[columns][color=transparent]x[/color][img]https://fgstorage.carrd.co/assets/images/image02.png[/img][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][center][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#830101][b]— H O M E B O U N D —[/b][/color][/size]
[size=4][i]a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3137937/1]travelocke [/url]challenge[/i]
And so the story goes; a caravan, it's precious
cargo of stolen research, and the fools who pledged
to drag it halfway across the nation without being caught.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3142107#post_51426202][color=#830101]rules[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3142107/1#post_51426203][color=#830101]the caravan[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3142107/1#post_51426205][color=#830101]past travelers[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3142107/1#post_51426206][color=#830101]logbook[/color][/url] • [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3142107/1#post_51426207][color=#830101]credits[/color][/url][/size][/font][/center][/columns]
And so the story goes; a caravan, it's precious
cargo of stolen research, and the fools who pledged
to drag it halfway across the nation without being caught.
[center][columns][center][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ozw0hdt.png[/img][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][color=#392c1a][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#830101][b]— R U L E S[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=book antiqua][size=3][i](Original concept by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3137937/1]Folktale[/url].)[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
[quote=GETTING STARTED][font=book antiqua][size=3]• The challenge starts with 3 level 1 adult dragons. Select one of them to be the Caravan Leader.
• Decide how many stops are on your dragons’ journey. The options below are suggestions, change up the length of the game as you see fit! This is about what is fun for you.
• Muster Resources with Arlo and multiply the first two numbers by 5 to determine your starting resource pool.
[i][color=transparent]-[/color] - Supplies = pickaxe/rugged work (multiply)
[color=transparent]-[/color] - Rations = magnify glass/precise work (multiply)
[color=transparent]-[/color] - Trade goods = research notes (DON'T multiply)[/i]
• You draw a Pinkerton pull each day to decide your dragon's fate. Your dragons also get jobs in the future to decide what else you can do daily.[/size][/font][/quote]
[quote=RULES][font=book antiqua][size=3]• Each dragon or hatchling consumes 1 ration per day, unless otherwise stated.
[i][color=transparent]-[/color] - If there are not enough rations for all dragons, you must decide who to feed.
[color=transparent]-[/color] - Dragons that do not eat cannot use their job special abilities.
[color=transparent]-[/color] - Dragons that do not eat for 2 turns in a row perish or leave the caravan.[/i]
• If your caravan runs out of Supplies and requires them to make repairs to move on, you only move 0.5 units of distance per day.
• If a Dragon dies in Coli or in this challenge the dragon leaves your journey, unless they have extra lives or the rules state otherwise.
• When a dragon reaches level 10, 15 and 20, they gain an extra life.
• If a dragon reaches level 25 it "retires."
[i][color=transparent]-[/color] - This dragon is unable to die or be affected by challenges, locking in its job from being taken, however, it cannot battle in the coliseum or breed due to age. You can still exalt the dragon and keep them alive in the challenge if you want sweet sweet cash.[/i]
• You must flip a coin for each egg hatched.
[color=transparent]-[/color] - Heads = Healthy
[color=transparent]-[/color] - Tails = Exalted
• Likewise, it's dangerous on the road for young hatchlings - every day you must roll 6 sided dice for every hatchling in your lair. On a 1 the hatchling leaves your caravan.
• When a dragon reaches level 5 it must roll for a job. (Job list is below.)
[i][color=transparent]-[/color] - If a dragon changes jobs through a challenge they keep the lives they have gained from their past job.[/i]
• Apparel, familiars and scenes may be applied at any time to any dragons.
[quote=WIN CONDITIONS][columns][emoji=gold crown size=1][color=transparent]-[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4]• Reach your caravan’s final destination
• Have a level 25 Caravan Leader[/size][/font][/columns][/quote]
• The challenge starts with 3 level 1 adult dragons. Select one of them to be the Caravan Leader.
• Decide how many stops are on your dragons’ journey. The options below are suggestions, change up the length of the game as you see fit! This is about what is fun for you.
• Muster Resources with Arlo and multiply the first two numbers by 5 to determine your starting resource pool. - - Supplies = pickaxe/rugged work (multiply) - - Rations = magnify glass/precise work (multiply) - - Trade goods = research notes (DON'T multiply)
• You draw a Pinkerton pull each day to decide your dragon's fate. Your dragons also get jobs in the future to decide what else you can do daily.
RULES wrote:
• Each dragon or hatchling consumes 1 ration per day, unless otherwise stated. - - If there are not enough rations for all dragons, you must decide who to feed. - - Dragons that do not eat cannot use their job special abilities. - - Dragons that do not eat for 2 turns in a row perish or leave the caravan.
• If your caravan runs out of Supplies and requires them to make repairs to move on, you only move 0.5 units of distance per day.
• If a Dragon dies in Coli or in this challenge the dragon leaves your journey, unless they have extra lives or the rules state otherwise.
• When a dragon reaches level 10, 15 and 20, they gain an extra life.
• If a dragon reaches level 25 it "retires." - - This dragon is unable to die or be affected by challenges, locking in its job from being taken, however, it cannot battle in the coliseum or breed due to age. You can still exalt the dragon and keep them alive in the challenge if you want sweet sweet cash.
• You must flip a coin for each egg hatched. - - Heads = Healthy - - Tails = Exalted
• Likewise, it's dangerous on the road for young hatchlings - every day you must roll 6 sided dice for every hatchling in your lair. On a 1 the hatchling leaves your caravan.
• When a dragon reaches level 5 it must roll for a job. (Job list is below.) - - If a dragon changes jobs through a challenge they keep the lives they have gained from their past job.
• Apparel, familiars and scenes may be applied at any time to any dragons.
• Reach your caravan’s final destination
• Have a level 25 Caravan Leader
[center][columns][center][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/r7wciHt.png[/img][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][color=#392c1a][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#830101][b]— C A R A V A N[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=book antiqua][size=4][i]The travelers & the journey.[/i][/size][/font][/center][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]THE JOURNEY —[/b][/size][/font][/columns]
[center][columns][item=map kit][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4]The caravan departs from [b]Hewn City[/b] in the Sunbeam Ruins. The journey will end once the caravan reaches the [b]Hellwell Undercroft[/b] in the Scarred Wasteland. They will be traveling to 10 stops total; three stops through the Sunbeam Ruins, three stops through the Tangled Wood, and four stops through the Scarred Wasteland to arrive at their destination.[/size][/font][/center]
[columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]THE CREW —[/b][/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/46528620][img]https://www1.flightrising.com//rendern/coliseum/portraits/465287/46528620.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]R I A //[/b] LVL 7 • Caravan Leader • 4 Lives
[i]Not particularly thrilled with the job she's been given, but not stupid enough to say no to a direct order from Azazel either[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/71247351][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/712474/71247351.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]R O S A C E A //[/b] LVL 6 • Entertainer • 1 Life
[i]A skilled navigator and seasoned guide, it’s often expected to see this fae accompanying Verivala’s field trips.[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78187104][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/781872/78187104.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]W I T H E R //[/b] LVL 8 • Guard • 2 Lives
[i]A typical gentle, if a little grumpy, giant whose charges are the mildly irritating group she is traveling with.[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78187104][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78802854][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/788029/78802854.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]A L E P P O //[/b] LVL 5 • Wainwright • 1 Lives
[i]Hatched from an orphaned egg the group stumbled across in their travels. Enjoys plants and foraging.[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/89223668][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/892237/89223668.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]A L B Y N //[/b] LVL 7 • Alchemist • 1 Life
[i]A well-traveled historian that the crew picked up on the road. Disarming, friendly, and willing to share his knowledge.[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/96038636][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/960387/96038636.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]I O L A //[/b] LVL 3 • Passenger • 1 Life
[i]A straggler who joined the caravan in the Forum.[/i][/size][/font][/columns]
Map your many adventures, and fly where the winds take you! (Mistral Jamboree Holiday Item 2018.)
The caravan departs from Hewn City in the Sunbeam Ruins. The journey will end once the caravan reaches the Hellwell Undercroft in the Scarred Wasteland. They will be traveling to 10 stops total; three stops through the Sunbeam Ruins, three stops through the Tangled Wood, and four stops through the Scarred Wasteland to arrive at their destination.
R I A // LVL 7 • Caravan Leader • 4 Lives Not particularly thrilled with the job she's been given, but not stupid enough to say no to a direct order from Azazel either
R O S A C E A // LVL 6 • Entertainer • 1 Life A skilled navigator and seasoned guide, it’s often expected to see this fae accompanying Verivala’s field trips.
W I T H E R // LVL 8 • Guard • 2 Lives A typical gentle, if a little grumpy, giant whose charges are the mildly irritating group she is traveling with.
A L E P P O // LVL 5 • Wainwright • 1 Lives Hatched from an orphaned egg the group stumbled across in their travels. Enjoys plants and foraging.
A L B Y N // LVL 7 • Alchemist • 1 Life A well-traveled historian that the crew picked up on the road. Disarming, friendly, and willing to share his knowledge.
I O L A // LVL 3 • Passenger • 1 Life A straggler who joined the caravan in the Forum.
[center][columns][center][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/bQ82cKp.png[/img][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][color=#392c1a][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#830101][b]— T H E[color=transparent]x[/color] F A L L E N[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=book antiqua][size=4][i]Those lost along the way.[/i][/size][/font][/center][/columns]
[font=book antiqua][size=4]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78187104][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78802853][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/788029/78802853.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]C Y N A R //[/b] LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life
[i]One of the bundle of eggs the crew found along the way.[/i]
Did not survive the hatchling rolls on Day 11.[/size][/font][/columns][/size][/font]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/89520201][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/895203/89520201.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]E M A //[/b] LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life
[i]A lost hatchling picked up by the crew as he attempted to hitchhike home to the Tangled Wood on their van.[/i]
Did not survive the hatchling roll on Day 13.[/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/89542881][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/895429/89542881.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]L I L O O M //[/b] LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life
[i]A lost hatchling picked up by the crew on the road.[/i]
Disembarked on Day 19 at the Wispwillow Grove.[/size][/font][/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/92498555][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/coliseum/portraits/924986/92498555.png[/img][/url][nextcol][emoji=brown gem size=1][color=transparent]x[/color]
[nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]E B R I L L A //[/b] LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life
[i]A hatchling picked up on the outskirts of the Tangled Woods.[/i]
Did not survive the hatchling roll on Day 25[/size][/font][/columns] [/center]
C Y N A R // LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life One of the bundle of eggs the crew found along the way.
Did not survive the hatchling rolls on Day 11.
E M A // LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life A lost hatchling picked up by the crew as he attempted to hitchhike home to the Tangled Wood on their van.
Did not survive the hatchling roll on Day 13.
L I L O O M // LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life A lost hatchling picked up by the crew on the road.
Disembarked on Day 19 at the Wispwillow Grove.
E B R I L L A // LVL 1 • Passenger • 1 Life A hatchling picked up on the outskirts of the Tangled Woods.
Did not survive the hatchling roll on Day 25
[center][columns][center][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.postimg.cc/g2g9x2kL/DBR5.png[/img][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][color=#392c1a][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#830101][b]— C R E D I T S[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[center][font=book antiqua][size=3]• [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3137937]Original Travelocke concept[/url]
• [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1985777]Vista & Scene banners[/url]
• [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2257922/1#post_28920484]Other graphics[/url]
[center][columns][center][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.postimg.cc/hj6cfPs1/DB4.png[/img][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][color=#392c1a][font=book antiqua][size=6][color=#830101][b]— P I N G L I S T[/b][/color][/size][/font]
Can I be on this pinglist? It looks so well done :D
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/3p6kP58.png[/img][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]DAY 01 —[/b] HEWN CITY
[b]Stop:[/b] 00 / 10
[b]Distance to Next:[/b] 00 / 04
[b]Passengers Alive:[/b] 03 / 03[/size][/font][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZyotwQw.png[/img][nextcoL][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]Supplies:[/b] 20
[b]Rations[/b]: 40
[b]Trade Goods:[/b] 02[/font][/size][/columns]
[center][font=book antiqua][size=4][item=psywurm]
[b]Familiar:[/b] a fork in the road.
Rolled three stops. First stop is 8 units away, second and third are both 2 units away.
Opting to take the shorter route.
It’s mostly silent, save for the trundling of the caravan’s wheels over the sandy terrain of Hewn City. They’re tired - there’s a nervous sort of tension in the air between the small group; a looming expectation that someone, somewhere, was going to stop them and request to see the cargo that they were transporting. The cargo in question sat buried beneath rations and flashy weapons, hidden deep within an unassuming sack and wrapped carefully in parchment - they were books, and old ones at that. They had arrived at the docks late last night, and the group had stolen them by the pale moonlight and retreated to the crumbling ruins of the city to lay low until the frantic searching had calmed down. The cargo had been highly anticipated research from some dragonfolk somewhere off the coasts of Sornieth, some important historical texts that could be vital to understanding and decoding the bizarre tapestries and ancient language that littered the old, rotting city back in the Wasteland where the group of bandits made their home.
Ria kept a steady pace on foot alongside the caravan, leading the small pack of excitable hainus that were pulling the thing. The journey home was long, and she didn’t need the creatures pulling any unnecessary weight before they needed to. Wither dutifully trudged along at the back of the little convoy while their resident fae perched on the head of their largest hainu.
Ria’s eyes scanned the road ahead, noting the upcoming fork in the road. She held up one hand, bringing the caravan to a grinding halt.
“A shortcut?” she asked Rosecea. In turn, the navigator scrambled into the back of the caravan where their journey map lay.
“I think so!” he called back. “We can probably cut some time off if we take that little trail on the left.”
“Hmm. It may be best to get as much distance covered as we can until we reach the Tangled Wood,” Ria mused, gazing thoughtfully at the off-road trail in question. She was quiet for a moment, then - “Fine. We’ll take the shortcut as far as we can until nightfall. Let’s go.”
[b]RESULTS —[/b]
All dragons fed (-3 Rations)
Rerouted course - distance to next stop now only 2 units. [/font][/size][/center]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/3p6kP58.png[/img][nextcol][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]DAY 01—[/b] END STATS
[b]Stop:[/b] 00 / 10
[b]Distance to Next:[/b] 01 / 02
[b]Passengers Alive:[/b] 03 / 03[/size][/font][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZyotwQw.png[/img][nextcoL][font=book antiqua][size=4][b]Supplies:[/b] 20
[b]Rations[/b]: 37
[b]Trade Goods:[/b] 02[/font][/size][/columns]
DAY 01 — HEWN CITY Stop: 00 / 10 Distance to Next: 00 / 04 Passengers Alive: 03 / 03
Supplies: 20 Rations: 40 Trade Goods: 02
Psywurms love a good book. Usually preferring to nap on the one you're trying to read. (KS-Sponsored by Mythka.)
Familiar: a fork in the road.
Rolled three stops. First stop is 8 units away, second and third are both 2 units away.
Opting to take the shorter route.
It’s mostly silent, save for the trundling of the caravan’s wheels over the sandy terrain of Hewn City. They’re tired - there’s a nervous sort of tension in the air between the small group; a looming expectation that someone, somewhere, was going to stop them and request to see the cargo that they were transporting. The cargo in question sat buried beneath rations and flashy weapons, hidden deep within an unassuming sack and wrapped carefully in parchment - they were books, and old ones at that. They had arrived at the docks late last night, and the group had stolen them by the pale moonlight and retreated to the crumbling ruins of the city to lay low until the frantic searching had calmed down. The cargo had been highly anticipated research from some dragonfolk somewhere off the coasts of Sornieth, some important historical texts that could be vital to understanding and decoding the bizarre tapestries and ancient language that littered the old, rotting city back in the Wasteland where the group of bandits made their home.
Ria kept a steady pace on foot alongside the caravan, leading the small pack of excitable hainus that were pulling the thing. The journey home was long, and she didn’t need the creatures pulling any unnecessary weight before they needed to. Wither dutifully trudged along at the back of the little convoy while their resident fae perched on the head of their largest hainu.
Ria’s eyes scanned the road ahead, noting the upcoming fork in the road. She held up one hand, bringing the caravan to a grinding halt.
“A shortcut?” she asked Rosecea. In turn, the navigator scrambled into the back of the caravan where their journey map lay.
“I think so!” he called back. “We can probably cut some time off if we take that little trail on the left.”
“Hmm. It may be best to get as much distance covered as we can until we reach the Tangled Wood,” Ria mused, gazing thoughtfully at the off-road trail in question. She was quiet for a moment, then - “Fine. We’ll take the shortcut as far as we can until nightfall. Let’s go.”
All dragons fed (-3 Rations)
Rerouted course - distance to next stop now only 2 units.
DAY 01— END STATS Stop: 00 / 10 Distance to Next: 01 / 02 Passengers Alive: 03 / 03