
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | [Record] Virtual Hibden
Hi all!

This is a record of dragons that are part of my canon, but no longer occupy a spot in my lair. A few of them died or moved away. Most of them are still canonically here, living their lives like normal, but have passed out of plot significance.

(I think Dragon Share is the right forum for this because I'm sharing my dragons with you all, even if they no longer occupy a spot in my lair. Posts/comments are welcome!)

A few notes:
  • In family trees, exalted dragons are denoted by grayed-out names. This is just for my own recordkeeping and has no lore significance. Dragons who are residents of other clans are denoted by names in brackets; unlike exaltation, this is canon.
  • My lore takes place in two main locations, Kaiator and Chronopolis, the latter of which is explained in this post. Dragons who have a significant lore connection with Chronopolis are tagged as such. Everyone else is primarily associated with Kaiator and the outlying areas.
  • The [progen descendant] tag is for descendants of one or both of my progens, Razanei and Chibundu. NEW 6/4/23: Descendants who are not direct children will be labeled as to how far descended they are from my progens (who are G1): grandchildren = G3, great-grandchildren = G4, etc.
Hi all!

This is a record of dragons that are part of my canon, but no longer occupy a spot in my lair. A few of them died or moved away. Most of them are still canonically here, living their lives like normal, but have passed out of plot significance.

(I think Dragon Share is the right forum for this because I'm sharing my dragons with you all, even if they no longer occupy a spot in my lair. Posts/comments are welcome!)

A few notes:
  • In family trees, exalted dragons are denoted by grayed-out names. This is just for my own recordkeeping and has no lore significance. Dragons who are residents of other clans are denoted by names in brackets; unlike exaltation, this is canon.
  • My lore takes place in two main locations, Kaiator and Chronopolis, the latter of which is explained in this post. Dragons who have a significant lore connection with Chronopolis are tagged as such. Everyone else is primarily associated with Kaiator and the outlying areas.
  • The [progen descendant] tag is for descendants of one or both of my progens, Razanei and Chibundu. NEW 6/4/23: Descendants who are not direct children will be labeled as to how far descended they are from my progens (who are G1): grandchildren = G3, great-grandchildren = G4, etc.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Ixion =[/b] [lineage: Razanei x Zanarkand] [progen descendant] Ixion's mother, Zanarkand, is one of the great warmachina guarding the city's gates. Though not physically a guardian, Ixion has the guardian urge, and like her mother, her charge is the city itself. But her guardianship took a different form: she became a masked vigilante, patrolling the city by night to weed out crime and evildoers. We haven't heard from her in a while. It's not clear whether she's avoiding contact to preserve a hidden identity, or if something worse has happened to her.[/center]

= Ixion =
[lineage: Razanei x Zanarkand]
[progen descendant]

Ixion's mother, Zanarkand, is one of the great warmachina guarding the city's gates. Though not physically a guardian, Ixion has the guardian urge, and like her mother, her charge is the city itself. But her guardianship took a different form: she became a masked vigilante, patrolling the city by night to weed out crime and evildoers. We haven't heard from her in a while. It's not clear whether she's avoiding contact to preserve a hidden identity, or if something worse has happened to her.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Aiglentine =[/b] [lineage: Yasumizu x BITLOCKER] Zeke's first girlfriend. It wasn't a great match; they were both more enamored with the idea of having a boyfriend/girlfriend than with each other. But they had fun and parted amicably. [item=Hex Noggle] [/center]

= Aiglentine =
[lineage: Yasumizu x BITLOCKER]

Zeke's first girlfriend. It wasn't a great match; they were both more enamored with the idea of having a boyfriend/girlfriend than with each other. But they had fun and parted amicably.

Hex Noggle
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= cryptc0re =[/b] Philosophy grad student working on her thesis at the Kaiator University. Burned out and overwhelmed, she spent several months avoiding her advisor's emails while playing MMOs every possible waking moment. (cryptc0re was her username, not her real name.) She met Varcolac through one of those MMOs, and they agreed to meet in real life. At first, they hit it off; but before long, a relationship became yet another overwhelming thing that cryptc0re couldn't stand. In a panic, she deleted her MMO account and blocked Varcolac on all social media, and he never heard from her again. [item=Venomblade Assassin][/center]

= cryptc0re =

Philosophy grad student working on her thesis at the Kaiator University. Burned out and overwhelmed, she spent several months avoiding her advisor's emails while playing MMOs every possible waking moment. (cryptc0re was her username, not her real name.)

She met Varcolac through one of those MMOs, and they agreed to meet in real life. At first, they hit it off; but before long, a relationship became yet another overwhelming thing that cryptc0re couldn't stand. In a panic, she deleted her MMO account and blocked Varcolac on all social media, and he never heard from her again.

Venomblade Assassin
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Yasumizu =[/b] An eccentric fashionista. He wears [i]pants[/i]. What a weirdo. He can still be seen around town, walking his pangolin in the evenings. [img][/img] [item=White Squirrel][item=Blue Jelly][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Pants] [img][/img] [item=Aurora Pangolin][/center]

= Yasumizu =

An eccentric fashionista. He wears pants. What a weirdo.

He can still be seen around town, walking his pangolin in the evenings.


White Squirrel Blue Jelly Dustrunner's Arctic Pants


Aurora Pangolin
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Megistos =[/b] "Crimson Blood Gold" sounds like a YA book title [img][/img] [item=Waterlogged Trunk][item=Ultramel Amphithere] [img][/img] [i]((Megistos was originally intended to be an OC from another petsite (see below), but some time after getting him I realized his vibes weren't right...but he also never got any lore or personality of his own. I decided he has no canon relation to the OG Megistos, just a dude with the same name. Maybe I'll make a proper fandragon of Megistos later...))[/i] [img][/img] (art (c) [url=]wolvden[/url])[/center]

= Megistos =

"Crimson Blood Gold" sounds like a YA book title


Waterlogged Trunk Ultramel Amphithere


((Megistos was originally intended to be an OC from another petsite (see below), but some time after getting him I realized his vibes weren't right...but he also never got any lore or personality of his own. I decided he has no canon relation to the OG Megistos, just a dude with the same name. Maybe I'll make a proper fandragon of Megistos later...))

(art (c) wolvden)
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][b]About Chronopolis[/b] Chronopolis is a nebulous dimension unmoored from time and space, where dragons lost in time and space may find themselves. It's kind of like the backrooms, but with better amenities. Dragons arrive from all over: some from Kaiator, some from Sornieth, some from even more far-flung regions. The zone is constantly in flux. Sudden appearances and disappearances are common. A few of the disappeared may find their way home...but many are never heard from again. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Shuriken =[/b] [chronopolis] Bog standard bog witch. A particularly nasty curse rebounded on her (apparently her target had Reflect up) and she wound up in Chronopolis. She stayed a surprisingly long time before running afoul of Infinity and the terror triplets. When she disappeared, no one knew if Infinity disposed of her, or if she just decided to skip town, or if she genuinely found a way home. [item=Kelpie][/center]
About Chronopolis

Chronopolis is a nebulous dimension unmoored from time and space, where dragons lost in time and space may find themselves. It's kind of like the backrooms, but with better amenities. Dragons arrive from all over: some from Kaiator, some from Sornieth, some from even more far-flung regions. The zone is constantly in flux. Sudden appearances and disappearances are common. A few of the disappeared may find their way home...but many are never heard from again.


= Shuriken =

Bog standard bog witch. A particularly nasty curse rebounded on her (apparently her target had Reflect up) and she wound up in Chronopolis.

She stayed a surprisingly long time before running afoul of Infinity and the terror triplets. When she disappeared, no one knew if Infinity disposed of her, or if she just decided to skip town, or if she genuinely found a way home.

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Coriolis =[/b] Airship mechanic. (he/him) Zeke's friend and lover. Coriolis' job has him traveling most of the time, and neither he nor Zeke is up for a committed long-distance relationship, but they hang out when Coriolis is in town. [item=Glasswing Butterfly][item=Aer Phantom][/center]

= Coriolis =

Airship mechanic. (he/him)

Zeke's friend and lover. Coriolis' job has him traveling most of the time, and neither he nor Zeke is up for a committed long-distance relationship, but they hang out when Coriolis is in town.

Glasswing Butterfly Aer Phantom
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Iarere =[/b] Witch and bartender. Mixing potions isn't [i]that[/i] different from mixing drinks, when you get down to it. At least, that's what she likes to say. Enjoy your drink. [item=Curious Kettle][item=White-Eared Hummingbird][item=Singed Lemming][/center]

= Iarere =

Witch and bartender.

Mixing potions isn't that different from mixing drinks, when you get down to it. At least, that's what she likes to say. Enjoy your drink.

Curious Kettle White-Eared Hummingbird Singed Lemming
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Yagao =[/b] [lineage: Kit x Tazenia] As a hatchling, he strayed too far into the woods and never returned. No trace of him was ever found. For years afterwards, his clutchmates would hear his voice on moonless nights, crying and calling their names. [item=Smoke Gyre][/center]

= Yagao =
[lineage: Kit x Tazenia]

As a hatchling, he strayed too far into the woods and never returned. No trace of him was ever found.

For years afterwards, his clutchmates would hear his voice on moonless nights, crying and calling their names.

Smoke Gyre
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)