
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [CYOA | BARGHEST] A Scattering Of Ashes
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I meant to submit this guy too but lowkey panicked last night. Sorry! [b]Clan Name:[/b] None/Wandering [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Dune [b]Dragon Link:[/b] Note: Image is a scry but 'canon' appearance [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Special Abilities:[/b] Dune is an incredibly adept fighter, being born into what is essentially a lineage of divine warriors. He also bears a tiny fragment of divinity, which mostly manifests itself as a resistance to corrupting/dark magics and overall resilience. [b]Is this character open to role play from other players within the thread?:[/b] Yes, but please ping. I also may not have the energy for long/frequent replies; sorry about that. Linked tiny img for front page: [url=][img][/img][/url]
I meant to submit this guy too but lowkey panicked last night. Sorry!

Clan Name: None/Wandering
Dragon Name: Dune
Dragon Link: Note: Image is a scry but 'canon' appearance
Special Abilities: Dune is an incredibly adept fighter, being born into what is essentially a lineage of divine warriors. He also bears a tiny fragment of divinity, which mostly manifests itself as a resistance to corrupting/dark magics and overall resilience.
Is this character open to role play from other players within the thread?: Yes, but please ping. I also may not have the energy for long/frequent replies; sorry about that.

Linked tiny img for front page:
[center][size=5][url=][color=black]Day 1[/url][/size] --------[url=] [img][/img][/url] Foxtail had always preferred being outdoors - she often felt trapped in enclosed spaces due to her large size. However, there was something deeply [i]wrong[/i] with this place that made her hesitate to stay outside any longer than she had to. The acrid scent of death and decay clung far too tightly here for it to be natural. As her eyes darted around, she couldn't shake the sickly feeling that someone or something was watching her. Suppressing a shudder, she approached Sister Inghinn and volunteered to join the team [b]investigating the monastery[/b]. [/center]
Day 1


Foxtail had always preferred being outdoors - she often felt trapped in enclosed spaces due to her large size. However, there was something deeply wrong with this place that made her hesitate to stay outside any longer than she had to. The acrid scent of death and decay clung far too tightly here for it to be natural. As her eyes darted around, she couldn't shake the sickly feeling that someone or something was watching her. Suppressing a shudder, she approached Sister Inghinn and volunteered to join the team investigating the monastery.
[center][img][/img][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7][b][color=transparent]/[/color][url=]DAY ONE[/url][color=transparent]/[/color][/b][/size][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=transparent]//[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Monotype Corsiva]Raphael peered at the grounds, his eyes narrowed at the statues in the graveyard. He was used to this sort of thing. Honestly, he could call the entire ruin in the heart of the massive Garden of the Eleven one giant graveyard. Well, perhaps his partner would call it that, but for culture and history itself. With the "living statue" watching the renovation of the place, he should feel comfortable with the statues in the cemetery. However... perhaps it was that uncanny valley he'd read about once, or maybe it was the fact Kaurik was just a little too good at sneaking up on him, but he simply couldn't handle the notion of walking among the graves of those long gone. [b]He approached the monastery, giving Sister Inghinn a small smile.[/b] "Probably good to start where it was last kept, right? Might find something there."[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=transparent]//[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Monotype Corsiva]Razael watched as Raphael sauntered over to Sister Inghinn, clearly trying to hide something. Knowing the Imperial, he'd probably seen something he didn't like in the graveyard. He may be a hobbyist who loves plants, but there's a difference between a garden, the wilderness itself, and the final resting place of many drakes. He tried not to chuckle at the image of an auraboa, spooked by a nasty storm, darting off to find someplace nice, small, and dark to hole up in. He shook his head, sighing. Right then. He doubted he'd do well out in the open, either. He liked his four walls, roofs, and nice sturdy doors. [b]He followed Raphael to the monastery, leaning on his staff a bit as he thought aloud.[/b] "Not the best with tombstones and plants myself, but I know my way around records and other little things a thief may leave behind. Too many students seem to think they can sneak things by me without me even knowing it..."[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=transparent]//[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Monotype Corsiva]Hochmael sighed to himself as he watched the group split up. He could understand why some studious drakes would choose to go inside the monastery, but he knew he wouldn't be too useful inside. He may wear silks and glasses, but at heart he was a fighter. Besides, most of his patrols were in the Garden of the Eleven. He was picking up more on these hounds that had started to move in, but with the first one that had made herself known to him... He turned his back on the monastery. [b]He'd take his chances with the graveyard and surrounding grounds alongside Brother Rowan.[/b] He settled in the large group, nodding to himself. "With how many there are going this way, we'll probably handle ourselves well enough if we come across... say, grave-robbers, or perhaps some of the more volatile fauna in the area."[/columns]
// Raphael peered at the grounds, his eyes narrowed at the statues in the graveyard. He was used to this sort of thing. Honestly, he could call the entire ruin in the heart of the massive Garden of the Eleven one giant graveyard. Well, perhaps his partner would call it that, but for culture and history itself. With the "living statue" watching the renovation of the place, he should feel comfortable with the statues in the cemetery. However... perhaps it was that uncanny valley he'd read about once, or maybe it was the fact Kaurik was just a little too good at sneaking up on him, but he simply couldn't handle the notion of walking among the graves of those long gone. He approached the monastery, giving Sister Inghinn a small smile. "Probably good to start where it was last kept, right? Might find something there."
// Razael watched as Raphael sauntered over to Sister Inghinn, clearly trying to hide something. Knowing the Imperial, he'd probably seen something he didn't like in the graveyard. He may be a hobbyist who loves plants, but there's a difference between a garden, the wilderness itself, and the final resting place of many drakes. He tried not to chuckle at the image of an auraboa, spooked by a nasty storm, darting off to find someplace nice, small, and dark to hole up in. He shook his head, sighing. Right then. He doubted he'd do well out in the open, either. He liked his four walls, roofs, and nice sturdy doors. He followed Raphael to the monastery, leaning on his staff a bit as he thought aloud. "Not the best with tombstones and plants myself, but I know my way around records and other little things a thief may leave behind. Too many students seem to think they can sneak things by me without me even knowing it..."
// Hochmael sighed to himself as he watched the group split up. He could understand why some studious drakes would choose to go inside the monastery, but he knew he wouldn't be too useful inside. He may wear silks and glasses, but at heart he was a fighter. Besides, most of his patrols were in the Garden of the Eleven. He was picking up more on these hounds that had started to move in, but with the first one that had made herself known to him... He turned his back on the monastery. He'd take his chances with the graveyard and surrounding grounds alongside Brother Rowan. He settled in the large group, nodding to himself. "With how many there are going this way, we'll probably handle ourselves well enough if we come across... say, grave-robbers, or perhaps some of the more volatile fauna in the area."

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Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
[img][/img] [b]MAIA[/b] looked back and forth between the two, chirruping curiously. [i]Outside? Outside![/i] she realized, [b]toddling after Brother Rowan towards the cemetery.[/b] [img][/img] [b]PRION[/b] stood in silence, eyes observing keenly from within her exposed skull. Tsk'ing at the Coatl's childish wonder, she decided to [b]enter the monastery with Sister Inghim.[/b]
MAIA looked back and forth between the two, chirruping curiously. Outside? Outside! she realized, toddling after Brother Rowan towards the cemetery.

PRION stood in silence, eyes observing keenly from within her exposed skull. Tsk'ing at the Coatl's childish wonder, she decided to enter the monastery with Sister Inghim.
@Disillusionist [center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Rowan looks back over his shoulder, overhearing a whisper passed between Cantor and Pravuil, although he decidedly chooses not to interject. His ears perk for a moment, but Cantor calls out to address him only a moment later. He forces a smile in reply. “Certainly, right this way. . .” Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next? [b]> The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue [/b]

Rowan looks back over his shoulder, overhearing a whisper passed between Cantor and Pravuil, although he decidedly chooses not to interject. His ears perk for a moment, but Cantor calls out to address him only a moment later. He forces a smile in reply. “Certainly, right this way. . .”

Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue
@Starwindrider [center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Ciarre is the first to approach Sister Inghinn and is greeted with a tense, but warm smile. Once the remainder of the group decides which party to join, she leads you up the crumbling stone steps. Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next? [b]> The upper halls > The ground floor > The cellar [/b] [center]——[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Rowan nods as Minghui joins the small group that has already formed around him. You wait for the rest of the group to join before Rowan begins to walk towards the iron gates that mark the entrance. Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next? [b]> The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue [/b]

Ciarre is the first to approach Sister Inghinn and is greeted with a tense, but warm smile. Once the remainder of the group decides which party to join, she leads you up the crumbling stone steps.

Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next?

> The upper halls
> The ground floor
> The cellar


Rowan nods as Minghui joins the small group that has already formed around him. You wait for the rest of the group to join before Rowan begins to walk towards the iron gates that mark the entrance.

Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue
@WolfandCrow [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] The party surrounding Brother Rowan continues to grow as Mimar as Conway join the ranks. A look of relief washes over Rowan for a moment. “Good to have you join us! We will be setting off momentarily.” Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next? [b]> The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue [/b] [center] - - [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Inghinn is surrounded by only one other dragon as Gunnar approaches. She notes that the Imperial already has paper and ink at the ready. Her own journal hangs from a leather strap at her side. “I am sure your careful documentation will come in handy. I know we have just met, but please, take this. Wouldn’t want to run out of paper”. She passes Gunnar a blank book with a thin golden chain attached to the spine before leading the party up the crumbling steps. [item=shackled book of legends] Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next? [b]> The upper halls > The ground floor > The cellar [/b]

The party surrounding Brother Rowan continues to grow as Mimar as Conway join the ranks. A look of relief washes over Rowan for a moment. “Good to have you join us! We will be setting off momentarily.”

Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue

- -

Inghinn is surrounded by only one other dragon as Gunnar approaches. She notes that the Imperial already has paper and ink at the ready. Her own journal hangs from a leather strap at her side. “I am sure your careful documentation will come in handy. I know we have just met, but please, take this. Wouldn’t want to run out of paper”. She passes Gunnar a blank book with a thin golden chain attached to the spine before leading the party up the crumbling steps.

Shackled Book of Legends

Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next?

> The upper halls
> The ground floor
> The cellar
@Dragonfire546 [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] The Pearlcatcher grins as the party beside her grows. There had been only two others standing beside her before. She welcomes Xeylth and Amoranwen, guiding them up the crumbling steps. Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next? [b]> The upper halls > The ground floor > The cellar [/b]

The Pearlcatcher grins as the party beside her grows. There had been only two others standing beside her before. She welcomes Xeylth and Amoranwen, guiding them up the crumbling steps.

Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next?

> The upper halls
> The ground floor
> The cellar
@Kuroda [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Rowan turns at the sound of a voice and finds the dark-furred Gaoler and a Mirror standing behind him. He clears his throat as he addresses the Gaoler’s question. “The ashes we seek are not of an ordinary nature. They were sealed away here in Ravenswood for they are tainted as darkly as the Shade itself. I am certain for those who have encountered that darkness before, the ashes. . . And anything they have touched, will be recognizable.” Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next? [b]> The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue [/b] —- [url=][img][/img][/url] Inghinn welcomes Rogue, the Imperial joining the group just before they set up the crumbling stone stairs towards the Monastery’s entrance. Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next? [b]> The upper halls > The ground floor > The cellar [/b]


Rowan turns at the sound of a voice and finds the dark-furred Gaoler and a Mirror standing behind him. He clears his throat as he addresses the Gaoler’s question. “The ashes we seek are not of an ordinary nature. They were sealed away here in Ravenswood for they are tainted as darkly as the Shade itself. I am certain for those who have encountered that darkness before, the ashes. . . And anything they have touched, will be recognizable.”

Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue



Inghinn welcomes Rogue, the Imperial joining the group just before they set up the crumbling stone stairs towards the Monastery’s entrance.

Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next?

> The upper halls
> The ground floor
> The cellar
@8BitFey [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] A rather imposing Imperial approaches to join Rowan’s party. . . Yet he can sense her unrest. Still, he is thankful when she offers both her watchful eyes and the blade at her side in service. “You are correct, we should all keep our guard up! Even I am not certain what peril awaits”. Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next? [b]> The groundskeeper’s cottage > The mausoleum > The shifting statue [/b] —- [url=][img][/img][/url] The Imperial who approaches Inghinn is not like the rest of the group. She notes the tattered fabric that covers his body, his slow, but purposeful gait, and those eyes that peer from beneath his hood shimmer with an old wisdom. Despite the circumstances, she feels an ease wash over her. “That is a kind offer, and we are glad to have you. I know we have but just met, but please accept this. In my hands these are only a charm for good luck, but some say that skilled healers may turn them into a remedy for illness.” The Pearlcatcher turns back to the rest of the group then, ready to lead you forward. [item=meadow spare tea] Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next? [b]> The upper halls > The ground floor > The cellar [/b]


A rather imposing Imperial approaches to join Rowan’s party. . . Yet he can sense her unrest. Still, he is thankful when she offers both her watchful eyes and the blade at her side in service. “You are correct, we should all keep our guard up! Even I am not certain what peril awaits”.

Rowan leads you past the iron gates and into the expansive cemetery that spans the grounds behind the monastery. It is full of crumbling headstones, their engravings faded and weathered with time. Several brittle leaves blow past in a gentle breeze and you note how quiet it is here. Not even the sound of birdsong permeates the air. There is much ground to explore, but most notably there is a large mausoleum that stands out amidst the remainder of the cemetery along with an old groundskeeper’s cottage at the edge of the woods. You can still see the statue you spotted that appeared to be shifting earlier as well. Where will you explore next?

> The groundskeeper’s cottage
> The mausoleum
> The shifting statue



The Imperial who approaches Inghinn is not like the rest of the group. She notes the tattered fabric that covers his body, his slow, but purposeful gait, and those eyes that peer from beneath his hood shimmer with an old wisdom. Despite the circumstances, she feels an ease wash over her. “That is a kind offer, and we are glad to have you. I know we have but just met, but please accept this. In my hands these are only a charm for good luck, but some say that skilled healers may turn them into a remedy for illness.” The Pearlcatcher turns back to the rest of the group then, ready to lead you forward.

Meadow Spare Tea

Inghinn cautiously approaches the door, pressing against it lightly and finding it easily pushed open. It creaks on its hinges as it swings inward, revealing the gloomy interior of the monastery. You step inside, noting that the entryway appears severely damaged as if it had previously been badly burned. Several of the floorboards are charred and unsteady, ready to give way underfoot. After a brief survey, you conclude that there are three floors to the structure including the ground floor, a series of upper rooms and a cellar. Where will you explore next?

> The upper halls
> The ground floor
> The cellar
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