

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 (w/Amphista)

" Pff, look like you realy are, i tryed somthing a bit like that with a murkrow once... it wasnt nearly as effective." She said playfully as she picked up some bread a jam. In her hairs, Popcorn stirr as the small bug type started to wake up. Not that it was a surprise for their trainer, the jolitck was alwais the type to wake up early, if anything them sleeping that late was probably due to falling asleep after her. "Look nice enough, i'll probably stick with somthing a bit sweeter today tho !"

" Pff, look like you realy are, i tryed somthing a bit like that with a murkrow once... it wasnt nearly as effective." She said playfully as she picked up some bread a jam. In her hairs, Popcorn stirr as the small bug type started to wake up. Not that it was a surprise for their trainer, the jolitck was alwais the type to wake up early, if anything them sleeping that late was probably due to falling asleep after her. "Look nice enough, i'll probably stick with somthing a bit sweeter today tho !"
(Finally edited to put his team into his character sheet)

Afier gave a chuckle. "We can at least agree that murkrow are a bit more agitating then eevee" He said. He took another bite of his sandwich. Caneo woke up at the smell of food and was instently drawn to her trainers food. Afier have a smile and held the sandwich out to her. She took a big bite before sitting down by him once more. "Afier gave a nod, ah yes a nice sweet sandwich to start off the day, I personally like savory for my breakfests but everyone has there own opinion" He said. Now Nux was awake and looking for food. Afier let the fox take a bite of it's own and continued to eat the sandwich.
(Finally edited to put his team into his character sheet)

Afier gave a chuckle. "We can at least agree that murkrow are a bit more agitating then eevee" He said. He took another bite of his sandwich. Caneo woke up at the smell of food and was instently drawn to her trainers food. Afier have a smile and held the sandwich out to her. She took a big bite before sitting down by him once more. "Afier gave a nod, ah yes a nice sweet sandwich to start off the day, I personally like savory for my breakfests but everyone has there own opinion" He said. Now Nux was awake and looking for food. Afier let the fox take a bite of it's own and continued to eat the sandwich.
( I though winter was finaly over but apparently not, freezing rain turn everything to ice today.)

The little spider finaly detached itself for it's trainer's hairs, softly tapping on it with it's paws until she gave them some of her bread. To it's displeasure she handed them a small piece, causing pout and her to giggle. " We both know you would be making a mess again if i gave you a bigger piece, finish this one and i'll give you more !" Her other pokemons were also starting to wake up, staring expectently at their trainer as she spoke to Afier, making a few more slices so her team could have their own food. "uh-hu, well, what can i say, i have a bit of a sweet tooth ! On another topic, sre you ready for the gym ?"
( I though winter was finaly over but apparently not, freezing rain turn everything to ice today.)

The little spider finaly detached itself for it's trainer's hairs, softly tapping on it with it's paws until she gave them some of her bread. To it's displeasure she handed them a small piece, causing pout and her to giggle. " We both know you would be making a mess again if i gave you a bigger piece, finish this one and i'll give you more !" Her other pokemons were also starting to wake up, staring expectently at their trainer as she spoke to Afier, making a few more slices so her team could have their own food. "uh-hu, well, what can i say, i have a bit of a sweet tooth ! On another topic, sre you ready for the gym ?"
Afier smiled as he watched June mingle with her pokemon and giving them food. It was always nice to watch her and her pokemon, always kind of nice. "And I thought I had a sweet tooth" He said with a chuckle. "I am sure Nux themselves will single handedly take out the gym. even with a teralized pokemon. And even if they can't they still have Caneo and our new eevee as back-up" He said with a confedent smie. He finished the rest of his sandwich and waited for June to finish hers. "One question is do you think you can, though I am sure you can because of Gale. They will completely dominate the compitision" He said with a chuckle. A steel and flying type, too easy" He said.
Afier smiled as he watched June mingle with her pokemon and giving them food. It was always nice to watch her and her pokemon, always kind of nice. "And I thought I had a sweet tooth" He said with a chuckle. "I am sure Nux themselves will single handedly take out the gym. even with a teralized pokemon. And even if they can't they still have Caneo and our new eevee as back-up" He said with a confedent smie. He finished the rest of his sandwich and waited for June to finish hers. "One question is do you think you can, though I am sure you can because of Gale. They will completely dominate the compitision" He said with a chuckle. A steel and flying type, too easy" He said.

" Well, gale isn't quite a steel type yet since he isnt a corviknight but between him and Popcorn i dont think there will be much wory to have. If i realy have to, Reef can back them up tho i'll rather get the team stable before they evolve since dragon types can be... a bit picky when it come to team synergy." She said while handing some bread to the poison type who happilly eated it from her hand.

" Well, gale isn't quite a steel type yet since he isnt a corviknight but between him and Popcorn i dont think there will be much wory to have. If i realy have to, Reef can back them up tho i'll rather get the team stable before they evolve since dragon types can be... a bit picky when it come to team synergy." She said while handing some bread to the poison type who happilly eated it from her hand.
"Yep but I am sure he should know a steel type move or two" He said with a smile. "I am sure you will do just as good if not better then me, easy" He said. "Yeah dragon types can always be a bit roudy if the team is not on two legs" He said. "I always sort of wnted to get a garchop but they where never where I used to live" He said with a sigh, and even if they did my parents would never let me get one" He said with a chuckle. "They always said that it would be to much for me to handle, get it though" He said. He patiently waited for her to finish her food so they could start the gym.
"Yep but I am sure he should know a steel type move or two" He said with a smile. "I am sure you will do just as good if not better then me, easy" He said. "Yeah dragon types can always be a bit roudy if the team is not on two legs" He said. "I always sort of wnted to get a garchop but they where never where I used to live" He said with a sigh, and even if they did my parents would never let me get one" He said with a chuckle. "They always said that it would be to much for me to handle, get it though" He said. He patiently waited for her to finish her food so they could start the gym.

She tilted her head in slight confusion and pulled her pokedex, was there somthing she was missing ? " Umm, surprisingly enough, they dont have access to steel move naturaly until it evolve... Maby with a hm from another region ?" She did saw a few interesting moves amongst the options tho, so, calling Gale over she used two items to change some moves, the first was a green-ish tm while the other was a flat heart-shaped scale. once this was done, she nodded in aprobation and gave one last piece of bread to the flying type as she started to pack. "There, now there is no way we can lose !"

Nodding she agreed, fully understanding why this may not have been a good idea. "Yea, dragon types can be very powerfull but it come with them having a hard temper to handle. Garchomp is one of the worst since it share alot of trait from sharpedo on top of being a dragon. Tho if you start with a gible you may be able to get a better read on them, i mean you caugh an eevee without a pokeball so ... maby ?"

She tilted her head in slight confusion and pulled her pokedex, was there somthing she was missing ? " Umm, surprisingly enough, they dont have access to steel move naturaly until it evolve... Maby with a hm from another region ?" She did saw a few interesting moves amongst the options tho, so, calling Gale over she used two items to change some moves, the first was a green-ish tm while the other was a flat heart-shaped scale. once this was done, she nodded in aprobation and gave one last piece of bread to the flying type as she started to pack. "There, now there is no way we can lose !"

Nodding she agreed, fully understanding why this may not have been a good idea. "Yea, dragon types can be very powerfull but it come with them having a hard temper to handle. Garchomp is one of the worst since it share alot of trait from sharpedo on top of being a dragon. Tho if you start with a gible you may be able to get a better read on them, i mean you caugh an eevee without a pokeball so ... maby ?"

Afier mentally smacked his head. He totally forgot biological corvisquire didn't have steel time moved the those from his time. "Hm I might have been mistaken then, excuse me" He said with an embarrassed look on his face. He listened to June quietly. "Yep maybe I might be able to get a gible. I can handle myself a lot better sense then" He said with a smile. At least from a gible they are a lot more dosile then a big and angry garchomp. Ok where do gibles come around?" He asked as he got up. "A garchomp will be a very powerful addition to the team unless they are a roudy one" He said. "Not the time to think of it for now though, We have a gym to take out" He said with a smile. "I can help you clean up really quick then let's go" He said excitedly.
Afier mentally smacked his head. He totally forgot biological corvisquire didn't have steel time moved the those from his time. "Hm I might have been mistaken then, excuse me" He said with an embarrassed look on his face. He listened to June quietly. "Yep maybe I might be able to get a gible. I can handle myself a lot better sense then" He said with a smile. At least from a gible they are a lot more dosile then a big and angry garchomp. Ok where do gibles come around?" He asked as he got up. "A garchomp will be a very powerful addition to the team unless they are a roudy one" He said. "Not the time to think of it for now though, We have a gym to take out" He said with a smile. "I can help you clean up really quick then let's go" He said excitedly.

She shook her head and shuckle. "Oh it's fine, it cant be worst then the girl who accidentaly caugh a pokemon from a known invasive speacie abrod and brough them here ! Long story short legaly Popcorn is male, i never got that tested tho so maby they arn't." Not wanting him to feel too embarased about the small mistake, she had decided to trade missunderstanding with him, after all it could happen to anyone.

Nodding at his entousiasm she also started to think about what pokemon she may want to add, a fire type would be great."You'll have to get a calm or serious nature one then, even the they are going to be lively ! Now let's see..." Pulling her dex out once more she sent a research for gible as she had no idea where they could be hiding and was surprise of the answer. "Oh ! Apparently some have been found not too far from here, near the coast ligne. So you may end up with one earlyer then expected."

"Oh, thanks for the help, i am almost done !" She quickly finished packing up, calling her team back as it was time to leave.

She shook her head and shuckle. "Oh it's fine, it cant be worst then the girl who accidentaly caugh a pokemon from a known invasive speacie abrod and brough them here ! Long story short legaly Popcorn is male, i never got that tested tho so maby they arn't." Not wanting him to feel too embarased about the small mistake, she had decided to trade missunderstanding with him, after all it could happen to anyone.

Nodding at his entousiasm she also started to think about what pokemon she may want to add, a fire type would be great."You'll have to get a calm or serious nature one then, even the they are going to be lively ! Now let's see..." Pulling her dex out once more she sent a research for gible as she had no idea where they could be hiding and was surprise of the answer. "Oh ! Apparently some have been found not too far from here, near the coast ligne. So you may end up with one earlyer then expected."

"Oh, thanks for the help, i am almost done !" She quickly finished packing up, calling her team back as it was time to leave.
Afier gave a laugh as he listened to her story. Wait really, oh goodness, I was sort of wondering why you had a joltic" He said with a chuckle. "But trust me I am sure I have seen worse" he said. "hm maybe you should get that tested then, it can be pretty important sometimes" He said as they pu a hand on his hip. "Heh good, I will just have to make sure, I can probabl tame one with ease" He joked. He perked up when June said that he could be able to get a gibble soon. "Perfect, maybe we should go and get one after we are done" He said with a smile. He stretched one more time before starting to go as June was ready. "Wow we got plenty to do, hope the gym leader likes me" He said

(Did you know I am a genious. just think who else could forget about a rp like this)
Afier gave a laugh as he listened to her story. Wait really, oh goodness, I was sort of wondering why you had a joltic" He said with a chuckle. "But trust me I am sure I have seen worse" he said. "hm maybe you should get that tested then, it can be pretty important sometimes" He said as they pu a hand on his hip. "Heh good, I will just have to make sure, I can probabl tame one with ease" He joked. He perked up when June said that he could be able to get a gibble soon. "Perfect, maybe we should go and get one after we are done" He said with a smile. He stretched one more time before starting to go as June was ready. "Wow we got plenty to do, hope the gym leader likes me" He said

(Did you know I am a genious. just think who else could forget about a rp like this)