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TOPIC | So how 'bout them clowns?
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I heard they migrated down to Georgia and I'm definitely not creeped out at all no sir. sarcasm

I guess you could say that I am not down to clown with this.
I heard they migrated down to Georgia and I'm definitely not creeped out at all no sir. sarcasm

I guess you could say that I am not down to clown with this.
tumblr_oeve3wUZtb1u6zvgvo8_r1_250.png cables (he/him)
i'm legit waiting for someone to get shot cause someone is
i'm legit waiting for someone to get shot cause someone is
I have synesthesia 6kglit91v0.gif
Hopefully it won't happen in the huge city I'm in for college, but I'm worried some crazies are going to harass my hometown. Small national park in PA, very rural.
Hopefully it won't happen in the huge city I'm in for college, but I'm worried some crazies are going to harass my hometown. Small national park in PA, very rural.
|| FRT+3 // qYSSJxb.png he-him-his f2oOlJA.png // College Student ||
This has definitely got me paranoid and weirded out because my dorm backs up against a wooded area and my window locks are broken. >=
This has definitely got me paranoid and weirded out because my dorm backs up against a wooded area and my window locks are broken. >=
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
oh god... if I had clowns in my area? I'd probably become known to be the clown puncher, or the clown killer, or the clown hunter... etc. or I'd just hide in my house at night with a butcher knife, hiding under the bed and blocking all the windows.

But seriously if clowns were in my area, the people in my town would just shoot them. :l I live out way in the country and out here we don't take trespassers very well, ESPECIALLY if they're wearing a flipping clown suit.

I can already imagine the sweet glory of releasing my anger on a bunch of clowns.... Beautiful, beautiful.... Many injured faces and many broken arms/spines/etc....
oh god... if I had clowns in my area? I'd probably become known to be the clown puncher, or the clown killer, or the clown hunter... etc. or I'd just hide in my house at night with a butcher knife, hiding under the bed and blocking all the windows.

But seriously if clowns were in my area, the people in my town would just shoot them. :l I live out way in the country and out here we don't take trespassers very well, ESPECIALLY if they're wearing a flipping clown suit.

I can already imagine the sweet glory of releasing my anger on a bunch of clowns.... Beautiful, beautiful.... Many injured faces and many broken arms/spines/etc....
Hello, popping in, I am absolutely terrified of clowns.

HOWEVER. You can dress up as a clown yourself and attack the clowns :))) *insert angel emoji here*
Fight the fun... with MORE FUN.
Hello, popping in, I am absolutely terrified of clowns.

HOWEVER. You can dress up as a clown yourself and attack the clowns :))) *insert angel emoji here*
Fight the fun... with MORE FUN.


*hears about this, goes onto google and sees if they have been spotted in MO*


*sees that they have been spotted literally 3 mILES AWAY FROM WERE I LIVE*

I heard when these first started to arise they found a man luring little kids to him and snatching them. Thankfully I have not seen any

*hears about this, goes onto google and sees if they have been spotted in MO*


*sees that they have been spotted literally 3 mILES AWAY FROM WERE I LIVE*

I heard when these first started to arise they found a man luring little kids to him and snatching them. Thankfully I have not seen any
........ deity_shadowbinder_by_dogi_crimson-da4xq7y.gif tumblr_inline_oqxzzokthn1r2ao8y_540.png
There's been a couple spotted in eastern Iowa, where I live. In Clinton, one started chasing a woman as she was leaving work. She ran back into the store she works at, and the clown eventually left in a white van. This **** is like something straight out of a horror movie.

And then just last night, one was supposedly seen in the central park of DeWitt, literally like not even 1000 feet from where I work. And it's usually dark when I leave work. O_O I'm glad my mother convinced me to buy pepper spray a few months ago. I'm not going anywhere without it. I might want to brush up on my Taekwondo, too...

If this is some sort of prank, they've gone waaaay too far with it. Remember kidos, it's all fun and games until someone gets shot. Or the police show up. Either way, it won't end well for the creepy clown.

Update: So I told my twin brother about this (we're both 20), and he replied, "That's it, I'm buying a shotgun."
There's been a couple spotted in eastern Iowa, where I live. In Clinton, one started chasing a woman as she was leaving work. She ran back into the store she works at, and the clown eventually left in a white van. This **** is like something straight out of a horror movie.

And then just last night, one was supposedly seen in the central park of DeWitt, literally like not even 1000 feet from where I work. And it's usually dark when I leave work. O_O I'm glad my mother convinced me to buy pepper spray a few months ago. I'm not going anywhere without it. I might want to brush up on my Taekwondo, too...

If this is some sort of prank, they've gone waaaay too far with it. Remember kidos, it's all fun and games until someone gets shot. Or the police show up. Either way, it won't end well for the creepy clown.

Update: So I told my twin brother about this (we're both 20), and he replied, "That's it, I'm buying a shotgun."
Save Sornieth's Birds
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I'm Canadian, so I have practically nothing to worry about. But clowns don't really scare me, lol. So if I see one I think I'd just, walk faster, or something.
I'm Canadian, so I have practically nothing to worry about. But clowns don't really scare me, lol. So if I see one I think I'd just, walk faster, or something.
i'm bobbi :)
she/they | adult
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