

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 (w/Amphista)

"Pff, i guess it does speak volume on who i teamed up with then." She said giggling along. The little bug type tilted it's head in response to the touch before attempting to do the same by patting Afier's fingers with one of it's leg. "Uh ? Alright, but dont stay up all night, if you feel tired wake me up !" She said before starting to settle down. "We have a big day tomorow, you better be ready for it."

"Pff, i guess it does speak volume on who i teamed up with then." She said giggling along. The little bug type tilted it's head in response to the touch before attempting to do the same by patting Afier's fingers with one of it's leg. "Uh ? Alright, but dont stay up all night, if you feel tired wake me up !" She said before starting to settle down. "We have a big day tomorow, you better be ready for it."
Afier gave a chuckle. His eyes lit up as the small bug petted his own finger. His heart just melted. Afier gave a nod. "Alright I will make sure not to stay up to late. Good night" he said with a smile. He looked out at the darkness as she fell asleep. After a few moment of silence on of the peices of his robe lengthened and poked her gently. Seemed like she was actually asleep. He stood up and looked around. He made sure popcorn was safe. "Look you pokemon already know what I am" he said as he looked to popcorn who was on his shoulder and Nux which was following him. Everyone else was asleep. "I don't plan to hurt anyone I just wish to return home" he said softly. He spotted an eevee and he walked to it. "I keep my friends safe and that includes your owner" he said to popcorn. Nux gave a yelp. I don't plan to be here long, just long enough that I can god.the bug pokemon skittles in his ear. "Yes I find June to be a good friend, but I don't feel like it is time I can show her yet. He kneeled infront of the eevee with his unfinished raltz cake. "Maybe when I know she will not try to catch me or worse tell the campions" the eevee came walking up to him and ate the cake. He pet the evee before picking it up you will have a nice home and it will be nice I swear" he said as the eevee gave a yelp of joy. "Perfect" he said with a smile. He moved back and sat down with the eevee in his lap. He let the bug pokemon return to its owner. "I won't hurt her I swear" he said. As he laid down and started to sleep.
Afier gave a chuckle. His eyes lit up as the small bug petted his own finger. His heart just melted. Afier gave a nod. "Alright I will make sure not to stay up to late. Good night" he said with a smile. He looked out at the darkness as she fell asleep. After a few moment of silence on of the peices of his robe lengthened and poked her gently. Seemed like she was actually asleep. He stood up and looked around. He made sure popcorn was safe. "Look you pokemon already know what I am" he said as he looked to popcorn who was on his shoulder and Nux which was following him. Everyone else was asleep. "I don't plan to hurt anyone I just wish to return home" he said softly. He spotted an eevee and he walked to it. "I keep my friends safe and that includes your owner" he said to popcorn. Nux gave a yelp. I don't plan to be here long, just long enough that I can god.the bug pokemon skittles in his ear. "Yes I find June to be a good friend, but I don't feel like it is time I can show her yet. He kneeled infront of the eevee with his unfinished raltz cake. "Maybe when I know she will not try to catch me or worse tell the campions" the eevee came walking up to him and ate the cake. He pet the evee before picking it up you will have a nice home and it will be nice I swear" he said as the eevee gave a yelp of joy. "Perfect" he said with a smile. He moved back and sat down with the eevee in his lap. He let the bug pokemon return to its owner. "I won't hurt her I swear" he said. As he laid down and started to sleep.
(little swap in point of vew until June wake up)

The little spider watched as the odd-but-nice-pokemon-that-had-also-became-a-trainer fell asleep, they knew better tho, June woudnt tell. Last time nobody belived her and she didnt liked to make the same mistake twice. They had the though that maby once they will be bigger they will be able to check her pokedex-tool-device to see if Afier was in it. They climbed back onto it's trainer's head where it made it's bed, looking like a fancy hair clip as it fell asleep for the night.
(little swap in point of vew until June wake up)

The little spider watched as the odd-but-nice-pokemon-that-had-also-became-a-trainer fell asleep, they knew better tho, June woudnt tell. Last time nobody belived her and she didnt liked to make the same mistake twice. They had the though that maby once they will be bigger they will be able to check her pokedex-tool-device to see if Afier was in it. They climbed back onto it's trainer's head where it made it's bed, looking like a fancy hair clip as it fell asleep for the night.
Afier woke up bright the next morning right before the sun got up. He realized that no one else was up yet and he also realized that he was supposed to keep a look out and he totally forgot. He looked at June's which seemed to be perfectly fine. He wanted to keep his trustworthy nature in June's eyes so he had to just pretend he was up for at least most of the night. He crossed his legs and rolled himself up in the blanket before starting to mess with one of the ribbons of his cloak.
Afier woke up bright the next morning right before the sun got up. He realized that no one else was up yet and he also realized that he was supposed to keep a look out and he totally forgot. He looked at June's which seemed to be perfectly fine. He wanted to keep his trustworthy nature in June's eyes so he had to just pretend he was up for at least most of the night. He crossed his legs and rolled himself up in the blanket before starting to mess with one of the ribbons of his cloak.
Once the sun started to rise, casting it's light all around, it didnt took long for June to wake up. Rubbing her eyes to cast the sleep away she looked around until her gaze fell on Afier. " Good morning ! You didnt stay awake all night, did you ?"
Once the sun started to rise, casting it's light all around, it didnt took long for June to wake up. Rubbing her eyes to cast the sleep away she looked around until her gaze fell on Afier. " Good morning ! You didnt stay awake all night, did you ?"
Afier flinched as June spoke. He was sort of in his own mind there. "Ah good morning June. Do not worry I did get a bit of shut, eye but I also made sure your stuff was safe for most of the night" he said with a wide smile. "And guess who I found?" He said with a smile. He pointed to his lap to show the sleeping eevee. She was there so I just went ahead and grabbed her wasn't to hard either" he said with a chuckle. "But now I have an eevee now all I need is that water stone" he said.
Afier flinched as June spoke. He was sort of in his own mind there. "Ah good morning June. Do not worry I did get a bit of shut, eye but I also made sure your stuff was safe for most of the night" he said with a wide smile. "And guess who I found?" He said with a smile. He pointed to his lap to show the sleeping eevee. She was there so I just went ahead and grabbed her wasn't to hard either" he said with a chuckle. "But now I have an eevee now all I need is that water stone" he said.
" Aww, congrats on the new adition ! We'll get that stone soon enough but for now i think it's a great time to pull out the breakfast." She said, a bit more quietly as to not wake up the eevee or Popcorn who was firmly attached to her hairs. Pulling out a tablecloath as well as the supplies she bough yesteerday from her bag she started to prepare things while thinking of a few things. "Let's not forget that we have the badge to fight for afterward. I have heard that some people had issues with her last pokemon since it's a tera type bug instead of the usual bug type."
" Aww, congrats on the new adition ! We'll get that stone soon enough but for now i think it's a great time to pull out the breakfast." She said, a bit more quietly as to not wake up the eevee or Popcorn who was firmly attached to her hairs. Pulling out a tablecloath as well as the supplies she bough yesteerday from her bag she started to prepare things while thinking of a few things. "Let's not forget that we have the badge to fight for afterward. I have heard that some people had issues with her last pokemon since it's a tera type bug instead of the usual bug type."
Adier gave a nod. "That is right, he said as he kept a low voice as well. "The only problem is that... I still don't have pikeballs. May you lend me one, please" he said with a small chuckle."at least I will be able to get some money from yhe gym. I wouldn't have to rely on you anymore. I won't have to bother you for equipment anymore at least" he said with a chuckle. He looked at some of the ingredients that June got from the store. Maybe he would make a basic breakfast sandwich. "Please you can go first. I can scavenge what is left easy" he said with a smile.
Adier gave a nod. "That is right, he said as he kept a low voice as well. "The only problem is that... I still don't have pikeballs. May you lend me one, please" he said with a small chuckle."at least I will be able to get some money from yhe gym. I wouldn't have to rely on you anymore. I won't have to bother you for equipment anymore at least" he said with a chuckle. He looked at some of the ingredients that June got from the store. Maybe he would make a basic breakfast sandwich. "Please you can go first. I can scavenge what is left easy" he said with a smile.

Giggling she pulled out a pokeball from her bag and handing it to him. " Of course you dont, here ! I genualy dont get how you can just catch stuff without balls, for most people that eevee would have been thrashing around trying to escape." She shook her head slightly at the offer of scavanging. " Hey, i bough more then enough for everyone here dont wory about it alright ?"

Giggling she pulled out a pokeball from her bag and handing it to him. " Of course you dont, here ! I genualy dont get how you can just catch stuff without balls, for most people that eevee would have been thrashing around trying to escape." She shook her head slightly at the offer of scavanging. " Hey, i bough more then enough for everyone here dont wory about it alright ?"
Afier took the ball with a small thank you and clicked it on the eevee's head. It got sucked in the pokeball. It wobbled for a few moments before clicking fully. "There we go..." he said. He opened the pikeball back up and put the eevee back where it was."Yeah Guess I am just a pikemon whisperer" he said with a smug smile. "I also offered the thing my half eaten cupcakes and it seemed to be content with that: he said. He gave. Nod and reached for the bread. He put eggs mustard, and mayo. "A basic egg sandwich but pretty good" he said as he started to eat.. his own pokemon started to wake up.
Afier took the ball with a small thank you and clicked it on the eevee's head. It got sucked in the pokeball. It wobbled for a few moments before clicking fully. "There we go..." he said. He opened the pikeball back up and put the eevee back where it was."Yeah Guess I am just a pikemon whisperer" he said with a smug smile. "I also offered the thing my half eaten cupcakes and it seemed to be content with that: he said. He gave. Nod and reached for the bread. He put eggs mustard, and mayo. "A basic egg sandwich but pretty good" he said as he started to eat.. his own pokemon started to wake up.