** Pretties For Fodder - Let's Trade! **

LunaSkyshadow's Clan
Peace and Love and Electric Light's Breath
Clan Info
Welcome to Clan Easy Livin', located in the Glen of Good Vibrations, near The Observatory. I'll tell you the full story of this band of quirky dergs sometime soon, I promise!
Among other items, I hoard:
Onyx Cobras
Opal Cobras
Amethyst Strikers
Emerald Strikers
And I have shred-proof housing prepared for the spiny cobra familiars I will have someday.
Here there be dragons. Over 500 of them, to be exact. I've arranged them according to a system that makes sense only to me; in general the ones toward the front of the lair are the ones I've had the longest and am most attached to, while newcomers are at the back--but there are exceptions. Really, it would take up too much space to try to explain who's perma and who's semi-perma, so I'm just going to say that if you feel the urge to ask about one of them, go ahead. I don't mind, as long as you're polite, and as long as you accept that the answer to the question "Is so-and-so for sale?" is more likely than not to be no. (Oh, one thing: if you express interest in a dragon of mine that's not for sale, I will help you find a lookalike that is for sale, if I can. Free of charge, because it's fun!)(I mean, free of charge, as in, no finder's fee; the dragon itself may cost something.)
1. I welcome all requests, random and otherwise. I like to meet new people who also love to play this game of pretty dragons. (This includes, but is not limited to, Arlo Friends. Let me know if you're an archaeologist like me, and I'll be sure to send you some research notes.)
2. However, if you're on my list and you disappear from the site, with no activity for six months or more, I will regretfully remove you because for me it's a matter of sharing a hobby and communicating, rather than just having a big collection of names. (If you do come back, and feel like looking me up for whatever reason, I"d be happy to hear from you/add you again!)
obtain Butterfly gene for LiuChuan turned out to be Bee gene instead, but, Done!
(note to self: Do NOT waste your hard-won gems on frivolous purchases--this is important!)
Crackle for Lydon, so he can find fulfillment as a crumbling gargoyle Done!
Random scry: Imperial female, Storm/Violet/Black Smoke. Try to find one like it (either gender) to build dream dragon
Blue Basic/Red Shimmer/Lemon Thylacine. Why? Just because.
eh...Blue Iridescent/Red Basic/Banana Circuit...close enough! (heh)
Sunshine/Tomato/Fire is a nice warm color combo too.
Accents:Maple Breeze & Autumn Loreweaver (somehow missed getting these during the festival, oops!)
Shadow Sprite (because the Shadow Goblin is looking at me with big sad eyes--he needs his mate!)
Among other items, I hoard:
Onyx Cobras
Opal Cobras
Amethyst Strikers
Emerald Strikers
And I have shred-proof housing prepared for the spiny cobra familiars I will have someday.
Here there be dragons. Over 500 of them, to be exact. I've arranged them according to a system that makes sense only to me; in general the ones toward the front of the lair are the ones I've had the longest and am most attached to, while newcomers are at the back--but there are exceptions. Really, it would take up too much space to try to explain who's perma and who's semi-perma, so I'm just going to say that if you feel the urge to ask about one of them, go ahead. I don't mind, as long as you're polite, and as long as you accept that the answer to the question "Is so-and-so for sale?" is more likely than not to be no. (Oh, one thing: if you express interest in a dragon of mine that's not for sale, I will help you find a lookalike that is for sale, if I can. Free of charge, because it's fun!)(I mean, free of charge, as in, no finder's fee; the dragon itself may cost something.)
1. I welcome all requests, random and otherwise. I like to meet new people who also love to play this game of pretty dragons. (This includes, but is not limited to, Arlo Friends. Let me know if you're an archaeologist like me, and I'll be sure to send you some research notes.)
2. However, if you're on my list and you disappear from the site, with no activity for six months or more, I will regretfully remove you because for me it's a matter of sharing a hobby and communicating, rather than just having a big collection of names. (If you do come back, and feel like looking me up for whatever reason, I"d be happy to hear from you/add you again!)
(note to self: Do NOT waste your hard-won gems on frivolous purchases--this is important!)
Random scry: Imperial female, Storm/Violet/Black Smoke. Try to find one like it (either gender) to build dream dragon
Blue Basic/Red Shimmer/Lemon Thylacine. Why? Just because.
eh...Blue Iridescent/Red Basic/Banana Circuit...close enough! (heh)
Sunshine/Tomato/Fire is a nice warm color combo too.
Shadow Sprite (because the Shadow Goblin is looking at me with big sad eyes--he needs his mate!)
Recent Comments

Ocelot was on the front page!

Taz was on the front page! What a lovely plague rep <3

Taz was front page!

Lydon was on the Random Dragon!

I’ll PM you the story so I’m not overly wordy on your profile page XD

Hi! This cute dragon named Neapolitan was on my home page, i have to say, its bio made me smile c: its so cute, and holds a nice backstory :D have a good day!

Thank you so much for sneaking in a positive word about Gatekeeper, gotta love dragons with (pretended, at least) jobs! Have a wonderful day!

Islington (#8564394) was on the front page <3

Thanks for picking Sylvanus! I love woodlandy, naturey dragons too!

Hello! Just wanted to pop in to say thank you for the compliments back in '21
better late than never :D

Claret is beautiful! <3 She showed up on the Random Dragon part of the Home Page.

Thanks so much for your amazing compliments on Mephitis on the Dragon Above thread <3 He's one of my faves and I love when the stinky thing gets love c:
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