. He took the three members of his team and sent them out to cheer on June "Alright guys, June is in a big battle so we need some encouragement" He said to the team. "They gave nods before yipping and calling in excitement. Katy gave a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you June, Hope you are ready" She sent out her own Nymbe which shook in the appearance of the Corvisquire. "Alright Nymble, Bug bite!" Katy called. For a sall bug, the things was fast and was able to get to Gale in no time flat and go straight for the attack.
Afier watched in excitement. He took the three members of his team and sent them out to cheer on June "Alright guys, June is in a big battle so we need some encouragement" He said to the team. "They gave nods before yipping and calling in excitement. Katy gave a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you June, Hope you are ready" She sent out her own Nymbe which shook in the appearance of the Corvisquire. "Alright Nymble, Bug bite!" Katy called. For a sall bug, the things was fast and was able to get to Gale in no time flat and go straight for the attack.

She grin, having expected an attack, this was where the training she had done prior to teach Gale to avoid attacks would make sens. "Just like we practiced, avoid and use Pluck !" The corvisquire bearly managed the manoeuvre but avoided it nonthe less before spinning around toward the bug type ready to strike.

She grin, having expected an attack, this was where the training she had done prior to teach Gale to avoid attacks would make sens. "Just like we practiced, avoid and use Pluck !" The corvisquire bearly managed the manoeuvre but avoided it nonthe less before spinning around toward the bug type ready to strike.
The Nymbol couldn't really do much but try and avoid the attack. Though ending up in just a fail as the bug pokemon got hit hard and fell to the ground and knocked out in one hit. Guess having an evolved pokemon that is super effective againt that type will have that effect. "Hm ok ok seems you are a strong one" Katy said with a smile. She sent out Tarountula. "String shot!" She called to the little spide. They shot as the corvisquire with their sticky strings.
The Nymbol couldn't really do much but try and avoid the attack. Though ending up in just a fail as the bug pokemon got hit hard and fell to the ground and knocked out in one hit. Guess having an evolved pokemon that is super effective againt that type will have that effect. "Hm ok ok seems you are a strong one" Katy said with a smile. She sent out Tarountula. "String shot!" She called to the little spide. They shot as the corvisquire with their sticky strings.