

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 (w/Amphista)

The flying type chirp in anoyance as the strings attached themself to it's feathers, slowing them down. This made June frown a bit, she wasnt woryed about Gale's situation, after all the corvisquire would naturaly loose some speed once they evolve, but getting the sticky substance out of their feathers later would be a pain, especialy if it was anything like Popcorn's strings. "Alright, let's not get slowed down any ferther, Gale, you know the drill, use pluck again !"

The flying type chirp in anoyance as the strings attached themself to it's feathers, slowing them down. This made June frown a bit, she wasnt woryed about Gale's situation, after all the corvisquire would naturaly loose some speed once they evolve, but getting the sticky substance out of their feathers later would be a pain, especialy if it was anything like Popcorn's strings. "Alright, let's not get slowed down any ferther, Gale, you know the drill, use pluck again !"
The spider panicked as Gale seem to be just uneffected by there string attack. Not having as much speed as the nymbol they braced foor the hit and once again getting knocked out in one hit. "Yesily able to wipe out me team how about we go for something a bit more origenal?" She tossed out her last pokemon. Teddiursa. "Get ready to burst from your caccoon teddiursa and become your true self!" She called. She pulled out a tera orb. energy almost flew from the ball and she tossed it at the bear pokemon. Crystal covered the pokemon and it glowed green with the shinning bug hat. "Teddiursa, use Swipe" The pokemon charged at the bird.
The spider panicked as Gale seem to be just uneffected by there string attack. Not having as much speed as the nymbol they braced foor the hit and once again getting knocked out in one hit. "Yesily able to wipe out me team how about we go for something a bit more origenal?" She tossed out her last pokemon. Teddiursa. "Get ready to burst from your caccoon teddiursa and become your true self!" She called. She pulled out a tera orb. energy almost flew from the ball and she tossed it at the bear pokemon. Crystal covered the pokemon and it glowed green with the shinning bug hat. "Teddiursa, use Swipe" The pokemon charged at the bird.

She had heard of that trump card already, most newbies would talk about how strong the leader's last pokemon was when compared with the others she had. It woudnt be much of an issue but she still had her own trump-card if Gale's helth was to get too low. For now, the corvisquire was holding well despite not being able to avoid the little bear cub they were still capable to battle. "Alrigh then, think you can read my mind at this point? Gale, use pluck !"

Shaking themself back up, the flying type went back to the offencive, they woudnt be able to take too many hits like this one but they looked determined as they charged toward the bug tera-type.

She had heard of that trump card already, most newbies would talk about how strong the leader's last pokemon was when compared with the others she had. It woudnt be much of an issue but she still had her own trump-card if Gale's helth was to get too low. For now, the corvisquire was holding well despite not being able to avoid the little bear cub they were still capable to battle. "Alrigh then, think you can read my mind at this point? Gale, use pluck !"

Shaking themself back up, the flying type went back to the offencive, they woudnt be able to take too many hits like this one but they looked determined as they charged toward the bug tera-type.
The Teddiursa looked like it was felt very accomplished by the hit. "Quick, Dodge!" Kary stated. The teddiursa did as it was commanded and dove out of the way of Gale. They regain their composure before attacking once more. "Use swipe once more!" She called and the bear dpve right at the large bird to try and land another attack. Though it did have to use a lot of energy just to get to the Covisquire itself.
The Teddiursa looked like it was felt very accomplished by the hit. "Quick, Dodge!" Kary stated. The teddiursa did as it was commanded and dove out of the way of Gale. They regain their composure before attacking once more. "Use swipe once more!" She called and the bear dpve right at the large bird to try and land another attack. Though it did have to use a lot of energy just to get to the Covisquire itself.

Noticing the small bear's difficulties to fight a flying opponeant, she echanged knowing glance to Gale. "Avoid it, go higher ! Then use pluck." This time the corvisquire was able to fly upward without much trouble before spining around aiming toward the teddiursa. June knew it was probably getting a bit old for Gale to keep using the same move but, hey, using u-turn was a way to exit the fight in emergency and she hadn't felt the nead to set up at the start so power trip woudnt be too usefull so this would do just fine !

Noticing the small bear's difficulties to fight a flying opponeant, she echanged knowing glance to Gale. "Avoid it, go higher ! Then use pluck." This time the corvisquire was able to fly upward without much trouble before spining around aiming toward the teddiursa. June knew it was probably getting a bit old for Gale to keep using the same move but, hey, using u-turn was a way to exit the fight in emergency and she hadn't felt the nead to set up at the start so power trip woudnt be too usefull so this would do just fine !
The teddiura seemed to get annoyed when the bid seemed to fly higher. It hopped up and down annoyed at the flying type before the bird came down for another attack. It tried to get out of the way but the bird was too fast and was able to get the bear in the back and it got it back to the other side of the feild before being confirmed to be fainted. "Hm You have betten me miss June. Congraglations" Katy said with a smile. The cristal from the bear broke and shattered off before it was returned to their ball. "I will be able to get you badge after I fight your friend"She said.
The teddiura seemed to get annoyed when the bid seemed to fly higher. It hopped up and down annoyed at the flying type before the bird came down for another attack. It tried to get out of the way but the bird was too fast and was able to get the bear in the back and it got it back to the other side of the feild before being confirmed to be fainted. "Hm You have betten me miss June. Congraglations" Katy said with a smile. The cristal from the bear broke and shattered off before it was returned to their ball. "I will be able to get you badge after I fight your friend"She said.
Gale chirpped happilly as the teddiursa fell, proud of his victory against the terra type. They flew back to their trainer as June praised them. " I knew you had this ! We didnt even neaded to call Popcorn in back up."

Leaving her place on the field she went toward the gym leader. "Good match ! I'll be waiting from the side ligne then." Afterward, she headded back to where Afier was smilling. "Well, look like it is your turn to take the challenge, good luck !"
Gale chirpped happilly as the teddiursa fell, proud of his victory against the terra type. They flew back to their trainer as June praised them. " I knew you had this ! We didnt even neaded to call Popcorn in back up."

Leaving her place on the field she went toward the gym leader. "Good match ! I'll be waiting from the side ligne then." Afterward, she headded back to where Afier was smilling. "Well, look like it is your turn to take the challenge, good luck !"
Afieer gave a nod. "Yep my turn" Katy left to go and get her pikemon healed up. "Alright maybe I will start with Nux he can make an illusion that copies either Cameo or the eevee. Maybe the eevee, make Germany not expect a flying attack..." he mumbled to himself as he thought. He perked up when he saw Katy return. "Alright. Prepare for a show!" He said as he walked to the field. "Alright, Mr Afier. That us such a nice name, so foreign" she said with a smile. "Hope you are ready" sh4 said with a smile. Afier pulled out a pokeball and quietly listened to it before throwing the ball and the eevee popped out. Katy threw put her Nymbol once more. "Alright... let's get started" he said in a dark voice. His effect activated and it seemed angry and pain seemed to flow. Katy went wide eyes and her hands started to shake for a moment she didn't know what was happening but looking at this boy... just put fear into her. It seemed to effect the Nymbol as well as it stepped back for a moment. "Ariel ace" he yelled quickly. Before Katy knew it her Nymbol was down and out. "U-um oh that was fast. Y-you are a quick one huh?" She said. She hesitated before throwing out the next pikemon which was effected by the intimidation. "Arial ace" he called again and the next pokemon fall. Kary gave a small nod and threw out her final pokemon. The Teddiursa got ready as Katy activated the Tera. It got effected by the intimidation pretty easily though as as the first two shattered with one hit. Afier stopped the intimidation and gave a sigh. "Aha heck yeah did it first try!" His uppity nature sort of put Katy off a bit. But she smiled and nodded. "That is right good job I will get you the gum badges and the cupcakes, follow me please" she said with a smsmile. Afier looked to June with a smile as the revee turned back into Nux. "Heck yeah first gym? Easy" he said with a laugh.
Afieer gave a nod. "Yep my turn" Katy left to go and get her pikemon healed up. "Alright maybe I will start with Nux he can make an illusion that copies either Cameo or the eevee. Maybe the eevee, make Germany not expect a flying attack..." he mumbled to himself as he thought. He perked up when he saw Katy return. "Alright. Prepare for a show!" He said as he walked to the field. "Alright, Mr Afier. That us such a nice name, so foreign" she said with a smile. "Hope you are ready" sh4 said with a smile. Afier pulled out a pokeball and quietly listened to it before throwing the ball and the eevee popped out. Katy threw put her Nymbol once more. "Alright... let's get started" he said in a dark voice. His effect activated and it seemed angry and pain seemed to flow. Katy went wide eyes and her hands started to shake for a moment she didn't know what was happening but looking at this boy... just put fear into her. It seemed to effect the Nymbol as well as it stepped back for a moment. "Ariel ace" he yelled quickly. Before Katy knew it her Nymbol was down and out. "U-um oh that was fast. Y-you are a quick one huh?" She said. She hesitated before throwing out the next pikemon which was effected by the intimidation. "Arial ace" he called again and the next pokemon fall. Kary gave a small nod and threw out her final pokemon. The Teddiursa got ready as Katy activated the Tera. It got effected by the intimidation pretty easily though as as the first two shattered with one hit. Afier stopped the intimidation and gave a sigh. "Aha heck yeah did it first try!" His uppity nature sort of put Katy off a bit. But she smiled and nodded. "That is right good job I will get you the gum badges and the cupcakes, follow me please" she said with a smsmile. Afier looked to June with a smile as the revee turned back into Nux. "Heck yeah first gym? Easy" he said with a laugh.
During the fight, she coudnt help but notice that the gym leader was acting off. It didnt look right, sure she was happy that her friend had no issues winning against Katy but at the same time it did raised some questions. Tho, before she could think about it too much the match was over and Afier was calling to her. Smilling she stand back up from her seating position and went toward the two trainers. " Congrats on your win ! Dont get too cooky tho, it's only the first one, stuff will get more challanging from there ! But hey, it's still a victory to selebrate !"
During the fight, she coudnt help but notice that the gym leader was acting off. It didnt look right, sure she was happy that her friend had no issues winning against Katy but at the same time it did raised some questions. Tho, before she could think about it too much the match was over and Afier was calling to her. Smilling she stand back up from her seating position and went toward the two trainers. " Congrats on your win ! Dont get too cooky tho, it's only the first one, stuff will get more challanging from there ! But hey, it's still a victory to selebrate !"
Afier was smiling wide "thanks though being only the first gym that was retty 3asy" he said with a chuckle. "But I have totally confidence in my team. They can take on any challenge with ease" he said with a laugh.Katy came back with a tray of cupcakes and both of their badges. "Congrats you to now come and have a few cupcakes and take the badges ypu deserve" she said. Afier didn't hesitate a second and nabbed a cupcake for himself. He took his badge with a smile. It wasn't his ultimate goal but guess he can go through it with June. Heck it would be fun
Afier was smiling wide "thanks though being only the first gym that was retty 3asy" he said with a chuckle. "But I have totally confidence in my team. They can take on any challenge with ease" he said with a laugh.Katy came back with a tray of cupcakes and both of their badges. "Congrats you to now come and have a few cupcakes and take the badges ypu deserve" she said. Afier didn't hesitate a second and nabbed a cupcake for himself. He took his badge with a smile. It wasn't his ultimate goal but guess he can go through it with June. Heck it would be fun