
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [CYOA | BARGHEST] A Scattering Of Ashes
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[center][img][/img][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7][b][color=transparent]/[/color][url=]DAY TWO[/url][color=transparent]/[/color][/b][/size][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=transparent]//[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Monotype Corsiva]Raphael nodded to Sister Inghinn at that, hoping the monastery would have some clue still. He paused at the scorched doors, hesitating at the sight. He'd seen charring like this before, but not from some beast. Not like the things cautioned at the start, at least. He sighed, shaking his head as he carefully stepped forward. He felt glad he had his wisps under control nowadays. He doubted the place could handle any more out of control flames. He squinted into the structure, cautious. He saw some drakes going upstairs, while others delved into the cellar. He shook his head again as one of the charred boards creaked underfoot, making his decision easily. [b][u]"I'll stick to the ground floor. Easier to scramble out if the place starts to collapse that way."[/u][/b] He couldn't help those soft annoyed hisses when Razael tried to stay by his side. He had fire, he had potions, and he had a nasty bite if the need arose. He'd be fine here, closer to the exit, hopefully where he could scramble out if the whole place caved in. He didn't need the coatl hovering over him. Surely the fellow would fare better elsewhere, like upstairs with that other imperial and the two that just darted after him. They both had staves, for Elevens' sakes! Maybe they were alike in some way! He couldn't help but let out a soft amused chortle at the image of the little coatl and the large imperial whacking one of those "beasts" for looking at Razael funny. He winced as he remembered the last time [i]he'd[/i] felt that staff against his head, stepping back a little when he was met with that stubborn stare. Best not to draw the ire of the tiny terror of a coatl now. He may be able to patch himself up, but he didn't want to use his supplies within minutes of arriving at this place![/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=transparent]//[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Monotype Corsiva]Razael nodded to Sister Inghinn at that. "Of course, dear. I do believe most monasteries have some record of artifacts in their care. Records like those are a good place to start." He soon heard Raphael mutter about staying on the ground floor in case of a collapse and let out a trill of a sigh. "Well of course you would stick to the ground floor, dear. You're large enough to break through the floor yourself, and Eleven knows you've spent far too much time in the lower levels of the Spire. I don't blame you for a second." He heard a faint hissing protest from the foxfire, but he didn't seem to mind it much as he gave the place a quick once over. If he was counting correctly... "Well, I am lighter, dear. Doubt I'll be dropping down on you. Then again... you might need my help picking up on things, and records are sometimes kept in back rooms..." He heard another hiss from the foxfire, a remnant of his ancient days as an auraboa perhaps, and sighed. "Oh no you don't. [b][u]I'll be staying [i]right here on the ground floor with you,[/i] thank you very much.[/u][/b] You'll need someone who knows their way around old records, and Sister Inghinn herself said she knew where some were kept. Might give some insight on how they ran the place, like what they did to guard these ashes before someone nipped off with them." He settled beside his grouchy companion, leaning against his staff as he gave the drake his best smile. The coatl seemed determined to stick around to explore the ground floor, no matter how the imperial felt about his presence. He had a lot to learn, after all, and if these beasts were involved... well, he wouldn't let one of his coworkers stop him from learning something new.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=transparent]//[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Monotype Corsiva]Hochmael felt his feathers puff out a bit as he walked amongst the tombstones of the cemetery, his ears swiveling to try and catch any new sounds. He had experience with ruins, especially surrounded by nature. Even large groups of rambunctious students hadn't brought on such an oppressive silence. The beast that had moved into the old chapel in the ruins, however, had. Maybe it was the speech from earlier, or perhaps it was his nerves flaring up on him, but he didn't want to go into any of this alone. He wasn't about to tell Rowan either, but... he didn't feel the skydancer could take on one of these beasts himself. Then again, he hardly knew this drake. For all he knew, Brother Rowan could wipe out one of these beasts with his wings bound to his sides. [b][u]He shook his head before approaching the groundskeeper's cottage,[/u][/b] skirting the odd statue a gaoler was inspecting. It felt... uncanny; wrong in the worst possible way. He'd rather check the cottage with the mirror. He gave the hooded drake a nod, using his wing to prop up his spear in a resting position. [b]"Right. If someone did this on purpose, the groundskeeper might know about it. If they're still here, that is. And if not... an abandoned cottage is a good place for someone like that to hide."[/b] He hoped he wouldn't need his spear, but if there was someone inside that wasn't too fond of visitors... He might need to break in his new spearhead. Or maybe that staff of his. Anything that'd keep his potential opponent out of biting range. [url=]He didn't want to become the next Orli.[/url] [b](@Kuroda - Hochmael to Shun)[/b][/columns]
// Raphael nodded to Sister Inghinn at that, hoping the monastery would have some clue still. He paused at the scorched doors, hesitating at the sight. He'd seen charring like this before, but not from some beast. Not like the things cautioned at the start, at least. He sighed, shaking his head as he carefully stepped forward. He felt glad he had his wisps under control nowadays. He doubted the place could handle any more out of control flames. He squinted into the structure, cautious. He saw some drakes going upstairs, while others delved into the cellar. He shook his head again as one of the charred boards creaked underfoot, making his decision easily. "I'll stick to the ground floor. Easier to scramble out if the place starts to collapse that way." He couldn't help those soft annoyed hisses when Razael tried to stay by his side. He had fire, he had potions, and he had a nasty bite if the need arose. He'd be fine here, closer to the exit, hopefully where he could scramble out if the whole place caved in. He didn't need the coatl hovering over him. Surely the fellow would fare better elsewhere, like upstairs with that other imperial and the two that just darted after him. They both had staves, for Elevens' sakes! Maybe they were alike in some way! He couldn't help but let out a soft amused chortle at the image of the little coatl and the large imperial whacking one of those "beasts" for looking at Razael funny. He winced as he remembered the last time he'd felt that staff against his head, stepping back a little when he was met with that stubborn stare. Best not to draw the ire of the tiny terror of a coatl now. He may be able to patch himself up, but he didn't want to use his supplies within minutes of arriving at this place!
// Razael nodded to Sister Inghinn at that. "Of course, dear. I do believe most monasteries have some record of artifacts in their care. Records like those are a good place to start." He soon heard Raphael mutter about staying on the ground floor in case of a collapse and let out a trill of a sigh. "Well of course you would stick to the ground floor, dear. You're large enough to break through the floor yourself, and Eleven knows you've spent far too much time in the lower levels of the Spire. I don't blame you for a second." He heard a faint hissing protest from the foxfire, but he didn't seem to mind it much as he gave the place a quick once over. If he was counting correctly... "Well, I am lighter, dear. Doubt I'll be dropping down on you. Then again... you might need my help picking up on things, and records are sometimes kept in back rooms..." He heard another hiss from the foxfire, a remnant of his ancient days as an auraboa perhaps, and sighed. "Oh no you don't. I'll be staying right here on the ground floor with you, thank you very much. You'll need someone who knows their way around old records, and Sister Inghinn herself said she knew where some were kept. Might give some insight on how they ran the place, like what they did to guard these ashes before someone nipped off with them." He settled beside his grouchy companion, leaning against his staff as he gave the drake his best smile. The coatl seemed determined to stick around to explore the ground floor, no matter how the imperial felt about his presence. He had a lot to learn, after all, and if these beasts were involved... well, he wouldn't let one of his coworkers stop him from learning something new.
// Hochmael felt his feathers puff out a bit as he walked amongst the tombstones of the cemetery, his ears swiveling to try and catch any new sounds. He had experience with ruins, especially surrounded by nature. Even large groups of rambunctious students hadn't brought on such an oppressive silence. The beast that had moved into the old chapel in the ruins, however, had. Maybe it was the speech from earlier, or perhaps it was his nerves flaring up on him, but he didn't want to go into any of this alone. He wasn't about to tell Rowan either, but... he didn't feel the skydancer could take on one of these beasts himself. Then again, he hardly knew this drake. For all he knew, Brother Rowan could wipe out one of these beasts with his wings bound to his sides. He shook his head before approaching the groundskeeper's cottage, skirting the odd statue a gaoler was inspecting. It felt... uncanny; wrong in the worst possible way. He'd rather check the cottage with the mirror. He gave the hooded drake a nod, using his wing to prop up his spear in a resting position. "Right. If someone did this on purpose, the groundskeeper might know about it. If they're still here, that is. And if not... an abandoned cottage is a good place for someone like that to hide." He hoped he wouldn't need his spear, but if there was someone inside that wasn't too fond of visitors... He might need to break in his new spearhead. Or maybe that staff of his. Anything that'd keep his potential opponent out of biting range. He didn't want to become the next Orli.
(@Kuroda - Hochmael to Shun)

FXwV0CB.pngFObX7rS.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!

Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
[center][size=7][u][b]DAY ONE[/b][/u][/size][/center] (Fairly short responses in an attempt to catch up, sorry!) ----- [url=][img][/img][/url][color=transparent]_______[/color][Size=5][i][b]ASSISTANT[/b][/i][/size][color=transparent]_[/color][b][i]Investigates the Monestary[/i][/b] ----- Assistant would follow Sister Inghinn into the Monestary, the ominous building looking like something torn right out of a horror story. She was quiet as she tried to maintain composure and some semblance of bravery, still offering a smile the pearlcatcher as she drew close. [url=][img][/img][/url][color=transparent]________________[/color][Size=5][i][b]DUNE[/b][/i][/size][color=transparent]_[/color][b][i]Investigates the Graveyard[/i][/b] ----- Dune would remain outside, opting to investigate the graveyard and only loosely sticking Brother Rowan's group. He would only offer a curt nod if any conversation was attempted, seemingly only interested in getting the job done.
(Fairly short responses in an attempt to catch up, sorry!)

86819243.png_______ASSISTANT_Investigates the Monestary
Assistant would follow Sister Inghinn into the Monestary, the ominous building looking like something torn right out of a horror story. She was quiet as she tried to maintain composure and some semblance of bravery, still offering a smile the pearlcatcher as she drew close.

Dune.png________________DUNE_Investigates the Graveyard
Dune would remain outside, opting to investigate the graveyard and only loosely sticking Brother Rowan's group. He would only offer a curt nod if any conversation was attempted, seemingly only interested in getting the job done.
@SnailEmail [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Assistant and Dune find themselves joining just as the two parties have started to depart on their respective explorations. Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next? [b]> The upper halls > The ground floor > The cellar [/b] —— [url=][img][/img][/url] Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next? [b]> The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue [/b]


Assistant and Dune find themselves joining just as the two parties have started to depart on their respective explorations.

Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next?

> The upper halls
> The ground floor
> The cellar



Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue
The shadows of Ravenswood grow longer as the sun begins to set. A sign on the gates before the graveyard reads ‘no visitors after dusk’, although the font is so faded that it is barely legible.

The majority of the party have already made their choices. The remainder have until the end of rollover tonight (12/28) to finish their selections before the first day closes. Replies to the second half of day 1 will be posted in an epilogue tomorrow along with the introduction for a new day.
The shadows of Ravenswood grow longer as the sun begins to set. A sign on the gates before the graveyard reads ‘no visitors after dusk’, although the font is so faded that it is barely legible.

The majority of the party have already made their choices. The remainder have until the end of rollover tonight (12/28) to finish their selections before the first day closes. Replies to the second half of day 1 will be posted in an epilogue tomorrow along with the introduction for a new day.
Day 1

"Bella, what did you sign me up for?" asked Yadin as he stood away from the others gathered by the monastery. The large Imperial would never admit he was actually shy. His companion was perched atop his back where she had planted herself for the journey to Ravenswood, refusing to dismount. The lights along her metal casings blinked rhythmically in bright blues.

"You have been signed up on a fun adventure, Yadin," said the Sandsurge-like robot in a pleasant yet oddly monotone voice. "A request was made of me to, ah, 'get you outside more.'"

"Bah," Yadin snorted. "I’m outside now." He looked around, his many eyes squirming. "At least that awful sun is gone. I love the gloom. Gloooom!"

"I ask you to stop. Your behavior is not socially acceptable at the moment."

Yadin visibly recoiled and murmured, "Your behavior is not socially acceptable."

Of course, Bella heard him. "Yes, my behavior is socially acceptable. I was programmed to —"

"Yes, yes, you were programmed to do this and that…"

The fan-like ridge along Bella’s back shivered. "If you plan on learning some social skills, there are other dragons here you can interact with." Yadin stood steadfast away from the others. Bella jumped from the Imperial's back and landed with a silvery clink as she made contact with the damp earth. "The group appears to be splitting into two parties," she told Yadin. "If my calculations are correct, you will most likely take the route to the graveyard, with Brother Rowan, and I of course will follow you. I base my assumption upon your proclivity towards decay and —"

"Did you say graveyard?" Yadin said, perking up. "Ooh, I wonder who is buried there…"

Bella sighed (or, gave off a noise as close to a sigh that a robot could muster). "You cannot talk to nor befriend dead dragons, Yadin… you have to talk to the dragons who are alive."

"I talk to you," Yadin said as he began to lumber away. "And you’re not alive, or something like that."
Day 1

"Bella, what did you sign me up for?" asked Yadin as he stood away from the others gathered by the monastery. The large Imperial would never admit he was actually shy. His companion was perched atop his back where she had planted herself for the journey to Ravenswood, refusing to dismount. The lights along her metal casings blinked rhythmically in bright blues.

"You have been signed up on a fun adventure, Yadin," said the Sandsurge-like robot in a pleasant yet oddly monotone voice. "A request was made of me to, ah, 'get you outside more.'"

"Bah," Yadin snorted. "I’m outside now." He looked around, his many eyes squirming. "At least that awful sun is gone. I love the gloom. Gloooom!"

"I ask you to stop. Your behavior is not socially acceptable at the moment."

Yadin visibly recoiled and murmured, "Your behavior is not socially acceptable."

Of course, Bella heard him. "Yes, my behavior is socially acceptable. I was programmed to —"

"Yes, yes, you were programmed to do this and that…"

The fan-like ridge along Bella’s back shivered. "If you plan on learning some social skills, there are other dragons here you can interact with." Yadin stood steadfast away from the others. Bella jumped from the Imperial's back and landed with a silvery clink as she made contact with the damp earth. "The group appears to be splitting into two parties," she told Yadin. "If my calculations are correct, you will most likely take the route to the graveyard, with Brother Rowan, and I of course will follow you. I base my assumption upon your proclivity towards decay and —"

"Did you say graveyard?" Yadin said, perking up. "Ooh, I wonder who is buried there…"

Bella sighed (or, gave off a noise as close to a sigh that a robot could muster). "You cannot talk to nor befriend dead dragons, Yadin… you have to talk to the dragons who are alive."

"I talk to you," Yadin said as he began to lumber away. "And you’re not alive, or something like that."
Good luck and enjoy everyone! It's unfortunate I didn't/don't have time to participate
Good luck and enjoy everyone! It's unfortunate I didn't/don't have time to participate
Looking for some dragons!futYkXZ.pngw8o0xW1.png
@Sick [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] The black iron gates squeak as Rowan began to close them before he notices Bella and Yadin trying to squeeze through. “Oh, I apologize” he responds worriedly as he pulls the gates open once more to allow them passage. The rest of the party has already begun to disperse within the cemetery. “Best be quick” Rowan replies as he stares up at the sky, “sundown is nearly upon us”. The cemetery is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and wethered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see that statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier. Where will you explore next? > The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue

The black iron gates squeak as Rowan began to close them before he notices Bella and Yadin trying to squeeze through. “Oh, I apologize” he responds worriedly as he pulls the gates open once more to allow them passage. The rest of the party has already begun to disperse within the cemetery. “Best be quick” Rowan replies as he stares up at the sky, “sundown is nearly upon us”.

The cemetery is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and wethered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see that statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue
[center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]The Imperial perked up considerably from her awkward demeanor as the gracious Sister offered her a book for herself. [b]"Oh, thank you so much,"[/b] she offered as she attached the chain to herself immediately, the brightness in her face causing Dynas to smile. As they entered and looked over the place, he took a deep breath. He watched as the group split between the floors and looked to Woe. [b]"Let's stay here on the ground floor,"[/b] he suggested. [b]"Part of me thinks the cellar would be best for your size, but I believe we'll be fine here."[/b] Once she nodded her approval, the Pearlcatcher lead the way to join the group [b]staying on the ground floor[/b].[/columns] [img][/img] [columns]The deep blue Gaoler followed through the gates and initially was going to head toward the strange statue, but seeing that quite a few others were already heading that direction, she let them take care of the weirdness there and instead made her way [b]toward the mausoleum[/b].[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns]
The Imperial perked up considerably from her awkward demeanor as the gracious Sister offered her a book for herself.

"Oh, thank you so much," she offered as she attached the chain to herself immediately, the brightness in her face causing Dynas to smile. As they entered and looked over the place, he took a deep breath. He watched as the group split between the floors and looked to Woe.

"Let's stay here on the ground floor," he suggested. "Part of me thinks the cellar would be best for your size, but I believe we'll be fine here." Once she nodded her approval, the Pearlcatcher lead the way to join the group staying on the ground floor.
The deep blue Gaoler followed through the gates and initially was going to head toward the strange statue, but seeing that quite a few others were already heading that direction, she let them take care of the weirdness there and instead made her way toward the mausoleum. 66735071p.png
Day 1 -- Epilogue

"Thank you, Brother Rowan," Bella says with a nod as she passes by the Skydancer holding open the large gates. "We do not mean to lag behind." Her bright blue eyes lead Rowan’s gaze towards her Imperial companion who is already looking around the cemetery in earnest. "Be careful, Yadin," Bella scolds.

Brother Rowan was right; the ever-present gloom is growing thicker by the moment. Inside the old cemetery Bella rapidly scans the ancient headstones and memorials around her, trying to ascertain some data. "I can’t read any of this," mutters Yadin. "Can you make sense of this, Bella?"


Yadin sighs. He slowly makes his way towards the large mausoleum, taking special care to not disturb any graves due to his largeness. "Bella, look at this!" The lights along his companion's casings glitter with excitement, like a string of eerie blue fireflies -- or a will o' the wisp -- hovering out amid the darkening gravestones. She prods towards him and the mausoleum.
Day 1 -- Epilogue

"Thank you, Brother Rowan," Bella says with a nod as she passes by the Skydancer holding open the large gates. "We do not mean to lag behind." Her bright blue eyes lead Rowan’s gaze towards her Imperial companion who is already looking around the cemetery in earnest. "Be careful, Yadin," Bella scolds.

Brother Rowan was right; the ever-present gloom is growing thicker by the moment. Inside the old cemetery Bella rapidly scans the ancient headstones and memorials around her, trying to ascertain some data. "I can’t read any of this," mutters Yadin. "Can you make sense of this, Bella?"


Yadin sighs. He slowly makes his way towards the large mausoleum, taking special care to not disturb any graves due to his largeness. "Bella, look at this!" The lights along his companion's casings glitter with excitement, like a string of eerie blue fireflies -- or a will o' the wisp -- hovering out amid the darkening gravestones. She prods towards him and the mausoleum.
[center][b][url=]D A Y | O N E [/url][/b][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#41573e]C A L A D O R N [/b] Caladorn would pause, his old features stopping for a few seconds, his brain stuttering to life, ah, someone was speaking to him? Weren't they? He'd slowly move, turning his head to meet the eyes of another imperial, much younger then his, and seemly a much more quiet pearlcatcher by her side. He didn't get a name from the first one, but she seemed chipper, kind, and he gave her a smile in return to her greeting him. [b][color=#41573e]" ... Ah, more company then?"[/b][/color] He'd laughed gently. [b][color=#41573e]"Of course, I'd be delighted, your disturbing nothing, I am always eager to see more friendly faces where I can, and I think you are right,"[/b][/color] He'd nod. [b][color=#41573e]"The more paws, the better."[/b][/color] He would look back over to Temper, staring at her, not with anything but curiosity, a bit of wander. [b][color=#41573e]"For what it is worth, I am Caladorn, Caladorn Crechz, of course Caladorn easily works, it is a pleasure to meet both of you,"[/b][/color] He'd say. [b][color=#41573e]"I am, a man of the woods, a healer, if you need anything, please, merely ask."[/b][/color] {@cinderrain}


Caladorn would pause, his old features stopping for a few seconds, his brain stuttering to life, ah, someone was speaking to him? Weren't they? He'd slowly move, turning his head to meet the eyes of another imperial, much younger then his, and seemly a much more quiet pearlcatcher by her side.

He didn't get a name from the first one, but she seemed chipper, kind, and he gave her a smile in return to her greeting him. " ... Ah, more company then?" He'd laughed gently. "Of course, I'd be delighted, your disturbing nothing, I am always eager to see more friendly faces where I can, and I think you are right," He'd nod. "The more paws, the better." He would look back over to Temper, staring at her, not with anything but curiosity, a bit of wander.

"For what it is worth, I am Caladorn, Caladorn Crechz, of course Caladorn easily works, it is a pleasure to meet both of you," He'd say. "I am, a man of the woods, a healer, if you need anything, please, merely ask."

cQcx9mq.png q3Me7tJ.png BQZEXau.png hWPjBUy.png
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