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TOPIC | [LF] Lore, PhSarc Spirals, Flecks WCs
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[quote][size=5]I can also add you to pinglists for any of my future lineage pairs![/quote] ------ [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [quote]----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Second Generation[/b] Dimond -> Blue -> Me [size=2][i]A family of falcons lived in the forest, because of the intense heat there was a fire in it, in an attempt to save her brother, she protected him from a falling tree. At this time, a dragon with silvery scales shining in the light flew past, he did not remain indifferent and quickly threw back the tree, lifting the female. Carefully, together they were able to leave the place of the fire, but the wings and some parts of Diamond's body were burned because of which she could no longer fly, but Sulor was always there and did not let her lose heart. When their first four babies were born, they decided no matter what give life to a large number of happy babies and spread your offspring throughout Sornieth![/columns] ------ [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][nextcol][center][b]Second Generation[/b] Francis -> [url=]Lina[/url] -> Me Besides his parents and two brothers, Francis didn't have any family. Even then he wasn't that close to them. There was nobody to worry about what risky jobs he took and nobody to be sad if something happened to him on a mission. Francis wanted to change that! In between jobs he started looking for love. Even though none of the ladies he met were able to stand him for too long, Francis soon had children of his own. [/columns] -------[/quote] ------ [url=][img][/img][/url] [quote][columns][center][img][/img] [size=1][size=1][url=]Adapted from Drytil[/url][/size][/size] [nextcol][center][size=2][color=#fa912b][b][i]Sundras are Sunshine Tundras, and are somewhat of mystery to those outside their clan. They live together in large groups, attracting other Sundras and sunshine dragons as time goes by. They are never without a friend, and always happy to be there for those in need. They are warm, soft, and so very fluffy![/i][/b] Descendant of [url=]#5109706[/url] x [url=]#1044853[/url], two of [url=]@Sunshine[/url]'s sundras! #1044853 is a g1 double sunshine. The goal of this Sundra Lineage is to spread their sundras all around the site, to bring joy to everyone! [b]Generation Two[/b] #1044853 > [url=]#83850936[/URL] > Me [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/columns][/quote] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [quote][columns]------ [url=][img][/img][/url] ------[nextcol][center] --------------- - [b]The Espresso Defection[/b] - --------------- Congrats on adopting a child of two sentient stuffed animals, reanimated by the store they were discarded within. They may hold onto the anger of being rejected, or they may seek to bring love to everyone. If you get this child to level 5, you can register them in the thread! ----- [b]Generation 1[/b] ------ [/columns][/quote] ------ [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [quote][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Generation 1[/size] [i]Blackbone > Me[/i] His descendants take on some or all of these qualities; though first generation daughters are affected, they cannot pass the curse on. Some of his children take after him entirely; immortal and insatiable. Some take after him more weakly; long lived, and given to addiction, but capable of finding satisfaction. They are quite diverse, but they all share two traits: long-lived/immortal, and hunger/restlessness. [/quote]
I can also add you to pinglists for any of my future lineage pairs!


Second Generation
Dimond -> Blue -> Me
A family of falcons lived in the forest, because of the intense heat there was a fire in it, in an attempt to save her brother, she protected him from a falling tree. At this time, a dragon with silvery scales shining in the light flew past, he did not remain indifferent and quickly threw back the tree, lifting the female. Carefully, together they were able to leave the place of the fire, but the wings and some parts of Diamond's body were burned because of which she could no longer fly, but Sulor was always there and did not let her lose heart.
When their first four babies were born, they decided no matter what give life to a large number of happy babies and spread your offspring throughout Sornieth!

Second Generation
Francis -> Lina -> Me
Besides his parents and two brothers, Francis didn't have any family. Even then he wasn't that close to them. There was nobody to worry about what risky jobs he took and nobody to be sad if something happened to him on a mission.
Francis wanted to change that!
In between jobs he started looking for love. Even though none of the ladies he met were able to stand him for too long, Francis soon had children of his own.

Sundras are Sunshine Tundras, and are somewhat of mystery to those outside their clan. They live together in large groups, attracting other Sundras and sunshine dragons as time goes by. They are never without a friend, and always happy to be there for those in need. They are warm, soft, and so very fluffy!

Descendant of #5109706 x #1044853, two of @Sunshine's sundras! #1044853 is a g1 double sunshine. The goal of this Sundra Lineage is to spread their sundras all around the site, to bring joy to everyone!
Generation Two
#1044853 > #83850936 > Me



The Espresso Defection
Congrats on adopting a child of two sentient stuffed animals, reanimated by the store they were discarded within. They may hold onto the anger of being rejected, or they may seek to bring love to everyone. If you get this child to level 5, you can register them in the thread!
Generation 1

Generation 1
Blackbone > Me
His descendants take on some or all of these qualities; though first generation daughters are affected, they cannot pass the curse on. Some of his children take after him entirely; immortal and insatiable. Some take after him more weakly; long lived, and given to addiction, but capable of finding satisfaction. They are quite diverse, but they all share two traits: long-lived/immortal, and hunger/restlessness.
dNCLmdm.png u Spreadsheet Enthusiast u My tools website
u Wishlist u CC Free Bio Resources
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- Please pick dragons from my hibden for forum games! -
I subscribe to every thread I make.
[center]I run an almost purely Gen1 Hatchery, Almost all hatchlings will be pure gen2. [/center] [url=][b]Anaglyph Era[/b] [/url] - Some Lore [url=][b]Malware[/b][/url] - Heavy Lore Based [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][b]Retro Dreamland[/b][/url] [url=][b]Cirque Lunaire[/b][/url] [center][i]3D Dragons[/i][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
I run an almost purely Gen1 Hatchery, Almost all hatchlings will be pure gen2.

Anaglyph Era - Some Lore

Malware - Heavy Lore Based

Retro Dreamland

Cirque Lunaire
3D Dragons

RJmXy35.png QmPGh6S.png gNf3cn9.png 28eY93y.png aAi2efo.png nHqiShF.png
Still-looking bump!
Still-looking bump!
[center][size=4]These dragons are oldies I've dressed up and written for, hopefully one of the two will pique your interest![/size] [columns][indent][url=][img],49001,48996,48652,28788,28785,28786,28787,28804,28801,28802,28803&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][br][br][url=][img][/img][/url][font=palatino linotype][size=4] [b]Chiaki[/b][img][/img] -------[font=palatino linotype][emoji=gem size=1]80 [emoji=treasure size=1]80,000[/size] 600 words Fairytale Fame Tragedy Revenge [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][indent][url=][img],21847,26630,24707,24711,24710,25061,25062,25063&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][br][br][url=][img][/img][/url][font=palatino linotype][size=4] [b]Leo[/b][img][/img] -------[font=palatino linotype][emoji=gem size=1]70 [emoji=treasure size=1]70,000[/size] Lore Starter Unwilling Hero Adventure [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns][/center]
These dragons are oldies I've dressed up and written for, hopefully one of the two will pique your interest!


600 words


Lore Starter
Unwilling Hero
__Lair Directory
I have this lore girl on the ah [url=] [img][/img][/url]
I have this lore girl on the ah


@Amscray They both caught my eye! c: Your lore is super neat!
@Amscray They both caught my eye! c: Your lore is super neat!
Hi! I have these imp oldies with lore. Prices negotiable. [url=][img][/img][/url] 50kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url] 70kt/g
Hi! I have these imp oldies with lore. Prices negotiable.
83087341.png 89235974.png80289740.png 62977143.png 84201599.png
I'm so glad you liked the lore! Thank you very much for giving them a home.
I'm so glad you liked the lore! Thank you very much for giving them a home.
__Lair Directory
lore spirals!! i planned to remove underbelly for them for that supernatural siren beauty look but havent gotten round to it. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
lore spirals!! i planned to remove underbelly for them for that supernatural siren beauty look but havent gotten round to it.



Lore, Literature and Lies!

Let me find YOUR dragon!!!
I have various dragons you might be interested in! Every dragon in this post is 15kt. Pure progen G2s; both progens have lore (young adventurers looking to make a name for themselves in the big city). [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Has lore parents (a cowboy & a private investigator). Does not come with outfit. [url=][img][/img][/url] Has lore parents (a duo of ruthless mercenaries, rivals to my progens). [url=][img][/img][/url] Has lore parents (captain and first mate of a pirate ship). [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have various dragons you might be interested in! Every dragon in this post is 15kt.

Pure progen G2s; both progens have lore (young adventurers looking to make a name for themselves in the big city).



Has lore parents (a cowboy & a private investigator). Does not come with outfit.


Has lore parents (a duo of ruthless mercenaries, rivals to my progens).


Has lore parents (captain and first mate of a pirate ship).

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
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