(Functional, but under construction. Feel free to post.
It will take me some time to make it pretty ^_^)
It will take me some time to make it pretty ^_^)
"We have known Ichorus for quite some time now. The name came from the locals in the region where we discovered them. "Ichorus" is a name which very nearly implies some divine origin or suggests an almost musical influence. I think the locals found great humor in irony.
Ichorus, our dear friend, exhibits some very interesting behaviors and properties. The one which concerns us here is their manner of reproduction, though I'm not sure if that is quite what it is.
In their day to day, they tend to operate as a set of co-operative portions, usually one to five, though most often two. While separate, they do not possess any manner of "hive mind" though they do refer to themselves and operate as if they are a single individual. In order to process information from the disparate portions, they must recombine with some regularity.
On occasion, one or more of these portions will remain separate and develop a new sense of individuality, going off to seek their own fortunes. This is absolutely fascinating to me!
So I have started this little project here. I want to keep track of those portions which divide from Ichorus to form new individuals. I want to see how they change and adapt over time... what kind of new traits or behaviors they acquire... how their sense of identity forms and grows... how they integrate with other dragons... and many more questions besides!
It's a truly exciting time! I do hope you will join me."
^_^ Hello. I hope the "in character" intro wasn't too much to follow. If so, here's a quick rundown of this lineage project!
All of Ichorus & Ichorus's (they are one dragon-in the lore here) direct offspring will be listed below automatically (the 2nd gens). Of course, you have purchased one of these dragons, you absolutely don't have to participate! You can even let me know if you want your specific dragon removed from the list.
For dragons beyond the 2nd generation, I encourage their owners (if they want to participate) to post something in the bio of the dragon to link back to this thread, that way, if someone ends up with some of these offspring, they can can come here and share there dragon, and I will add them to the list under the appropriate header.
• In short - it's an opt-in system. If you have a child of Ichorus, let me know and I'll add them to the list. I'm excited to see how far the lineage goes and how our gooey children change over time. ;D Lets cover Sorneith in slime!
• I'll also be Featuring some of my favorites - for any reason that strikes my fancy, their outfits, new gene changes, or lore.
• Also, I want to see what the longest line of "Ichorus" we can get is - specifically dragons who keep the name "Ichorus" down the entire line.
Additional Lore
This section may be expanded as time goes on.
Let me know your ideas if you have any!
This section may be expanded as time goes on.
Let me know your ideas if you have any!
Ichorus was created during an experiment somewhere in the Starfall Isles.
A conglomeration of many dragon eggs taken from all over Sornieth were shattered with magic and mixed in a specially crafted nest. To what ends is now unknown; the project had to be abandoned before completion due to equipment malfunction. An electrical surge and several arcane explosions rendered the entire lab unlivable, so it was evacuated. The place and the works done within were forgotten after a time as attention turned to more favorable pursuits.
The project which was started there, however, did not stop simply because its overseers had fled, however. Feeding off the leftover energies and residues within the lab and the ruins of the experimental environment, a strange dragon formed and grew, until it was strong enough to break free of its nest and was born into the world.
It wandered and became a curiosity to the locals. Rumors and scattered reports spread from there and caught the attention of a faction of Ooze dragons from the Scarred Wasteland, who were swift to send a representative to entice the strange creature to join them.
Study of the creature is ongoing.
There are almost no records to be savaged from the ruins of the lab, and few leads regarding possible associates from the time when the project was active. Some diligence has revealed a few of the dragons whose elemental essence and genetic material went into the creation of Ichorus, but the list is woefully incomplete.
Ichorus is capable of splitting into multiple parts or occupying one very large form. Most typically they are split into two parts. This makes each part a convenient size, and one can remain secure at the lair while the other tends to far-flung matters. The wandering half returns often to the lair to rejoin with the stationary half for maintenance and to gather their thoughts and information together. It is not uncommon, however, for them to maintain more than four semi-independent parts.
Ichorus grows over time, and with increased size, they tend to split more and stay split up longer. Some of these separated parts are left to go about on their own permanently, and after they go long enough without rejoining with the main portion, become their own individuals. Ichorus considers those parts to be their children. Many retain the name "Ichorus" but a few later chose new names for themselves.
Quick/Temporary Offspring Bio Tag Banner Thing
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This is a child of Ichorus. They split off from their parent body and have the potential to grow into their own dragon. |
-----[size=4][font=georgia]This is a child of [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/2874253/1][color=purple][b]Ichorus[/b][/color][/url]. They split off from their parent body and have the potential to grow into their own dragon.-----[/columns]
If you're interested in getting your hands on Ichorus (or maybe getting Ichorus on your hands) let me know! Feel free to specify a generation if you're interested in one of a particular degree of separation!
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Shops: • Visual Art • • Lore Dragons • Bio Writing |
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Lore & Projects: • Shade's Witness • Scarwind Fae Colony • Ichorus Line • [LF] Art |
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Formerly @GennyWar +3 FR Time Hatchling Letters appreciated My Pronouns are ~Braindead~ (any/all) Minstri not Ministri (careful with Pings) |