
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [GG] Cryptid Hunt - Spectral Zoologists
@ascendedGrace thank you Helps me!
@ascendedGrace thank you Helps me!
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Welcome! Sorry I was wrong about the watch thing though....
Welcome! Sorry I was wrong about the watch thing though....
@AscendedGrace [url=] [img][/img] [/url] While Belinda worked with their clanmates, Barclay and Paladin, to help the other guards establish a perimeter around the camp, Sylvan stalked over to the cart to get a share of that good-looking jerky. As he chewed on it, he listened to the conversation of the teammates nearby. Eventually, while Artemis was chattering happily about toridae and other critters, he approached Ray and Pluto. "If you all go out to look for that cryptid," he said, "let me know, 'n I'll go along with. Prefer to be out tracking critters, rather than stayin' back at camp."


While Belinda worked with their clanmates, Barclay and Paladin, to help the other guards establish a perimeter around the camp, Sylvan stalked over to the cart to get a share of that good-looking jerky. As he chewed on it, he listened to the conversation of the teammates nearby. Eventually, while Artemis was chattering happily about toridae and other critters, he approached Ray and Pluto.

"If you all go out to look for that cryptid," he said, "let me know, 'n I'll go along with. Prefer to be out tracking critters, rather than stayin' back at camp."

Ray got out another bag of the jerky, placing it in front of Sylvan. With the way that she jerky was selling, she might be up all night making sure there was enough stock for tomorrow.

Pluto nodded at the wildclaw. "Of course I'll let you know. I'm admittedly not much of a tracker, but I do have a fairly good knowledge of botany and zoology! I've always been a bit of a bookwyrm."

Ray got out another bag of the jerky, placing it in front of Sylvan. With the way that she jerky was selling, she might be up all night making sure there was enough stock for tomorrow.

Pluto nodded at the wildclaw. "Of course I'll let you know. I'm admittedly not much of a tracker, but I do have a fairly good knowledge of botany and zoology! I've always been a bit of a bookwyrm."
[b]Username:[/b] foxghosts [b]Flight:[/b] plague [b]Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature):[/b] wendigos!! [b]Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptid hunters:[/b] This is Jaecar! The clan's friendly local hunter, keen observer, and professional 'sneak unnoticed through the trees'-er. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?:[/b] The skins!!
Username: foxghosts
Flight: plague
Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature): wendigos!!
Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptid hunters: This is Jaecar! The clan's friendly local hunter, keen observer, and professional 'sneak unnoticed through the trees'-er.


What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?: The skins!!
vivi ⌉ +17 fr


The sun was already set, now Qualia could walk freely around the camp. After having her dinner somewhere hidden, she fed the leftover to the toridae Humperdink. It was a beheaded hare, still flesh, but its blood were all drained.

Adamina was sleeping near her wagon, Qualia let her be. She noticed that Ray was busy working with the jerky, she approach the food stand to see if she need any help. Her breath smells like rust and mint.

The sun was already set, now Qualia could walk freely around the camp. After having her dinner somewhere hidden, she fed the leftover to the toridae Humperdink. It was a beheaded hare, still flesh, but its blood were all drained.

Adamina was sleeping near her wagon, Qualia let her be. She noticed that Ray was busy working with the jerky, she approach the food stand to see if she need any help. Her breath smells like rust and mint.
Golden filigree of mustard flower. Used in Lost in the Woods dom event. This links to my art display thread.A silver filigree of an asphodel flower and two pairs of dragonfly wings.A plushie of an Obelisk. This link to my avatar dragon.A cicada perching on an hourglass. This link to pinglist of my foddart shop.
Username: Ecci Flight: Light Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature): Jackalope! Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptid hunters: (feel free to post links or embed images) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hyde would happily search for cryptids to add to his collection of oddities What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?: The new accents
Username: Ecci
Flight: Light
Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature): Jackalope!
Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptid hunters: (feel free to post links or embed images)


Hyde would happily search for cryptids to add to his collection of oddities

What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?: The new accents



15585.png light_3.png

Gen 1 lair

The Ecci are scholars who study artefacts found in the ruins.
Currently seeking allies!
I think I'm in on the festivities a little late Here are some members of my clan who would gladly volunteer for guard duty for the expedition [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mordecai and Rial are fairly new additions to the clan, but they're already proving their worth in the coliseum and by protecting their new clanmates from surrounding beastclans. Since things have calmed down a little back home, the head of the clan's fighters have 'volunteered' these two to help with expedition guard duty. Mordecai is quite outgoing and can be a little too talkative sometimes, while Rial is rather sociable, but less talkative, he'd much rather listen than talk. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] With them, two other more 'freelance' members of the clan's fighters have decided to come along, Dawn and Chester can be quite difficult to interact with, they prefer the company of beastclan's to their own kind, which may put some strain on their working relationship with other dragons. The pair is inseparable and will refuse to be put on guard duty separately. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dewey, is a less experienced fighter, but nonetheless he decided to volunteer for guard duty. He fights well on unsteady/marshy ground.
I think I'm in on the festivities a little late
Here are some members of my clan who would gladly volunteer for guard duty for the expedition



Mordecai and Rial are fairly new additions to the clan, but they're already proving their worth in the coliseum and by protecting their new clanmates from surrounding beastclans. Since things have calmed down a little back home, the head of the clan's fighters have 'volunteered' these two to help with expedition guard duty. Mordecai is quite outgoing and can be a little too talkative sometimes, while Rial is rather sociable, but less talkative, he'd much rather listen than talk.



With them, two other more 'freelance' members of the clan's fighters have decided to come along, Dawn and Chester can be quite difficult to interact with, they prefer the company of beastclan's to their own kind, which may put some strain on their working relationship with other dragons. The pair is inseparable and will refuse to be put on guard duty separately.


Dewey, is a less experienced fighter, but nonetheless he decided to volunteer for guard duty. He fights well on unsteady/marshy ground.



15585.png light_3.png

Gen 1 lair

The Ecci are scholars who study artefacts found in the ruins.
Currently seeking allies!
[center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]xx[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [indent] [nextcol] [font=arial][size=4] [right]Based on [url=]this[/url] lore post.[/right] [i] The night watch is broken into three shifts, and as many dragons settle down into their beds, others spread out along the camp to keep an eye out.  The night is quiet… and a few of the Zoologists have brought cards, games, and other amusements. It's easy enough to play a few hands of poker while keeping an eye out.  By the time the first watch is up, the only thing that's happened is that a surprising amount of treasure and trinkets has changed hands. The watch dragons vacate their positions and rouse the second watch to take over, happy to finally be heading to their warm beds. [/i] [nextcol] [indent] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]

Based on this lore post.

The night watch is broken into three shifts, and as many dragons settle down into their beds, others spread out along the camp to keep an eye out.  The night is quiet… and a few of the Zoologists have brought cards, games, and other amusements. It's easy enough to play a few hands of poker while keeping an eye out.  By the time the first watch is up, the only thing that's happened is that a surprising amount of treasure and trinkets has changed hands.

The watch dragons vacate their positions and rouse the second watch to take over, happy to finally be heading to their warm beds.

UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
So we win the poll but missed the mini cryptid, oh well.
So we win the poll but missed the mini cryptid, oh well.
Golden filigree of mustard flower. Used in Lost in the Woods dom event. This links to my art display thread.A silver filigree of an asphodel flower and two pairs of dragonfly wings.A plushie of an Obelisk. This link to my avatar dragon.A cicada perching on an hourglass. This link to pinglist of my foddart shop.