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ImpossibleJedi4's Clan

I am Emmet
Ancient Lair
of the
Charged Barrens icon

Clan Info

Call me Blue, Emmet, or Jedi!
The Clan of the Fractured Soul
Once rumored to have the soul of a hero from beyond the stars leading their clan, these dragons now know that Soul is simply a very powerful lightning dragon who has matured into a great leader.

The Clan of the Fractured Soul is an odd collection of dragons and those masquerading as dragons living in the Thunderhead Savannah. Soul accepts them all, if they behave themselves and don't cause too much trouble. Known as a very relaxed clan, they prefer words to fighting right away, though they would be quite fearsome in battle indeed. Their symbols are the warcat protector and tribeam hunter.

Temporary threads:
~Lightning Gen1 Search~
~Gen1 Sales~
Permanent Threads:
~Goals and Link Directory~
~Emerald Lightning DOM Shop~
~Force-Sensitives Subspecies~
~Clan Lore~
~Dragon Outfit Plans~
Art threads:
~Art Sales~
~Kyber Pixels~
~Grumpy Gaoler Adopts~
~Dragon Sketches~
Blue // adult // they/he
I never mind pings or messages! Sometimes I struggle to understand or convey tone and intent via text. Please never hesitate to ask what I mean, and I may ask the same!

I am on: ChickenSmoothie, Tumblr, Twitter, AO3, Discord, and Telegram!

I enjoy all colors/breeds/poses. I'm not wicked picky!

Gene Wishlist:
Tertiary Gene: Veined , Secondary Gene: Noxtide , Breed Change: Spiral , Primary Gene: Giraffe , Tertiary Gene: Stained ,, Tertiary Gene: Spines x2, Primary Gene: Jaguar , Tertiary Gene: Ghost ,,

Apparel Wishlist:
See here!

Nickel Cat Figurine Catfeather Loop Glittering Sphinxband King of the Plains Fangback Figurine
Ferberus Skull Feline Triskull
Raw Lapis Lazuli Labradorite Moonstone Amethyst Geode
Mana Thief Firefly Reedcleft Sparkler Glowbug
Golden Reefprince Nightrage Axolotl Mudpuppy Leucistic Axolotl
Ashmane Cat Pallas Cat
Sharpened Scythe Ceremonial Scythe Fallout Whisper Coral Basilisk Field Notes Pulsating Green Embers
Hunter Circuit Lurker Motherboard Multimist Mask Sparksylph Husk
* Broken Heartstone *

I collect UMAs based off of Gravity Falls and tech-themed accents, especially objecthead ones! If you have any accents like this for sale feel free to message me about it!
Gravity Falls themed: Demon Demonic, The Pines Protect Me, The Pines Are Mine
Tech: Technicolor, COLORBARS, Repurposed Watcher, Cybernaut, Arcore Armour Mark I, Laser Head Activated, Mobile Computing, Bog Screen TV, Holodancer Retro 002, Bright Idea, Subterranean Circuit, Mobile Camcorder, TV Cryptid, Filled with Mites, Noctube, CABINETMAN

Past Broadcast Messages:
Clan of the Fractured Soul
We'll use the Force!
When destiny calls you, you must be strong.
When the light goes out, this isn't the end.
I'm sorry for everything, oh everything I've done...
That's when something wild calls you home.
I would say it's time for a different twist in the storyline
We are the warriors that built this town from dust.
Quem dixere Chaos.
Says he's happy (he's a liar).
Wdujhw dftxluhg. Orfnhg rq!
Wkhuh’v qrwklqj wkhuh.
... I legitimately do not know how to respond to that.
They will not remember this world even if it remembers them.
Finally banished from the safest place in the world.
Dreams fight with machines inside my head
It hurts like hell.
01001000 01101001 00100001 00100000 00111010 01000100
TV heads rise up
I vanish
Questions is what I was maked for!
*falls asleep*
I am One with the Force and the Force is with me.
I love you, though you didn't know what I would become.
I will face Arglwydd and walk backwards into Annwn.
Stuck in Train Man hell
I am Emmet


Roleplays I'm in:
Star Wars:Trail of the Traitor:Old Thread:OOC Thread Dead
1X1 with Theoretically Dead
1X1 with sharkcola Dead
Gravity Falls RP:OOC Thread Dead
What if Coatl RP Dead
Cats of the Same Spots:OOC Thread Dead
1X1 with Draconequis Dead
1X1 with Lonelyvalues Dead
Dragon High School Dead
Following of the Phoatl Dead
Star Wars: Eclipsed Suns (1X1 with ResidentLunatic) Dead
Covalent (Gravity Falls AU RP):OOC Thread (gone) Dead
Less House, More Home (Gravity Falls AU RP) Dead
Grey Matters Star Wars RP:OOC Thread Dead
Across Time and Space 1X1 with Evbay
Jedi Exiles:OOC Thread Dead

Fun Threads:
Bill Cipher/Gravity Falls Fanclub
TPOH Fanclub

Really helpful links:
Coding on FR
Breeding Card Maker
Dragon training!
Accent coverage
Baldwin List:More
Special Coli Link
Fonts on FR
Achievement Generator
Signature is 500 x 100!

Miscellaneous Stuff:

~RIP What if coatl had no leg August 9 2016
~3 of my sold babies have become Star Wars fandragons so far
~Prank war: Starsilver: 2 Me: 1
~Ping RoyalSorceress when Covalent!Bill's heartstone lore is done

I'm part of FL/GHT!

*~Everything's a mess.~*

May Revive:
~Hyperspace Hatchery~Lore-A-Day Challenge (on hold)~Daily Nature Photos (on hold)~Accent Maker Search~[LF]Born June 23rd~[Buy]Broken Heartstones~

Thread Archive:
~Help me with my dragon projects!~Second thread!~Gravity Falls Fanfiction (cancelled)~[LF] Technicolor Accent~Accent Search~[LF] Augmented Reality Accent~Cheer Up Thread~Jedi's Sketches~Zer0's Quest~Zim's Quest~Mini Mass Hatch 2020~Mass Hatch 2021~17776 Fandragon Search~2022 Mass Hatch~Ice Gen1 Search~Mass Hatch 2023~

Most posts on FR achieved on August 14, 2019, 22:05:36 server time

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RkWNRgL's avatar
August 17, 2024 22:29:04
Lurin was on the front page! ^^ Super pretty!
KamiRain's avatar
March 04, 2024 10:20:08
glad to see one of the truezims still going strong
MPLily's avatar
September 04, 2023 20:15:07
Your robot dragons are SO COOL :D
Circumzenithal's avatar
August 30, 2023 18:54:12
Luper was on the front page; lovely!
ExoticButters171's avatar
August 26, 2023 22:39:41
Thanks for completing the survey. You may claim your prize when the empire is formed and has complete control of the galaxy. Execute Order 66... /j
ExoticButters171's avatar
August 26, 2023 11:02:17
How would you feel if i executed Order 66 right now? (Time sensitive question) /j
BackwardsDracula's avatar
August 25, 2023 19:39:08
Teleost was on the front page!
DriftingDreams' avatar
August 22, 2023 21:14:42
I love your Imagine Dragons fandragons! Especially Daniel, her color scheme is perfect for the album cover and I love the fact that she's a Mirror with Smoke.
BigB0yJENKINS' avatar
August 17, 2023 21:40:53
Hi i love your laptop computers 4 life i also love that so many of your computers are canonically polite
WeiYing's avatar
August 14, 2023 09:31:19
Lol that’s ok! I don’t mind! ^^
Cunea's avatar
August 13, 2023 19:47:09
I love your forum signature and submas fandragons- they're amazing!
Amieg's avatar
August 11, 2023 14:02:42
TMA lead pipe fandragon :)
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Date Joined
Nov 18, 2015

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ImpossibleJedi4's Friends

Starsilver's avatar
Starsilver (#125458)

Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.
Siberian's avatar
Siberian (#76725)

one two three four I declare a magic war
SolarDaemon's avatar
SolarDaemon (#39863)

I'm on deviantArt and Chicken Smoothie as well! =)
Noellego's avatar
Noellego (#204947)
GrenadeFestival's avatar
GrenadeFestival (#204220)

Confirmed: I am the scrublord
Geekhyena's avatar
Geekhyena (#168354)
Crescental's avatar
Crescental (#135772)

I love Dragons
bluebirb's avatar
bluebirb (#189508)

pastel poubelle
Rata's avatar
Rata (#34970)

where my kitkat at
Dariandra's avatar
Dariandra (#158337)

Recent Activity

Oct 22
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Male, 1 Fae Male, 1 Fae Female
Oct 21
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Female
Oct 21
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Female

Recent Achievements

Oct 22
Festive Favors: Riot of Rot
Oct 16
How Does this Pile Never Get Smaller? (50)
Oct 16
Bug Borrowing Baron (1000)
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