

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 (w/Amphista)
Afier looked down on the ground. "I have slept on worse" He said with a chuckle. this technically wasn't a lie. "Right we can get to camp and we can at least relax a little, though should there be one of use to keep watch, just in case, we don't want any wild ones poking through our or well your stuff really" He said with a chuckle. He followed June back out of the town and to a nice place where they can set up camp. A nice flat area with plent of soft grass. "Hey this looked like a nice place to set up" He said.He opened his pokeballs and let his pokemon out. "Ok guys we are going to be setling down for the night so make sure to get comfortable" He said with a smile.
Afier looked down on the ground. "I have slept on worse" He said with a chuckle. this technically wasn't a lie. "Right we can get to camp and we can at least relax a little, though should there be one of use to keep watch, just in case, we don't want any wild ones poking through our or well your stuff really" He said with a chuckle. He followed June back out of the town and to a nice place where they can set up camp. A nice flat area with plent of soft grass. "Hey this looked like a nice place to set up" He said.He opened his pokeballs and let his pokemon out. "Ok guys we are going to be setling down for the night so make sure to get comfortable" He said with a smile.
Damn matenece that was so long, thought they only lasted at most an hour or two, No it had to go for half the day
Damn matenece that was so long, thought they only lasted at most an hour or two, No it had to go for half the day
"Yea, that sound alright, with the digglet in that area just making a hole for my bag and sleeping on top isnt exactly possible." She looked around for any signes of a den, an old habit from the past as well as a mean to see if anything out of the ordinary could be around, more precisely somthing blue, bipedal, with two tails. She jumped a bit as he spoke again. "Uh? Oh, yea that's perfect !" She sended her team out as well letting the three monsters roam freely to inspect the general area to find a good spot. During that time, she sat down, inviting Afier to do the same as she pulled out some travel blankets from her bag. "Here, it can somtime get a bit cold at night so this should help."

(Yea, the maintenance was kind of long, better that then getting your stuff stolen by hackers tho lol)
"Yea, that sound alright, with the digglet in that area just making a hole for my bag and sleeping on top isnt exactly possible." She looked around for any signes of a den, an old habit from the past as well as a mean to see if anything out of the ordinary could be around, more precisely somthing blue, bipedal, with two tails. She jumped a bit as he spoke again. "Uh? Oh, yea that's perfect !" She sended her team out as well letting the three monsters roam freely to inspect the general area to find a good spot. During that time, she sat down, inviting Afier to do the same as she pulled out some travel blankets from her bag. "Here, it can somtime get a bit cold at night so this should help."

(Yea, the maintenance was kind of long, better that then getting your stuff stolen by hackers tho lol)
Afier watched as his own pokemon started to walk around and looking around there area Afier took the time to follow June and sit down. He took the blanket with a small thank you and he wrapped it around himself. "The straps on my cloak are not really the most heat keeping, so the blanket helps a lot" he said with a chuckle as he looked over to June. He crossed his legs and the Zorua took its time to sit in its owners lap. The tinkatuff decided to sit and lean on his side. "Ok I got some names for the both of you, you shall be Nux," he said as he pet the zorua on its back. "And you shall be Caneo" he said as he booked the tunkatuffs nose. The tinkatuff gave a call as they liked the name. "Perfect" he said
Afier watched as his own pokemon started to walk around and looking around there area Afier took the time to follow June and sit down. He took the blanket with a small thank you and he wrapped it around himself. "The straps on my cloak are not really the most heat keeping, so the blanket helps a lot" he said with a chuckle as he looked over to June. He crossed his legs and the Zorua took its time to sit in its owners lap. The tinkatuff decided to sit and lean on his side. "Ok I got some names for the both of you, you shall be Nux," he said as he pet the zorua on its back. "And you shall be Caneo" he said as he booked the tunkatuffs nose. The tinkatuff gave a call as they liked the name. "Perfect" he said

"No problem, i kind of learnt how to be prepared for anything after all !" She watched as Reef somhow swam around Afier for a bit, despite the lack of water. It was alwais odd for her how water pokemons could just, do that. She had the vague memory of assisting a class on the subject but she wasnt realy paying much attention, somthing about water in the air or whatever. Gale, was just watching quizicaly at the scene in front of them, before looking back at her. "Yes ? Oh, yea, i forgot to tell you... From now on your name is Gale, i'll still use your speacie's name in most stuff tho so dont be confused !" During that time, Popcorn, still caked in yellow and black icing, had made it's way to Nux and was now poking at it's fur while looking deep in thoughs.

"No problem, i kind of learnt how to be prepared for anything after all !" She watched as Reef somhow swam around Afier for a bit, despite the lack of water. It was alwais odd for her how water pokemons could just, do that. She had the vague memory of assisting a class on the subject but she wasnt realy paying much attention, somthing about water in the air or whatever. Gale, was just watching quizicaly at the scene in front of them, before looking back at her. "Yes ? Oh, yea, i forgot to tell you... From now on your name is Gale, i'll still use your speacie's name in most stuff tho so dont be confused !" During that time, Popcorn, still caked in yellow and black icing, had made it's way to Nux and was now poking at it's fur while looking deep in thoughs.
Aifer Watched as her pokemo seemed to like his as well. He knew how the water pokemon just seemed to swim in there air. Afier looked down at the little bug pokemon as it dug into Nux's fur. Nux looked at the bug before moving and licked the icing off of it. Afier gave a chuckle. He looked up as she explained the use of Gale's name. "Huh Why do you only use the name of the species and not the pkemon that often? I am not the one of carse, I just named mine but it just intuiges me" He said as he hugged the fox who started to dig ints snout into his shirt.
Aifer Watched as her pokemo seemed to like his as well. He knew how the water pokemon just seemed to swim in there air. Afier looked down at the little bug pokemon as it dug into Nux's fur. Nux looked at the bug before moving and licked the icing off of it. Afier gave a chuckle. He looked up as she explained the use of Gale's name. "Huh Why do you only use the name of the species and not the pkemon that often? I am not the one of carse, I just named mine but it just intuiges me" He said as he hugged the fox who started to dig ints snout into his shirt.

She went silent for a moment, thinking of a way to respond without bringing up the past but gave up in the end and with a slight sigh brough her pokedex out, looking through the pictures in it's memory bank. "Well, it started where it alwais start... uppon naming my first pokemon. He was sweet but had a natural naughty strike to him, somthing that could be exploited by others when he was angry." She flipped it over, showing the image of a small green cat with unusual purple eyes staring at the screen with a questioning look. "His name was Almond, tho as you have seen from... previous encounter, the trainers at school are more then willing to exploit anything they can to win, even if it mean making fun of a pokemon's name. In the end, i stopt using those names while fighting trainers unless i am sure they will fight fairly, they cant mess with your pokemon if they dont know how they are called after all."

She went silent for a moment, thinking of a way to respond without bringing up the past but gave up in the end and with a slight sigh brough her pokedex out, looking through the pictures in it's memory bank. "Well, it started where it alwais start... uppon naming my first pokemon. He was sweet but had a natural naughty strike to him, somthing that could be exploited by others when he was angry." She flipped it over, showing the image of a small green cat with unusual purple eyes staring at the screen with a questioning look. "His name was Almond, tho as you have seen from... previous encounter, the trainers at school are more then willing to exploit anything they can to win, even if it mean making fun of a pokemon's name. In the end, i stopt using those names while fighting trainers unless i am sure they will fight fairly, they cant mess with your pokemon if they dont know how they are called after all."
Adier quietly listened to June's story. He would hate to come off as diggy but he didn't see her use the cat pokemon ar all it confused hum, left him curious. But then again he sort of didn't want to know what happened to the spigatito. "Hm ridicules fights should inly be between the pikemon not the trainers giving them an unfair advantage" he said with a huff. He gave a smile though. "I am glad you think you can trust me enough to know their names.makes me fell nice" he said with a smile.
Adier quietly listened to June's story. He would hate to come off as diggy but he didn't see her use the cat pokemon ar all it confused hum, left him curious. But then again he sort of didn't want to know what happened to the spigatito. "Hm ridicules fights should inly be between the pikemon not the trainers giving them an unfair advantage" he said with a huff. He gave a smile though. "I am glad you think you can trust me enough to know their names.makes me fell nice" he said with a smile.

She smiled and turned her pokedex off before putting it back in her pocket. "Yea, you may be a bit unprepared and odd at time but you are probably the most trustworthy travel compagnion i ever had. One of the most trust worty trainers i met so far too, i mean, even popcorn seem to actualy trust you. Belive it or not it's saying somting with how serious they usualy are."

She smiled and turned her pokedex off before putting it back in her pocket. "Yea, you may be a bit unprepared and odd at time but you are probably the most trustworthy travel compagnion i ever had. One of the most trust worty trainers i met so far too, i mean, even popcorn seem to actualy trust you. Belive it or not it's saying somting with how serious they usualy are."
Afier gave a chuckle. "Thanks for thinking of me in that sense. Though it feels somewhat odd to be one of the only people here you trust and I don't even really have a home here" he said with a somewhat embarrassed vhuckle. He looked down at popcorn. He gently petted yhe pokemon with his finger. He looked into the darkness. He looked back to June. "Probably a good idea to get some rest. "I can keep a look out and jeep wild pikemon away" he said with a smile.
Afier gave a chuckle. "Thanks for thinking of me in that sense. Though it feels somewhat odd to be one of the only people here you trust and I don't even really have a home here" he said with a somewhat embarrassed vhuckle. He looked down at popcorn. He gently petted yhe pokemon with his finger. He looked into the darkness. He looked back to June. "Probably a good idea to get some rest. "I can keep a look out and jeep wild pikemon away" he said with a smile.