

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [LF]1x1's with Bug always open ooc]
I'm getting inspiration from Lore Olympus
I'm getting inspiration from Lore Olympus

I don't have webtoon though


I don't have webtoon though

Oh, that's okay
Oh, that's okay
Name: Alex
Type: person that can shapeshift into a dragon.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark clothing, rather short, dark brown hair and dark brackish-purple eyes.
Backstory: has been a pair killer for a while but he didn't start like that. He lives with his parents till the age 16. His parents worked in the political office until his dad got shot one day. His mother hated Alex and nearly starved him when she became unemployed. Alex ran away from his home and found a person who wanted revenge and was willing to pay a handsome price. Alex trained until he felt up to the job. After completing the mission, he continued to train and started living off of it.
Name: Alex
Type: person that can shapeshift into a dragon.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark clothing, rather short, dark brown hair and dark brackish-purple eyes.
Backstory: has been a pair killer for a while but he didn't start like that. He lives with his parents till the age 16. His parents worked in the political office until his dad got shot one day. His mother hated Alex and nearly starved him when she became unemployed. Alex ran away from his home and found a person who wanted revenge and was willing to pay a handsome price. Alex trained until he felt up to the job. After completing the mission, he continued to train and started living off of it.
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby
a'ight imma set up a 1x1 forum for you and for Narwhal

Btw, FumblingNarwhal, imma set up a forum for us
a'ight imma set up a 1x1 forum for you and for Narwhal

Btw, FumblingNarwhal, imma set up a forum for us
ok ping me when ready
ok ping me when ready
Ok, ping me when you got it set up. Could you start the rp?
Ok, ping me when you got it set up. Could you start the rp?
Always working on lair and Wishlist ;-;
Sketch Shop!!!
Holiday Adopts!
Art | Roleplay
click images for chibi shop!
DragonFruit Baby
Hi Narwhal, I'm working on it right now :)
Hi Narwhal, I'm working on it right now :)
heyyyyyyyyyyyy it's me-

uh, feeling much better in terms of mental health and everything and want to get back into RPing, now that I can like. think again (which let me tell you, is so great) and uh. yeah. I'm here and can RP since brain is working again (which is delightful, hate it when it goes all "rainbow spinny wheel of doom" on me, that's no fun)

(+i can offer the one webtoon i know of, made by a close friend of mine, link here)

I'd be down to do basically anything- I don't know how much you know about the Legend of Zelda or Splatoon games, but I've fallen back into them as fandoms and would be down to RP in their worlds. I'm an absolute simp for supernatural/ urban fantasy Secret World stuff, and mythology? so good, 10/10 would do (note: i only really know greek and nordic myths well so like. be forewarned) assuming we're good doing some reworking to make it more fun to play around with

uhhh yeah, let me know if you're interested and I am terribly sorry for vanishing, mental health got Less Great Than It Already Was and had to take unexpected time to deal with that, super fun stuff, let me assure you (also I apologize for the wall of text, I ramble when nervous/ sleep deprived)

I uh. assume you're subbed so I won't ping-

edit: i also have fallen into the How To Train Your Dragon fandom and would be down to use it

edit 2: reapers of the dead? like, an urban fantasy where human meets literal grim reaper-type figure and falls face-first into the world of supernatural stuff hidden under their world, with reaper as their "guide"/ companion in it all. dunno what the plot would be but i am a simp for a good grim reaper character who's like. cheerful
heyyyyyyyyyyyy it's me-

uh, feeling much better in terms of mental health and everything and want to get back into RPing, now that I can like. think again (which let me tell you, is so great) and uh. yeah. I'm here and can RP since brain is working again (which is delightful, hate it when it goes all "rainbow spinny wheel of doom" on me, that's no fun)

(+i can offer the one webtoon i know of, made by a close friend of mine, link here)

I'd be down to do basically anything- I don't know how much you know about the Legend of Zelda or Splatoon games, but I've fallen back into them as fandoms and would be down to RP in their worlds. I'm an absolute simp for supernatural/ urban fantasy Secret World stuff, and mythology? so good, 10/10 would do (note: i only really know greek and nordic myths well so like. be forewarned) assuming we're good doing some reworking to make it more fun to play around with

uhhh yeah, let me know if you're interested and I am terribly sorry for vanishing, mental health got Less Great Than It Already Was and had to take unexpected time to deal with that, super fun stuff, let me assure you (also I apologize for the wall of text, I ramble when nervous/ sleep deprived)

I uh. assume you're subbed so I won't ping-

edit: i also have fallen into the How To Train Your Dragon fandom and would be down to use it

edit 2: reapers of the dead? like, an urban fantasy where human meets literal grim reaper-type figure and falls face-first into the world of supernatural stuff hidden under their world, with reaper as their "guide"/ companion in it all. dunno what the plot would be but i am a simp for a good grim reaper character who's like. cheerful
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
nap4Srm.gif ten_pixel.png
Hello @Goldenwolfmidna! I'm so glad you're back and feeling better ^^

As for roleplays, if you have a cool plot we can do a supernatural roleplay, I love those! I also really like video game setting roleplays, I haven't actually played Splatoon yet myself but I want to, and I may know enough about it. If anything I could ask my brrother, he knows practically everything about video games. I also really like greek mythology. Like a lot.

So from those ideas, if you like one of them the best, we can create a plot from there.

(Also, thanks for the webtoon suggestion, I've been needing some more)

Edit: Yeah, I'm subbed
Hello @Goldenwolfmidna! I'm so glad you're back and feeling better ^^

As for roleplays, if you have a cool plot we can do a supernatural roleplay, I love those! I also really like video game setting roleplays, I haven't actually played Splatoon yet myself but I want to, and I may know enough about it. If anything I could ask my brrother, he knows practically everything about video games. I also really like greek mythology. Like a lot.

So from those ideas, if you like one of them the best, we can create a plot from there.

(Also, thanks for the webtoon suggestion, I've been needing some more)

Edit: Yeah, I'm subbed