
Quests & Challenges

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TOPIC | [GG] Cryptid Hunt - Spectral Zoologists
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][size=6][font=Chiller]Criptid Field Report: Baby Nessie[/b][/size] [font=Chiller][size=5]May 26, So far during my watch, nothing eventful has happened except for Prokletstvo beating me several times in poker, he must be cheating somehow! But there's no way I'd actually say that to his face, there's a reason he's one of our best guards after all. Anyway, I have finally given up and his mate Krv has taken my place playing against him. I have decided to sit with Kou and Ullr for the rest of our watch until we have to wake the Biologists' for the second watch. -Coral [b]May 27, [s]THOSE BIOLOGIST'Ssssss ARE SsssssO LUCKY![/s] The Biologist's captured a small loch ness like creature during their shift while I had to listen to Krv snore all night! Xolotl got to help the Biologists' wrangle it and [s]I'm ssssssso jealous, If only I didn't have to sleep like him.[/s] By the time I was awoken by [s]my clan memberssss[/s] Kou the creature had already been shipped off to a lab to be studied. It doesn't appear to be the creature that [s]recked[/s] wrecked our camp hopefully, in my next report, I will have more answers related to that incident. [s]I'm ssssssuper tired[/s] [s]-Crl[/s] [s]Caorl[/s] [s]Carl[/s] -Coral


Criptid Field Report: Baby Nessie

May 26,
So far during my watch, nothing eventful has happened except for Prokletstvo beating me several times in poker, he must be cheating somehow! But there's no way I'd actually say that to his face, there's a reason he's one of our best guards after all. Anyway, I have finally given up and his mate Krv has taken my place playing against him. I have decided to sit with Kou and Ullr for the rest of our watch until we have to wake the Biologists' for the second watch.

May 27,
THOSE BIOLOGIST'Ssssss ARE SsssssO LUCKY! The Biologist's captured a small loch ness like creature during their shift while I had to listen to Krv snore all night! Xolotl got to help the Biologists' wrangle it and I'm ssssssso jealous, If only I didn't have to sleep like him. By the time I was awoken by my clan memberssss Kou the creature had already been shipped off to a lab to be studied. It doesn't appear to be the creature that recked wrecked our camp hopefully, in my next report, I will have more answers related to that incident. I'm ssssssuper tired
-Crl Caorl Carl

Adamina's Journal:
A missed opportunity

After the first shift without any significant event, I slept deeply, unaware of the surrounding. The next morning, I heard that the other group captured a creature said to be a member of the loach family.

I forcefully woke up Qualia, who was up for the whole night but went to sleep in her wagon when the sun rose. She said she did saw the creature, but since the other group was working on it, she chose not to wake me up. I almost lashed out on her, but I remembered that she was only here for guarding duty, and she had no interest in cryptid hunt. I apologize to her, and she understood.

In any case, it seemed that the cryptid they found wasn't the one we were tracking. We still have the chance.
Adamina's Journal:
A missed opportunity

After the first shift without any significant event, I slept deeply, unaware of the surrounding. The next morning, I heard that the other group captured a creature said to be a member of the loach family.

I forcefully woke up Qualia, who was up for the whole night but went to sleep in her wagon when the sun rose. She said she did saw the creature, but since the other group was working on it, she chose not to wake me up. I almost lashed out on her, but I remembered that she was only here for guarding duty, and she had no interest in cryptid hunt. I apologize to her, and she understood.

In any case, it seemed that the cryptid they found wasn't the one we were tracking. We still have the chance.
Golden filigree of mustard flower. Used in Lost in the Woods dom event. This links to my art display thread.A silver filigree of an asphodel flower and two pairs of dragonfly wings.A plushie of an Obelisk. This link to my avatar dragon.A cicada perching on an hourglass. This link to pinglist of my foddart shop.
[b]Username:[/b] GardenWyrm [b]Flight:[/b] Nature [b]Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature):[/b] Mothman! [b]Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptid hunters:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pyron is a biologist and field researcher, if there's something new living out there, be it plant or animal, he'll be excited to find it and learn about it. [b]What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?:[/b] I'm excited that I will actually have time to participate in all of the Greenskeeper events that I want to this year, something that I haven't been able to do in the past.
Username: GardenWyrm
Flight: Nature
Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature): Mothman!
Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptid hunters:


Pyron is a biologist and field researcher, if there's something new living out there, be it plant or animal, he'll be excited to find it and learn about it.

What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?: I'm excited that I will actually have time to participate in all of the Greenskeeper events that I want to this year, something that I haven't been able to do in the past.
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Unofficial Report to HQ [url=][img][/img] [/url] - notes from my field journal (Dallas) Coordinating watches and search parties can be chaotic. At least this time, everyone had settled into a routine. The Spectral Z's had drawn first watch, which meant we should get a decent night's sleep. Things were fairly low key. Much jerky was consumed (thanks Ray). Several friendly card games kept us away. Overall, uneventful. Amended: Looks like the Biologists caught a oversized Loach during their watch. Were they hunting it or did it wander into camp? I slept through it. Today promises to be even more exciting as we head north.
Unofficial Report to HQ 18530337.png

- notes from my field journal (Dallas)

Coordinating watches and search parties can be chaotic. At least this time, everyone had settled into a routine. The Spectral Z's had drawn first watch, which meant we should get a decent night's sleep. Things were fairly low key. Much jerky was consumed (thanks Ray). Several friendly card games kept us away. Overall, uneventful.

Looks like the Biologists caught a oversized Loach during their watch. Were they hunting it or did it wander into camp? I slept through it. Today promises to be even more exciting as we head north.

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[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [quote=Expedition Journal: Interesting Creature]"The leaf piles were a strange detail; that's not a behavior I know of in any of the beasts I've hunted before. Are they stockpiles or nests? That's my only guess, though neither really makes sense. Sylvan believes they could be markers of some kind, but that sounds a bit fanciful. In any case, our tracking efforts turned up nothing conclusive, and the first watch of the night was uneventful. The other team on our expedition, the Biologists, took the second watch, and it seems that they got all the action. Not long after I'd fallen asleep for the night, there was a great outcry: a creature was caught! Some sort of large, eel-like thing, clearly animal, but not an animal anyone was familiar with. It's clearly aquatic, but able to move on land. It's also clear that the stream it was caught in is not its native environment. But is this animal the thing responsible for the leaf piles? I'm not so sure. What would a water animal be doing piling up leaves and leading us all over the land?"[/quote]
Expedition Journal: Interesting Creature wrote:
"The leaf piles were a strange detail; that's not a behavior I know of in any of the beasts I've hunted before. Are they stockpiles or nests? That's my only guess, though neither really makes sense. Sylvan believes they could be markers of some kind, but that sounds a bit fanciful.

In any case, our tracking efforts turned up nothing conclusive, and the first watch of the night was uneventful. The other team on our expedition, the Biologists, took the second watch, and it seems that they got all the action. Not long after I'd fallen asleep for the night, there was a great outcry: a creature was caught! Some sort of large, eel-like thing, clearly animal, but not an animal anyone was familiar with.

It's clearly aquatic, but able to move on land. It's also clear that the stream it was caught in is not its native environment. But is this animal the thing responsible for the leaf piles? I'm not so sure. What would a water animal be doing piling up leaves and leading us all over the land?"
Leif's Log (Izzat of Azamat)

All quiet on the western front, and the north and the east, some shady looking bunnies on the south but I chased them off. I will have to keep an eye out to see if they return.

Other than that nothing happened on the early shift. A bunch of the older dragons sat around playing cards but I know my Sire and Dam are trying to save up for some magic scrolls so they didn't send me with much in the way of extra money. I thought for a moment about seeing if anyone would accept Cherry as a wager, stupid owl, I miss Muninn, since leaving the lair I don't even see him around like I did for a while, but I guess now that he's awakened to the clan it is my duty to build a strng bond with a new critter. Sire insists I will come to be as fond of Cherry as I was of Muninn but I doubt that.

I'm bored, I guess I'll get some sleep and get up early in the morning to keep hunting for clues.

Leif's Log (Mashiyyat of Azamat)
Everyone was talking about it at breakfast, the Biologists on third watch had found some new little critter, something never seen before. They fished it up out of the water. I can't wait to get out there and see if there are any more.

But the really big mystery is the leafpiles. This thing was in the river, it wouldn't be coming up onto the land and pulling up trees just to leave the leaves in a pile.

We need to find more clues about that.
Leif's Log (Izzat of Azamat)

All quiet on the western front, and the north and the east, some shady looking bunnies on the south but I chased them off. I will have to keep an eye out to see if they return.

Other than that nothing happened on the early shift. A bunch of the older dragons sat around playing cards but I know my Sire and Dam are trying to save up for some magic scrolls so they didn't send me with much in the way of extra money. I thought for a moment about seeing if anyone would accept Cherry as a wager, stupid owl, I miss Muninn, since leaving the lair I don't even see him around like I did for a while, but I guess now that he's awakened to the clan it is my duty to build a strng bond with a new critter. Sire insists I will come to be as fond of Cherry as I was of Muninn but I doubt that.

I'm bored, I guess I'll get some sleep and get up early in the morning to keep hunting for clues.

Leif's Log (Mashiyyat of Azamat)
Everyone was talking about it at breakfast, the Biologists on third watch had found some new little critter, something never seen before. They fished it up out of the water. I can't wait to get out there and see if there are any more.

But the really big mystery is the leafpiles. This thing was in the river, it wouldn't be coming up onto the land and pulling up trees just to leave the leaves in a pile.

We need to find more clues about that.
Username: ZippoFeuer Flight: Arcane Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature): The Kraken :o Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptic hunters: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] What Pitaya lacks in physical prowess, she makes up for with sheer force of will, dedicating whatever time she has to spare to reading and researching. Though squirrelly and evasive with other dragons, she finds ease of mind in learning about the life that most believe is not real (of course, when it is disproven, she'll leave it; but how would you like to disprove a cryptid?) What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?: I'm excited for the Baldwin skins and accents the most!
Username: ZippoFeuer
Flight: Arcane
Favorite Cryptid (or odd creature): The Kraken :o
Share a few dragons of yours that would make good cryptic hunters:


What Pitaya lacks in physical prowess, she makes up for with sheer force of will, dedicating whatever time she has to spare to reading and researching. Though squirrelly and evasive with other dragons, she finds ease of mind in learning about the life that most believe is not real (of course, when it is disproven, she'll leave it; but how would you like to disprove a cryptid?)

What are you most excited for during Greenskeeper Gathering?: I'm excited for the Baldwin skins and accents the most!

LF :: nests of
[url=] [img][/img] [/url]After the incident with the birds, Coral went to consult her superior Ullr on what to do. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Coral asked Ullr about the strange magic spell that was on the birds and he had no clue what it was and suggested she send for some of their clan members to ask them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Quirinus has seen many things in his travels across the seas but he told Coral that he hadn't seen anything, like what she described to him, before. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Varius has in fact seen something like this before but Coral can't get any answers out of him because he speaks in rhymes which she still can't fully understand. So she gives up on asking the minstrel and goes to ask Baduhenna. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Baduhenna has heard Varius [s]rhyme[/s] [s]sing[/s] talk about a phenomenon like this before but like Varius she's another dead end because she's too busy cooking and shoes Coral away. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] In a desperate attempt to get some answers that are hopefully not cryptic Coral goes and asks Orcus because a demon is definitely going to answer truthfully. Surprisingly Orcus does answer her questions without being cryptic and with the knowledge from him she returns back to S.Z.

After the incident with the birds, Coral went to consult her superior Ullr on what to do.


Coral asked Ullr about the strange magic spell that was on the birds and he had no clue what it was and suggested she send for some of their clan members to ask them.


Quirinus has seen many things in his travels across the seas but he told Coral that he hadn't seen anything, like what she described to him, before.


Varius has in fact seen something like this before but Coral can't get any answers out of him because he speaks in rhymes which she still can't fully understand. So she gives up on asking the minstrel and goes to ask Baduhenna.


Baduhenna has heard Varius rhyme sing talk about a phenomenon like this before but like Varius she's another dead end because she's too busy cooking and shoes Coral away.


In a desperate attempt to get some answers that are hopefully not cryptic Coral goes and asks Orcus because a demon is definitely going to answer truthfully. Surprisingly Orcus does answer her questions without being cryptic and with the knowledge from him she returns back to S.Z.
[center][img][/img] [size=6][b]Investigate the Magic[/b][/size] [img][/img] So frustrated she didn't see the baby Nessie, Khima failed to write a recent report. However, the next day brought more mysteries and she soon forgot her mild anger- in fact, she was extremely eager to make a quick trip to her clan in order to ask some of her strange clanmates if they thought anything strange of the bird incident. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] First on this list was Fallen, a dragon who himself fell from the sky- though for completely unrelated reasons. [i]Or so we think.[/i] She asked him if it was maybe the shade's doing, but he noted that the shade normally doesn't suddenly appear, rather, staying in one place and slowly growing. He also confirmed that it was very unlikely that any shade was active in a fully lit area. (And most certainly doesn't cause a gravity crisis unless in possession of a creature with that ability.) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Next up was Khalida. As an android, this dragon can be very helpful with anything involving technology. She offered the possibility of a gravity-altering robot beast- which, while fun to think about, seemed pretty unlikely given the area and the carcasses. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Then, Bloodmoon. She doesn't really talk a lot, but through her dripping venomous fangs she offered the idea of an airborne toxin- something to stun the birds and leave them unable to fly for a small period of time. Normally, toxins this powerful would leave creatures completely unable to move instead of a simple grounding, but it could be a possible mutation. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Khima asked Rei next, though her answer was very.... inconclusive. She sort of flew around in circles the whole time, screeching something about spirits holding the birds down for the predator. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Finally, the question made its way to Centurie. He told the mirror he knew nothing for certain, but that he'd heard stories in the forests of strange beings in the nature lands that had gravity-altering abilities. Creatures that could cause things to float into the sky, or become stuck on the ground, often causing even the trees to lose all their leaves at once into small piles. He did re-confirm however that this was only a tale, and often in the Tangled Wood, whether something is truth or a prank is hard to deduce. [/center]

Investigate the Magic


So frustrated she didn't see the baby Nessie, Khima failed to write a recent report. However, the next day brought more mysteries and she soon forgot her mild anger- in fact, she was extremely eager to make a quick trip to her clan in order to ask some of her strange clanmates if they thought anything strange of the bird incident.


First on this list was Fallen, a dragon who himself fell from the sky- though for completely unrelated reasons. Or so we think. She asked him if it was maybe the shade's doing, but he noted that the shade normally doesn't suddenly appear, rather, staying in one place and slowly growing. He also confirmed that it was very unlikely that any shade was active in a fully lit area. (And most certainly doesn't cause a gravity crisis unless in possession of a creature with that ability.)


Next up was Khalida. As an android, this dragon can be very helpful with anything involving technology. She offered the possibility of a gravity-altering robot beast- which, while fun to think about, seemed pretty unlikely given the area and the carcasses.


Then, Bloodmoon. She doesn't really talk a lot, but through her dripping venomous fangs she offered the idea of an airborne toxin- something to stun the birds and leave them unable to fly for a small period of time. Normally, toxins this powerful would leave creatures completely unable to move instead of a simple grounding, but it could be a possible mutation.


Khima asked Rei next, though her answer was very.... inconclusive. She sort of flew around in circles the whole time, screeching something about spirits holding the birds down for the predator.


Finally, the question made its way to Centurie. He told the mirror he knew nothing for certain, but that he'd heard stories in the forests of strange beings in the nature lands that had gravity-altering abilities. Creatures that could cause things to float into the sky, or become stuck on the ground, often causing even the trees to lose all their leaves at once into small piles. He did re-confirm however that this was only a tale, and often in the Tangled Wood, whether something is truth or a prank is hard to deduce.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Clan expert in poison and venoms Belladonna has showed up to see what has caused the birds to behave so strangely. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Truffle, who has recently become her girlfriend, didn't want to leave her side, and came with her to help. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Clan librarian Agnes is more than willing to share a few of her old tomes with some curious zoologists if they'd listen to a few of her stories. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meanwhile, in a strange part of the forest that seems to be in perpetual twilight. Clotho and Atropos, two of the 'three witches', discuss the recent occurrences. "The air is foul, but the fowl are fair. There must be something in the fog and filthy air."


Clan expert in poison and venoms Belladonna has showed up to see what has caused the birds to behave so strangely.


Truffle, who has recently become her girlfriend, didn't want to leave her side, and came with her to help.


Clan librarian Agnes is more than willing to share a few of her old tomes with some curious zoologists if they'd listen to a few of her stories.



Meanwhile, in a strange part of the forest that seems to be in perpetual twilight. Clotho and Atropos, two of the 'three witches', discuss the recent occurrences. "The air is foul, but the fowl are fair. There must be something in the fog and filthy air."