"Yes, I suppose it is an infestation, but as long as at least some of them are useful and they don't cause too much damage no one really minds. In any case, they are all Loyal to the Queen. They serve as her eyes and ears, and they protect the keep from intruders and other vermin."
- Peryite the Pestilent
The Colony In the voluminous halls of the Scarwind keep, in the empty spaces between rooms, and in hidden passages and fluttering about the rafters is a colony of Fae Dragons. Most of them are plague and a large number of them had been living there before the arrival of the Clan of Singing Blood. The Poison-Eye Fae isn't quite their leader, as while they have some hierarchy within the colony, they don't have any kind of leadership. Instead, Fetch serves as a liaison between the Clan of Singing Blood and the colony of fae which live in great number in the Scarwind Keep. Within this colony, the Grey Fae has cultivated a small cult of followers for himself and Amanita, but for the most part, the members of the colony are fanatically devoted to the Queen. |
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The Exalted Fae of Scarwind Keep
Project Overview

The Quick Version
I am collecting Lore Fae to be part of a colony of fae dragons which make their home in the rafters and empty spaces of my clan's lair. These dragons will have their lore preserved alongside their image/link in the bio of the Colony Speaker, and then be exalted to the Plaguebringer to join the colony.
Exaltation Lore
I was thinking about the canon lore for exalted dragons, and the roles they are meant to serve. People think about exalted dragons in all kinds of different ways, be it death, or living ascension, or mundane service to their god, or many countless other reasons specific to one user or even one dragon in particular! The official site lore maintains that it is a kind of title and that the Exalted go to work for their diety in a variety of different ways, though most of these are mundane kinds of ways, such as warriors, scholars, and traders - they are still alive in the corporeal world and working for the cause of their deity. This is a little boring, but a good jumping off point and a fairly non-controversial official stance.
I already keep track of my clan's former and exalted members in a few different ways, but I wanted to explore a new kind of idea...
A Fae Colony
This one, Exalted Faes serve the Plaguebringer by maintaining the Scarwind Keep, an ancient structure built on the rim of the Wyrmwound, so that it can be used by a clan faithful to the Plaguebringer (This is, of course, my clan!).
This takes the form of a colony of fae dragons who roost in the upper reaches of the keep, similar to what is described in the breed's lore:
"Fae dragons spin their roosts from tree sap that they cure with magic to become a beautiful golden amber. Their colonies are built on the sides of sheer cliffs or the trunks of massive trees, far out of the reach of other predators. Older colonies will often meet catastrophic ends, when the weight of too many dens takes the cliff side or tree down.
When Fae dragons join with a mixed species clan, they will attempt to make a place for themselves in the larger dens. They carry as much tree sap with them as possible and spin their roost, weaving it into the inner walls of the shared den."
(Of course, being a plague lair, it's probably less golden amber and more... whatever the horrible stuff the scarred wasteland is covered in.)
When Fae dragons join with a mixed species clan, they will attempt to make a place for themselves in the larger dens. They carry as much tree sap with them as possible and spin their roost, weaving it into the inner walls of the shared den."
(Of course, being a plague lair, it's probably less golden amber and more... whatever the horrible stuff the scarred wasteland is covered in.)
Most of the members of this colony are kind of faceless and undefined, but that's where this project comes in! I want to collect Faes from all over Sorneith and include them in the colony. Their stories and lore will be recorded in the bio of the Colony's Speaker, Fetch, alongside their image/link, as well as on this thread.
There are have been times where I have lore dragons and I want to keep them, but I don't have room or they don't fit in as well as they used to. Most of the time I sell them in my lore shop, but there's always a risk of losing them when that's done. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has run into this issue, so a colony like this is a kind of solution! Albeit only for fae's. So if you have a Fae who needs a home, and you don't mind this kind of arrangement (they will be exalted, but their lore preserved). Maybe you want one of your favorite Fae pair's offspring to be included in the colony, or just want to share your lore and link it into a wider connected story.
Other Organizations
I also hope I can inspire a few other people to create similar groups. Clans-within-Clans, more Fae Colonies or fabled Mirror Swarms, perhaps you have an infestation of Spiral Dragons living in the pipes of your lair? Maybe your lair is built in the trees over a swamp, and approach is guarded by a rare assembly of unusually social Bogsneaks?
If more people want to get involved with this sort of project, perhaps there could even be a kind of dragon exchange for people to find and gather new suitable dragons for their groups.
So, if you'd like to send a Fae to be part of the Colony,
or you want to start one of your own and have me link
to it, read the 3rd post below!!
or you want to start one of your own and have me link
to it, read the 3rd post below!!

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Shops: • Visual Art • • Lore Dragons • Bio Writing |
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Lore & Projects: • Shade's Witness • Scarwind Fae Colony • Ichorus Line • [LF] Art |
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Formerly @GennyWar +3 FR Time Hatchling Letters appreciated My Pronouns are ~Braindead~ (any/all) Minstri not Ministri (careful with Pings) |