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TOPIC | So how 'bout them clowns?
... I frequently walk from my friend's residence hall to mine very late at night (like 1 AM late). It's like, 200 feet, but still. I do hope I never see one of these guys. But then again it would make one heck of a story.
... I frequently walk from my friend's residence hall to mine very late at night (like 1 AM late). It's like, 200 feet, but still. I do hope I never see one of these guys. But then again it would make one heck of a story.
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
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[quote name="Kpribbit" date=2016-09-26 06:58:29] I heard about this and immediately thought If I lived near there I literally wouldn't leave the house after 5PM, likewise AM. Are the clowns touching or chasing people, or are they just watching from the woods? [/quote] All of the above
Kpribbit wrote on 2016-09-26:
I heard about this and immediately thought
If I lived near there I literally wouldn't leave the house after 5PM, likewise AM.

Are the clowns touching or chasing people, or are they just watching from the woods?

All of the above

• it's in the refrigerator
• overwatch/bg3 trash
• she/they | FR +1
Eureka College in Illinois had classes cancelled after 4pm today.. and I was told the highschool was on lockdown. Like, if this was a joke, it's definitely gone way too far...
Eureka College in Illinois had classes cancelled after 4pm today.. and I was told the highschool was on lockdown. Like, if this was a joke, it's definitely gone way too far...

[list] [*] [url=]They've been trying to lure children into the woods with candy.[/url] [*] [url=]A woman was strangled on her porch by a clown who threatened the nearby school.[/url] [*] [url=]Clowns have been making bomb threats towards schools in general.[/url] [*] [url=]A 16-year-old boy was fatally stabbed by a clown.[/url] [/list] The original incident, I think, was the clowns in the woods. Since then, copycats have sprung up and a variety of small to large threats and attacks have been issued by clowns. People are also just dressing up as clowns in order to scare people without having to do anything, but I mean, violent crimes HAVE happened with these people so legitimately[b] please stay safe[/b]. It's bizarre and scary. [url=]There's a TIME article detailing how it began.[/url] I'm in Oregon so there's not as many, but [url=]a lady in downtown Portland was recently attacked, too[/url]. I wouldn't get too anxious about it but if you see any clowns, don't take your chances with them. Go somewhere safe, travel in numbers especially after dark, don't feel stupid for being scared of them because this is really frightening. And keep pets inside - it's also October and I know violence against black cats goes up the closer we get to Halloween. :( Hopefully everything stops/calms down soon.

The original incident, I think, was the clowns in the woods. Since then, copycats have sprung up and a variety of small to large threats and attacks have been issued by clowns. People are also just dressing up as clowns in order to scare people without having to do anything, but I mean, violent crimes HAVE happened with these people so legitimately please stay safe. It's bizarre and scary. There's a TIME article detailing how it began.

I'm in Oregon so there's not as many, but a lady in downtown Portland was recently attacked, too.

I wouldn't get too anxious about it but if you see any clowns, don't take your chances with them. Go somewhere safe, travel in numbers especially after dark, don't feel stupid for being scared of them because this is really frightening. And keep pets inside - it's also October and I know violence against black cats goes up the closer we get to Halloween. :( Hopefully everything stops/calms down soon.
Yoo I'm originally from the Chicagoland area but I'm currently two states up for college.

Anyways I went back home this past weekend for three days, and this clown stuff is honestly so frightening they've had bats and knifes and other weapons. I couldn't feel comfortable driving through forest preserves to get to family or come back home( Unavoidable for me unless I would like to tack on 30 ish extra minutes of driving out of my way to avoid this). I've seen two already. There have been a number of people who have been assaulted or felt very uncomfortable to even be outside near dusk.

I've never had a phobia or anything with clowns, but these events this month are scary. The fact that a large amount of jerks getting into character like that and threatening civilian safety like this. Is frightening. They openly came out and stared or sauntered closer to people to get to them, even at parks well lit. They've come up dangerously close to homes too.

Just yesterday it was confirmed they're even up here, far north. MN. Ugh

Stay safe states with the clowns :o

Yoo I'm originally from the Chicagoland area but I'm currently two states up for college.

Anyways I went back home this past weekend for three days, and this clown stuff is honestly so frightening they've had bats and knifes and other weapons. I couldn't feel comfortable driving through forest preserves to get to family or come back home( Unavoidable for me unless I would like to tack on 30 ish extra minutes of driving out of my way to avoid this). I've seen two already. There have been a number of people who have been assaulted or felt very uncomfortable to even be outside near dusk.

I've never had a phobia or anything with clowns, but these events this month are scary. The fact that a large amount of jerks getting into character like that and threatening civilian safety like this. Is frightening. They openly came out and stared or sauntered closer to people to get to them, even at parks well lit. They've come up dangerously close to homes too.

Just yesterday it was confirmed they're even up here, far north. MN. Ugh

Stay safe states with the clowns :o

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LF Vibrant Dragons

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- Someone threatened a high school near here with the clown thing but I heard the police have apprehended the person.

- A co-worker of mine has told us that her daughter said there was a clown just standing outside their school and staring.

Tonight I had to leave my friends and walk to my car that was in an empty parking lot next to a dANG EMPTY PARK
We legit scoped it out from her house for like 10 mins, saw something weird -- went to look for some binoculars, didn't find any -- so I told her if my car goes into panic mode and I'm running, oPEN THE DOOR RITE NOW Because holy **** that would scare me to bits

-- Thankfully there was no clown.

What the heck. So here I am looking for this thread to tell ppl about this lmao (found it).
I am from Illinois. Heard the clown craze is coming throu the midwest.
Some of 'em are holding weapons too??? That's one way to get yourself shot tbh.
- Someone threatened a high school near here with the clown thing but I heard the police have apprehended the person.

- A co-worker of mine has told us that her daughter said there was a clown just standing outside their school and staring.

Tonight I had to leave my friends and walk to my car that was in an empty parking lot next to a dANG EMPTY PARK
We legit scoped it out from her house for like 10 mins, saw something weird -- went to look for some binoculars, didn't find any -- so I told her if my car goes into panic mode and I'm running, oPEN THE DOOR RITE NOW Because holy **** that would scare me to bits

-- Thankfully there was no clown.

What the heck. So here I am looking for this thread to tell ppl about this lmao (found it).
I am from Illinois. Heard the clown craze is coming throu the midwest.
Some of 'em are holding weapons too??? That's one way to get yourself shot tbh.

I was just about to make a thread about this! 0 .0 Seeing this is a widespread thing is making this much worse...

Last Saturday a coworker told me about a guy dressed as a clown spotted in a local park. I didn't think anything of it, just some creepy guy being creepy. I've been hearing more and more about them though. Last Friday local schools closed down due to threats. A woman was choked and threatened with murder. I just did a search for clown sightings in my town and there's been ~4 this week alone.

I walk to work after dark, leaving at 9pm and coming home at 6am or 7am. I'm now getting pretty panicked about this. With Halloween coming up this is only going to get worse. I carry a knife and mace with me. My flashlight is big/long enough to be used as a weapon too plus it has a strobe light and SOS flashing feature. I still don't want to get into a situation where I have to use any of that. I think I'm gonna ask my husband to take me in/pick me up for the remainder of the week at least.

People suck. =(

I was just about to make a thread about this! 0 .0 Seeing this is a widespread thing is making this much worse...

Last Saturday a coworker told me about a guy dressed as a clown spotted in a local park. I didn't think anything of it, just some creepy guy being creepy. I've been hearing more and more about them though. Last Friday local schools closed down due to threats. A woman was choked and threatened with murder. I just did a search for clown sightings in my town and there's been ~4 this week alone.

I walk to work after dark, leaving at 9pm and coming home at 6am or 7am. I'm now getting pretty panicked about this. With Halloween coming up this is only going to get worse. I carry a knife and mace with me. My flashlight is big/long enough to be used as a weapon too plus it has a strobe light and SOS flashing feature. I still don't want to get into a situation where I have to use any of that. I think I'm gonna ask my husband to take me in/pick me up for the remainder of the week at least.

People suck. =(
Nobody wants to tell you why discipline is so important. Discipline is the strongest form of self-love. It is ignoring current pleasures for bigger rewards to come. It's loving yourself enough to give yourself everything you've ever wanted.
I have been terrified of clowns since I was a little kid after seeing Killer Clowns From Outer Space, and I refuse to like them since so every time I see a post on FB about clowns I freak out and now I am always checking my windows before I use the bathroom...
I have been terrified of clowns since I was a little kid after seeing Killer Clowns From Outer Space, and I refuse to like them since so every time I see a post on FB about clowns I freak out and now I am always checking my windows before I use the bathroom...
[quote name="Chronosplit" date=2016-09-25 20:45:10] Do they sing Insane Clown Posse songs and complain about magnets? [/quote] How do they work? Anyway, there are clown showing up in my area now, and I'm NOT having any of it. I'm afraid of clowns, and now... well, now, if I see one, I'd probably try to hurt it with a shoe, causing it to get more enraged and ending in someone getting seriously hurt.
Chronosplit wrote on 2016-09-25:
Do they sing Insane Clown Posse songs and complain about magnets?
How do they work?

Anyway, there are clown showing up in my area now, and I'm NOT having any of it. I'm afraid of clowns, and now... well, now, if I see one, I'd probably try to hurt it with a shoe, causing it to get more enraged and ending in someone getting seriously hurt.
Honestly I'm not even close to afraid anymore because I keep hearing it over and over again (I live in one of the states with the clowns...) and it seems more and more like a joke...
Honestly I'm not even close to afraid anymore because I keep hearing it over and over again (I live in one of the states with the clowns...) and it seems more and more like a joke...