
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [BSJ 2022] Crown Adventures
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@Lyncina Sure! I was planning on having Alessia save the dragon but I don't mind adding some tweaks and making her the dragon in need of saving. ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Alessia wanted to fly at full speed toward the battle she could see that had already started, but she knew the importance of saving her energy. As her small group of dragons approached Luminax, she vaguely noticed that her crown was gone. Probably stolen in the chaos, but she couldn't spare too much thought about that right now. She had a battle to win. Roaring, Alessia plunged into the thick of the fighting, clawing and biting down on the neck of the wind head. However, Luminax was too large, and with just a swing of the neck, Alessia was thrown off. She frantically flapped her wings to regain her balance and she tumbled through the air. Maneuvering through the debris and other fighting dragons, Alessia launched herself at the great Emperor again. Luminax blows out a strong gust of wind that Alessia was only able to avoid by veering off course. Her eyes watered so she closed them and navigated purely on instinct and her other senses. When she opened them again, she studied Luminax. It was difficult to see how injured the dragon was, but the dragons fighting alongside Alessia were starting to get injured and worn out. She could tell that their movements had become more sluggish and weary. Alessia herself was starting to get a bit tired. This great beast was a tough opponent and she hadn't fought anything quite like it before. She dived back into the fighting but as her best moves were constantly ineffective against Luminax, she started to despair. [i]Is winning even a possible option for us?[/i] she wondered. She shook off the thought however; she needed all her energy and focus in the moment, fighting. Out of the corner of her eye, Alessia noticed Luminax about to slash a young dragon who was being thrown around in the wind. Without thinking, she launched herself in front of the dragon and took the blow for herself. Claws ran down Alessia's flank and hit her wing. She shrieked in agony and tried to fly away. However, without the full usage of one wing, she faltered and dipped lower to the ground. Gritting her teeth, she tried to fly farther up and away, but her wings couldn't support her and she fell to the ground. She was bleeding heavily, and through blurry eyes, she noted the Emperor stalking slowly toward her, eyes fixed on their prey. Staggering to her feet, Alessia tried to take a fighting stance, but her wing dragged on the ground and she was weak from blood loss and the energy she had spent fighting was gone. But she had a warrior's spirit, and she lifted her head determinedly, and vowed she would go down fighting. [b]Daily Question:[/b] A leader should take the necessary risks to show that they are not afraid to take a blow for the team. If a leader always sits back and lets others do the work, people may start to lose faith in the ability of the leader to actually take action.
Sure! I was planning on having Alessia save the dragon but I don't mind adding some tweaks and making her the dragon in need of saving.

Alessia wanted to fly at full speed toward the battle she could see that had already started, but she knew the importance of saving her energy. As her small group of dragons approached Luminax, she vaguely noticed that her crown was gone. Probably stolen in the chaos, but she couldn't spare too much thought about that right now. She had a battle to win.

Roaring, Alessia plunged into the thick of the fighting, clawing and biting down on the neck of the wind head. However, Luminax was too large, and with just a swing of the neck, Alessia was thrown off. She frantically flapped her wings to regain her balance and she tumbled through the air. Maneuvering through the debris and other fighting dragons, Alessia launched herself at the great Emperor again.

Luminax blows out a strong gust of wind that Alessia was only able to avoid by veering off course. Her eyes watered so she closed them and navigated purely on instinct and her other senses. When she opened them again, she studied Luminax. It was difficult to see how injured the dragon was, but the dragons fighting alongside Alessia were starting to get injured and worn out. She could tell that their movements had become more sluggish and weary.

Alessia herself was starting to get a bit tired. This great beast was a tough opponent and she hadn't fought anything quite like it before. She dived back into the fighting but as her best moves were constantly ineffective against Luminax, she started to despair. Is winning even a possible option for us? she wondered. She shook off the thought however; she needed all her energy and focus in the moment, fighting.

Out of the corner of her eye, Alessia noticed Luminax about to slash a young dragon who was being thrown around in the wind. Without thinking, she launched herself in front of the dragon and took the blow for herself. Claws ran down Alessia's flank and hit her wing. She shrieked in agony and tried to fly away. However, without the full usage of one wing, she faltered and dipped lower to the ground. Gritting her teeth, she tried to fly farther up and away, but her wings couldn't support her and she fell to the ground.

She was bleeding heavily, and through blurry eyes, she noted the Emperor stalking slowly toward her, eyes fixed on their prey. Staggering to her feet, Alessia tried to take a fighting stance, but her wing dragged on the ground and she was weak from blood loss and the energy she had spent fighting was gone. But she had a warrior's spirit, and she lifted her head determinedly, and vowed she would go down fighting.

Daily Question:
A leader should take the necessary risks to show that they are not afraid to take a blow for the team. If a leader always sits back and lets others do the work, people may start to lose faith in the ability of the leader to actually take action.

Please don't comment on my threads in Quests & Challenges that start with [P] unless specified otherwise.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Fantasy][color=#7f4000][size=6][b]Day Four[/b][/size] [size=5][i]Relativity of Risk-Taking and Safety[/i][/size] [size=3][i]Daily Question[/i][/size] [size=4]Zerah is in the middle of helping yet another drake caught in the tumult when he hears it. One of his sons has let out a rather indignant cry, his eyes locked on the sky after [url=]a rather small fae.[/url] He is in the middle of thinking about how, technically, all fae are small compared to imperials when he sees it. There is an heir's crown atop his head. A familiar crown. [i]His crown.[/i] The Fae was off before he could even cry out after them, clearly headed towards the Emperor. He cannot help but glower after him, listening as his sons curse after the drake for snatching something from someone being sensible. He needs to remain calm and help those in need. Let the reckless fae chase after glory with eyes of fire. They will show their integrity here by helping those in need. As he works, though, he cannot help but think about another question on leadership. Risk taking. The fae stole his crown, then raced off to face a very great risk in fighting an Emperor. He had tried to keep his own crown while helping others, seemingly a safer option. Which, in reality, it was. Three Imperials on the front lines, dancing with death... well, as he'd said before, the drakes of the Light Flight do not need another Emperor stomping about. And yet... playing it safe all the time isn't the best thing to do. He knows he was right this time. One only had to look at Luminax to know that. However, a king who sits in their castle and waits for safety while war rages outside looks insensitive to their citizens, if not downright uncaring. Sometimes, risks must be taken. A king must rule their people by example, and show they are willing to put their life on the line. It's why there are heirs, after all. In case the king, or in some cases queen, lost their life protecting their kingdom. He can still hear his sons griping to themselves, and sometimes each other, about what had happened as he finally comes to a conclusion. He approaches them, resting a wing against each one to quiet them. [b]"I understand why you would be upset. We did the right thing, but lost our crown because of it. However, that is the risk we took. We can hold our heads high knowing we did what was best for the drakes that live here. And that Fae is no different."[/b] The two look confused as he continues, peering at the Emperor rampaging in the distance. [b]"Unlike us, that fae will not become an Emperor if he falls on the front lines. If he fails, there will always be another soldier ready to fight. If we were to fall..."[/b] The two were quiet as they remembered his warning. Another Emperor. They didn't want to become one, and with the chaos of this, alongside the festivities... it'd be easy to miss three fallen imperials in the wake of an Emperor. [b]"It is best to only take great risks when it will not endanger those about you. If we had been, say, Guardians, or Wildclaws, I'd have given you orders to fight instead of flee."[/b] He can see the two are still disappointed, but it's better than griping in front of the dragons being evacuated. Knowing that they had at least heard his answer to their quarreling, Zerah leaves them to continue their own work as he moves to continue providing aid. He does not expect the imperial seen before to return, nor what he has to say to them all.[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][i]The Stray[/i][/size] [size=4]The pale imperial stares at this imperial, the one his sons had pinned to be trouble from the start, and listens to what he has to say. His sons stand in the back, still pondering what [url=]one of the other former heirs[/url] meant when she said she prayed for them. Well, that and everything else that has happened so far. He can see the disdain from other contestants, and even citizens evacuated to the area. His name, apparently Lumi, would elicit a chuckle from him if it weren't for the circumstances. Clearly a fanatic of the Emperor, even in name. But now he stands before the judgement of his peers, his almost fellow contestants, and even his conscience. At the same time, the Tundra from before approaches him, worry knit on her fuzzy brows. A concerned mother... and a missing hatchling. For a moment, Zerah recalls another face, so very similar to hers, frantically asking if he's seen [url=]a young mirror[/url] in his lecture hall. [url=]Pale feathers and deep green eyes,[/url] boring into his own as that sing-song voice, sharp in pitch with worry, rambles about how the young mirror so loved learning from him about magic... [i]"It's been almost a week! Surely he must be in some sort of trouble... You're sure you haven't seen him...?"[/i] He snaps out of it, motioning with a wing to his sons. [b]"Don't worry. Eosphoros will search for your hatchling. He has a keen eye, and a way with the young ones that'll lift spirits when they are found."[/b] He turns to [url=]the guardian,[/url] who bears a crown from one of the other contestants. [b]"As for Lumi, I will keep an eye on him. I'd like to try and learn more about what drove him to try and become one of the undead heads of an Emperor when we are taught so young to never befall such a fate."[/b] Perhaps it would be wise not to mention that he himself is fascinated in what drives others to go to such extremes for power? Either way, he sends Eosphoros off to search, then settles next to Lumi. [i]"What about me?"[/i] Zerah looks at his remaining son, the image of patience itself down the last hair on his fluffy mane, the Starsweeper Dejah tucked under his wing. Zerah takes but a moment to reply. "Help search with your brother. Just don't go after the Emperor. We don't want you to succeed where this drake failed." He motions gently with his wing to Lumi, leading Hesperus to simply nod his head and take off. He trusts his sons to follow his orders. They always do, after all. He does not notice when Hesperus whispers to Dejan, causing the wisp to dart out of the orb at one of the current crown-bearers in the area. He will regain his father's glory for him, one way or another. Then he'll show the fae what a real battle looks like. Well, likely just show the fae what an imperial can truly do against an Emperor.[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4]@Jeevas Zerah is grateful for your help, and will remember to call on her if he needs aid. He questions her prayers for his sons, however (though not for long). @shoydragon Zerah uses missing's succesful grab of the crown as a lesson to his sons (and himself). He does not agree fully with the fae's assessment of foolishly standing aside, but believes it was right for them to go to the field of battle. One son, however, seems to have other plans... @Magmish Zerah is willing to step in to watch Lumi while the missing hatchlings are hunted down. His son, Eosphoros, is on the search for one from the Hewn City. Hesperus is supposed to be doing the same... As Zerah monitors Lumi, trying to find a fair punishment for literally unleashing an Emperor on the drakes of the Light Flight, and Eosphoros searches for a missing hatchling, Hesperus takes his father's familiar and goes for a crown. It seems his flight path is headed towards the fiery maw of the Emperor's Fire Head. But that can't be right, can it? He's supposed to be searching for a guardian hatchling... (I still ramble it seems. Feel free to roleplay with me!)[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Day Four
Relativity of Risk-Taking and Safety
Daily Question

Zerah is in the middle of helping yet another drake caught in the tumult when he hears it. One of his sons has let out a rather indignant cry, his eyes locked on the sky after a rather small fae. He is in the middle of thinking about how, technically, all fae are small compared to imperials when he sees it. There is an heir's crown atop his head. A familiar crown. His crown. The Fae was off before he could even cry out after them, clearly headed towards the Emperor. He cannot help but glower after him, listening as his sons curse after the drake for snatching something from someone being sensible. He needs to remain calm and help those in need. Let the reckless fae chase after glory with eyes of fire. They will show their integrity here by helping those in need.

As he works, though, he cannot help but think about another question on leadership. Risk taking. The fae stole his crown, then raced off to face a very great risk in fighting an Emperor. He had tried to keep his own crown while helping others, seemingly a safer option. Which, in reality, it was. Three Imperials on the front lines, dancing with death... well, as he'd said before, the drakes of the Light Flight do not need another Emperor stomping about. And yet... playing it safe all the time isn't the best thing to do.

He knows he was right this time. One only had to look at Luminax to know that. However, a king who sits in their castle and waits for safety while war rages outside looks insensitive to their citizens, if not downright uncaring. Sometimes, risks must be taken. A king must rule their people by example, and show they are willing to put their life on the line. It's why there are heirs, after all. In case the king, or in some cases queen, lost their life protecting their kingdom.

He can still hear his sons griping to themselves, and sometimes each other, about what had happened as he finally comes to a conclusion. He approaches them, resting a wing against each one to quiet them. "I understand why you would be upset. We did the right thing, but lost our crown because of it. However, that is the risk we took. We can hold our heads high knowing we did what was best for the drakes that live here. And that Fae is no different." The two look confused as he continues, peering at the Emperor rampaging in the distance. "Unlike us, that fae will not become an Emperor if he falls on the front lines. If he fails, there will always be another soldier ready to fight. If we were to fall..." The two were quiet as they remembered his warning. Another Emperor. They didn't want to become one, and with the chaos of this, alongside the festivities... it'd be easy to miss three fallen imperials in the wake of an Emperor.

"It is best to only take great risks when it will not endanger those about you. If we had been, say, Guardians, or Wildclaws, I'd have given you orders to fight instead of flee." He can see the two are still disappointed, but it's better than griping in front of the dragons being evacuated. Knowing that they had at least heard his answer to their quarreling, Zerah leaves them to continue their own work as he moves to continue providing aid.

He does not expect the imperial seen before to return, nor what he has to say to them all.


The Stray

The pale imperial stares at this imperial, the one his sons had pinned to be trouble from the start, and listens to what he has to say. His sons stand in the back, still pondering what one of the other former heirs meant when she said she prayed for them. Well, that and everything else that has happened so far. He can see the disdain from other contestants, and even citizens evacuated to the area. His name, apparently Lumi, would elicit a chuckle from him if it weren't for the circumstances. Clearly a fanatic of the Emperor, even in name. But now he stands before the judgement of his peers, his almost fellow contestants, and even his conscience.

At the same time, the Tundra from before approaches him, worry knit on her fuzzy brows. A concerned mother... and a missing hatchling. For a moment, Zerah recalls another face, so very similar to hers, frantically asking if he's seen a young mirror in his lecture hall. Pale feathers and deep green eyes, boring into his own as that sing-song voice, sharp in pitch with worry, rambles about how the young mirror so loved learning from him about magic... "It's been almost a week! Surely he must be in some sort of trouble... You're sure you haven't seen him...?"

He snaps out of it, motioning with a wing to his sons. "Don't worry. Eosphoros will search for your hatchling. He has a keen eye, and a way with the young ones that'll lift spirits when they are found." He turns to the guardian, who bears a crown from one of the other contestants. "As for Lumi, I will keep an eye on him. I'd like to try and learn more about what drove him to try and become one of the undead heads of an Emperor when we are taught so young to never befall such a fate." Perhaps it would be wise not to mention that he himself is fascinated in what drives others to go to such extremes for power? Either way, he sends Eosphoros off to search, then settles next to Lumi.

"What about me?" Zerah looks at his remaining son, the image of patience itself down the last hair on his fluffy mane, the Starsweeper Dejah tucked under his wing. Zerah takes but a moment to reply. "Help search with your brother. Just don't go after the Emperor. We don't want you to succeed where this drake failed." He motions gently with his wing to Lumi, leading Hesperus to simply nod his head and take off. He trusts his sons to follow his orders. They always do, after all.

He does not notice when Hesperus whispers to Dejan, causing the wisp to dart out of the orb at one of the current crown-bearers in the area. He will regain his father's glory for him, one way or another. Then he'll show the fae what a real battle looks like. Well, likely just show the fae what an imperial can truly do against an Emperor.


@Jeevas Zerah is grateful for your help, and will remember to call on her if he needs aid. He questions her prayers for his sons, however (though not for long).

@shoydragon Zerah uses missing's succesful grab of the crown as a lesson to his sons (and himself). He does not agree fully with the fae's assessment of foolishly standing aside, but believes it was right for them to go to the field of battle. One son, however, seems to have other plans...

@Magmish Zerah is willing to step in to watch Lumi while the missing hatchlings are hunted down. His son, Eosphoros, is on the search for one from the Hewn City. Hesperus is supposed to be doing the same...

As Zerah monitors Lumi, trying to find a fair punishment for literally unleashing an Emperor on the drakes of the Light Flight, and Eosphoros searches for a missing hatchling, Hesperus takes his father's familiar and goes for a crown. It seems his flight path is headed towards the fiery maw of the Emperor's Fire Head. But that can't be right, can it? He's supposed to be searching for a guardian hatchling...

(I still ramble it seems. Feel free to roleplay with me!)


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Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^

Midori is torn, but his intrigue gets the better of him.

“I accept your terms. However, as you say, we live to serve. So let it be known…

You may not bring harm to Murasaki.

… it is unwise to cross an old shadow dragon.”

His voice changes and warps for a moment, and his eye sockets emit a ghastly glow from within. His sockets come to a roiling boil, then subside.

“Do we have a deal?”

Midori is torn, but his intrigue gets the better of him.

“I accept your terms. However, as you say, we live to serve. So let it be known…

You may not bring harm to Murasaki.

… it is unwise to cross an old shadow dragon.”

His voice changes and warps for a moment, and his eye sockets emit a ghastly glow from within. His sockets come to a roiling boil, then subside.

“Do we have a deal?”
@Magmish in my post I had Zeeks grab the Guardian hatchling in an attempt to save them if you want to play on that?

Zeeks doing a thing
@Magmish in my post I had Zeeks grab the Guardian hatchling in an attempt to save them if you want to play on that?

Zeeks doing a thing
16454.png mlHpBMC.png


The psywurm stops at the Guardian’s feet. Murasaki is caught off guard by the question as she stoops down to pick up the shiny psychic weasel. She isn’t sure how to answer. Her mind darts to Midori, but decides to hide her personal concerns and focus on the concerns of those in front of her.

“That mother Tundra seems to have lost her kid… were you going somewhere?”

(One more RP before doing my Royal Races stuff for the night!)

The psywurm stops at the Guardian’s feet. Murasaki is caught off guard by the question as she stoops down to pick up the shiny psychic weasel. She isn’t sure how to answer. Her mind darts to Midori, but decides to hide her personal concerns and focus on the concerns of those in front of her.

“That mother Tundra seems to have lost her kid… were you going somewhere?”

(One more RP before doing my Royal Races stuff for the night!)
@jeevas [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote]You have a deal. Just say the name of the heir and I shall grant you the favor. I understand your worries so I will give you my word: I won't harm Murasaki.[/quote][/columns] Seeing Midori's wary expression, he adds: [center][img][/img][/center]
You have a deal.
Just say the name of the heir and I shall grant you the favor.
I understand your worries so I will give you my word: I won't harm Murasaki.

Seeing Midori's wary expression, he adds:

Day 4 Question

"You know where I was talking about balance? Here's a great example. A huge part of my responsibility lies in ensuring the safety of the Weyr... but we can't play it too safe, or we'll never grow! And I don't mean just in size, but as fully realized persons. Happiness is important! So sometimes I need to go out on a limb. It was a risk to welcome Gwentoth to my side, rather than stomping her flat, like another leader might have done, and look how well that's worked out! We are all the better for it. Heh, it gives me more time to, ah, ensure we're all safe. I am a Guardian after all, can't escape it..."
Day 4 Question

"You know where I was talking about balance? Here's a great example. A huge part of my responsibility lies in ensuring the safety of the Weyr... but we can't play it too safe, or we'll never grow! And I don't mean just in size, but as fully realized persons. Happiness is important! So sometimes I need to go out on a limb. It was a risk to welcome Gwentoth to my side, rather than stomping her flat, like another leader might have done, and look how well that's worked out! We are all the better for it. Heh, it gives me more time to, ah, ensure we're all safe. I am a Guardian after all, can't escape it..."
pSn2GKM.png If you like them, please Like them!
Day 4 - Wednesday

Should a leader take risks, or should a leader play it safe in order to protect his or her team? Why?

I think a leader needs to take carefully calculated risks. You can't make any progress without taking risks but you also need to make sure whatever lost could incur from doing so won't devastate the team.
Day 4 - Wednesday

Should a leader take risks, or should a leader play it safe in order to protect his or her team? Why?

I think a leader needs to take carefully calculated risks. You can't make any progress without taking risks but you also need to make sure whatever lost could incur from doing so won't devastate the team.
[url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Day 4[/b] Reginald's crown was stolen from the top of his hat! But Reginald hadn't really planned on keeping it anyways. It kinda cramped his style. He helps out around, herding people to safer places, and generally being a nuisance. "Well, howdy," he greets jovially, even as some people are screaming and crying and running in a panic. "Nice place you got here," he comments, looking around at the ramshackle building some dragons had crammed themselves into in their panic. "You gotten new curtains recently? They're lookin' nice." The dragons stare at Reginald, silent and reproachful, and after an awkward ten minutes of staring at each other in utter silence, Reginald finally steps away. "Well, alrighty then," says Reginald, and closes the door to their house so they can continue their panicking in peace. "I can see when I'm not wanted." And that's when Lumi appears all forlorn and begging for forgiveness, and Reginald with all the solemnity of a pear, steps through the crowd and says, "Say, good sir, are you looking for a place to stay?" There's a pause as most of the crowd condemning the Imperial turn to stare at him in bemusement, and Reginald just smiles all warmly. "There is a place in Shadow that might be open to ya," Reginald continues, because after all, anyone who awakens an Emperor is a-okay in Reginald's book. ... Admittedly, Reginald didn't really have the authority to let just anyone into the clan. But pfft. Schematics. Raising emperors from the dead? That definitely gets a A+. Not to mention that the Imperial's bitterness had led to this catastrophe in the first place? Now [i]that[/i] had a lot of potential to explore, and Reginald was absolutely keen to get in on it. "We also have cookies," Reginald adds, because if that wouldn't sweeten the deal, then he didn't know what would. ----- [b]Daily Question[/b] Reginald would say that you gotta risk it for the biscuit. But his wife wholeheartedly disagrees. So it really depends on whether or not Reginald had talked to his wife recently as to if he'd really risk it for the biscuit, or if he'd hem and haw, and place the fresh bouquet of flowers his wife gifted him on the table, and say that he consider it. And by consider it, he means never because his wife is eyeing him disapprovingly right now. But also, Reginald loves biscuits. So really, he'd totally risk it for the biscuit so he'd have tons and tons of biscuits. Yum... biscuits...

Day 4

Reginald's crown was stolen from the top of his hat! But Reginald hadn't really planned on keeping it anyways. It kinda cramped his style.

He helps out around, herding people to safer places, and generally being a nuisance.

"Well, howdy," he greets jovially, even as some people are screaming and crying and running in a panic. "Nice place you got here," he comments, looking around at the ramshackle building some dragons had crammed themselves into in their panic. "You gotten new curtains recently? They're lookin' nice."

The dragons stare at Reginald, silent and reproachful, and after an awkward ten minutes of staring at each other in utter silence, Reginald finally steps away. "Well, alrighty then," says Reginald, and closes the door to their house so they can continue their panicking in peace. "I can see when I'm not wanted."

And that's when Lumi appears all forlorn and begging for forgiveness, and Reginald with all the solemnity of a pear, steps through the crowd and says, "Say, good sir, are you looking for a place to stay?" There's a pause as most of the crowd condemning the Imperial turn to stare at him in bemusement, and Reginald just smiles all warmly. "There is a place in Shadow that might be open to ya," Reginald continues, because after all, anyone who awakens an Emperor is a-okay in Reginald's book.

... Admittedly, Reginald didn't really have the authority to let just anyone into the clan. But pfft. Schematics. Raising emperors from the dead? That definitely gets a A+. Not to mention that the Imperial's bitterness had led to this catastrophe in the first place? Now that had a lot of potential to explore, and Reginald was absolutely keen to get in on it.

"We also have cookies," Reginald adds, because if that wouldn't sweeten the deal, then he didn't know what would.

Daily Question
Reginald would say that you gotta risk it for the biscuit. But his wife wholeheartedly disagrees. So it really depends on whether or not Reginald had talked to his wife recently as to if he'd really risk it for the biscuit, or if he'd hem and haw, and place the fresh bouquet of flowers his wife gifted him on the table, and say that he consider it. And by consider it, he means never because his wife is eyeing him disapprovingly right now.
But also, Reginald loves biscuits. So really, he'd totally risk it for the biscuit so he'd have tons and tons of biscuits. Yum... biscuits...
Day 4 - Wednesday
Should a leader take risks, or should a leader play it safe in order to protect his or her team? Why?

A leader should attempt to reduce risks that might endanger their team, though be willing to put themselves at risk if it means protecting the ones they are responsible for safeguarding. Risks should be weighed against their potential benefits, with caution winning over bravado. Solius knows that Lumi would never recklessly endanger herself, leaving the clan vulnerable. But she would put herself in harm’s way if it meant protecting a clan member.

Main Game: Solius worked with the groups that were ushering citizens to safety. As she worked, she was approached by a dragon asking for help in locating her lost child. The worry in this parent’s face moved Solius and she promised them that she would look for the missing child.

As she scanned the still anxious crowd, she noticed the group that had surrounded the Imperial that had been seen by the Emperor’s lair. Many voices were raised in anger and the surrounded dragon was sobbing and mumbling out apologies. Moved by compassion to want to ease his pain, she stepped towards the group. “Everyone, please lower your voices. We’ll have time to hear his story later, but for the moment there are more pressing concerns. Let’s focus on dealing with the current threat and leave seeking justice for when Luminax is no longer destroying our homes and terrorizing our citizens.” She moved to place herself between the shaken Imperial and some of the more aggressive dragons.
Day 4 - Wednesday
Should a leader take risks, or should a leader play it safe in order to protect his or her team? Why?

A leader should attempt to reduce risks that might endanger their team, though be willing to put themselves at risk if it means protecting the ones they are responsible for safeguarding. Risks should be weighed against their potential benefits, with caution winning over bravado. Solius knows that Lumi would never recklessly endanger herself, leaving the clan vulnerable. But she would put herself in harm’s way if it meant protecting a clan member.

Main Game: Solius worked with the groups that were ushering citizens to safety. As she worked, she was approached by a dragon asking for help in locating her lost child. The worry in this parent’s face moved Solius and she promised them that she would look for the missing child.

As she scanned the still anxious crowd, she noticed the group that had surrounded the Imperial that had been seen by the Emperor’s lair. Many voices were raised in anger and the surrounded dragon was sobbing and mumbling out apologies. Moved by compassion to want to ease his pain, she stepped towards the group. “Everyone, please lower your voices. We’ll have time to hear his story later, but for the moment there are more pressing concerns. Let’s focus on dealing with the current threat and leave seeking justice for when Luminax is no longer destroying our homes and terrorizing our citizens.” She moved to place herself between the shaken Imperial and some of the more aggressive dragons.
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