
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | [CLOSED] Relaxation Runway
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[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Piper[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]linky[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [img],30831,30588,30817,30838,30837,30813,23022&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b] Piper is usually too busy with her archaeology studies, but today is taking a much-needed break to enjoy some living history instead.
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Piper
Link to dressing room: linky
Image: dragon?did=49013719&skin=0&apparel=30815,30831,30588,30817,30838,30837,30813,23022&xt=dressing.png
Optional Explanation/Roleplay: Piper is usually too busy with her archaeology studies, but today is taking a much-needed break to enjoy some living history instead.
[b]Theme:[/b] Wednesday: Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Soleil[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]fancy hammam retreat[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [center][img],29802,383,24049,28783,545,6034,18783,424,6024,24053,17914,33682,28786,35521&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center]
Theme: Wednesday: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Soleil
Link to dressing room: fancy hammam retreat
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Arete[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]Link[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [img],30027,3634,3698,40422,40427,40432,40437,40442,40447,3686&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b]
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Arete
Link to dressing room: Link
Image: dragon?did=58739951&skin=0&apparel=2316,30027,3634,3698,40422,40427,40432,40437,40442,40447,3686&xt=dressing.png
Optional Explanation/Roleplay:
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Kashan[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b][url=] Here[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [img],6965,40433,23083,35522,3686,3634&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b]
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Kashan
Link to dressing room: Here
Image: dragon?did=68005654&skin=0&apparel=3698,6965,40433,23083,35522,3686,3634&xt=dressing.png
Optional Explanation/Roleplay:
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Chris[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [outfit=1672101] [b]Image:[/b] [img],545,6035,6283,25865,25863,25864&xt=dressing.png[/img]
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Chris
Link to dressing room:

Image: dragon?did=69112518&skin=0&apparel=11226,545,6035,6283,25865,25863,25864&xt=dressing.png
Vista: Progress Ribbon onl96wk.png Vista: Rainbow Ribbon
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Menthe[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]Cleansing Hammam[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [img],28365,15721,30204,29005,7843,35202,6979,35210,6967,6949,35191,35199,29229,7845&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b] I tried to match the aesthetics of the mosaics and frescoes with all of the stone based jewelry with lots of blue and teal, while still incorporating the browns of Menthe's color palette along with some natural and floral accents. I think it turned out well! Menthe felt that in order to properly prepare for his ritual cleansing, he must first dress himself in something befitting of the beauty and splendor of the Hammam, and he is certainly all decked out! He would the enjoy the grand architecture and would be happy to socialize and philosophize with his peers while he bathes.
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Menthe
Link to dressing room: Cleansing Hammam
Optional Explanation/Roleplay:
I tried to match the aesthetics of the mosaics and frescoes with all of the stone based jewelry with lots of blue and teal, while still incorporating the browns of Menthe's color palette along with some natural and floral accents. I think it turned out well!

Menthe felt that in order to properly prepare for his ritual cleansing, he must first dress himself in something befitting of the beauty and splendor of the Hammam, and he is certainly all decked out! He would the enjoy the grand architecture and would be happy to socialize and philosophize with his peers while he bathes.
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [outfit=1672144] [b]Image:[/b] [img],37391,35219,40431,6267,2844,34189,25797,25792,25798,18787&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b] As a mason with decorative tendencies, Parfait is very excited to get a good look at those frescoes... and maybe examine them a little closer if he can get the opportunity. He even brought his tools! [s]and a fancy outfit to make him look more sophisticated than he really is[/s]
Theme: Turkish Hammam

Link to dragon:

Link to dressing room:


Optional Explanation/Roleplay: As a mason with decorative tendencies, Parfait is very excited to get a good look at those frescoes... and maybe examine them a little closer if he can get the opportunity. He even brought his tools! and a fancy outfit to make him look more sophisticated than he really is
Someday, the whole sky is going to light up, and it's gonna say, "TILT."
And that's gonna be the end of the world.

Artshop * Adopts * Skins
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Judicael[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]Click[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [img],28814,3638,3630,20842,3635,3627,3636,3628,3688,3684,28817,10876,10878&xt=dressing.png[/img]
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Judicael
Link to dressing room: Click

Bio Resources
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Sunfire[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]Sunfire's Fashion Show[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [img],23083,23081,23085,23084,35543,35536,35548,35531,35537,29221,29231&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b] Sunfire uses every outing as an opportunity to show off his newest outfit.
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Sunfire
Link to dressing room: Sunfire's Fashion Show
Image: dragon?did=66664138&skin=0&apparel=23082,23083,23081,23085,23084,35543,35536,35548,35531,35537,29221,29231&xt=dressing.png
Optional Explanation/Roleplay: Sunfire uses every outing as an opportunity to show off his newest outfit.
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[b]Theme:[/b] Turkish Hammam [b]Link to dragon:[/b] [url=]Haru[/url] [b]Link to dressing room:[/b] [url=]Here[/url] [b]Image:[/b] [columns][center][img],2504,10370,752,2957,2963,10392,4784,10719,10378,23084,10732,40437,34238,23082,28998&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=1672222][/center][/columns] [b]Optional Explanation/Roleplay:[/b] Hopefully the baths are inclusive of birds. [emoji=glimmer tile size=1] [sub](@betty Please add me to the daily pinglist!)[/sub]
Theme: Turkish Hammam
Link to dragon: Haru
Link to dressing room: Here
RR '21: Turkish Hammam

Optional Explanation/Roleplay: Hopefully the baths are inclusive of birds.

(@betty Please add me to the daily pinglist!)
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