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TOPIC | So how 'bout them clowns?
Unleash the vikings on them.
Unleash the vikings on them.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
I really wish we didn't have to deal with them... I've been up the past few nights with my little brother who honest to god believes a clown is going to come smashing through our windows any second
I really wish we didn't have to deal with them... I've been up the past few nights with my little brother who honest to god believes a clown is going to come smashing through our windows any second
"When you're going to change the world, don't ask for permission."
I'm pretty sure that if people dressed as clowns were actually killing anyone it would have been all over the news by now. Instead all we have is a bunch of scaremongering horse puckey from a bunch of juvenile pussbuckets who think it's hilarious to genuinely scare people. And now the national news is running with it and making it all worse.

Everyone has heard """stories""" about people getting killed by clowns, but show me the valid news articles about it. Show me documented and proven cases of kids/people being abducted by clowns. You can't, because it's garbage.

They've already arrested one 14 year old turd rag in California who invented and posed as the "Fontana Killer Clown" just to see how many followers he could get.

For me it isn't even about clowns. Preying on a specific phobia people have isn't very nice, but it doesn't become actively threatening until you pretend that you're a serial killer who's planning to kill/abduct people. What the everlasting gobstopper is WRONG with these kids? Seriously. That garbage isn't funny.

I have a friend who's been helping to plan a haunted house since last October. Their theme was going to be clowns. Now they have to scrap everything and start over from scratch with Halloween only a few weeks away because some immature little twits think threatening people is a great joke.

I'm not saying that dangerous people can't disguise themselves as clowns to cause harm, but I'd say the odds against there being some widespread case of "killer clowns" are astronomical. I'd also be willing to bet that most if not all of these jerks perpetrating this don't pose a serious threat to anyone beyond their jaw-dropping stupidity. I hope more of these jerks get caught, exposed as wet-nosed little boys, and thrown into juvie. Teach them about consequences. Show them why what they're doing is dangerous and wrong.

I am just so flipping DONE with this whole story. I hate the kids responsible. I hate the fear it's causing. I hate that Halloween is being ruined and that professional clowns are being so horribly smeared by this. It's awful. And now I'm going to go look at pics of fluffy kittens because I didn't realize just how ANGRY this was making me.
I'm pretty sure that if people dressed as clowns were actually killing anyone it would have been all over the news by now. Instead all we have is a bunch of scaremongering horse puckey from a bunch of juvenile pussbuckets who think it's hilarious to genuinely scare people. And now the national news is running with it and making it all worse.

Everyone has heard """stories""" about people getting killed by clowns, but show me the valid news articles about it. Show me documented and proven cases of kids/people being abducted by clowns. You can't, because it's garbage.

They've already arrested one 14 year old turd rag in California who invented and posed as the "Fontana Killer Clown" just to see how many followers he could get.

For me it isn't even about clowns. Preying on a specific phobia people have isn't very nice, but it doesn't become actively threatening until you pretend that you're a serial killer who's planning to kill/abduct people. What the everlasting gobstopper is WRONG with these kids? Seriously. That garbage isn't funny.

I have a friend who's been helping to plan a haunted house since last October. Their theme was going to be clowns. Now they have to scrap everything and start over from scratch with Halloween only a few weeks away because some immature little twits think threatening people is a great joke.

I'm not saying that dangerous people can't disguise themselves as clowns to cause harm, but I'd say the odds against there being some widespread case of "killer clowns" are astronomical. I'd also be willing to bet that most if not all of these jerks perpetrating this don't pose a serious threat to anyone beyond their jaw-dropping stupidity. I hope more of these jerks get caught, exposed as wet-nosed little boys, and thrown into juvie. Teach them about consequences. Show them why what they're doing is dangerous and wrong.

I am just so flipping DONE with this whole story. I hate the kids responsible. I hate the fear it's causing. I hate that Halloween is being ruined and that professional clowns are being so horribly smeared by this. It's awful. And now I'm going to go look at pics of fluffy kittens because I didn't realize just how ANGRY this was making me.
tumblr_inline_ojsvh3EcyM1r076v1_75sq.png Aliit. Buirkan. Tor.
I've seen sightings around here on the news that's just cruel. Just to scare people like that? Man, now I can't walk my dog and play Pokemon GO because of these idiots. :\ I'm sure this clown stuff will be gone sometime next month. I heard of the killings but not sure if they are true...I know now they are walking around in the middle of the night. It really sucks that Halloween is coming up and people will be freaking scared to even go outside for trick-or-treating because of the dumb-butt clowns. Siggghsss...people can be so cruel. :C
I've seen sightings around here on the news that's just cruel. Just to scare people like that? Man, now I can't walk my dog and play Pokemon GO because of these idiots. :\ I'm sure this clown stuff will be gone sometime next month. I heard of the killings but not sure if they are true...I know now they are walking around in the middle of the night. It really sucks that Halloween is coming up and people will be freaking scared to even go outside for trick-or-treating because of the dumb-butt clowns. Siggghsss...people can be so cruel. :C

if you've seen gamzee makara it doesn't matter if you're scared of clowns.
it's bad

if you've seen gamzee makara it doesn't matter if you're scared of clowns.
it's bad
call me taro
he/him and pi/pika | fr time | art shop
I live in West Virginia as well, and my local news has warned of these things as a lot of people have reported sightings as well as being stalked. To my knowledge, at least here, there have been no murders or abductions, only stalking and some vandalism.

I'm scared of clowns, so I'm glad I haven't seen any.. but it worries me because I live in an apartment complex that boarders a stretch of woods, and a lot of people have reported the clowns in rural areas and in and around wooded areas scaring people. I hate getting off night shift and thinking one of them will be waiting in the dark parking lot of the hospital I work at, too.
I live in West Virginia as well, and my local news has warned of these things as a lot of people have reported sightings as well as being stalked. To my knowledge, at least here, there have been no murders or abductions, only stalking and some vandalism.

I'm scared of clowns, so I'm glad I haven't seen any.. but it worries me because I live in an apartment complex that boarders a stretch of woods, and a lot of people have reported the clowns in rural areas and in and around wooded areas scaring people. I hate getting off night shift and thinking one of them will be waiting in the dark parking lot of the hospital I work at, too.
I'm very blunt and straightforward.
Yes, I never use any vistas.

For ease of access: She/Her.

Also I hoard the hyena familiars.
They just recently started showing up in my state, and all I can think is "nooooope."

I'm probably not going outside after dark until this month is over.
They just recently started showing up in my state, and all I can think is "nooooope."

I'm probably not going outside after dark until this month is over.
I hate clowns! When I was just 6 years old, my cousin and I were in my parent's room flipping through channels on the little TV. Due to antenna-only TVs not having child blocks in the 90's, we ended up on Steven King's It right in time to see the clown pop out of the shower drain and eat the kid. I ran out of the hallway screaming my head off! For the next 3 years, I insisted on having baths rather than showers, thinking that if the tub was full, if the clown tried to eat me, it would drown before it could.
I hate clowns! When I was just 6 years old, my cousin and I were in my parent's room flipping through channels on the little TV. Due to antenna-only TVs not having child blocks in the 90's, we ended up on Steven King's It right in time to see the clown pop out of the shower drain and eat the kid. I ran out of the hallway screaming my head off! For the next 3 years, I insisted on having baths rather than showers, thinking that if the tub was full, if the clown tried to eat me, it would drown before it could.
If there is ever a clown around me I will punch them in the throat I am not putting up with that ****
If there is ever a clown around me I will punch them in the throat I am not putting up with that ****
Okay, so if it were anything but clowns, I'd be fine.

I mean, a lot of people say 'oh clowns are creepy', but I HATE them. When I was in the second grade, a man in a clown costume chased me down the road as a little prank (my mom thought it was hilarious) and I've been terrified of them since.

I live in Texas, and with all this clown nonsense, I'm terrified to leave/enter my apartment. Yesterday on my Campus, a girl was assaulted by a dude in a clown costume. One of our school's linebackers actually got a picture of the guy about an hour before the assault, and it was creepy as hell. Nope. Nopenopenopenope.

And then today I got an email from my apartment complex saying that they noticed that around 9pm last night a man in a clown suit walking through the hallways with a chainsaw. It's so nice knowing that that thing could have walked right by my door and I didn't even know it asdfghjkl I carry both my taser and my pocketknife on me at all times now. This clown mess is not okay.

On an unrelated note, my boyfriend and I had a scare this past weekend when we went camping. I woke up around three in the morning because I was cold, and next thing I knew, I hear a knife against the ropes of our tent, and then the tarp covering it slooooowwly began to be pulled off to one side. I woke my boyfriend up and he kicked the mess out of that side of the tent and it stopped, but then it started again so I grabbed my car keys and set off the alarm to hopefully scare them off and wake others up, and then we hear footfalls taking off into the woods. Imagine if it was a clown? HELL NAW. We hurried up and packed up and went back to the apartment, because yeah, forget that. I don't feel like dying just yet.

Sorry for the long post, but this clown thing is incredibly relevant for me at the moment.
Okay, so if it were anything but clowns, I'd be fine.

I mean, a lot of people say 'oh clowns are creepy', but I HATE them. When I was in the second grade, a man in a clown costume chased me down the road as a little prank (my mom thought it was hilarious) and I've been terrified of them since.

I live in Texas, and with all this clown nonsense, I'm terrified to leave/enter my apartment. Yesterday on my Campus, a girl was assaulted by a dude in a clown costume. One of our school's linebackers actually got a picture of the guy about an hour before the assault, and it was creepy as hell. Nope. Nopenopenopenope.

And then today I got an email from my apartment complex saying that they noticed that around 9pm last night a man in a clown suit walking through the hallways with a chainsaw. It's so nice knowing that that thing could have walked right by my door and I didn't even know it asdfghjkl I carry both my taser and my pocketknife on me at all times now. This clown mess is not okay.

On an unrelated note, my boyfriend and I had a scare this past weekend when we went camping. I woke up around three in the morning because I was cold, and next thing I knew, I hear a knife against the ropes of our tent, and then the tarp covering it slooooowwly began to be pulled off to one side. I woke my boyfriend up and he kicked the mess out of that side of the tent and it stopped, but then it started again so I grabbed my car keys and set off the alarm to hopefully scare them off and wake others up, and then we hear footfalls taking off into the woods. Imagine if it was a clown? HELL NAW. We hurried up and packed up and went back to the apartment, because yeah, forget that. I don't feel like dying just yet.

Sorry for the long post, but this clown thing is incredibly relevant for me at the moment.
Luminous Almonds Hello, I'm Doetree!
26 | she | artist + teacher | FR+2