

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [LF]1x1's with Bug always open ooc]
[center][img][/img] [size=7][font=fantasy]Bug's 1x1 RP's[/size] [size=4][font=fantasy]Hello everyone! I'm Bug! I've got a few fandoms and such, as well as some ideas on hand. Nothing too specific. But basically here, I can find people who want to roleplay 1x1 without having to make a billion new 1x1 forums. After we talk about an idea I will make a basic IC and ping you. We will put our characters there.[/center] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [center][url=][img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [nextcol][size=7][font=fantasy]Some Things Before I Start,[/size] [indent][font=fantasy][size=4]• I am a minor, which means I am under 18. I do not mind if this makes you uncomfortable, but you should probably go. Because I am a minor, I will not do anything that is NSFW and I will not be going off site. [/indent] [indent][font=fantasy][size=4]• I am a bit unpredictable with lengths and stuff, but I typically try to make mine as lengthy as possible. In order to do this though, I need a good paragraph from my partner as well. I also call for good grammar and spelling. I will be lenient, but please, try your best?[/indent] [indent][font=fantasy][size=4]• I am LGBTQ+, which may make some people uncomfortable, so I will kindly ask those people to leave. Many of my characters may also be LGBTQ+ as well.[/indent][/size] [indent][font=fantasy][size=4]• I would [i]highly[/i] prefer that we do not use canon characters in our roleplay. I am okay with turning them into stories or something, but I am not too comfortable with our characters being with canon characters. [/indent][/size] [size=7][font=fantasy]Fandoms[/size] [size=4][font=fantasy] [indent][size=4][font=fantasy]•Pokemon (TCG & anime) - I like the pokemon and just being able to be creative with characters here. •The Owl House - Just got into this! Lots we could do with it! •Harry Potter - I really like the Hogwarts setting as well as all the potential for a good fantasy school roleplay[/indent] [font=fantasy][size=4]If you're not seeing what you're looking for, just ask first in case I may know it.[/size] [size=7][font=fantasy]Things I Like[/size] [indent][size=4][font=fantasy]•Fantasy - Ever since I was a kid I have been stuck in a fantasy world, so I typically want a fantasy roleplay, but if you want more of a realistic roleplay or anything like that, I am perfectly fine with that, and it would probably introduce me to [i]variation[/i]. •Drama - Like I said above, I like drama. Heartbreak, love, friendships. All that fun stuff. •Sci-Fi - This is less of a favorite, but I'll be okay with it. Robots are cool I suppose. •Mysteries - Going on some adventure. [i]Somebody gets murdered[/i]. All so much fun! •Animals - This could mean a human that has an animal, my partner and I [i]are[/i] animals, shapeshifting... you name it. If it has an animal, I will enjoy it. •Gods and Goddesses - I will be okay with including mythology, or making our own gods and goddesses, but I can be a little iffy when like, going to the underworld and becoming besties with Hades and stuff like that. •Romance - Keep in mind I am fluid when it comes to this. But as I said above, nothing NSFW, and it may end up being LGBTQ+. •Dragons - Well duh. •Schools - I love schools. Magical schools, regular schools... any kind of school. •Paranormal - Ghost hunting is great or being a ghost is great, (I think? I've never done a roleplay like that. It may be fun!) [/indent] [font=fantasy][size=4]Ask me about any of these and I will give you an idea. If you have an idea of your own, feel free to let me know. [/size] [size=4][font=fantasy]You can also create from scratch if you have an idea that doesn't fit any of my fandoms or some bases for what I like. But if it's a Fandom I may say no, depending on what it is. If possible, it would be extremely helpful if you could post on the forum page :) Thank you.
Bug's 1x1 RP's

Hello everyone! I'm Bug! I've got a few fandoms and such, as well as some ideas on hand. Nothing too specific. But basically here, I can find people who want to roleplay 1x1 without having to make a billion new 1x1 forums. After we talk about an idea I will make a basic IC and ping you. We will put our characters there.


Some Things Before I Start,

• I am a minor, which means I am under 18. I do not mind if this makes you uncomfortable, but you should probably go. Because I am a minor, I will not do anything that is NSFW and I will not be going off site.

• I am a bit unpredictable with lengths and stuff, but I typically try to make mine as lengthy as possible. In order to do this though, I need a good paragraph from my partner as well. I also call for good grammar and spelling. I will be lenient, but please, try your best?

• I am LGBTQ+, which may make some people uncomfortable, so I will kindly ask those people to leave. Many of my characters may also be LGBTQ+ as well.

• I would highly prefer that we do not use canon characters in our roleplay. I am okay with turning them into stories or something, but I am not too comfortable with our characters being with canon characters.


•Pokemon (TCG & anime) - I like the pokemon and just being able to be creative with characters here.

•The Owl House - Just got into this! Lots we could do with it!

•Harry Potter - I really like the Hogwarts setting as well as all the potential for a good fantasy school roleplay

If you're not seeing what you're looking for, just ask first in case I may know it.

Things I Like

•Fantasy - Ever since I was a kid I have been stuck in a fantasy world, so I typically want a fantasy roleplay, but if you want more of a realistic roleplay or anything like that, I am perfectly fine with that, and it would probably introduce me to variation.

•Drama - Like I said above, I like drama. Heartbreak, love, friendships. All that fun stuff.

•Sci-Fi - This is less of a favorite, but I'll be okay with it. Robots are cool I suppose.

•Mysteries - Going on some adventure. Somebody gets murdered. All so much fun!

•Animals - This could mean a human that has an animal, my partner and I are animals, shapeshifting... you name it. If it has an animal, I will enjoy it.

•Gods and Goddesses - I will be okay with including mythology, or making our own gods and goddesses, but I can be a little iffy when like, going to the underworld and becoming besties with Hades and stuff like that.

•Romance - Keep in mind I am fluid when it comes to this. But as I said above, nothing NSFW, and it may end up being LGBTQ+.

•Dragons - Well duh.

•Schools - I love schools. Magical schools, regular schools... any kind of school.

•Paranormal - Ghost hunting is great or being a ghost is great, (I think? I've never done a roleplay like that. It may be fun!)

Ask me about any of these and I will give you an idea. If you have an idea of your own, feel free to let me know.

You can also create from scratch if you have an idea that doesn't fit any of my fandoms or some bases for what I like. But if it's a Fandom I may say no, depending on what it is.

If possible, it would be extremely helpful if you could post on the forum page :) Thank you.

Pinglist [quote][/quote] List of Roleplays [quote] [url=]W/DawnOfOtter[/url] [url=]W/LordKaos[/url] [url=]W/Goldenwolfmidna[/url] [url=]w/PoemsOfLou[/url] [/quote]

List of Roleplays
I might be interested, ping me if you want to do a rp with me. I won't ghost you and I'll try to do big paragraphs. I'm totally into the following
•Characters that you get attached to
I would prefer no romance unless you really see it between two of the characters.I .don't really know what a fandom is so if you really wanna do one of those you'll have to explain.
I might be interested, ping me if you want to do a rp with me. I won't ghost you and I'll try to do big paragraphs. I'm totally into the following
•Characters that you get attached to
I would prefer no romance unless you really see it between two of the characters.I .don't really know what a fandom is so if you really wanna do one of those you'll have to explain.
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby

I would love to do an rp with you!

Just letting you know, a fandom is basically a tv show, movie, book, game, etc. that you are a fan of.

I would love to do an rp with you!

Just letting you know, a fandom is basically a tv show, movie, book, game, etc. that you are a fan of.
I'm gonna be doing homework for about 4 hours then I probably can respond back. So sorry if it takes me a while.
I'm gonna be doing homework for about 4 hours then I probably can respond back. So sorry if it takes me a while.
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby
Do you have discord? If so will you pm me your name?
Do you have discord? If so will you pm me your name?
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby
It's okay, no need to ping, by the way. Think up a cool idea for a roleplay while you're gone ^^
It's okay, no need to ping, by the way. Think up a cool idea for a roleplay while you're gone ^^
I think I can talk for 5-10 minutes
I think I can talk for 5-10 minutes
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby
By the way, I just saw the post before your last post, and no, I do not have discord, hopefully, that does not change anything.

Do you have any ideas for a roleplay?
By the way, I just saw the post before your last post, and no, I do not have discord, hopefully, that does not change anything.

Do you have any ideas for a roleplay?
Currently not really but here are some ideas
- two (or more) characters trying to find out more on their last but run into a problem or something.
- Two (or more) characters fighting against evil outlaws
- Two (or more) characters being spies, mercs, and/or warriors (preferably merc something)
I'm trying to keep these pretty open. What's your ideas? Btw discord is just an easier way to communicate. Not important.
Currently not really but here are some ideas
- two (or more) characters trying to find out more on their last but run into a problem or something.
- Two (or more) characters fighting against evil outlaws
- Two (or more) characters being spies, mercs, and/or warriors (preferably merc something)
I'm trying to keep these pretty open. What's your ideas? Btw discord is just an easier way to communicate. Not important.
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby