II. Dragon Selling Points
Anything more than the
exalt payout is subjective. It's all in the heads of the buyers and sellers.
Generally the most important subjective value is aesthetics. Head to the AH to find dragons with identical colors or branch out to that color range (generally no more than 2-3 colors on either side) to see what your competition looks like.
After that add up the price of all aspects of your dragon. This generally means G1, G2 imp, low id, desirable id, aesthetics, level, battle stones and two letter names (bugged aspect of site now fixed). Once you have a number add 20-50% because you can. Advertise your dragon (signature, sales thread, clan profile, offsite) and put it up in the AH for impulse buyers.
If your dragon doesn't sell in a week or two and nobody has tried to haggle you down then lower the price a bit and advertise. Repeat until you reach the absolute lowest you would accept. If the dragon stays at that low price for a month without a buyer you may have to admit there's no interest. Either continue lowering the price or keep it for yourself since nobody else values it like you.
If you have something totally unique then pick a price you'd be happy to sell at. Heck, double it and see if anyone else likes that price. You can always lower the price every few days or weeks until you find whatever magical price a buyer is willing to pay.
Or if you know your dragon's base price is estimated at "high" but not how high you can always
Auction your dragon and let bidders set a price. If you do remember to set a minimum bid of the smallest amount you'd be willing to sell at. This cuts out low bids you don't want to sell at anyway and gives bidders an idea of how much they should look to spend.
General resources:
Average Exalt Payouts
G1 Hoarders v.3
Old Dragon Collectors Association
Old Oaks for 7+ digit dragons
Hatchery Guide
Slightly Impish for g2 imperials.
Pure Progen Lineage Market
How to Auction
Leveled dragons:
Either use the AH sort function to find dragons of that level or price L25 dragons and use
this guide to figure out what percentage of the way to L25 your dragon is and multiply that the L25 price.
L25s selling for 250g. You have a L15 dragon which is 19.8% of the way according to the chart.
0.198 X 250g = 49.5 gems. Your dragon is worth it. Round that up to 55g.
Price battle stones in the AH.
Aesthetic resources:
Special Eyes*
Special ID
Dragons with Art/Lore
Alliance of Glitch Hunters
The AH allows you to sort by most aspects people care about. Otherwise, check out Auctions and Dragons for Sale.
Special info for G1s: After searching in the color range of your dragon/s search for g2+ to gauge demand. The more dragons you find in the AH in that range the higher you can price since more people want/breed that combo.
For those dragons who hit multiple aspects bear in mind that your buyer is not going to pay for any aspects they don't care about. Gened G1s** generally make back very little of the cost of their genes or their lore. Art tends to retain more of its value unless the buyer wants genes that absolutely do not fit the art. Leveled dragons are iffy. You're looking for someone who wants a leveled G1 (and they're out there) but they have to want yours.
Still, those are all talking-up points when selling a dragon so include them in the price. You can always accept less later if nobody wants that dragon at the price you're advertising.
*Special eyes are now available through
vials as well as breeding. Given that the upper price limit for special eyes is going to be the cost of the relevant vial and is likely to be a lot less.
**Adding genes to a G1 is like flipping a house. Not everyone has the same taste.