

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Age of the Animals (1x1 w/ DawnOfOtter)
It's late and I'm kinda lazy so forgive me for the lack of backstory. (My character UwU) Name: Ainmhi Gender: Female Age: 19 Origin: Irish (moved) Appearance Ainmhi has very pale skin with freckles covering her entire body. She has bright green eyes which compliment her bright orange hair, often worn in braids. She wears typical teenager adornments, hoodies and cropped tops with big jeans and combat boots. She wears prettg relaxed clothing. [img][/img] Personality: A very fun loving girl, Ainmhi is naturally bouncy and cheerful, constantly looking at positives. Although she is and looks like an adult, she has the sweet personality of a child which brings out the best in herself and others. Favorite animals: Rabbit, horse, sparrow, sea turtle, and some other more exotic animals. Other: -Bi -Has a super cute accent -@DawnOfOtter
It's late and I'm kinda lazy so forgive me for the lack of backstory.

(My character UwU)

Name: Ainmhi
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Origin: Irish (moved)

Appearance Ainmhi has very pale skin with freckles covering her entire body. She has bright green eyes which compliment her bright orange hair, often worn in braids.

She wears typical teenager adornments, hoodies and cropped tops with big jeans and combat boots. She wears prettg relaxed clothing.

Personality: A very fun loving girl, Ainmhi is naturally bouncy and cheerful, constantly looking at positives. Although she is and looks like an adult, she has the sweet personality of a child which brings out the best in herself and others.

Favorite animals: Rabbit, horse, sparrow, sea turtle, and some other more exotic animals.

-Has a super cute accent

I'm ready to start when you are ^^

I'm ready to start when you are ^^
Name: Kayla Mae Miromara
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Waist length, straight, and auburn brown.
Age: 18 1/2
Birthday: December 31st
Weapon/Power: She is a Shapeshifter and her main weapon is a sword. (Because of the excess magic from shapeshifters she can't use mechanical weapons because they are more likely to misfire.)
Summer Clothes: She tends to wear brown or green tank tops to fit in with the woods, She also wears arm guards for protection. She wears strong but thin pants to protect her legs, and she has deer hide shoes.
Winter Clothes: She wears dark colored hoodies with deer hide leggings. Under her hoodies she wears her arm guards and she also has sturdy boots.
Personality: She is super friendly on the outside but very cautious and non trusting on the inside. She has tons of energy, is mentally strong, has a high pain tolerance and is very athletic.
Favorite animals to change into: Dolphins for the water, Eagles and Hawks in the air, and Wolves on the ground.
Backstory: She grew up in a loving family, but in their shapeshifter clan, as custom she was sent out at the age of eight to live in the real world. She learned the hard way that not everyone is to be trusted. By the age of 12 she had taught herself how to use a sword, get her own supplies and make a small living. When used right her sword is very hard and is strong enough to deflect bullets. At the age of 15 she learned to trust men the least. She also had accumulated some safe houses and supply spots. She had a small list of people who she knew she could trust. She also created an extremely secure network/system where other shapeshifters could safely converse and trade/buy supplies.
Name: Kayla Mae Miromara
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Waist length, straight, and auburn brown.
Age: 18 1/2
Birthday: December 31st
Weapon/Power: She is a Shapeshifter and her main weapon is a sword. (Because of the excess magic from shapeshifters she can't use mechanical weapons because they are more likely to misfire.)
Summer Clothes: She tends to wear brown or green tank tops to fit in with the woods, She also wears arm guards for protection. She wears strong but thin pants to protect her legs, and she has deer hide shoes.
Winter Clothes: She wears dark colored hoodies with deer hide leggings. Under her hoodies she wears her arm guards and she also has sturdy boots.
Personality: She is super friendly on the outside but very cautious and non trusting on the inside. She has tons of energy, is mentally strong, has a high pain tolerance and is very athletic.
Favorite animals to change into: Dolphins for the water, Eagles and Hawks in the air, and Wolves on the ground.
Backstory: She grew up in a loving family, but in their shapeshifter clan, as custom she was sent out at the age of eight to live in the real world. She learned the hard way that not everyone is to be trusted. By the age of 12 she had taught herself how to use a sword, get her own supplies and make a small living. When used right her sword is very hard and is strong enough to deflect bullets. At the age of 15 she learned to trust men the least. She also had accumulated some safe houses and supply spots. She had a small list of people who she knew she could trust. She also created an extremely secure network/system where other shapeshifters could safely converse and trade/buy supplies.
Kayla smiled as she walked down the street. She didn't have to try extremely hard to hide herself here. She was in the kingdom of Essex in England and it was the safest public place for shapeshifters. For some reason shapeshifter hunters tended to avoid this place. Kayla didn't know why, but there was something strange about this place that unsettled her slightly.

Various calls rang out from the sides of the crowded street, "Fruit for sale!", "Delicious bread!", "The most exotic clothing in all of England!". Children ran circles around their parents, as mothers haggled for reasonable prices on whatever they were buying. The occasional squabble of siblings, as they verbally fight.

A large commotion breaks out at the far side of the marketplace. Kayla assumes that it's just the commen thief trying to get food but is suddenly proven wrong as official police clear a way. Her interest is piqued as the police clear all the people from the center of the street. Then the royal carriage comes. It's stunning and Kayla gives a gasp when she sees it.

"MAKE WAY FOR THE KING, QUEEN, PRINCES AND PRINCESS!", the head of the guard shouts with enough force to knock down a building. Everyone dashes out of the way but strains to catch a glimpse of the royals. Kayla is already at the front of the crowd so she stays where she is and cranes her neak to see inside the carriage. Even though cars are what is used these days, the Royals occasionally come out in a carriage due to tradition and show for the people. They are waving and before Kayla can get a good look at them, she receives the overpowering sense of shapeshifters. She staggers slightly and bumps into someone, then apologizes quickly over her shoulder. This is all so confusing and she can't decipher where exactly the sense is coming from. All the people around her go down on their knees out of respect, but Kayla doesn't have to. She has already fallen on her knees and is trying to not let the sense overwhelm her. Kayla holds her head and tries to concentrate but the noise is too loud. With this surprise she has no idea as to whats going to happen next.
Kayla smiled as she walked down the street. She didn't have to try extremely hard to hide herself here. She was in the kingdom of Essex in England and it was the safest public place for shapeshifters. For some reason shapeshifter hunters tended to avoid this place. Kayla didn't know why, but there was something strange about this place that unsettled her slightly.

Various calls rang out from the sides of the crowded street, "Fruit for sale!", "Delicious bread!", "The most exotic clothing in all of England!". Children ran circles around their parents, as mothers haggled for reasonable prices on whatever they were buying. The occasional squabble of siblings, as they verbally fight.

A large commotion breaks out at the far side of the marketplace. Kayla assumes that it's just the commen thief trying to get food but is suddenly proven wrong as official police clear a way. Her interest is piqued as the police clear all the people from the center of the street. Then the royal carriage comes. It's stunning and Kayla gives a gasp when she sees it.

"MAKE WAY FOR THE KING, QUEEN, PRINCES AND PRINCESS!", the head of the guard shouts with enough force to knock down a building. Everyone dashes out of the way but strains to catch a glimpse of the royals. Kayla is already at the front of the crowd so she stays where she is and cranes her neak to see inside the carriage. Even though cars are what is used these days, the Royals occasionally come out in a carriage due to tradition and show for the people. They are waving and before Kayla can get a good look at them, she receives the overpowering sense of shapeshifters. She staggers slightly and bumps into someone, then apologizes quickly over her shoulder. This is all so confusing and she can't decipher where exactly the sense is coming from. All the people around her go down on their knees out of respect, but Kayla doesn't have to. She has already fallen on her knees and is trying to not let the sense overwhelm her. Kayla holds her head and tries to concentrate but the noise is too loud. With this surprise she has no idea as to whats going to happen next.
Ainmhi hops around citizens on all fours trying to see the royal family. She is really quite fascinated by them. As everyone else kneels down, she tries to rush to do so, but realizes she is a rabbit. She still lays down out of respect.

Her gaze is caught by the princess. Her perfection is overwhelming, but she tries to ignore it and focus on the royal family as a whole. She shouldn't get her hopes up. She thumps, her back paw slamming on the ground in annoyance as she struggles to see, dodging feet.

As Ainmhi gets to the front, she finds in disappointment that the carriage had already gone. The excitement is already beginning to die down and people are starting to walk away from the crowd, returning to shops almost as if it had been an amusement park parade.

She runs to a building, turning the corner where no one else was visible and grew plenty times her size, becoming a short red-headed girl. She walks back where she had come from and ventures around, looking for something interesting. All the smells of food mixed together, almost intoxicating. The tea. The music. The biscuits and everything else that was there messed with her brain, but she had to see it all. This was a tourist favorite!
Ainmhi hops around citizens on all fours trying to see the royal family. She is really quite fascinated by them. As everyone else kneels down, she tries to rush to do so, but realizes she is a rabbit. She still lays down out of respect.

Her gaze is caught by the princess. Her perfection is overwhelming, but she tries to ignore it and focus on the royal family as a whole. She shouldn't get her hopes up. She thumps, her back paw slamming on the ground in annoyance as she struggles to see, dodging feet.

As Ainmhi gets to the front, she finds in disappointment that the carriage had already gone. The excitement is already beginning to die down and people are starting to walk away from the crowd, returning to shops almost as if it had been an amusement park parade.

She runs to a building, turning the corner where no one else was visible and grew plenty times her size, becoming a short red-headed girl. She walks back where she had come from and ventures around, looking for something interesting. All the smells of food mixed together, almost intoxicating. The tea. The music. The biscuits and everything else that was there messed with her brain, but she had to see it all. This was a tourist favorite!
Kayla's head is swimming but when she glances up she sees a bunny hop around the corner. A read headed girl walks out, Kayla doesn't know if its just a coincidence or if the two things are connected.

The carriage is almost out of sight and the sense is no longer overwhelming. Getting up, Kayla looks for a safe spot to change. She strides over to a tall building and heads up to the roof level. Making sure she's out of sight Kayla transforms into a hawk, as those are slightly more common here then an Eagle. Technically she could be any bird but if it was one she didn't practice beforehand, she would get dizzy slightly with the change.

Her goal this flight was to see the royals. She couldn't get a good look at them last time because of the sudden sense. With her hawk eyes she could fly far enough away, so to not get dizzy from a new scent, but with her eyes she could still see them. She soared off of the rooftop with a graceful leap. Her eyes scanned the crowd and saw the red head. She was intrigued as to who she was but at the moment she had more important things to do. Kayla quickly spotted the carriage and angled herself so she could see inside. Her heart swelled with dismay as she saw that there weren't any animals in there. It would have made it a whole lot easier if to put a face to the shapeshifter sense she had.

Then she let out a gasp, although it sounded more like a strangled cry because she was a hawk at them moment. She had seen the King and Queen but what had made her gasp was one of the sons. He was gorgeous. His hair was platinum blond and he was wearing a suit because of the occasion. He had these piercing blue eyes and when he glanced out the window, he seemed to be looking directly at her. She continued studying a bit longer the glanced at the other two in the carriage. The daughter was beautiful and the other son was also quite handsome, but not quite as much as his brother. At least she assumed they were brothers. All of the siblings had different colors of hair, platnium blond, dirty blond, and the sister had brown hair. Kayla wondered if any of them were adopted. After discerning that there was nothing amiss in the carriage(besides a friggen hot prince) she banked to fly back to the roof.

It was probably the bank that saved her life, because no sooner had she flown a foot a rock soared past her port side. It almost hit her and as it was, she was extremely off balance. She dropped into a free fall, trying to regain her flight but was then hit by the next rock. It didn't break anything but it effectively disabled her because she now couldn't fly. 'This is a dumb way to die' she thought, 'I'm distracted for one minute and I get hit out of the sky.'
Kayla's head is swimming but when she glances up she sees a bunny hop around the corner. A read headed girl walks out, Kayla doesn't know if its just a coincidence or if the two things are connected.

The carriage is almost out of sight and the sense is no longer overwhelming. Getting up, Kayla looks for a safe spot to change. She strides over to a tall building and heads up to the roof level. Making sure she's out of sight Kayla transforms into a hawk, as those are slightly more common here then an Eagle. Technically she could be any bird but if it was one she didn't practice beforehand, she would get dizzy slightly with the change.

Her goal this flight was to see the royals. She couldn't get a good look at them last time because of the sudden sense. With her hawk eyes she could fly far enough away, so to not get dizzy from a new scent, but with her eyes she could still see them. She soared off of the rooftop with a graceful leap. Her eyes scanned the crowd and saw the red head. She was intrigued as to who she was but at the moment she had more important things to do. Kayla quickly spotted the carriage and angled herself so she could see inside. Her heart swelled with dismay as she saw that there weren't any animals in there. It would have made it a whole lot easier if to put a face to the shapeshifter sense she had.

Then she let out a gasp, although it sounded more like a strangled cry because she was a hawk at them moment. She had seen the King and Queen but what had made her gasp was one of the sons. He was gorgeous. His hair was platinum blond and he was wearing a suit because of the occasion. He had these piercing blue eyes and when he glanced out the window, he seemed to be looking directly at her. She continued studying a bit longer the glanced at the other two in the carriage. The daughter was beautiful and the other son was also quite handsome, but not quite as much as his brother. At least she assumed they were brothers. All of the siblings had different colors of hair, platnium blond, dirty blond, and the sister had brown hair. Kayla wondered if any of them were adopted. After discerning that there was nothing amiss in the carriage(besides a friggen hot prince) she banked to fly back to the roof.

It was probably the bank that saved her life, because no sooner had she flown a foot a rock soared past her port side. It almost hit her and as it was, she was extremely off balance. She dropped into a free fall, trying to regain her flight but was then hit by the next rock. It didn't break anything but it effectively disabled her because she now couldn't fly. 'This is a dumb way to die' she thought, 'I'm distracted for one minute and I get hit out of the sky.'
Ainmhi drops some coins in a mans hand, taking a biscuit from him to nibble on while she explored. That was when she heard a muffled cry, somewhere not too far away. She looked left, then right. Verifying it was not too her sides, she looled straight up to see a bird. A large one, possibly of prey, hurtling straight for the cobblestone. She ran to where she was certain the bird would drop, holding her arms out. She awaited for the feathered ball of bird to land in her outstretched arms.

She heard ot first, the sound of body against body. Then she felt it. The heavy bird weighed her palms down, amd she confirmed it was in fact a hawk. She kneels down, cradling it in het arms. "Are you alright little one? Based on it's coloring, she deduced that it was female.

(Sorry it's short! Usually they're not this short, It's just 11 at night and my brain just doesn't know what to write.
Ainmhi drops some coins in a mans hand, taking a biscuit from him to nibble on while she explored. That was when she heard a muffled cry, somewhere not too far away. She looked left, then right. Verifying it was not too her sides, she looled straight up to see a bird. A large one, possibly of prey, hurtling straight for the cobblestone. She ran to where she was certain the bird would drop, holding her arms out. She awaited for the feathered ball of bird to land in her outstretched arms.

She heard ot first, the sound of body against body. Then she felt it. The heavy bird weighed her palms down, amd she confirmed it was in fact a hawk. She kneels down, cradling it in het arms. "Are you alright little one? Based on it's coloring, she deduced that it was female.

(Sorry it's short! Usually they're not this short, It's just 11 at night and my brain just doesn't know what to write.
Thank the deities that someone caught me. Kayla opens her eyes. She can sense that this is a shapeshifter, a strong one at that. Because it's only one so the sense isn't that overpowering. She is scared that whoever was throwing rocks would come back. Although she trusts the girl, probably because she caught her and is a shapeshifter. Strangely Kayla's never met this one, she knows she hasn't met all shapeshifters but because of her communication and trading system she had me quite a few. Thinking back she realizes that she has only heard of red headed shapeshifters, this is her first time seeing one. Kayla speak softly so only the girl can hear her.

"My name is Kayla could you take me somewhere out of sight so I can change? Someone was throwing rocks at me. I don't know who or why but I'd feel safer if I wasn't a just a bird. Oh, and would you mind telling me what your name is?"
Thank the deities that someone caught me. Kayla opens her eyes. She can sense that this is a shapeshifter, a strong one at that. Because it's only one so the sense isn't that overpowering. She is scared that whoever was throwing rocks would come back. Although she trusts the girl, probably because she caught her and is a shapeshifter. Strangely Kayla's never met this one, she knows she hasn't met all shapeshifters but because of her communication and trading system she had me quite a few. Thinking back she realizes that she has only heard of red headed shapeshifters, this is her first time seeing one. Kayla speak softly so only the girl can hear her.

"My name is Kayla could you take me somewhere out of sight so I can change? Someone was throwing rocks at me. I don't know who or why but I'd feel safer if I wasn't a just a bird. Oh, and would you mind telling me what your name is?"
Ainmhi nearly yelped. The bird talked to her! The bird was a shapeshifter? Snapping back into reality, Ainmhi smiled. "Ainmhi." She took Kayla back to where she originally shifted from her rabbit form. "Here."

She tried to contemplate what just happened, and realized that it wasn't really that hard. She caught a bird and it was a shapeshifter. She sighed.

She tied her hair up in a ponytail, her curls annoying her. "So Kayla, do you live around here? Or did you come to see the royal family like me?"
Ainmhi nearly yelped. The bird talked to her! The bird was a shapeshifter? Snapping back into reality, Ainmhi smiled. "Ainmhi." She took Kayla back to where she originally shifted from her rabbit form. "Here."

She tried to contemplate what just happened, and realized that it wasn't really that hard. She caught a bird and it was a shapeshifter. She sighed.

She tied her hair up in a ponytail, her curls annoying her. "So Kayla, do you live around here? Or did you come to see the royal family like me?"
Kayla quickly shifted, not really minding that Ainmhi saw. Once she was safely back in her own skin she looked at Ainmhi. "I don't live around here even though I do have the accent. Seeing the royal family wasn't necessarily part of the plan but it was an added bonus. I'm actually......" Kayla trails off narrowing her eyes as she looks past Ainmhi's shoulders.

"Get down!" She yells, grabbing Ainmhi's arm and dragging her to floor level. A crossbow bolt soared over their heads and lodged itself onto the fence behind them. Kayla glances at her sword on her hip but then realizes that it would be useless against an attacker that far away. She grimaces as another bolt thuds into the fence next to the first. Kayla peeks slightly over the top of the trash can they were hiding behind and inhales sharply,

"Listen these are master shapeshifter hunters, they hit me down. What I had thought were rocks was actually flattened crossbow bolts. I don't know why they're here this is supposed to be a safe spot for shapeshifters. Can you shapeshift into a mouse? Our best bet is to do that and get out quickly. If they have tracking supplies it means we're going to have to run like hell and only shapeshift once. Like you already know in the spot we shapeshift, there's a leftover magical residue that they can somehow track. But we don't actually leave a trail. I've only been chased by these types of guys once but they were really hard to shake off."

Kayla had said this all in a rush and she hoped that Ainmhi had got it all. "Now!" she shout whispered. Kalya quickly shifted into a mouse and dased into a small opening the led into a building.
Kayla quickly shifted, not really minding that Ainmhi saw. Once she was safely back in her own skin she looked at Ainmhi. "I don't live around here even though I do have the accent. Seeing the royal family wasn't necessarily part of the plan but it was an added bonus. I'm actually......" Kayla trails off narrowing her eyes as she looks past Ainmhi's shoulders.

"Get down!" She yells, grabbing Ainmhi's arm and dragging her to floor level. A crossbow bolt soared over their heads and lodged itself onto the fence behind them. Kayla glances at her sword on her hip but then realizes that it would be useless against an attacker that far away. She grimaces as another bolt thuds into the fence next to the first. Kayla peeks slightly over the top of the trash can they were hiding behind and inhales sharply,

"Listen these are master shapeshifter hunters, they hit me down. What I had thought were rocks was actually flattened crossbow bolts. I don't know why they're here this is supposed to be a safe spot for shapeshifters. Can you shapeshift into a mouse? Our best bet is to do that and get out quickly. If they have tracking supplies it means we're going to have to run like hell and only shapeshift once. Like you already know in the spot we shapeshift, there's a leftover magical residue that they can somehow track. But we don't actually leave a trail. I've only been chased by these types of guys once but they were really hard to shake off."

Kayla had said this all in a rush and she hoped that Ainmhi had got it all. "Now!" she shout whispered. Kalya quickly shifted into a mouse and dased into a small opening the led into a building.