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TOPIC | You Must Destroy The Wall [REBOOT]
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Hey guys and sorry for the wait! Holidays are surprisingly busy but I finally found the time to finish these up!

Pings: @ShinyDecidueye


These were written by @Zorua345
@Frionivalis - 3: The wall is still offended, but once it realizes you’re throwing sparkles and glitter at it, it forgives you. Only a little bit, though, since it’s still hurt that you didn’t think it was stylish enough. 24 damage

@pokemoncha - 5: That was one solid punch, critical hit! 75 damage

@Notepad - 2-3: Owl? Where? And are you talking about the Duolingo owl or Kaepora Gaebora? The wall is very confused now. It wants to hear what you said again, hoot hoot! 17 damage

@Kyaritty - 1: The wall gets creeped out and thinks you’re in a coma suddenly, so it tries dropping an already dislodged brick on you to wake you up. 1 heart of damage

@Gyroiakerna - 2: YEET, get yoted on wall!- Wait a second, it only chipped a brick. Darn, memes seem to be losing their power. 8 damage

@Sprinklez1234 - 1: You were having fun being an independent child and playing by yourself, but just as you were about to head home, the wall suddenly collapses into the hole without warning, crushing you underneath it.

@YanderePower - 5: Edgy. The wall is impressed with your edge and drops a pair of shades on your nose before realizing that, in order to give you the shades, it cracked a whole bunch of bricks while moving. 91 damage

@InfinityCrackers - 6-1: Yasss, shiny gold bri- *cough, cough* *ahem* Ow, anyways, your dragons claw out a good-sized portion of gold bricks and haul them back to your lair to make a wall. Sadly, your lair doesn't seem to be the only thing that's broke... The wall groans as the gaping hole where bricks were collapses due to instability, and buries you in gold bricks. At least you went out stylishly. 120 damage

@Oxyzee - 5: “Bleach? Really?” The wall is beginning to not be scared of bleach, so many people have used it! The wall rolls its eyes just as bleach flies into them. Youch. 77 damage

@wetdog15 - 1: The wall scoffs and is suddenly really offended again. To try and show you your mistake, it spells out all the letters as well as your guess on its side, ‘Roller Coaster Buell’. Then it tells you that you’ve got the first name wrong, and that there are two more letters in its last name before dropping a brick on you, hoping to jog your brain. 1 heart of damage

@Bluebirdi3 - 6-6: Your anger really came through with that sledgehammer. The mirror slams into the wall and Marx suddenly starts chomping on bricks again, faster this time. Dang, he’s starved. 161 damage - You have entered RAGE MODE!

@floofthe2nd - 1: Nerves? Feelings? Dying? The wall hasn’t really thought about it, so it decides to conduct a test. It’s going to have people attack it and see what happens! Wait a second… Now you’re the one that’s confused. 1 heart of damage

@MissNevermind - 1: Hurting hurts, it hurts real bad. Okay, I’ll stop, but sadly I can’t stop the RNG from doing this: 1 heart of damage

These were written by @breadb0t
@BlazingSkyDragon - 4-4: Looks like plants work much better than storms. A large array of twisting, writhing vines shoot up from the ground and pierce the wall. 91 damage - You are no longer in RAGE MODE.

@GardenSnail - 6-6: The thing you toss at the wall happens to be really good at taking down walls. 116 damage - You have entered RAGE MODE!

@FrostiiWolf - 6-5: You facepalm with such force and skill that instead of shattering your skull, you shatter several bricks instead from sheer intensity. 215 damage

@Zorua345 - 2: Forest and Axews have a lovely conversation while the wall surprisingly enjoys the company of the bees. It even thinks the honey is delicious! 8 damage

@AmalgamDragon - 2: The wall doesn’t have Radiating Lightning, but it doesn’t have any artifacts either… 8 damage

@Neraida - 1: You play Bohemian Rhapsody so beautifully the wall deems you a beta. 1 heart of damage

@GuardianDragonak - 5-6: Your determination pierces the wall, striking bricks left and right. By the end of your attack, all that’s left of the bricks is a pile of dust. 193 damage

@Geckoson - 1: The Icewarden himself happens across your badly drawn graffiti and slaps you across the face for painting him in such a terrible image. 1 heart of damage

@Solstices - 6-2: The wall accepts! However, it suffers an embarrassing loss after only using three letter words throughout the entire game. It should probably expand its vocab some time. 105 damage

@MarsPets - 4: Walls are biologically infertile and do not possess the necessary genetic material to carry children. However through the power of fanfiction you manage to make it work! You have two beautiful children with the wall. The wall is thoroughly confused. 38 damage

@Axews - 5: The rocks smack against the wall. With each stone you toss the cracks in the wall get bigger and bigger, all while having a very chill conversation with Forest. 83 damage
Dead players must roll to revive! Your death counter will not go down otherwise. Please see game mechanics in the first post for details.

@Sprinklez1234 - DEAD, 3 rolls until auto-revive
@InfinityCrackers - DEAD, 3 rolls until auto-revive

@wiitennis - ♥ X X
@Venusian - ♥ X X
@GardenSnail - ♥ X X
@wetdog15 - ♥ X X
@floofthe2nd - ♥ X X
@MissNevermind - ♥ X X
@Neraida - ♥ X X
@Geckoson - ♥ X X

@Ehomeyjr - ♥ ♥ X
@hershel - ♥ ♥ X
@defenestrating - ♥ ♥ X
@Sparkbreeze - ♥ ♥ X
@Frionivalis - ♥ ♥ X
@Mythkat - ♥ ♥ X
@Oxyzee - ♥ ♥ X
@Scenario - ♥ ♥ X
@AmalgamDragon - ♥ ♥ X
@Bluebirdi3 - ♥ ♥ X
@enomis - ♥ ♥ X
@Solstices - ♥ ♥ X
@YanderePower - ♥ ♥ X
@Gyroiakerna - ♥ ♥ X
@misc20 - ♥ ♥ X
@MarsPets - ♥ ♥ X
@Axews - ♥ ♥ X
@Kyaritty - ♥ ♥ X

@Darkmoonbreeder - 3 turns left
@CHEERI - 3 turns left
@Bluebirdi3 - 3 turns left
@GardenSnail - 3 turns left

@GuardianDragonak - 2 turns left
@Notepad - 2 turns left

@Scenario - 1 turn left
@FrostiiWolf - 1 turn left
Attack Phase
Wall HP: 47,763/100,000

GM List: @breadb0t @Solanceae
Text Pixies: @BlueCoriander @Zorua345 @AmalgamDragon
Hey guys and sorry for the wait! Holidays are surprisingly busy but I finally found the time to finish these up!

Pings: @ShinyDecidueye


These were written by @Zorua345
@Frionivalis - 3: The wall is still offended, but once it realizes you’re throwing sparkles and glitter at it, it forgives you. Only a little bit, though, since it’s still hurt that you didn’t think it was stylish enough. 24 damage

@pokemoncha - 5: That was one solid punch, critical hit! 75 damage

@Notepad - 2-3: Owl? Where? And are you talking about the Duolingo owl or Kaepora Gaebora? The wall is very confused now. It wants to hear what you said again, hoot hoot! 17 damage

@Kyaritty - 1: The wall gets creeped out and thinks you’re in a coma suddenly, so it tries dropping an already dislodged brick on you to wake you up. 1 heart of damage

@Gyroiakerna - 2: YEET, get yoted on wall!- Wait a second, it only chipped a brick. Darn, memes seem to be losing their power. 8 damage

@Sprinklez1234 - 1: You were having fun being an independent child and playing by yourself, but just as you were about to head home, the wall suddenly collapses into the hole without warning, crushing you underneath it.

@YanderePower - 5: Edgy. The wall is impressed with your edge and drops a pair of shades on your nose before realizing that, in order to give you the shades, it cracked a whole bunch of bricks while moving. 91 damage

@InfinityCrackers - 6-1: Yasss, shiny gold bri- *cough, cough* *ahem* Ow, anyways, your dragons claw out a good-sized portion of gold bricks and haul them back to your lair to make a wall. Sadly, your lair doesn't seem to be the only thing that's broke... The wall groans as the gaping hole where bricks were collapses due to instability, and buries you in gold bricks. At least you went out stylishly. 120 damage

@Oxyzee - 5: “Bleach? Really?” The wall is beginning to not be scared of bleach, so many people have used it! The wall rolls its eyes just as bleach flies into them. Youch. 77 damage

@wetdog15 - 1: The wall scoffs and is suddenly really offended again. To try and show you your mistake, it spells out all the letters as well as your guess on its side, ‘Roller Coaster Buell’. Then it tells you that you’ve got the first name wrong, and that there are two more letters in its last name before dropping a brick on you, hoping to jog your brain. 1 heart of damage

@Bluebirdi3 - 6-6: Your anger really came through with that sledgehammer. The mirror slams into the wall and Marx suddenly starts chomping on bricks again, faster this time. Dang, he’s starved. 161 damage - You have entered RAGE MODE!

@floofthe2nd - 1: Nerves? Feelings? Dying? The wall hasn’t really thought about it, so it decides to conduct a test. It’s going to have people attack it and see what happens! Wait a second… Now you’re the one that’s confused. 1 heart of damage

@MissNevermind - 1: Hurting hurts, it hurts real bad. Okay, I’ll stop, but sadly I can’t stop the RNG from doing this: 1 heart of damage

These were written by @breadb0t
@BlazingSkyDragon - 4-4: Looks like plants work much better than storms. A large array of twisting, writhing vines shoot up from the ground and pierce the wall. 91 damage - You are no longer in RAGE MODE.

@GardenSnail - 6-6: The thing you toss at the wall happens to be really good at taking down walls. 116 damage - You have entered RAGE MODE!

@FrostiiWolf - 6-5: You facepalm with such force and skill that instead of shattering your skull, you shatter several bricks instead from sheer intensity. 215 damage

@Zorua345 - 2: Forest and Axews have a lovely conversation while the wall surprisingly enjoys the company of the bees. It even thinks the honey is delicious! 8 damage

@AmalgamDragon - 2: The wall doesn’t have Radiating Lightning, but it doesn’t have any artifacts either… 8 damage

@Neraida - 1: You play Bohemian Rhapsody so beautifully the wall deems you a beta. 1 heart of damage

@GuardianDragonak - 5-6: Your determination pierces the wall, striking bricks left and right. By the end of your attack, all that’s left of the bricks is a pile of dust. 193 damage

@Geckoson - 1: The Icewarden himself happens across your badly drawn graffiti and slaps you across the face for painting him in such a terrible image. 1 heart of damage

@Solstices - 6-2: The wall accepts! However, it suffers an embarrassing loss after only using three letter words throughout the entire game. It should probably expand its vocab some time. 105 damage

@MarsPets - 4: Walls are biologically infertile and do not possess the necessary genetic material to carry children. However through the power of fanfiction you manage to make it work! You have two beautiful children with the wall. The wall is thoroughly confused. 38 damage

@Axews - 5: The rocks smack against the wall. With each stone you toss the cracks in the wall get bigger and bigger, all while having a very chill conversation with Forest. 83 damage
Dead players must roll to revive! Your death counter will not go down otherwise. Please see game mechanics in the first post for details.

@Sprinklez1234 - DEAD, 3 rolls until auto-revive
@InfinityCrackers - DEAD, 3 rolls until auto-revive

@wiitennis - ♥ X X
@Venusian - ♥ X X
@GardenSnail - ♥ X X
@wetdog15 - ♥ X X
@floofthe2nd - ♥ X X
@MissNevermind - ♥ X X
@Neraida - ♥ X X
@Geckoson - ♥ X X

@Ehomeyjr - ♥ ♥ X
@hershel - ♥ ♥ X
@defenestrating - ♥ ♥ X
@Sparkbreeze - ♥ ♥ X
@Frionivalis - ♥ ♥ X
@Mythkat - ♥ ♥ X
@Oxyzee - ♥ ♥ X
@Scenario - ♥ ♥ X
@AmalgamDragon - ♥ ♥ X
@Bluebirdi3 - ♥ ♥ X
@enomis - ♥ ♥ X
@Solstices - ♥ ♥ X
@YanderePower - ♥ ♥ X
@Gyroiakerna - ♥ ♥ X
@misc20 - ♥ ♥ X
@MarsPets - ♥ ♥ X
@Axews - ♥ ♥ X
@Kyaritty - ♥ ♥ X

@Darkmoonbreeder - 3 turns left
@CHEERI - 3 turns left
@Bluebirdi3 - 3 turns left
@GardenSnail - 3 turns left

@GuardianDragonak - 2 turns left
@Notepad - 2 turns left

@Scenario - 1 turn left
@FrostiiWolf - 1 turn left
Attack Phase
Wall HP: 47,763/100,000

GM List: @breadb0t @Solanceae
Text Pixies: @BlueCoriander @Zorua345 @AmalgamDragon
vDUk7Wn.png used to be asianbirb
I read the wall a really, really bad book.
I read the wall a really, really bad book.
After Venusian finishes the book, I read Romeo and Juliet. Especially the Nurse's bawdy speech in Act 1 Scene 3 (mwahahaha)
After Venusian finishes the book, I read Romeo and Juliet. Especially the Nurse's bawdy speech in Act 1 Scene 3 (mwahahaha)
mire hates me:(
FR +15, +16 during DST
Gray Aroace
English 1st Language
Mandarin Chinese 2nd Language
French 3rd Language
AR60, 100% all released regions
It's... quite a disproportionate number
zia my beloved
I spent 2.4mil t on her, I think she counts
it hasn't been updated in a while but STILL
sweet holds the clan directory
kobi holds the lore directory
Nice, rage mode and I'm on 1 heart. Doubt I'd live anyways, but I can wait for a revive if I die
Finally, throwing stuff pays off!
I use my blessings of Achatina Achatina to spit acid at the wall.
Nice, rage mode and I'm on 1 heart. Doubt I'd live anyways, but I can wait for a revive if I die
Finally, throwing stuff pays off!
I use my blessings of Achatina Achatina to spit acid at the wall.

Lemon Flight
Beating UM with just a Tynamo
ridgeback s o u p
fr time + 3
[center][img][/img] [img][/img] Uh-oh. The bees are angry. It was nice that the wall liked their honey, but they're still mad for some unknown reason. The buzzing intensifies and they start stinging the wall while chucking pollen at it in hopes that the wall's allergic. [img][/img] Forest continues talking with @/Axews, and tries to stay out of their way while they attack.
47048046p.png 47499127p.png
Uh-oh. The bees are angry. It was nice that the wall liked their honey, but they're still mad for some unknown reason. The buzzing intensifies and they start stinging the wall while chucking pollen at it in hopes that the wall's allergic.

Forest continues talking with @/Axews, and tries to stay out of their way while they attack.
So carry me from these walls, brother of mine. Show me the world outside, it has to be true. I'm counting on you to be my wings and my eyes.
oops did i not add an attack
im sorry
i kicc the bus
oops did i not add an attack
im sorry
i kicc the bus
Gloomy Highnoon Brimmer avery .
1+ fr time
he / him
I give it one last shot before I inevitably die and flail a knife aimlessly at the wall
I give it one last shot before I inevitably die and flail a knife aimlessly at the wall
A pixel sprite of a clown waving her arms up and down
was MissNevermind
I throw wet tissues at the wall
I throw wet tissues at the wall
Neraida, FR +3
• Make sure to ping me, I don't subscribe to threads
• Feel free to PM me about anything
• On the lookout for Accent: Many Eyes Shadow

Awww still being mad? ;w;
Here! I will give you a cute plushie!
*hands one cat plush to it*
Awww still being mad? ;w;
Here! I will give you a cute plushie!
*hands one cat plush to it*
sqXOa1X.gif Frionivalis | FR +14 or +15 (UTC +7) | A lore lair

Meepball Adopts Tailor Fae Subspecies
Sparkle Dreams Hatchery
My Experimental Writing, Feedbacks needed!
I come in and snipe the bees from 30 feet away and then hiding so I don't give away my spot
I come in and snipe the bees from 30 feet away and then hiding so I don't give away my spot
sup peeps
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