[center][size=2][u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_2323550]Introduction[/url][/u] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497465]Clan Members[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497469]Climate[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497474]Lay of the Land[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497477]The Gardens[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497479]The Guilds[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497483]The Facility[/url][/size][/center]
[i]The Ecci are a group of scholarly dragons that have struck out clan borders somewhere between the beacon of the radiant eye and the Hewn city. [/i]
[columns][size=4]Members of the clan follow a fairly loose hierarchy and at the head sits leader [i]Bluestone[/i], he has taken over from previous clan leaders [i]Sullie[/i] and [i]Tetrode[/i], who were also its progenitors. In the peaceful shift of power, [i]Sullie[/i] and [i]Tetrode[/i] left to serve under [i]Lightweaver[/i], intending to more smoothly facilitate the shift of power. They intend to stay in the service of their deity for the foreseeable future, but may someday return. During this event (referred to as [i]The Shift[/i]), the clan also physically moved, staking out new clan grounds slightly further east in order to make room for a bloom in the clan's inhabitants. A little while after the shift, a series of anomalies led clan members to believe that their activities may have somehow set a series of larger events in motion...
The clan territory extends to enclose a few sets of ruins, crumbling artefacts of ages past that remain. Much of the clan's activity is centred around Heart's Keep, a large set of ruins just west of the Beacon of the Radiant Eye. The ruins often hold strange artefacts of magical and technological origin, and many, if not all residents of the clan study or are affected by artefacts they find as part of their duties and interests.
There are three large groups within the clan, the Nightlings, Guilds, and The Gardens.
Many cycles had passed since Bluestone assumed his position as leader of the clan, the clan had prospered, growing in size to almost double what it had originally been. A council began to form around its leader and his second in command, one that encompassed all elements in an attempt to draw on the strengths of each. It is comprised of a member of each element, strong and confident representatives of their flight. Each with the ear of the leader and second in command. While it is still Bluestone and Sazed's decision that is final, the tension of differing goals and ideals is what strengthens this governing body. Although Bluestone can sometimes find their argument tedious, he accepts their council gladly.
Members that had been there since the beginning, those like [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=20909669]Ira[/url] and [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=21513505]Aquilon[/url] had seen many new faces join their ranks, and of course some of the old faces leave. Each of the factions grew and shifted, as dragons settled into the the clan, they found themselves blurring the lines between each group, traders picked up various crafts, many scientists and academics were drawn to the novelty and curiosity that is Mothwood.
Just when the clan had reached a fairly stable point in its existence, disaster struck.
Much of the clan's territory had been ravaged by the Emperor, and many clan members were lost. Fortunately, the great library survived, and in the wake of emperor's destruction, a new set of tunnels and catacombs was uncovered. These tunnels have yet to be extensively explored and documented, however their size and sturdy build would provide excellent shelter in the event of another emperor attack.
The Ecci's distrust for imperials has been magnified by the recent emperor attack, the council has found itself in rare unanimous agreement. After much thought, it made its stance on the matter known - as far as they're concerned, the Ecci shall not welcome any imperial onto clan ground, the risk is far too great, and they shall not hold any part in the creation of such an abomination.

The Ecci are a group of scholarly dragons that have struck out clan borders somewhere between the beacon of the radiant eye and the Hewn city.
Members of the clan follow a fairly loose hierarchy and at the head sits leader Bluestone, he has taken over from previous clan leaders Sullie and Tetrode, who were also its progenitors. In the peaceful shift of power, Sullie and Tetrode left to serve under Lightweaver, intending to more smoothly facilitate the shift of power. They intend to stay in the service of their deity for the foreseeable future, but may someday return. During this event (referred to as The Shift), the clan also physically moved, staking out new clan grounds slightly further east in order to make room for a bloom in the clan's inhabitants. A little while after the shift, a series of anomalies led clan members to believe that their activities may have somehow set a series of larger events in motion...
The clan territory extends to enclose a few sets of ruins, crumbling artefacts of ages past that remain. Much of the clan's activity is centred around Heart's Keep, a large set of ruins just west of the Beacon of the Radiant Eye. The ruins often hold strange artefacts of magical and technological origin, and many, if not all residents of the clan study or are affected by artefacts they find as part of their duties and interests.
There are three large groups within the clan, the Nightlings, Guilds, and The Gardens.
Many cycles had passed since Bluestone assumed his position as leader of the clan, the clan had prospered, growing in size to almost double what it had originally been. A council began to form around its leader and his second in command, one that encompassed all elements in an attempt to draw on the strengths of each. It is comprised of a member of each element, strong and confident representatives of their flight. Each with the ear of the leader and second in command. While it is still Bluestone and Sazed's decision that is final, the tension of differing goals and ideals is what strengthens this governing body. Although Bluestone can sometimes find their argument tedious, he accepts their council gladly.
Members that had been there since the beginning, those like Ira and Aquilon had seen many new faces join their ranks, and of course some of the old faces leave. Each of the factions grew and shifted, as dragons settled into the the clan, they found themselves blurring the lines between each group, traders picked up various crafts, many scientists and academics were drawn to the novelty and curiosity that is Mothwood.

Just when the clan had reached a fairly stable point in its existence, disaster struck.
Much of the clan's territory had been ravaged by the Emperor, and many clan members were lost. Fortunately, the great library survived, and in the wake of emperor's destruction, a new set of tunnels and catacombs was uncovered. These tunnels have yet to be extensively explored and documented, however their size and sturdy build would provide excellent shelter in the event of another emperor attack.
The Ecci's distrust for imperials has been magnified by the recent emperor attack, the council has found itself in rare unanimous agreement. After much thought, it made its stance on the matter known - as far as they're concerned, the Ecci shall not welcome any imperial onto clan ground, the risk is far too great, and they shall not hold any part in the creation of such an abomination.
The Ecci are scholars who study artefacts found in the ruins.

Currently seeking allies!
[center][size=2][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_2323550]Introduction[/url] | [u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497465]Clan Members[/url][/u] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497469]Climate[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497474]Lay of the Land[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497477]The Gardens[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497479]The Guilds[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497483]The Facility[/url][/size][/center]
C L A N[color=transparent]___[/color]M E M B E R S
[size=2] Note: clan members coloured in [color=darkgoldenrod]Gold[/color] are primarily awake in the day, and those coloured in [color=Navy]Navy[/color] are primarily awake at night. Those with neither are commonly awake during both.[/size]
Second in command[/color]
Second in command[/color]
Head of the Facility
[b]Guild members[/b]
Head of the Guilds[/color]
Lantern Maker[/color]
Scholar & Records Keeper
[b]Traders & Treasury[/b]
Chief Trader
[b]Ametrine [/b]
Chief of materials and trinkets
Chief of foodstuff[/color]
[b]Garden Dwellers[/b]
Head of the Gardens
Child of the river[/color]
Child of the flowers[/color]
Child of the firefly[/color]
[color=Navy][b]Bonsai [/b]
Counterpart to Nivem[/color]
[color=darkgoldenrod][b]Nivem [/b]
Counterpart to Bonsai[/color]
[b]Revati [/b]
Festival runner
[b]Battle Squadron[/b]
Head of battle squadron
Trainee/ Physical fighter
Physical fighter
Physical fighter
[b]Sariel [/b]
Physical fighter
Mage/ Golem Workshop specialist
Physical fighter/ Golem Workshop specialist
Physical fighter
Head of inter-clan relations[/color]
Diplomat/ minute keeper
Earth Representative
Fire Representative
Wind Representative
Water Representative
Shadow Representative
Ice Representative
Lightning Representative
Light Representative
Nature Representative
Plague Representative
Arcane Representative
Beastclan Representative
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=22400681]Aixa[/url] was the clan's old scout, and left on 24/11/2017 to see Sorineth.
Warm to moderate temperatures. Semi-arid, savannah biome. Many ruins dot the landscape in various states of disrepair. Some of these ruins are intact enough to provide shelter for dragons, although many are not. Due to the size of the ruins' previous inhabitants, larger species of dragons like imperials and ridgebacks and even some larger guardians might find it difficult to make a comfortably-sized lair.
Heart's Keep has a climate and biome similar to that typical of the region (described above). Mothwood (or 'The Garden' as it is commonly referred to) has a climate more like the Viridian Labyrinth with the key difference of being slightly cooler. Compared to Heart's Keep, Mothwood is more humid, and has a more consistent temperature. The thicker trees shade the ground, keeping the area cooler in summer months. In winter, Mothwood remains warm, this is a bit of a mystery to the clan although most of its members acknowledge it has something to do with the strange relic that sits at its heart.
[center][size=2][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_2323550]Introduction[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497465]Clan Members[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497469]Climate[/url] | [u][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497474]Lay of the Land[/url][/u] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497477]The Gardens[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497479]The Guilds[/url] | [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_30497483]The Facility[/url][/size][/center]
Like most savannah biomes, sparse, thin-canopy trees dot the landscape. In larger clusters near some of the ruins, an unusual species of conifer spread their branches. The location of groundwater wells and springs are not obvious to a dragon flying overhead, but they are present, generally with some kind of dilapidated thatch-style covering or an old tiled roof.
Large stretches of un-treed areas are also fairly common. Easy to spot overhead, these provide ideal landing pads for large airborne reptiles.
Soft, dry grass dominates this region's groundcover. Their flavour is exquisite to most herbivorous dragons, who harvest it in bales at its sweetest and store it for the winter months. These grasses also sustain the food source of insectivorous and carnivorous dragons - many insects and small mammals make their homes in the grass.
Seafood eaters might be feeling a bit left out, but the larger covered wells or springs are almost always teeming with fish and crustaceans, their link to large underground water reserves keeps these wells filled with delicious freshwater morsels. The luckiest seafood eater may also find the remains of an aquaculture building, another forgotten ruin in some ancient city. These pools are often filled with the largest and tastiest seafood, and can sustain a clan of seafood-eaters almost indefinitely.
Of course in areas near the shore, food sources shift somewhat. The sea provides an infinite source of saltwater fish and crustaceans. The sweet grass endemic further inland, doesn't grow as well in the loose, sandy soil. Instead, plant-eating dragons must find alternative sources of tasty carbohydrates. Like the inland Aquaculture buildings, the beach-residing cities often have the remains of what used to be well-maintained gardens. Some of these gardens contained a groundwater system which kept the grounds moist and fertile despite the neglect of their deceased keepers. Left to grow wild, the plants have seeded wildly, and spilled out into neighbouring tracts of land, creating natural orchards.
The following map is provided to aid in visualising the different areas referenced and where they are relative to each other.
Approximate travel times:
Heart's Keep to the center of Mothwood is around a full day's journey by flying
Heart's Keep to the Facility is around 2 days journey (to 2.5 day's journey depending on weather conditions)
Like most savannah biomes, sparse, thin-canopy trees dot the landscape. In larger clusters near some of the ruins, an unusual species of conifer spread their branches. The location of groundwater wells and springs are not obvious to a dragon flying overhead, but they are present, generally with some kind of dilapidated thatch-style covering or an old tiled roof.
Large stretches of un-treed areas are also fairly common. Easy to spot overhead, these provide ideal landing pads for large airborne reptiles.
Soft, dry grass dominates this region's groundcover. Their flavour is exquisite to most herbivorous dragons, who harvest it in bales at its sweetest and store it for the winter months. These grasses also sustain the food source of insectivorous and carnivorous dragons - many insects and small mammals make their homes in the grass.
Seafood eaters might be feeling a bit left out, but the larger covered wells or springs are almost always teeming with fish and crustaceans, their link to large underground water reserves keeps these wells filled with delicious freshwater morsels. The luckiest seafood eater may also find the remains of an aquaculture building, another forgotten ruin in some ancient city. These pools are often filled with the largest and tastiest seafood, and can sustain a clan of seafood-eaters almost indefinitely.
Of course in areas near the shore, food sources shift somewhat. The sea provides an infinite source of saltwater fish and crustaceans. The sweet grass endemic further inland, doesn't grow as well in the loose, sandy soil. Instead, plant-eating dragons must find alternative sources of tasty carbohydrates. Like the inland Aquaculture buildings, the beach-residing cities often have the remains of what used to be well-maintained gardens. Some of these gardens contained a groundwater system which kept the grounds moist and fertile despite the neglect of their deceased keepers. Left to grow wild, the plants have seeded wildly, and spilled out into neighbouring tracts of land, creating natural orchards.
The following map is provided to aid in visualising the different areas referenced and where they are relative to each other.

Approximate travel times:
Heart's Keep to the center of Mothwood is around a full day's journey by flying
Heart's Keep to the Facility is around 2 days journey (to 2.5 day's journey depending on weather conditions)
The Ecci are scholars who study artefacts found in the ruins.

Currently seeking allies!
You find that these ruins are inhabited! You see signs of life wherever you turn- mostly in the forms of discarded parchment scraps, or hastily scrawled maps of nearby ruins in the dusty topsoil.
Curious about this clan's lore?
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2323550#post_2323550]> Introduction <[/url]