
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Coliseum Loot Drop Rates
Hey all. I've been doing some research into the different stages of the Coliseum and how frequently/what types of loot are dropped in them. A couple of people have asked for this stuff to be posted somewhere all together and not buried in another thread, so that's the aim of this post.

My sampling size is fairly small - only 100 consecutive battles recorded in each - but it at least gives a general estimate of how often you'll find things. I'm using dragons that are within 1-2 levels of the hunting area beasts, either above or below.

I missed the first two stages and will be going back to them later on when I start leveling up my next trio of dragons. In the meantime, there are placeholders for those sections.
Hey all. I've been doing some research into the different stages of the Coliseum and how frequently/what types of loot are dropped in them. A couple of people have asked for this stuff to be posted somewhere all together and not buried in another thread, so that's the aim of this post.

My sampling size is fairly small - only 100 consecutive battles recorded in each - but it at least gives a general estimate of how often you'll find things. I'm using dragons that are within 1-2 levels of the hunting area beasts, either above or below.

I missed the first two stages and will be going back to them later on when I start leveling up my next trio of dragons. In the meantime, there are placeholders for those sections.
Training Fields (lvl 1-3)

SOMETHING dropped 73% of the time.
42% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
14% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
As many as 5 things dropped at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 62% of the time.
A total of 88 food items were dropped.*
There were more than one food item 20% of the time that a food item dropped.
There were more than two food items 6% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Insect - 77% of total foods dropped
- Catocala Moth - 3%
- Crunchy Moth Legs - 24%
- Delicate Moth Wings - 2%
- Fragile Moth Wings - 14%
- Meal Moth - 2%
- Micromoth - 14%
- Wasteland Pauper - 18%
- White Cabbage Butterfly - 1%
Meat - 23% of total foods dropped
- Delicate Bat Wing - 14%
- Herdbeast Hoof - 8%
- White-Eared Hummingbird - 1%

* NOT COUNTED: Plant - dropped only with Leafy Packs (contained inside)
- Ivy - 7 total

Battle items dropped 6% of the time.
A total of 6 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 0% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Fiery Might
- Magical Might
- Minor Health Potion x3
- Natural Acuity

Materials dropped 28% of the time.
A total of 32 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 4% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Rotting Leather x17
- Sparrow Skull x2
- Small Legbones
- Tiny Feathers x12

Chests dropped 7% of the time.
A total of 7 chest were dropped.

Chests breakdown:
- Leafy Pack - 100 treasure, Ivy x1

Special items dropped 0% of the time.
- None.

0 eggs were dropped.

Special thanks to @ZephyrWindSpirit for providing the raw data for the Training Fields!

Woodland Path (lvl 4-6)

SOMETHING dropped 69% of the time.
33% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
14% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 6 things drop at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 54% of the time.
A total of 77 food items were dropped.
There were more than one food item 16% of the time that a food item dropped.
There were more than two food items 4% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Meat - 43% of total foods dropped
- Dust Slither - 7%
- Emerald Ratsnake - 10%
- Herdbeast Hoof - 14%
- Java Sparrow - 9%
Plant - 42% of total foods dropped
- Cindervine - 19%
- Highland Dryleaf - %7
- Ivy - 14%
- Jungle Grass - 1%
Fish - 9% of total foods dropped
- Pincushion Urchin - 5%
- Snowflake Urchin - 4%
Insect - 7% of total foods dropped
- Catocala Moth - 1%
- Crunchy Moth Wings - 1%
- Fragile Moth Wings - 1%
- Micromoth - 3%

Battle items dropped 7% of the time.
A total of 7 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 0% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Bolster
- Diseased Acuity x2
- Earthen Acuity
- Earthen Might
- Frozen Acuity
- Minor Health Potion
- Ward

Materials dropped 23% of the time.
A total of 29 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 6% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Bamboo Cluster
- Bamboo Shoot x8
- Birch Logs x2
- Birch Twigs
- Rotting Leather x9
- Sand
- Small Legbones
- Tiny Feathers x6

Chests dropped 9% of the time.
A total of 9 chests were dropped.

Chests breakdown:
- Leafy Pack - 100 treasure, Ivy x1

Special items dropped 1% of the time.
- Blushing Pink Rose

0 eggs were dropped.
Training Fields (lvl 1-3)

SOMETHING dropped 73% of the time.
42% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
14% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
As many as 5 things dropped at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 62% of the time.
A total of 88 food items were dropped.*
There were more than one food item 20% of the time that a food item dropped.
There were more than two food items 6% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Insect - 77% of total foods dropped
- Catocala Moth - 3%
- Crunchy Moth Legs - 24%
- Delicate Moth Wings - 2%
- Fragile Moth Wings - 14%
- Meal Moth - 2%
- Micromoth - 14%
- Wasteland Pauper - 18%
- White Cabbage Butterfly - 1%
Meat - 23% of total foods dropped
- Delicate Bat Wing - 14%
- Herdbeast Hoof - 8%
- White-Eared Hummingbird - 1%

* NOT COUNTED: Plant - dropped only with Leafy Packs (contained inside)
- Ivy - 7 total

Battle items dropped 6% of the time.
A total of 6 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 0% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Fiery Might
- Magical Might
- Minor Health Potion x3
- Natural Acuity

Materials dropped 28% of the time.
A total of 32 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 4% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Rotting Leather x17
- Sparrow Skull x2
- Small Legbones
- Tiny Feathers x12

Chests dropped 7% of the time.
A total of 7 chest were dropped.

Chests breakdown:
- Leafy Pack - 100 treasure, Ivy x1

Special items dropped 0% of the time.
- None.

0 eggs were dropped.

Special thanks to @ZephyrWindSpirit for providing the raw data for the Training Fields!

Woodland Path (lvl 4-6)

SOMETHING dropped 69% of the time.
33% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
14% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 6 things drop at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 54% of the time.
A total of 77 food items were dropped.
There were more than one food item 16% of the time that a food item dropped.
There were more than two food items 4% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Meat - 43% of total foods dropped
- Dust Slither - 7%
- Emerald Ratsnake - 10%
- Herdbeast Hoof - 14%
- Java Sparrow - 9%
Plant - 42% of total foods dropped
- Cindervine - 19%
- Highland Dryleaf - %7
- Ivy - 14%
- Jungle Grass - 1%
Fish - 9% of total foods dropped
- Pincushion Urchin - 5%
- Snowflake Urchin - 4%
Insect - 7% of total foods dropped
- Catocala Moth - 1%
- Crunchy Moth Wings - 1%
- Fragile Moth Wings - 1%
- Micromoth - 3%

Battle items dropped 7% of the time.
A total of 7 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 0% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Bolster
- Diseased Acuity x2
- Earthen Acuity
- Earthen Might
- Frozen Acuity
- Minor Health Potion
- Ward

Materials dropped 23% of the time.
A total of 29 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 6% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Bamboo Cluster
- Bamboo Shoot x8
- Birch Logs x2
- Birch Twigs
- Rotting Leather x9
- Sand
- Small Legbones
- Tiny Feathers x6

Chests dropped 9% of the time.
A total of 9 chests were dropped.

Chests breakdown:
- Leafy Pack - 100 treasure, Ivy x1

Special items dropped 1% of the time.
- Blushing Pink Rose

0 eggs were dropped.
Scorched Forest (lvl 7-8)

SOMETHING dropped 76% of the time.
30% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
I had 4 battles yield 4 items, and 1 battle yielded 5 items.

Not recorded - % of drops with food items.
A total of 73 food items were dropped.
Not recorded - % of drops with more than one food item.

Food breakdown:
Insect - 25% of total foods dropped
Meat - 74% of total foods dropped
Seafood - 1% of total foods dropped
Plant - 0% of total foods dropped.

Not recorded - % of drops with battle items.
A total of 14 battle items were dropped.
Not recorded - % of drops with more than one battle item.

Battle items dropped:
- Earthen Acuity x2
- Earthen Might
- Shining Acuity
- Zephyr Acuity
- Zephyr Might
- Fossilize
- Flame Bolt
- Shroud
- Eliminate x2
- Minor Health Potion x3

Not recorded - % of drops with materials.
A total of 24 materials were dropped.
Not recorded - % of drops with more than one material.

Materials breakdown:
- Rotting Leather x4
- Tiny Feather x11
- Sparrow Skull x9

Other items were dropped 4% of the time.
A total of 4 other items were dropped.

Other items breakdown:
- Battered Scroll Case x4

Chests dropped 0% of the time.

Special items dropped 2% of the time.
- Yella Highnoon Hank (apparel)
- Basilisk companion

0 eggs were dropped.

** I will be going back after completing all of the other levels to get more specific breakdown for food items in this region.

Sandswept Delta (lvl 9-10)

SOMETHING dropped 96% of the time.
72% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
37% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 5 things drop at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 72% of the time.
A total of 119 food items were dropped.
There were more than one food item 55% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Meat - 54% of total foods dropped
- Cave Gecko - 12%
- Coral Snake - 11%
- Dust Slither - 11%
- Emerald Ratsnake - 11%
- Olive Sea Snake - 7%
- Shiny Anole - 5%
Insect - 40% of total foods dropped
- Albino Dasher - 13%
- Barbed Tail - 25%
- Dusky Mealworm - 2%
Plant - 6% of total foods dropped
- Black Tulip - 5%
- Ashfall Prickler - 1%

Battle items dropped 18% of the time.
A total of 21 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 3% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Aquatic Acuity
- Dark Acuity x2
- Dark Might
- Magic Acuity x2
- Magical Might x2
- Shining Acuity
- Shining Might
- Zephyr Might
- Boulder Bolt
- Shock Bolt
- Blinding Slash
- Shroud
- Concentration
- Elimination
- Haste
- Minor Health Potion x3

Materials dropped 41% of the time.
A total of 55 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 15% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Chimera Fangs
- Chipped Black Legbones x7
- Cracked Leather x13
- Crumbling Leather x8
- Intact Parchment x7
- Nickle Ore x3
- Obsidian x3
- Reflective Fish Scales x11
- Scroll Case x8
- Shadow Runestone

Chests dropped 11% of the time.
Chests were always fishscale baskets
Fishscale baskets always contained 200 gold and no items.

Special items dropped 2% of the time.
- Opheodrys Naga companion x2

0 eggs were dropped.
Scorched Forest (lvl 7-8)

SOMETHING dropped 76% of the time.
30% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
I had 4 battles yield 4 items, and 1 battle yielded 5 items.

Not recorded - % of drops with food items.
A total of 73 food items were dropped.
Not recorded - % of drops with more than one food item.

Food breakdown:
Insect - 25% of total foods dropped
Meat - 74% of total foods dropped
Seafood - 1% of total foods dropped
Plant - 0% of total foods dropped.

Not recorded - % of drops with battle items.
A total of 14 battle items were dropped.
Not recorded - % of drops with more than one battle item.

Battle items dropped:
- Earthen Acuity x2
- Earthen Might
- Shining Acuity
- Zephyr Acuity
- Zephyr Might
- Fossilize
- Flame Bolt
- Shroud
- Eliminate x2
- Minor Health Potion x3

Not recorded - % of drops with materials.
A total of 24 materials were dropped.
Not recorded - % of drops with more than one material.

Materials breakdown:
- Rotting Leather x4
- Tiny Feather x11
- Sparrow Skull x9

Other items were dropped 4% of the time.
A total of 4 other items were dropped.

Other items breakdown:
- Battered Scroll Case x4

Chests dropped 0% of the time.

Special items dropped 2% of the time.
- Yella Highnoon Hank (apparel)
- Basilisk companion

0 eggs were dropped.

** I will be going back after completing all of the other levels to get more specific breakdown for food items in this region.

Sandswept Delta (lvl 9-10)

SOMETHING dropped 96% of the time.
72% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
37% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 5 things drop at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 72% of the time.
A total of 119 food items were dropped.
There were more than one food item 55% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Meat - 54% of total foods dropped
- Cave Gecko - 12%
- Coral Snake - 11%
- Dust Slither - 11%
- Emerald Ratsnake - 11%
- Olive Sea Snake - 7%
- Shiny Anole - 5%
Insect - 40% of total foods dropped
- Albino Dasher - 13%
- Barbed Tail - 25%
- Dusky Mealworm - 2%
Plant - 6% of total foods dropped
- Black Tulip - 5%
- Ashfall Prickler - 1%

Battle items dropped 18% of the time.
A total of 21 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 3% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Aquatic Acuity
- Dark Acuity x2
- Dark Might
- Magic Acuity x2
- Magical Might x2
- Shining Acuity
- Shining Might
- Zephyr Might
- Boulder Bolt
- Shock Bolt
- Blinding Slash
- Shroud
- Concentration
- Elimination
- Haste
- Minor Health Potion x3

Materials dropped 41% of the time.
A total of 55 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 15% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Chimera Fangs
- Chipped Black Legbones x7
- Cracked Leather x13
- Crumbling Leather x8
- Intact Parchment x7
- Nickle Ore x3
- Obsidian x3
- Reflective Fish Scales x11
- Scroll Case x8
- Shadow Runestone

Chests dropped 11% of the time.
Chests were always fishscale baskets
Fishscale baskets always contained 200 gold and no items.

Special items dropped 2% of the time.
- Opheodrys Naga companion x2

0 eggs were dropped.
Forgotten Cave (lvl 11-12)

SOMETHING dropped 91% of the time.
63% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
26% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 4 things drop at once, though that was rare.

Food dropped 83% of the time.
A total of 147 food items were dropped.
There were more than one food item 47% of the time that a food item dropped.
There were more than two food items 13% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Plant - 33% of total foods dropped
- Cindershroom - 12%
- Diseased Fungus - 5%
- Dwarf Shell Fungus - 11%
- Glow Mushroom - 4%
Insect - 27% of total foods dropped
- Albino Dasher - 3%
- Nymph - 14%
- Stinglash - 10%
Meat - 27% of total foods dropped
- Delicate Bat Wing - 1%
- Dust Slither - 1%
- Nightwing Bat - 10%
- Panther Anole - 3%
- Plague Bat - 5%
- Shiny Anole - 6%
Fish - 14% of total foods dropped
- Greater Leech - 3%
- Wetland Vampire - 12%

Battle items dropped 28% of the time.
A total of 30 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 2% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Aquatic Acuity
- Berserker
- Blinding Slash
- Charged Acuity x2
- Contaminate x2
- Diseased Acuity x2
- Fiery Might
- Minor Health Potion x8
- Natural Acuity
- Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
- Reflect
- Rune Slash
- Shining Acuity x3
- Shining Might x3
- Wave Slash

Materials dropped 4% of the time.
A total of 4 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 0% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Nickle Ore x3
- Obsidian x1

Chests dropped 1% of the time.
A total of 1 chest were dropped.

Chests breakdown:
- Rusted Treasure Chest - 1981 treasure, White Knight x3, Sanded Birch Plank x4, Parched Clay Jar x4

Special items dropped 3% of the time.
- Blushing Pink Rose - apparel
- Crimson Reef Snail - companion
- Emerald Cave Jewel - companion

0 eggs were dropped.

Bamboo Falls (lvl 13-14)

SOMETHING dropped 86% of the time.
43% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
19% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 6 things drop at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 73% of the time.
A total of 96 food items were dropped.*
There was more than one food item 21% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Meat - 33% of total foods dropped
- Coral Snake - 2%
- Dusk Rat - 11%
- Emerald Ratsnake - 2%
- River Warden - 7%
- Zephyr Sparrow - 9%
Insect - 16% of total foods dropped
- Mana Thief - 4%
- Reedcleft Sparkler - 11%
Plant - 52% of total foods dropped
- Blackberry - 4%
- Blood Acorn - 26%
- Granny Smith Apple - 5%
- Light's Breath - 6%
- Sour Spinach - 10%

* NOT COUNTED: Fish - dropped only with Fishscale Baskets (contained inside)
- Topaz Guppy - 11 total

Battle items dropped 16% of the time.
A total of 16 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 0% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Blazing Slash
- Clobber
- Drown
- Earthen Acuity
- Haste
- Minor Health Potion x6
- Shale Hybrid Fragment
- Shining Acuity x3
- Zephyr Might

Materials dropped 22% of the time.
A total of 27 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 5% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Crumbling Relief x11
- Intact Parchment x8
- Jasper x2
- Small Ribcage x6

Chests dropped 22% of the time.
A total of 25 chests were dropped.
More than one chest dropped 3% of the time.

Chests breakdown:
- Broken Penny Jar x4 - 200 treasure, Broken Bottle
- Burlap Sack x9 - 100 treasure
- Fishscale Basket x11 - 200 treasure, Topaz Guppy (seafood)
- Glimmerscale Basket x1 - 200 treasure, 1 gem

Special items dropped 1% of the time.
- Trick of the Light - companion

0 eggs were dropped.
Forgotten Cave (lvl 11-12)

SOMETHING dropped 91% of the time.
63% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
26% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 4 things drop at once, though that was rare.

Food dropped 83% of the time.
A total of 147 food items were dropped.
There were more than one food item 47% of the time that a food item dropped.
There were more than two food items 13% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Plant - 33% of total foods dropped
- Cindershroom - 12%
- Diseased Fungus - 5%
- Dwarf Shell Fungus - 11%
- Glow Mushroom - 4%
Insect - 27% of total foods dropped
- Albino Dasher - 3%
- Nymph - 14%
- Stinglash - 10%
Meat - 27% of total foods dropped
- Delicate Bat Wing - 1%
- Dust Slither - 1%
- Nightwing Bat - 10%
- Panther Anole - 3%
- Plague Bat - 5%
- Shiny Anole - 6%
Fish - 14% of total foods dropped
- Greater Leech - 3%
- Wetland Vampire - 12%

Battle items dropped 28% of the time.
A total of 30 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 2% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Aquatic Acuity
- Berserker
- Blinding Slash
- Charged Acuity x2
- Contaminate x2
- Diseased Acuity x2
- Fiery Might
- Minor Health Potion x8
- Natural Acuity
- Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
- Reflect
- Rune Slash
- Shining Acuity x3
- Shining Might x3
- Wave Slash

Materials dropped 4% of the time.
A total of 4 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 0% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Nickle Ore x3
- Obsidian x1

Chests dropped 1% of the time.
A total of 1 chest were dropped.

Chests breakdown:
- Rusted Treasure Chest - 1981 treasure, White Knight x3, Sanded Birch Plank x4, Parched Clay Jar x4

Special items dropped 3% of the time.
- Blushing Pink Rose - apparel
- Crimson Reef Snail - companion
- Emerald Cave Jewel - companion

0 eggs were dropped.

Bamboo Falls (lvl 13-14)

SOMETHING dropped 86% of the time.
43% of the time, at least TWO somethings were dropped.
19% of the time, at least THREE somethings were dropped.
I had as many as 6 things drop at once, though that was very rare.

Food dropped 73% of the time.
A total of 96 food items were dropped.*
There was more than one food item 21% of the time that a food item dropped.

Food breakdown:
Meat - 33% of total foods dropped
- Coral Snake - 2%
- Dusk Rat - 11%
- Emerald Ratsnake - 2%
- River Warden - 7%
- Zephyr Sparrow - 9%
Insect - 16% of total foods dropped
- Mana Thief - 4%
- Reedcleft Sparkler - 11%
Plant - 52% of total foods dropped
- Blackberry - 4%
- Blood Acorn - 26%
- Granny Smith Apple - 5%
- Light's Breath - 6%
- Sour Spinach - 10%

* NOT COUNTED: Fish - dropped only with Fishscale Baskets (contained inside)
- Topaz Guppy - 11 total

Battle items dropped 16% of the time.
A total of 16 battle items were dropped.
2x battle items dropped 0% of the time.

Battle items dropped:
- Blazing Slash
- Clobber
- Drown
- Earthen Acuity
- Haste
- Minor Health Potion x6
- Shale Hybrid Fragment
- Shining Acuity x3
- Zephyr Might

Materials dropped 22% of the time.
A total of 27 materials were dropped.
More than one material dropped 5% of the time.

Materials breakdown:
- Crumbling Relief x11
- Intact Parchment x8
- Jasper x2
- Small Ribcage x6

Chests dropped 22% of the time.
A total of 25 chests were dropped.
More than one chest dropped 3% of the time.

Chests breakdown:
- Broken Penny Jar x4 - 200 treasure, Broken Bottle
- Burlap Sack x9 - 100 treasure
- Fishscale Basket x11 - 200 treasure, Topaz Guppy (seafood)
- Glimmerscale Basket x1 - 200 treasure, 1 gem

Special items dropped 1% of the time.
- Trick of the Light - companion

0 eggs were dropped.
Waterway (lvl 15-16) coming.

Arena (lvl 17-18) coming.
Waterway (lvl 15-16) coming.

Arena (lvl 17-18) coming.
Boreal Wood (lvl 19-20) coming.

Harpy's Roost (lvl 21-22) coming.
Boreal Wood (lvl 19-20) coming.

Harpy's Roost (lvl 21-22) coming.
Well, in my experience farming the training field, loot seems to be every three battles or so, but this is using dragons that are about ten levels beyond that stage and just loot-farming.
Well, in my experience farming the training field, loot seems to be every three battles or so, but this is using dragons that are about ten levels beyond that stage and just loot-farming.
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
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Yeah, I haven't yet explored how level disparity affects loot drop rates. I wanted to get the base data first and then see how it varies from there. That's good anecdotal information, though.
Yeah, I haven't yet explored how level disparity affects loot drop rates. I wanted to get the base data first and then see how it varies from there. That's good anecdotal information, though.
This is great, thanks for putting in all the work!
This is great, thanks for putting in all the work!
I haven't noticed a change in drop rates for different levels.
I haven't noticed a change in drop rates for different levels.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ nyoom ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ