
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [WIND-DOM] Public Buy + Raffle -CLOSED
@Selah or @Rythen It looks like there's still a lot of dragons I sent in on the last day that didn't get recorded, are you guys still working on that, or is there something I need to do?

Just in case >.> here's all the dragons I sent on September 9th, except those sent to mirna and SommerBee - those ones are recorded.

Sent to Panderz via AH
34643366 - lvl 8 - 23000
34354463 - lvl 8 - 23000
33831932 - lvl 7 - 21500
35623530 - lvl 7 - 21500
35361558 - lvl 7 - 21500
35553655 - lvl 6 - 20000
@Selah or @Rythen It looks like there's still a lot of dragons I sent in on the last day that didn't get recorded, are you guys still working on that, or is there something I need to do?

Just in case >.> here's all the dragons I sent on September 9th, except those sent to mirna and SommerBee - those ones are recorded.

Sent to Panderz via AH
34643366 - lvl 8 - 23000
34354463 - lvl 8 - 23000
33831932 - lvl 7 - 21500
35623530 - lvl 7 - 21500
35361558 - lvl 7 - 21500
35553655 - lvl 6 - 20000
bird115702.gif Shops:
Visual Art
Lore Dragons
Bio Writing
dbatlo8-f76069b5-a213-48ac-a09d-7699704c12a9.png Lore & Projects:
Shade's Witness
Scarwind Fae Colony
Ichorus Line
[LF] Art
dbatlo8-f76069b5-a213-48ac-a09d-7699704c12a9.png Formerly @GennyWar
+3 FR Time
Hatchling Letters appreciated
My Pronouns are ~Braindead~ (any/all)

Minstri not Ministri (careful with Pings)
@Rythen I have dragons not recorded yet. I know the end of the week got a bit hectic but I just want to mention something before any drawings should happen. I am not sure which ones have been posted so here are the IDs of the dragons I sent through the PA system.

35648480, 34946959, 34946945, 35533108, 35533105, 35441825, 35441824, 35577863, 34946944
(I thought there was a 10th dragon but I cannot find the ID record in my PAs.)

@Rythen I have dragons not recorded yet. I know the end of the week got a bit hectic but I just want to mention something before any drawings should happen. I am not sure which ones have been posted so here are the IDs of the dragons I sent through the PA system.

35648480, 34946959, 34946945, 35533108, 35533105, 35441825, 35441824, 35577863, 34946944
(I thought there was a 10th dragon but I cannot find the ID record in my PAs.)

@Minstri @Nazurak - Sorry for the delay. We're still not done entering all the dragons we got sent. We have a serious flood towards the end of the raffle; one of our attendants picked up over 900 dragons in the last 3 hours. Once everything is entered I'll be pinging everyone in the raffle. We won't draw any prizes until everyone's had a chance to make sure we haven't missed anything.

@Greywaren - Thank you for the heads up, I'll remove your entries.
@Minstri @Nazurak - Sorry for the delay. We're still not done entering all the dragons we got sent. We have a serious flood towards the end of the raffle; one of our attendants picked up over 900 dragons in the last 3 hours. Once everything is entered I'll be pinging everyone in the raffle. We won't draw any prizes until everyone's had a chance to make sure we haven't missed anything.

@Greywaren - Thank you for the heads up, I'll remove your entries.

Thank you all so much for your support over the past week! We appreciate every dragon you've sent us, every note of encouragement and every moment of silliness.

We exalted 26694 raffle dragons this week, 7400 of which came on the last day alone. During the heat of battle it's easy to make a mistake, so we've got two ways for you guys to check your ticket totals
  1. We have a Master sheet here that has all the info we record. It's a detailed way to check your tickets but it's a little memory intensive to open
  2. You can also check out the Leaderboard on our Spreadsheet here and let us know if the total isn't right. We'll look up your info for you
If anything is out of whack please ping @Selah and let me know!

@Achi @Addmon @Adu @Aehdncl @aeki @Aeroden @Aeteni @Afazeria @afire @AgentSoap @Aibell @Aiolos @AkaFever @Alanon @AlexiCyn @Allysun @Alohomora @Alphaeon @Alphazi @alrydae @alunarriot @ancelstierre @Angu15 @AnkanV @annador @Annandale @annathequeen @AnnieFelis @Anniefelis @Anourou @antivehicular @Apfelgriebs @Apfelobst @ApprenticeWriter @Aqil @AquaSoars @ArcanineUnleashd @Ariizumi @AristosAchaion34 @Arra @Arrakis @ArtanisNerwen @Artemiis @Artemis @ashes13 @Ashrahn @Asimina @Astarael @Audiellah @aurorie @Axicia @Azcazach @B00KW0RM @bagofgroceries @Balerion @Ballad @balthy @BarbaraFett @beatricks @Beekeeper @bellzan @bergentruckung @Bic @Bionic @Birdskull @Birdsofwax @BlackJackie @Blanche @Blizzardrunner @blukestrol05 @bonescaro @Bonsai @BrightMarble @Brzask @CalandoAdumbrate @Calicodog @Calix @Candace @CanisLupus03 @CanisMajoris @Card @Carthasis @cataromp @catgame21234 @Catherine68 @Cattywompers @cavallone @caveweta @Celine @Cethosia @chatoyant @CherryWave @cheyinka @chimeratic @Chocoli @chocollama @Chouhesi @Chrisondra @chuuyas @Cinderfire @CivElynBird @clm @cloudhoney @Clya @Cngx @Collector @ColorfulCredit @condor @Condor @counterklock @CountingChocobos @CrimsonSakura @croagunk @crowmachine @CrystalRush @CuddlyHippo @Cvhruig @dandelionfires @Danidoodle @DarknessReborn @Darkrait @Darthiel @dawnsong @Deftera @Delcat @depinvenom @Derpothegreat @Devilledegghead @devilledegghead @dimsum @Dinraal @DiRoxy @Disillusionist @DivineLush @Doggo @dogmatix @Dolman @Dovalore @DragonPromise @DragonWarrior333 @Drakenhart @Draxia @DreadDelRio @Dreamweave @drgnhawk @DrZiegler @DuskWitch13 @dustclouds @EasilyAmusedKat @EchoOfTheWolf @ectochoir @eeriansadow @Eeveepower @einheria @Eiyora @Elaendorlien @Eldeen @Eliss @Elsu @EmeraldSkye @Emmahaa @Endlessnight @enivrec @Equusina @Espeon5712 @EurasianLynx @Evarinya @Evilie @EvilSplitPersona @Exeidur @Ezmara @Facieux @Fallenarrow @Fanartsy @FangOfTheVoid @Faustien @FelixEgadrik @FeralRookie @firstblush @FKcoffee @Flaeyr @Flameswind @frameofreality @Frogata @FrostWynd @Furdora @galloskye @Geckoe @GhostChateau @GiantPandroid @Gildraug @Gloomyreaper @Golachab @GoldenFlight @Goldenstorm @Grunty @Gryffion @GryffonJoi @Guardianite @GuardianLioness @gunklord @gunklord420 @Gwinna @Hadidah @Hawkfeather @hawksfly @Hawktalon @Hawlucha @hayley0614 @Helva @Herocorn @Heronwing @Hexacoatl @Hexephra @Hidd3nstare @HiddenByFaeries @Hideki @HIdeki @himawarii @Hinumi @HistoryFox @Hkomygf @howlerwolf @humanityxpeople @Iceex @idlewildly @ILUVDRAGONS @Immortelle @inkexplosions @Inkytalons @Intel @inuraichi @InviPorcelain @irishrambler93 @ishirasu @IsisSummers @Iskars @Isti @italicised @ItsASomething @ixris @JaimeLannister @Jaleenefox @Jaleenelox @janetlin @jbapple @jenivan1000 @Jetfeather @Jeydis @Jigamaree @Jirazeil @JonsieMcJones @Jousama @judiama @JurassicPark @Juulika @Kallistrate @Kamishii @Katargo @Katsha @Katsra @Katsuokai @KaylaEve @Kaymaro @Kellybelly @Keyina @Kikaharu @Kipiekie @kisaeri @Kiseikune @Kitiara @Knightess @knightess @Kookaburra @kriski @Kristan @Krycelli @Kvon @Kylaila @KyrosK @ladra @LadyRiat @Laisai @Lallie @Lamb52 @Lanturne @Lara8 @LaughingZuru @lauropod @Layenne90 @Letitia @Lhethi @liantal @LilyBound @Limesparrow @LimeSparrow @LittleDoctor @littlesong4 @Livestraes @Lizzi @Llealynarisia @Longjump @Looshiana @LouseDog @Luca20 @Luccent @Lucent @LucyGoose @Lunalii @lunalii @Lunamore @LunaSea @LunaSkyshadow @Lundlaeva @Lunila @Lupine @Lupinus @lynxedlight @Lyricity @Lytic @Maanster @maganbm @MagnusMedivh @manbeastwolf @MarinaQuakenbush @Mason107 @McCrees @meganbm @Meghan @meowfish @Metalhead @Metamorro @metaresolve @Meyoline @Minstri @MistressOlive @Moirli @Moonaire @Moonpiebandit @Morare @Morifinde @Moriwen @Mozzy @MrFrenchFrybrows @Mudguts @Mudy @Murakali @MuseofVoid @Mymoza @Mymozya @MystiqueMuse @Mystyic @Naegiri @natureluvr @Nazara @Nazurak @NefariousKing @Nefelibata @NegCol @Nentuaby @neonseas @Nerilka @Neroli @Nevros @Niathria @Nidanasi @NightAssassin @Nightfleet @Nightmare222 @Nightshades @nikkisxxx @nocturnite @NomasaurusRex @noodlemangos @NorthLantern @NotPigeons @Nryenth @NuclearWaffles @Nukleer @nuttysaladtree @Nylo @o0Aoba0o @Obscaenus @ObsceneOatmeal @October @october @OkamiTen @Oleandir @OrbofDiscord @Owlcatpup @OwlEyes672 @Palatine @Panicat @Pank @PeacefulBliss @PeacefullBliss @Pennifeather @Phaedra @Phasma @PheonixPonder @Philli @PinkWater @Pitbull @pixiejen @PixieKnight3264 @PlagueMaw @PlantQueen @PlatinumDream @Plushstiel @Poland @Pollen @porifra @possumrot @potatoking @Potterhead @PrinceEridan @princeymar @princeymarmar @PsychoSeparatists @Punkinator919 @PureSuicune @Puro @Quarilas @QueenSabriel @Quenya @QuietNerd @RadiFN @raiccoon @raikaryuujin @RainyJade @RandomPurple @Ranmaru @Rap @Rasanshia @Rashakiro @RavenousBeast @RayFisch @Razii @Redsparrow @Reiark @Reilata @RemanLT @Remislady @remislady @remuslupn @Restless @retrogradenova @Rhea @Rhyfel @Ripcooperchick @RLisa @Rochambeau @Rosewing @Rosoidela @rowdy @rubyredtan @RuinousOmen @Rulanir @sabinelagrande @Sadistic @sadistic @Salamanderpie @Salimity @SamuelMaybird @Saskia @scarletskyz @Schefflera @Schwarzfeder @Scorn @scribblingface @Sefaro @Seiryuu @SenchaDrake @Sephora34 @Serelinda @Serpents @SexyIdris @Shadica @shadowliepard @ShadyRabbit @ShamelessKnight @shibadog @shizuyue @Sil @sil @Silverhame @SilverLanayru @SilverOtter @Silverotter @SilverPhoenix @Silverphoenix @SilverRain @silverwings47 @SimFeetUnder @Sinbreaker @SirLeafheart @siskiyou @Skanti @Skitter @SkyesBride @Skyspeed @skyspeed @smileytechie @Snowkitsu @snowpea @SocklessWonder @Solarfox @Solarfox123 @Songjay @Sophitia @Sossedov @Soulborg63 @soulykins @SouthFarthing @Sparro2002 @Starkindler76 @StarlitFire @StarOfEarendil @Stasha @SuishoShinobi @SunnyNyaa @Swanee @Sybok @Sylipha @Sylphiette @Sylvander @Sylvandyr @synnful @Tabby49 @Tabbyclaw @tahwarts @Talicinx @TarmonSuravye @tarmonsuravye @teastain @Teletraan @TemmieVillage @Tenbris @Terza @tetris @ThalassaTheBlue @Thardus @TheClassCalico @TheElfDruid @TheFairyBinary @TheGardenWitch @TheJadeSiren @themajestickagu @themirrorswish @TheNightDancer @Thiedo @Thoracosaurus @Thorium @ThrowTheBones @tigressRising @tigressrising @TikindiDragon @titherdel @tomatotwin @Tune @TwilightDreams @TwistedFlyte @Twomix @Tyrion @Ulquiorra04 @Undermom @Unelore @Ursaw @vainqueurs @valarauka @Valekivi @Valemora @Vanq @Vely @Vendevorex @VictoryRain @Virulent @Vlad @VoodooVixen @Vyktorkun @Warriorgirl1234 @Wazz900 @wildflowers @Wilko @Willowdawn @wingedRenegade @wingworm @WinterCrow @Wise @WtNV @WyldDandelyon @Xairathan @xarellax @Xemriss @XenithShadow @xianvar @xXDreamQueenXx @YaBoiGuzma @Zerik @ZeroAerie @Zillua @Zog @Zonemod

Thank you all so much for your support over the past week! We appreciate every dragon you've sent us, every note of encouragement and every moment of silliness.

We exalted 26694 raffle dragons this week, 7400 of which came on the last day alone. During the heat of battle it's easy to make a mistake, so we've got two ways for you guys to check your ticket totals
  1. We have a Master sheet here that has all the info we record. It's a detailed way to check your tickets but it's a little memory intensive to open
  2. You can also check out the Leaderboard on our Spreadsheet here and let us know if the total isn't right. We'll look up your info for you
If anything is out of whack please ping @Selah and let me know!

@Achi @Addmon @Adu @Aehdncl @aeki @Aeroden @Aeteni @Afazeria @afire @AgentSoap @Aibell @Aiolos @AkaFever @Alanon @AlexiCyn @Allysun @Alohomora @Alphaeon @Alphazi @alrydae @alunarriot @ancelstierre @Angu15 @AnkanV @annador @Annandale @annathequeen @AnnieFelis @Anniefelis @Anourou @antivehicular @Apfelgriebs @Apfelobst @ApprenticeWriter @Aqil @AquaSoars @ArcanineUnleashd @Ariizumi @AristosAchaion34 @Arra @Arrakis @ArtanisNerwen @Artemiis @Artemis @ashes13 @Ashrahn @Asimina @Astarael @Audiellah @aurorie @Axicia @Azcazach @B00KW0RM @bagofgroceries @Balerion @Ballad @balthy @BarbaraFett @beatricks @Beekeeper @bellzan @bergentruckung @Bic @Bionic @Birdskull @Birdsofwax @BlackJackie @Blanche @Blizzardrunner @blukestrol05 @bonescaro @Bonsai @BrightMarble @Brzask @CalandoAdumbrate @Calicodog @Calix @Candace @CanisLupus03 @CanisMajoris @Card @Carthasis @cataromp @catgame21234 @Catherine68 @Cattywompers @cavallone @caveweta @Celine @Cethosia @chatoyant @CherryWave @cheyinka @chimeratic @Chocoli @chocollama @Chouhesi @Chrisondra @chuuyas @Cinderfire @CivElynBird @clm @cloudhoney @Clya @Cngx @Collector @ColorfulCredit @condor @Condor @counterklock @CountingChocobos @CrimsonSakura @croagunk @crowmachine @CrystalRush @CuddlyHippo @Cvhruig @dandelionfires @Danidoodle @DarknessReborn @Darkrait @Darthiel @dawnsong @Deftera @Delcat @depinvenom @Derpothegreat @Devilledegghead @devilledegghead @dimsum @Dinraal @DiRoxy @Disillusionist @DivineLush @Doggo @dogmatix @Dolman @Dovalore @DragonPromise @DragonWarrior333 @Drakenhart @Draxia @DreadDelRio @Dreamweave @drgnhawk @DrZiegler @DuskWitch13 @dustclouds @EasilyAmusedKat @EchoOfTheWolf @ectochoir @eeriansadow @Eeveepower @einheria @Eiyora @Elaendorlien @Eldeen @Eliss @Elsu @EmeraldSkye @Emmahaa @Endlessnight @enivrec @Equusina @Espeon5712 @EurasianLynx @Evarinya @Evilie @EvilSplitPersona @Exeidur @Ezmara @Facieux @Fallenarrow @Fanartsy @FangOfTheVoid @Faustien @FelixEgadrik @FeralRookie @firstblush @FKcoffee @Flaeyr @Flameswind @frameofreality @Frogata @FrostWynd @Furdora @galloskye @Geckoe @GhostChateau @GiantPandroid @Gildraug @Gloomyreaper @Golachab @GoldenFlight @Goldenstorm @Grunty @Gryffion @GryffonJoi @Guardianite @GuardianLioness @gunklord @gunklord420 @Gwinna @Hadidah @Hawkfeather @hawksfly @Hawktalon @Hawlucha @hayley0614 @Helva @Herocorn @Heronwing @Hexacoatl @Hexephra @Hidd3nstare @HiddenByFaeries @Hideki @HIdeki @himawarii @Hinumi @HistoryFox @Hkomygf @howlerwolf @humanityxpeople @Iceex @idlewildly @ILUVDRAGONS @Immortelle @inkexplosions @Inkytalons @Intel @inuraichi @InviPorcelain @irishrambler93 @ishirasu @IsisSummers @Iskars @Isti @italicised @ItsASomething @ixris @JaimeLannister @Jaleenefox @Jaleenelox @janetlin @jbapple @jenivan1000 @Jetfeather @Jeydis @Jigamaree @Jirazeil @JonsieMcJones @Jousama @judiama @JurassicPark @Juulika @Kallistrate @Kamishii @Katargo @Katsha @Katsra @Katsuokai @KaylaEve @Kaymaro @Kellybelly @Keyina @Kikaharu @Kipiekie @kisaeri @Kiseikune @Kitiara @Knightess @knightess @Kookaburra @kriski @Kristan @Krycelli @Kvon @Kylaila @KyrosK @ladra @LadyRiat @Laisai @Lallie @Lamb52 @Lanturne @Lara8 @LaughingZuru @lauropod @Layenne90 @Letitia @Lhethi @liantal @LilyBound @Limesparrow @LimeSparrow @LittleDoctor @littlesong4 @Livestraes @Lizzi @Llealynarisia @Longjump @Looshiana @LouseDog @Luca20 @Luccent @Lucent @LucyGoose @Lunalii @lunalii @Lunamore @LunaSea @LunaSkyshadow @Lundlaeva @Lunila @Lupine @Lupinus @lynxedlight @Lyricity @Lytic @Maanster @maganbm @MagnusMedivh @manbeastwolf @MarinaQuakenbush @Mason107 @McCrees @meganbm @Meghan @meowfish @Metalhead @Metamorro @metaresolve @Meyoline @Minstri @MistressOlive @Moirli @Moonaire @Moonpiebandit @Morare @Morifinde @Moriwen @Mozzy @MrFrenchFrybrows @Mudguts @Mudy @Murakali @MuseofVoid @Mymoza @Mymozya @MystiqueMuse @Mystyic @Naegiri @natureluvr @Nazara @Nazurak @NefariousKing @Nefelibata @NegCol @Nentuaby @neonseas @Nerilka @Neroli @Nevros @Niathria @Nidanasi @NightAssassin @Nightfleet @Nightmare222 @Nightshades @nikkisxxx @nocturnite @NomasaurusRex @noodlemangos @NorthLantern @NotPigeons @Nryenth @NuclearWaffles @Nukleer @nuttysaladtree @Nylo @o0Aoba0o @Obscaenus @ObsceneOatmeal @October @october @OkamiTen @Oleandir @OrbofDiscord @Owlcatpup @OwlEyes672 @Palatine @Panicat @Pank @PeacefulBliss @PeacefullBliss @Pennifeather @Phaedra @Phasma @PheonixPonder @Philli @PinkWater @Pitbull @pixiejen @PixieKnight3264 @PlagueMaw @PlantQueen @PlatinumDream @Plushstiel @Poland @Pollen @porifra @possumrot @potatoking @Potterhead @PrinceEridan @princeymar @princeymarmar @PsychoSeparatists @Punkinator919 @PureSuicune @Puro @Quarilas @QueenSabriel @Quenya @QuietNerd @RadiFN @raiccoon @raikaryuujin @RainyJade @RandomPurple @Ranmaru @Rap @Rasanshia @Rashakiro @RavenousBeast @RayFisch @Razii @Redsparrow @Reiark @Reilata @RemanLT @Remislady @remislady @remuslupn @Restless @retrogradenova @Rhea @Rhyfel @Ripcooperchick @RLisa @Rochambeau @Rosewing @Rosoidela @rowdy @rubyredtan @RuinousOmen @Rulanir @sabinelagrande @Sadistic @sadistic @Salamanderpie @Salimity @SamuelMaybird @Saskia @scarletskyz @Schefflera @Schwarzfeder @Scorn @scribblingface @Sefaro @Seiryuu @SenchaDrake @Sephora34 @Serelinda @Serpents @SexyIdris @Shadica @shadowliepard @ShadyRabbit @ShamelessKnight @shibadog @shizuyue @Sil @sil @Silverhame @SilverLanayru @SilverOtter @Silverotter @SilverPhoenix @Silverphoenix @SilverRain @silverwings47 @SimFeetUnder @Sinbreaker @SirLeafheart @siskiyou @Skanti @Skitter @SkyesBride @Skyspeed @skyspeed @smileytechie @Snowkitsu @snowpea @SocklessWonder @Solarfox @Solarfox123 @Songjay @Sophitia @Sossedov @Soulborg63 @soulykins @SouthFarthing @Sparro2002 @Starkindler76 @StarlitFire @StarOfEarendil @Stasha @SuishoShinobi @SunnyNyaa @Swanee @Sybok @Sylipha @Sylphiette @Sylvander @Sylvandyr @synnful @Tabby49 @Tabbyclaw @tahwarts @Talicinx @TarmonSuravye @tarmonsuravye @teastain @Teletraan @TemmieVillage @Tenbris @Terza @tetris @ThalassaTheBlue @Thardus @TheClassCalico @TheElfDruid @TheFairyBinary @TheGardenWitch @TheJadeSiren @themajestickagu @themirrorswish @TheNightDancer @Thiedo @Thoracosaurus @Thorium @ThrowTheBones @tigressRising @tigressrising @TikindiDragon @titherdel @tomatotwin @Tune @TwilightDreams @TwistedFlyte @Twomix @Tyrion @Ulquiorra04 @Undermom @Unelore @Ursaw @vainqueurs @valarauka @Valekivi @Valemora @Vanq @Vely @Vendevorex @VictoryRain @Virulent @Vlad @VoodooVixen @Vyktorkun @Warriorgirl1234 @Wazz900 @wildflowers @Wilko @Willowdawn @wingedRenegade @wingworm @WinterCrow @Wise @WtNV @WyldDandelyon @Xairathan @xarellax @Xemriss @XenithShadow @xianvar @xXDreamQueenXx @YaBoiGuzma @Zerik @ZeroAerie @Zillua @Zog @Zonemod

I'm wondering why a few of the payout tickets are 360/420 (and some 10 -- I've only sent in level 6's through the push)? I've noticed it for a number of the dragons I sent in, unless I missed something about the amount of tickets being increased a lot during the end of the push -- or some calculation error happened to spit out less tickets.

I'm wondering why a few of the payout tickets are 360/420 (and some 10 -- I've only sent in level 6's through the push)? I've noticed it for a number of the dragons I sent in, unless I missed something about the amount of tickets being increased a lot during the end of the push -- or some calculation error happened to spit out less tickets.
J6HTF7u.png Wdr4Smc.png Hideki #68095
aid | she/her | FR +3

• Accent Shop
• Art Shop / Pixel Imps
• Hatchery
Awww yeah 2nd place lvls+dragons! ^_^
Awww yeah 2nd place lvls+dragons! ^_^
C3AfaWX.pngnCFIQSX.pngXlzHrOT.png 7j2QAB9.pngPLijDTF.png

The sheet was incorrectly sorted, everything should be fixed now.

The sheet was incorrectly sorted, everything should be fixed now.

You only have three dragons marked down for me, but I sent five.

35483861 and 35483862 to NorthKorvus - these are the two missing. They had the tertiary color and breed bonus for the day as well.
35483860, 35472232 and 35472234 to Bearly.

You only have three dragons marked down for me, but I sent five.

35483861 and 35483862 to NorthKorvus - these are the two missing. They had the tertiary color and breed bonus for the day as well.
35483860, 35472232 and 35472234 to Bearly.
wCtmyuR.png Avatar Dragon | Molten Lava Subspecies

“Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music.” - Ehssan
RClY3u4.gif GwKdven.png
@Birdsofwax - Can you tell me what level they were, and if they were sent for 0t?
@Birdsofwax - Can you tell me what level they were, and if they were sent for 0t?

They were level 8, and I got paid for them.

They were level 8, and I got paid for them.
wCtmyuR.png Avatar Dragon | Molten Lava Subspecies

“Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music.” - Ehssan
RClY3u4.gif GwKdven.png