
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [CYOA | BARGHEST] A Scattering Of Ashes
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[center][url=][b]Day 1 Epilogue[/b][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] The two dragons stand close together, nodding at the findings presented by the other groups. Cantor murmurs, "I wonder what we would've found if [i]we[/i] had gone in those other directions." "No use griping about it. I'll be glad to get some sleep—Oy!" Pravuil jerks back, clearly shocked, at the image that rises up from Father Herald's book. Cantor arches his eyeridges. "What now?" "I recognize that Pearlcatcher. He's the son of a couple of my clanmates." "Really? You'll have to tell me more about that clan you've fallen in with sometime." Cantor doesn't seem all that interested, though. Like Pravuil, he's tired and is just more focused on winding down for the night. ((Serious RP post. Aaaaaand I just realized I flubbed Cantor's and Pravuil's intro forms. Pravuil should be the one who's already part of the clan, while Cantor's currently a homeless vagabond.))

The two dragons stand close together, nodding at the findings presented by the other groups. Cantor murmurs, "I wonder what we would've found if we had gone in those other directions."

"No use griping about it. I'll be glad to get some sleep—Oy!" Pravuil jerks back, clearly shocked, at the image that rises up from Father Herald's book. Cantor arches his eyeridges. "What now?"

"I recognize that Pearlcatcher. He's the son of a couple of my clanmates."

"Really? You'll have to tell me more about that clan you've fallen in with sometime." Cantor doesn't seem all that interested, though. Like Pravuil, he's tired and is just more focused on winding down for the night.

((Serious RP post. Aaaaaand I just realized I flubbed Cantor's and Pravuil's intro forms. Pravuil should be the one who's already part of the clan, while Cantor's currently a homeless vagabond.))
Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female / INTJ / Capricorn / +15 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
Epilogue post for day 1 - no action taken

The cellar was dark, evidently. Halfway down the steps, Amoranwen pulled a candle from her satchel and lit it. The flame cast long shadows over the walls that ebbed and flowed like the tide, leaping with her movements.

She cast a quick glance behind her to see if there was anyone else following. Surprisingly, there were a few. Xeylth walked with them, his eyes darting nervously. Amora rolled her eyes; even though he’d agreed to come with her, he was still worried about danger. If he had a more enterprising spirit, she was sure he’d excel as a witch.

A change in the stone beneath her claws made her stop. Glancing down, Amora noticed deep gouges. A shiver of excitement ran through her.

Well, I’ll be damned.

Finally, the group made it to the bottom. In the light of their lanterns and torches, a silver glint shone. Amora stepped forward carefully, lowering her candle to the shine. She raised her brows as it revealed itself to be chain links.

“What did you find- oh.” Xeylth stopped beside her at the sight of the chains. “What in madness’s name is this?”

“Hang on.” Amora knelt and scooped up a few links. In her talons, she could feel the magic thrumming through them. These were once powerful artifacts, and as for what they once held…

Magical chains… claw marks… it was something big, something dangerous. This was turning out to be amazing. She had to know more.

Quietly, she slid a few links into her scarf. Surely Herald wouldn’t notice.

“What are these? Chain links?” Xeylth wrinkled his nose. “Why would there be chain links here? What could a monastery need to contain?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

After the rendezvous with Herald, Amora and Xeylth headed off to a nearby inn, one which they initially rented upon arriving at the harbour. As soon as they’d entered, Xeylth had muttered something about going to sleep and begun undressing.

Sitting in their room, Amora pulled the links from her scarf, turning them over in her claws.

“Wait- did you take those?”

Amora turned to Xeylth, who gaped incredulously. “What? It’s only a couple links.”

“You took them from the haunted monastery! How do we know those aren’t haunted as well?!” He flared his wings, his scarf hanging untied from his neck.

“That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

“Well- maybe think twice about it? Or get Herald’s opinion on this, or Inghinn’s?”

He’s not telling me to put the pieces back; he’s just as curious as I am. “I’ve already examined them: there’s no malign magic, it’s simply a containing enchantment. There’s not much these can do now, because they’re - you know - no longer a chain.”

“…Fair point,” he muttered.

“Here.” Amora held out a few links. “You can have some too.”


“Think of it as a souvenir,” she smiled.

“…Right. A souvenir of a deadly place.” He gingerly plucked the chain links from her claws.

“You didn’t die. It’s not deadly.”

“Someone else could’ve.”

“No, no one did- Xeylth, come on. Don’t be dramatic.”

“Fine- forget it, I’m going to bathe.” He stepped towards the bathroom, then stopped. In a softer voice, he added: “…Thanks for the links.”

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

The Wildclaw looked at her one last time, then left. Amora herself turned back to the links. Happily, she began to investigate them.
Epilogue post for day 1 - no action taken

The cellar was dark, evidently. Halfway down the steps, Amoranwen pulled a candle from her satchel and lit it. The flame cast long shadows over the walls that ebbed and flowed like the tide, leaping with her movements.

She cast a quick glance behind her to see if there was anyone else following. Surprisingly, there were a few. Xeylth walked with them, his eyes darting nervously. Amora rolled her eyes; even though he’d agreed to come with her, he was still worried about danger. If he had a more enterprising spirit, she was sure he’d excel as a witch.

A change in the stone beneath her claws made her stop. Glancing down, Amora noticed deep gouges. A shiver of excitement ran through her.

Well, I’ll be damned.

Finally, the group made it to the bottom. In the light of their lanterns and torches, a silver glint shone. Amora stepped forward carefully, lowering her candle to the shine. She raised her brows as it revealed itself to be chain links.

“What did you find- oh.” Xeylth stopped beside her at the sight of the chains. “What in madness’s name is this?”

“Hang on.” Amora knelt and scooped up a few links. In her talons, she could feel the magic thrumming through them. These were once powerful artifacts, and as for what they once held…

Magical chains… claw marks… it was something big, something dangerous. This was turning out to be amazing. She had to know more.

Quietly, she slid a few links into her scarf. Surely Herald wouldn’t notice.

“What are these? Chain links?” Xeylth wrinkled his nose. “Why would there be chain links here? What could a monastery need to contain?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

After the rendezvous with Herald, Amora and Xeylth headed off to a nearby inn, one which they initially rented upon arriving at the harbour. As soon as they’d entered, Xeylth had muttered something about going to sleep and begun undressing.

Sitting in their room, Amora pulled the links from her scarf, turning them over in her claws.

“Wait- did you take those?”

Amora turned to Xeylth, who gaped incredulously. “What? It’s only a couple links.”

“You took them from the haunted monastery! How do we know those aren’t haunted as well?!” He flared his wings, his scarf hanging untied from his neck.

“That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

“Well- maybe think twice about it? Or get Herald’s opinion on this, or Inghinn’s?”

He’s not telling me to put the pieces back; he’s just as curious as I am. “I’ve already examined them: there’s no malign magic, it’s simply a containing enchantment. There’s not much these can do now, because they’re - you know - no longer a chain.”

“…Fair point,” he muttered.

“Here.” Amora held out a few links. “You can have some too.”


“Think of it as a souvenir,” she smiled.

“…Right. A souvenir of a deadly place.” He gingerly plucked the chain links from her claws.

“You didn’t die. It’s not deadly.”

“Someone else could’ve.”

“No, no one did- Xeylth, come on. Don’t be dramatic.”

“Fine- forget it, I’m going to bathe.” He stepped towards the bathroom, then stopped. In a softer voice, he added: “…Thanks for the links.”

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

The Wildclaw looked at her one last time, then left. Amora herself turned back to the links. Happily, she began to investigate them.
Loki - They/Them - FR Time 0+
Lore thread (WIP)
Dressing Service
Call of the Deep Lineage Project
[center]Oh shoot! Is it ok for me to submit my day 1? Work was super busy [rule][center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Mimir and Conway looked at each other and decided to split up Mimir went towards the the groundskeeper’s cottage while Conway went towards the the mausoleum [rule][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Gunnar accepted his gift excitedly and thanked Sister Inghinn profusely. When given his choice, he decided to start with the cellar. Especially if there's some hidden secret passages.
Oh shoot! Is it ok for me to submit my day 1? Work was super busy

Mimir and Conway looked at each other and decided to split up

Mimir went towards the the groundskeeper’s cottage while Conway went towards the the mausoleum


Gunnar accepted his gift excitedly and thanked Sister Inghinn profusely. When given his choice, he decided to start with the cellar. Especially if there's some hidden secret passages.
[center]Day 1 Epilogue [img][/img][/center] Rogue rummaged about with the three other dragons who joined him in the cellar. As two of the others came across the chains, he made his way over to inspect them, frowning as he carefully lifted up a link with a claw. He came to the same conclusion as Amora, nodding in agreement. "Can't help but wonder who or [i]what[/i] these were meant to keep locked up. Nothin' good I reckon." [center][img][/img][/center] Konstantin nodded back at Mameluke, appreciating the backup. As he inspected the statue, he couldn't help but snarl somewhat as it shifted into something more demonic. "What foul magic is this?" he rumbled. But it seemed that there wasn't much else here, save for a card that feel to the ground. Carefully, he picked it up. A playing card. He wasn't sure what the significance of that was right now, but he felt it was wise to hang into for the time being. "Getting dark. We should head back soon. " (@cinderrain Mameluke) [center][img][/img][/center] Shun grunted in response to the white and blue imperial joining him at the cottage. Though, it seemed that the building wasn't as abandoned as they anticipated. He jumped back as the for swung open abruptly, reading for some of his weapons. He relaxed only a touch when it was just the groundskeeper. A subtle frown crossed his features at the somewhat cryptic warning. His gaze flicked to the others with him, trying to gauge their reaction to this as well. "He was no real help," he muttered, before making his way back. (@clockworkeclipse Hochmael) ----- Back at the rendezvous, all three dragons listened and watched as things transpired. Rogue looked to the Father, wanting know what he knew of what once was bound in that cellar. Perhaps he could look into the chains later on. Konstantin bristled at the Pearl catcher. He was beginning to have a better idea of what might be going on here, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. Tonight, he had some research to do. Shun didn't have anything else to add after the findings were all shared. He'd be back for the next step.
Day 1 Epilogue

Rogue rummaged about with the three other dragons who joined him in the cellar. As two of the others came across the chains, he made his way over to inspect them, frowning as he carefully lifted up a link with a claw. He came to the same conclusion as Amora, nodding in agreement.

"Can't help but wonder who or what these were meant to keep locked up. Nothin' good I reckon."
Konstantin nodded back at Mameluke, appreciating the backup. As he inspected the statue, he couldn't help but snarl somewhat as it shifted into something more demonic.

"What foul magic is this?" he rumbled. But it seemed that there wasn't much else here, save for a card that feel to the ground. Carefully, he picked it up. A playing card. He wasn't sure what the significance of that was right now, but he felt it was wise to hang into for the time being.

"Getting dark. We should head back soon. "

(@cinderrain Mameluke)

Shun grunted in response to the white and blue imperial joining him at the cottage. Though, it seemed that the building wasn't as abandoned as they anticipated. He jumped back as the for swung open abruptly, reading for some of his weapons. He relaxed only a touch when it was just the groundskeeper.

A subtle frown crossed his features at the somewhat cryptic warning. His gaze flicked to the others with him, trying to gauge their reaction to this as well.

"He was no real help," he muttered, before making his way back.

(@clockworkeclipse Hochmael)

Back at the rendezvous, all three dragons listened and watched as things transpired. Rogue looked to the Father, wanting know what he knew of what once was bound in that cellar. Perhaps he could look into the chains later on.

Konstantin bristled at the Pearl catcher. He was beginning to have a better idea of what might be going on here, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. Tonight, he had some research to do.

Shun didn't have anything else to add after the findings were all shared. He'd be back for the next step.
aDfZQhN.png xxxxxxxxxxxxx Blade
He/him || FR+2
[center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]The ground floors held little in the way of information and Woe was not comfortable with the sheer amount of flies that had accumulated. Dynas wondered how the gems had made their way into the fireplace, but with no tell-tale signs and only claw marks, he made sure his Imperial companion had her share of the riches.[/columns] [img][/img] [columns]Pressing her own claws into the jagged marks left in the floor, Yuki got a bad feeling about the situation. She guessed the Father must have been right, after all. Whatever ashes they were checking were gone now. As she aided the others in the attempts to pick up the urn fragments, she would not notice a fragment of another kind following her out...[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][center]Upon returning with the shards of the urn and knowledge of the claw marks both in the monastery and the mausoleum, the appearance of a Pearlcatcher from the book was of interest. Dynas was least surprised of the three, but most intrigued. His Gaoler defender was surprised, but not in a good way. Her fur bristled at first, but settled as the situation was explained. Woe, however, was rather frightened by the released dragon. How terrifying it must have been for him! She wrung her claws nervously as things progressed and was relieved when they were released to rest. Pearlcatcher and Imperial went to spend the night in an inn while Yuki returned to the waters of the harbor.[/columns]
The ground floors held little in the way of information and
Woe was not comfortable with the sheer amount of flies that had accumulated. Dynas wondered how the gems had made their way into the fireplace, but with no tell-tale signs and only claw marks, he made sure his Imperial companion had her share of the riches.
Pressing her own claws into the jagged marks left in the floor, Yuki got a bad feeling about the situation. She guessed the Father must have been right, after all. Whatever ashes they were checking were gone now. As she aided the others in the attempts to pick up the urn fragments, she would not notice a fragment of another kind following her out... 66735071p.png
Upon returning with the shards of the urn and knowledge of the claw marks both in the monastery and the mausoleum, the appearance of a Pearlcatcher from the book was of interest. Dynas was least surprised of the three, but most intrigued. His Gaoler defender was surprised, but not in a good way. Her fur bristled at first, but settled as the situation was explained. Woe, however, was rather frightened by the released dragon. How terrifying it must have been for him! She wrung her claws nervously as things progressed and was relieved when they were released to rest. Pearlcatcher and Imperial went to spend the night in an inn while Yuki returned to the waters of the harbor.
[center][size=7] [b][font=sylfaen] DAY 2 - MAKE A WISH [/b][/size][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] You awaken early as Father Herald had mentioned that the journey would be long. You can hear the gulls chattering in the harbor as you step from the inn you are staying in and venture back towards the monastery. You are greeted by the priest’s assistants, although Father Herald himself is not present. Inghinn speaks first “we have been instructed to accompany you to a small town tucked on the border of the Scarred Wasteland and Tangled Woods”. Rowan chimes in next, “the journey will take several days, although we plan on utilizing the Moonportal to expedite the trip. It takes a day and a half to traverse the remainder of the Sunbeam Ruins followed by a rather nauseating teleportation through the stone arch that takes your team to the Tangled Woods. Perhaps you have a Shadow dragon among you who helps to calm several of the guards who are currently watching over the Sunportal. Another day passes marching through the Foxfire Bramble before the thorned flora subsides and opens into a clearing lined by a vibrant forest of live oak and blazing maple trees. You notice the outlines of several humble cottages and an old wooden sign hangs on creaking chains at the entrance to the town. “Welcome to Arrowstone” it reads. It is already growing dark after a long day of travel and you venture towards the town’s inn, listening to the humming of cicadas and crickets as you approach. It is a quaint wooden structure and an elderly Snapper opens the door to greet you. “Well, it certainly took y’all long enough to get here! Please, come in and get out of the cold! You can call me Mama Rae, dears! And don’t you fret, I’ve already made supper.” The Snapper smiles when she notices one of you carrying a lute. “Ah! Someone with a musical inkling then? Pray, why don’t you play us a song tonight?” [b]> WHAT SONG DO YOU PLAY? <share a song>[/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] There’s music and drinks and plenty of food and your team grows groggy following the great feast. None can deny that Mama Rae is an excellent cook. You retire to your respective rooms, tucking yourself into the fresh linens that smell faintly of lavender. The drone of cicadas still echoes outside and several fireflies flit past the window casting their gentle glow into the darkness. You find yourself easily lulled to sleep. . . and perhaps you begin to dream. The following morning, you awaken to the scent of freshly baking pastries. You join the other travelers crowded around the long oaken table in the inn’s dining hall. You hear a few others muttering of the strange dreams they had in the night and you find yourself contemplating your dreams from the night before as well. Brother Rowan glances in your direction, noticing your look of contemplation, “so, what did you dream about?” [b]> A red river > A clearing in the woods > An abandoned hunting estate [/b] [center][size=5] [b][font=sylfaen]DAY 2 MOODBOARD [/b][/size] [img][/img] Thanks to everyone who has participated in day 1! We are moving on to day 2 at this point. Responses for day 2 will be open for the next 48 hours (until rollover on January 1st) to allow time for any replies. Happy exploring! [center]@pinglist-10810[/center]
58152644.png 59388144.png

You awaken early as Father Herald had mentioned that the journey would be long. You can hear the gulls chattering in the harbor as you step from the inn you are staying in and venture back towards the monastery. You are greeted by the priest’s assistants, although Father Herald himself is not present. Inghinn speaks first “we have been instructed to accompany you to a small town tucked on the border of the Scarred Wasteland and Tangled Woods”. Rowan chimes in next, “the journey will take several days, although we plan on utilizing the Moonportal to expedite the trip.

It takes a day and a half to traverse the remainder of the Sunbeam Ruins followed by a rather nauseating teleportation through the stone arch that takes your team to the Tangled Woods. Perhaps you have a Shadow dragon among you who helps to calm several of the guards who are currently watching over the Sunportal. Another day passes marching through the Foxfire Bramble before the thorned flora subsides and opens into a clearing lined by a vibrant forest of live oak and blazing maple trees. You notice the outlines of several humble cottages and an old wooden sign hangs on creaking chains at the entrance to the town. “Welcome to Arrowstone” it reads. It is already growing dark after a long day of travel and you venture towards the town’s inn, listening to the humming of cicadas and crickets as you approach. It is a quaint wooden structure and an elderly Snapper opens the door to greet you. “Well, it certainly took y’all long enough to get here! Please, come in and get out of the cold! You can call me Mama Rae, dears! And don’t you fret, I’ve already made supper.” The Snapper smiles when she notices one of you carrying a lute. “Ah! Someone with a musical inkling then? Pray, why don’t you play us a song tonight?”

> WHAT SONG DO YOU PLAY? <share a song>

There’s music and drinks and plenty of food and your team grows groggy following the great feast. None can deny that Mama Rae is an excellent cook. You retire to your respective rooms, tucking yourself into the fresh linens that smell faintly of lavender. The drone of cicadas still echoes outside and several fireflies flit past the window casting their gentle glow into the darkness. You find yourself easily lulled to sleep. . . and perhaps you begin to dream.

The following morning, you awaken to the scent of freshly baking pastries. You join the other travelers crowded around the long oaken table in the inn’s dining hall. You hear a few others muttering of the strange dreams they had in the night and you find yourself contemplating your dreams from the night before as well. Brother Rowan glances in your direction, noticing your look of contemplation, “so, what did you dream about?”

> A red river
> A clearing in the woods
> An abandoned hunting estate



Thanks to everyone who has participated in day 1! We are moving on to day 2 at this point. Responses for day 2 will be open for the next 48 hours (until rollover on January 1st) to allow time for any replies. Happy exploring!

Ahh, sorry day 1 has already closed ;n ; Since you participated I’ve added you down for a raffle ticket for the day and there are several more days to come. I’ll try to be better at sending out a few reminders for the next few arcs!

Ahh, sorry day 1 has already closed ;n ; Since you participated I’ve added you down for a raffle ticket for the day and there are several more days to come. I’ll try to be better at sending out a few reminders for the next few arcs!
[center][url=][b]Day 2 - Make a Wish[/b][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Pravuil grins rather smarmily (or more smarmily than usual) when he hears Mama Rae's invitation to play a song. Raising his voice, he says, "My, [i]ahem[/i], friend here has some musical talent." "Pravuil, I will see you hanged for this," Cantor says. The words come from behind clenched teeth: He's "smiling" too, and it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Even his name reflects it! Old family name, I'm told, but very fitting in this case." Some of the inn's earlier customers start to clap, and Cantor sighs. He soon settles on [url=]an old song[/url]*. It tells the tale of an immortal being, laden with regrets and longing for death. He probably had someone else in mind when he chose this particular song, though he makes a point of scowling at Pravuil every time he sings the line "I will make you [i]hurt[/i]." [center]~ ~ ~[/center] The following morning, both he and Pravuil are feeling a bit less hostile towards each other, thanks to the breakfast pastries. Cantor is slipping back into drowsy fullness when Rowan's question pings against his ears. "Huh? Oh, I dreamed about tossing Pravuil off a cliff—" He breaks off, just as Pravuil's indignant scowl morphs into a similar look of surprise. [b]"A clearing in the woods!"[/b] they chorus. Pravuil scratches his head. "Now, why would we dream about that? We hate the woods." "Probably because we met up again in one," Cantor says dryly. The Tundra's snout wrinkles. "Also, did I truly have the same dream as you? How gross." * Song is a bardcore/medieval-style cover of Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt", by Hildegard von Blingin'.

Pravuil grins rather smarmily (or more smarmily than usual) when he hears Mama Rae's invitation to play a song. Raising his voice, he says, "My, ahem, friend here has some musical talent."

"Pravuil, I will see you hanged for this," Cantor says. The words come from behind clenched teeth: He's "smiling" too, and it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Even his name reflects it! Old family name, I'm told, but very fitting in this case."

Some of the inn's earlier customers start to clap, and Cantor sighs. He soon settles on an old song*. It tells the tale of an immortal being, laden with regrets and longing for death. He probably had someone else in mind when he chose this particular song, though he makes a point of scowling at Pravuil every time he sings the line "I will make you hurt."
~ ~ ~
The following morning, both he and Pravuil are feeling a bit less hostile towards each other, thanks to the breakfast pastries. Cantor is slipping back into drowsy fullness when Rowan's question pings against his ears.

"Huh? Oh, I dreamed about tossing Pravuil off a cliff—" He breaks off, just as Pravuil's indignant scowl morphs into a similar look of surprise.

"A clearing in the woods!" they chorus. Pravuil scratches his head. "Now, why would we dream about that? We hate the woods."

"Probably because we met up again in one," Cantor says dryly. The Tundra's snout wrinkles. "Also, did I truly have the same dream as you? How gross."

* Song is a bardcore/medieval-style cover of Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt", by Hildegard von Blingin'.
Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female / INTJ / Capricorn / +15 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
Amoranwen dreams of the abandoned hunting estate.

Xeylth dreams of the empty clearing.
Amoranwen dreams of the abandoned hunting estate.

Xeylth dreams of the empty clearing.
Loki - They/Them - FR Time 0+
Lore thread (WIP)
Dressing Service
Call of the Deep Lineage Project
[center][b][url=]D A Y | T W O [/url][/b][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#702525]K A L I[/b] The last days or few of traveling from ravenkeep towards the inn, Kali has been as quiet as always, the eeriness of her refusal to talk becoming all but perhaps a casual quirk the others had gotten used to by this point. She hadn't found much of use to her in her inspection of the mausoleum, nothing more then useless shards and wisps of what she could smell as possibly shade. Not, completely worthless to the Father maybe, but to her, gave little of worth as usual. She withheld her tongue to question him or the brother or sister that followed suit behind him, they had other things to worry about of course. She found no comfort in the warmth of the inn, least not as she would any other place. Everywhere was dangerous when you lived the life of a monster hunting monsters, and she kept her old cleaver right by the side of her bed as she attempted to sleep. She was not gifted the usual blanket of darkness in her dreams, and perhaps she was more bitter then usual upon being awakened, fresh food or not. She'd watch the others chatter among it all before she'd sure herself in full, her wings shuddering with her slow movement. The old woman, the snapper had asked her a question, hadn't she? About dreams? ... What exactly did she know? [color=#702525][b]" ... I foresaw a red river amongst the darkness of my mind, crimson as the blood of a fresh kill."[/b][/color] She spoke, soft but cold. [color=#702525][b]" ... These, dreams, what is the meaning of it all?"[/b][/color] She asked with a frown. [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#41573e]C A L A D O R N [/b] Caladorn wasn't quiet sure what to make of his findings, he could muse over them as he, with everyone one else, soon came to a tavern of sorts. He was refreshed to feel the warmth of fire on his scales, it was a delight a man such as himself wasn't used to, and he would drink from the experience for long as he could. He would thank their hostess- a lovely dragon around his age, a Snapper named Rae. He'd tilt his head in an almost pondering gesture as he asked a song from him and the others. [b][color=#41573e]"A song then?"[/b][/color] He said, rising one claw to his chin, scratching it. [b][color=#41573e]"I am, more familiar with something like, that of a lute or a stringed instrument, but, perhaps I could give it a go, yes?"[/b][/color] He said with a nod. He'd play, a melody that perhaps was presented as far two simple without the rest of the instruments or lyrics to go with it. [url=]Hollow Moon[/url]. A song of feeling like your being watched, of demons and dark thoughts haunting you and your dreams. Fitting was it not? He had learned of such song among his many travels in the darkness of the firefox bramble. After a night of good company, good food and good talk, he'd retired to a room, finding sleep coming to him far easier then he was used. But he'd take what he could get. The curiosity of it all was when he would awake the next morning, slowly but gently making his way down the stairs, ears flickering as he overheard the talk everything that was going on. He'd make his way over, hearing it all, but it was that of a pearlcatcher and a tundra that caught his attention. He had swore he'd heard their names before? Hadn't he? What was it? [b][color=#41573e]" ... The same dreams? Very, very odd is it not?"[/b][/color] He'd ask them as he craned his neck, just a bit, trying to not make himself two imposing as he walked over to the two of them. [b][color=#41573e]"There is often power in dreams, visions, perhaps, maybe images of the past, the possible future, of what could, or could not unfold before us,"[/b][/color] He go on. [b][color=#41573e]" ... Or maybe they are merely dreams, but, for something as puzzling as this, I think not."[/b][/color] [b][color=#41573e]"I am not unfamiliar with that of dreaming have deeper meanings to me, but this is even more curiosity, given that I two foresee a A clearing in the woods, what could it mean? We can only ponder."[/b][/color] He would speak, his words slow but emphasized. His eyes on Cantor and Pravuil. {@Disillusionist}


The last days or few of traveling from ravenkeep towards the inn, Kali has been as quiet as always, the eeriness of her refusal to talk becoming all but perhaps a casual quirk the others had gotten used to by this point.

She hadn't found much of use to her in her inspection of the mausoleum, nothing more then useless shards and wisps of what she could smell as possibly shade. Not, completely worthless to the Father maybe, but to her, gave little of worth as usual. She withheld her tongue to question him or the brother or sister that followed suit behind him, they had other things to worry about of course.

She found no comfort in the warmth of the inn, least not as she would any other place. Everywhere was dangerous when you lived the life of a monster hunting monsters, and she kept her old cleaver right by the side of her bed as she attempted to sleep. She was not gifted the usual blanket of darkness in her dreams, and perhaps she was more bitter then usual upon being awakened, fresh food or not.

She'd watch the others chatter among it all before she'd sure herself in full, her wings shuddering with her slow movement. The old woman, the snapper had asked her a question, hadn't she? About dreams? ... What exactly did she know?

" ... I foresaw a red river amongst the darkness of my mind, crimson as the blood of a fresh kill." She spoke, soft but cold. " ... These, dreams, what is the meaning of it all?" She asked with a frown.

Caladorn wasn't quiet sure what to make of his findings, he could muse over them as he, with everyone one else, soon came to a tavern of sorts. He was refreshed to feel the warmth of fire on his scales, it was a delight a man such as himself wasn't used to, and he would drink from the experience for long as he could.

He would thank their hostess- a lovely dragon around his age, a Snapper named Rae. He'd tilt his head in an almost pondering gesture as he asked a song from him and the others.

"A song then?" He said, rising one claw to his chin, scratching it. "I am, more familiar with something like, that of a lute or a stringed instrument, but, perhaps I could give it a go, yes?" He said with a nod.

He'd play, a melody that perhaps was presented as far two simple without the rest of the instruments or lyrics to go with it. Hollow Moon. A song of feeling like your being watched, of demons and dark thoughts haunting you and your dreams. Fitting was it not? He had learned of such song among his many travels in the darkness of the firefox bramble.

After a night of good company, good food and good talk, he'd retired to a room, finding sleep coming to him far easier then he was used. But he'd take what he could get.

The curiosity of it all was when he would awake the next morning, slowly but gently making his way down the stairs, ears flickering as he overheard the talk everything that was going on.

He'd make his way over, hearing it all, but it was that of a pearlcatcher and a tundra that caught his attention. He had swore he'd heard their names before? Hadn't he? What was it?

" ... The same dreams? Very, very odd is it not?" He'd ask them as he craned his neck, just a bit, trying to not make himself two imposing as he walked over to the two of them. "There is often power in dreams, visions, perhaps, maybe images of the past, the possible future, of what could, or could not unfold before us," He go on. " ... Or maybe they are merely dreams, but, for something as puzzling as this, I think not."

"I am not unfamiliar with that of dreaming have deeper meanings to me, but this is even more curiosity, given that I two foresee a A clearing in the woods, what could it mean? We can only ponder." He would speak, his words slow but emphasized. His eyes on Cantor and Pravuil.
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