[center][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1]
[b]August 3 Update:
I am so sorry it's taking forever for me to open this back up. Between the overwhelming stress of a new job, my best friend moving and sending me into a bit of a depressive spiral, and trying to purchase a home...things have not been great for me mentally.
I have gotten a couple new oracle decks in the months since I last did a reading. I am eager to use them, and think they're very helpful, but...I just don't know when I'll have the energy to do readings for people again. My creative focus has been on writing a silly fanfic for myself, and most of my (very limited) free time has been dedicated to that.
Plus, I will be honest...part of me no longer wants to offer readings for free. I am struggling financially, and as much as it pains me to admit, I am really leaning towards attempting to open up a legitimate shop of sorts where I charge for these. It would be relatively cheap--no more than $10 a reading, and I would definitely attempt to make them even more fleshed out to warrant putting a price on them, but...yeah. I'm sorry. Life sucks and capitalism is the death of us all :')
But that's still up in the air. I'm kinda of the mindset of "this isn't something people should charge for" just because that's my personality, so it might not even happen. If it does, however, I hope that the few users who have come for readings regularly will forgive me.
I appreciate everyone's support over the last couple years that I've offered these. It's really helped me interpret my cards, and I feel like I have helped a lot of people with the words they have to offer <3[/b]
Hello hello one and all, and welcome to my humble corner where I practice reading tarot! I had a shop like this a couple years ago but fell out of it due to some personal reasons, but I am trying to get back into the swing of things and hoping this can help.
[i]Some disclaimers[/i]: I am relatively inexperienced and do not consider myself 100% accurate at all. These readings are not meant to take the place of professional advice for any medical or financial reasons. They are purely for your own enjoyment and, if you wish it, for your own spiritual reflection.
[b]PLEASE NOTE[/b] that I do work full time. These readings will be done when I have the mental energy and sufficient free time to focus on them. That means, unfortunately, I may not always get to it as quickly as you would like. I apologize in advance and will do my best not to get overwhelmed and keep up a decent pace.
[emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][/center]
[center][b][u][emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] READING PACKAGES [emoji=crescent moon 1 size=1][/b][/u]
I work with a unicorn-themed tarot card set and a spellcasting/magical-themed oracle card set, but may add more if I get some good vibes from them! [b]1/1/2023[/b] I got some cat-themed tarot cards for the holidays so I have added a small reading spread using them!
[i]Spread 1 - Unicorn Dust
[*]Done using the tarot cards only
[*]Three cards
[*]Specific situation, action, and outcome
[*]OR just a general three-card read
[i]Spread 2 - Enchanted Musings
[*]Done using the oracle cards only
[*]Three cards
[*]Specific situation, action, and outcome
[*]OR just a general three-card read
[i]Spread 3 - The Faerie's Choice
[*]Done using a mixture of both tarot and oracle cards
[*]Three cards (either two tarot and one oracle OR two oracle and one tarot...I will decide upon doing the reading but if you want a specific combo you can let me know and I will honor it)
[*]A general three-card read but possibly a little more in depth since I will be using both mediums[/LIST]
[i]NEW!!! Spread 4 - The Cat's Meow
[*]Done with a cat-themed tarot deck I got for Christmas so this is a trial spread while I get used to the cards :)
[*]I will pull only two cards from this deck and give an answer to a single question based off of the two cards!
[*]If I feel like the deck and I vibe together, then I will add it into full readings
For a better read, if you would like to tell me your preferred pronouns and preferred name, that would be great! If not, no worries! I do not want to be intrusive. For specific situation readings, if you could give just a little background info on the situation so I can get a better read on it, that would be swell. However, once again, if you are not comfortable with it that is fine!
Please indicate if you would like a private reading sent directly to you, or if it's okay to post it in the thread here. These are free and for me to practice but tips are definitely appreciated haha.
If this gets too popular and I have an influx of requests and are unable to keep up with them, I will close it momentarily while I take the time to catch up and finish the readings in the queue. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
No need to ping as I am subbed :)
[center][emoji=hourglass size=1]READING QUEUE[emoji=hourglass size=1]
all caught up

August 3 Update:
I am so sorry it's taking forever for me to open this back up. Between the overwhelming stress of a new job, my best friend moving and sending me into a bit of a depressive spiral, and trying to purchase a home...things have not been great for me mentally.
I have gotten a couple new oracle decks in the months since I last did a reading. I am eager to use them, and think they're very helpful, but...I just don't know when I'll have the energy to do readings for people again. My creative focus has been on writing a silly fanfic for myself, and most of my (very limited) free time has been dedicated to that.
Plus, I will be honest...part of me no longer wants to offer readings for free. I am struggling financially, and as much as it pains me to admit, I am really leaning towards attempting to open up a legitimate shop of sorts where I charge for these. It would be relatively cheap--no more than $10 a reading, and I would definitely attempt to make them even more fleshed out to warrant putting a price on them, but...yeah. I'm sorry. Life sucks and capitalism is the death of us all :')
But that's still up in the air. I'm kinda of the mindset of "this isn't something people should charge for" just because that's my personality, so it might not even happen. If it does, however, I hope that the few users who have come for readings regularly will forgive me.
I appreciate everyone's support over the last couple years that I've offered these. It's really helped me interpret my cards, and I feel like I have helped a lot of people with the words they have to offer <3
Hello hello one and all, and welcome to my humble corner where I practice reading tarot! I had a shop like this a couple years ago but fell out of it due to some personal reasons, but I am trying to get back into the swing of things and hoping this can help.
Some disclaimers: I am relatively inexperienced and do not consider myself 100% accurate at all. These readings are not meant to take the place of professional advice for any medical or financial reasons. They are purely for your own enjoyment and, if you wish it, for your own spiritual reflection.
PLEASE NOTE that I do work full time. These readings will be done when I have the mental energy and sufficient free time to focus on them. That means, unfortunately, I may not always get to it as quickly as you would like. I apologize in advance and will do my best not to get overwhelmed and keep up a decent pace.

I work with a unicorn-themed tarot card set and a spellcasting/magical-themed oracle card set, but may add more if I get some good vibes from them!
1/1/2023 I got some cat-themed tarot cards for the holidays so I have added a small reading spread using them!
Spread 1 - Unicorn Dust
- Done using the tarot cards only
- Three cards
- Specific situation, action, and outcome
- OR just a general three-card read
Spread 2 - Enchanted Musings
- Done using the oracle cards only
- Three cards
- Specific situation, action, and outcome
- OR just a general three-card read
Spread 3 - The Faerie's Choice
- Done using a mixture of both tarot and oracle cards
- Three cards (either two tarot and one oracle OR two oracle and one tarot...I will decide upon doing the reading but if you want a specific combo you can let me know and I will honor it)
- A general three-card read but possibly a little more in depth since I will be using both mediums
NEW!!! Spread 4 - The Cat's Meow
- Done with a cat-themed tarot deck I got for Christmas so this is a trial spread while I get used to the cards :)
- I will pull only two cards from this deck and give an answer to a single question based off of the two cards!
- If I feel like the deck and I vibe together, then I will add it into full readings
For a better read, if you would like to tell me your preferred pronouns and preferred name, that would be great! If not, no worries! I do not want to be intrusive. For specific situation readings, if you could give just a little background info on the situation so I can get a better read on it, that would be swell. However, once again, if you are not comfortable with it that is fine!
Please indicate if you would like a private reading sent directly to you, or if it's okay to post it in the thread here. These are free and for me to practice but tips are definitely appreciated haha.
If this gets too popular and I have an influx of requests and are unable to keep up with them, I will close it momentarily while I take the time to catch up and finish the readings in the queue. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
No need to ping as I am subbed :)

all caught up
Hey there! Could I have spread 1 - Unicorn Dust and just a general read? Pronouns are she/her and preferred name is just Vardia. c: Posting in this thread is fine.
Hey there! Could I have spread 1 - Unicorn Dust and just a general read? Pronouns are she/her and preferred name is just Vardia. c: Posting in this thread is fine.
Wow that was quicker than I expected, thanks so much! Here is your reading.
Cards pulled:
The star, the hierophant, and the nine of rods/wands.
I am sensing that you are in a time of renewal and change, which is absolutely wonderful! You are a resilient individual and have been fighting against some sort of conformity that has been plaguing you for a very long time, but because of your inner strength and diligence, you are coming out ahead. There is much hope ahead in your future because you are going to overcome the challenges of whatever is that is trying to negatively influence you. Keep trusting in yourself and what that little voice in your heart is telling you. Change is hard, but this will be a change for the better.
Wow that was quicker than I expected, thanks so much! Here is your reading.
Cards pulled:
The star, the hierophant, and the nine of rods/wands.
I am sensing that you are in a time of renewal and change, which is absolutely wonderful! You are a resilient individual and have been fighting against some sort of conformity that has been plaguing you for a very long time, but because of your inner strength and diligence, you are coming out ahead. There is much hope ahead in your future because you are going to overcome the challenges of whatever is that is trying to negatively influence you. Keep trusting in yourself and what that little voice in your heart is telling you. Change is hard, but this will be a change for the better.
I'm curious about Faerie's Choice. Pronouns are they/them, preferred name is El.
I'm curious about Faerie's Choice. Pronouns are they/them, preferred name is El.
Tarot readings are always fun. Spread Three, she/her, and just Mandee is fine. Posting on the thread is fine as well. <3
Good luck! I hope this practice helps your senses!
Spread 2, she/her, Lysa, posting here is fine [emoji=brown gem size=1]
Good luck! I hope this practice helps your senses!
Spread 2, she/her, Lysa, posting here is fine
Tarot card pulled: the queen of swords
Oracle cards pulled: forgiveness and happiness.
I am getting a lot here! First off: you seem to be very strong minded and a bit stubborn, and don’t back down easily. This isn’t always a bad thing, but I’m sensing that it’s led to a bit of strain and hardships in some of your interpersonal relationships.
The oracle cards I pulled are giving me messages that directly relate to this. I think that there was an argument of epic proportions somewhat recently, and the oracle cards are saying that it’s a good idea to be the better person and ask for forgiveness; or, at least, seek a compromise that requires both parties involved to have an equal amount of give and take.
Doing so will relieve a lot of that tension. Your thoughts, heart, and soul will become lighter and you’ll find yourself being able to focus on what makes you happy without worrying about the negative effects of what you and the other party involved did or said. You’ll understand one another more. I think this strained relationship, whether it be friendly, romantic, or familial, is something that you care for deeply and having this break in your tether has really stressed you out. Remember: emotions are okay and a part of being human. It’s understandable when they become overwhelming. Just take a deep breath, listen to your inner self and the other person involved, and remember that when it all comes down to it, you are a unique individual and should take pride in your inner strength.
Tarot card pulled: the queen of swords
Oracle cards pulled: forgiveness and happiness.
I am getting a lot here! First off: you seem to be very strong minded and a bit stubborn, and don’t back down easily. This isn’t always a bad thing, but I’m sensing that it’s led to a bit of strain and hardships in some of your interpersonal relationships.
The oracle cards I pulled are giving me messages that directly relate to this. I think that there was an argument of epic proportions somewhat recently, and the oracle cards are saying that it’s a good idea to be the better person and ask for forgiveness; or, at least, seek a compromise that requires both parties involved to have an equal amount of give and take.
Doing so will relieve a lot of that tension. Your thoughts, heart, and soul will become lighter and you’ll find yourself being able to focus on what makes you happy without worrying about the negative effects of what you and the other party involved did or said. You’ll understand one another more. I think this strained relationship, whether it be friendly, romantic, or familial, is something that you care for deeply and having this break in your tether has really stressed you out. Remember: emotions are okay and a part of being human. It’s understandable when they become overwhelming. Just take a deep breath, listen to your inner self and the other person involved, and remember that when it all comes down to it, you are a unique individual and should take pride in your inner strength.
Tarot cards pulled: the moon, judgement
Oracle card pulled: fertility
Sooooo I’m getting a big ol whopping sense that right now you’re going through some stress regarding some personal creative projects. Oof do I feel you, and emphasize big time.
You’re concerned that what you are currently working on (whether it be art, writing, music, sewing…any creative endeavor that gets your blood pumping) isn’t turning out exactly the way you had hoped. You feel that it isn’t what others will expect of you, and that you’ve let both them and yourself down. You are judging yourself too harshly and in return, it’s bringing the vibes of those around you to maybe silently join in—and they aren’t aware.
Sometimes it’s okay to just create for the sake of creating, and for the sake of yourself. That’s what art in all its various forms is about, isn’t it? Embracing your soul, finding your niche in life, and letting it enrich you to your core.
So, I think maybe you should take a big step back from what you’re currently working on and put it down. It’s time for the cycle of something new. Do whatever silly little idea in your head that you originally thought was dumb, because it most definitely is not! Indulging in something that doesn’t take a lot of effort and brainpower and is meant solely for yourself might refresh your creativity. You’ll be able to return to whatever problem child you’re stressing about with fresh ideas, and more confidence in yourself. You can do this. Don’t let others dissuade you from doing what you love, because your talents are for yourself first!
Tarot cards pulled: the moon, judgement
Oracle card pulled: fertility
Sooooo I’m getting a big ol whopping sense that right now you’re going through some stress regarding some personal creative projects. Oof do I feel you, and emphasize big time.
You’re concerned that what you are currently working on (whether it be art, writing, music, sewing…any creative endeavor that gets your blood pumping) isn’t turning out exactly the way you had hoped. You feel that it isn’t what others will expect of you, and that you’ve let both them and yourself down. You are judging yourself too harshly and in return, it’s bringing the vibes of those around you to maybe silently join in—and they aren’t aware.
Sometimes it’s okay to just create for the sake of creating, and for the sake of yourself. That’s what art in all its various forms is about, isn’t it? Embracing your soul, finding your niche in life, and letting it enrich you to your core.
So, I think maybe you should take a big step back from what you’re currently working on and put it down. It’s time for the cycle of something new. Do whatever silly little idea in your head that you originally thought was dumb, because it most definitely is not! Indulging in something that doesn’t take a lot of effort and brainpower and is meant solely for yourself might refresh your creativity. You’ll be able to return to whatever problem child you’re stressing about with fresh ideas, and more confidence in yourself. You can do this. Don’t let others dissuade you from doing what you love, because your talents are for yourself first!
Cards pulled: prosperity, peace, and financial health
This isn’t necessarily about monetary riches in my opinion. I think the cards are just stressing the theme of wealth in a couple different ways lol. You’ve been putting a lot work in towards something that means a lot to you—and yes, it can be your job, but it can also be something that will bring you spiritual and emotional wealth! Heck, maybe it’s even flight rising. Slow down—you may be wishing for something a little too hard and a little too fast. Give the universe some time to make things work in your favor. It’ll happen sooner rather than later, and you’ll feel a sense of relief when all is said and done. It’s good to work hard, yes, but it’s also good to take time for yourself and reflect on what you’re already wealthy in—friends? Family? An interesting collection? Whatever it is you’re working towards, it will come in due time, and it will be more than what you initially imagined. Just manifest it calmly and politely, and everything will be all good.
Cards pulled: prosperity, peace, and financial health
This isn’t necessarily about monetary riches in my opinion. I think the cards are just stressing the theme of wealth in a couple different ways lol. You’ve been putting a lot work in towards something that means a lot to you—and yes, it can be your job, but it can also be something that will bring you spiritual and emotional wealth! Heck, maybe it’s even flight rising. Slow down—you may be wishing for something a little too hard and a little too fast. Give the universe some time to make things work in your favor. It’ll happen sooner rather than later, and you’ll feel a sense of relief when all is said and done. It’s good to work hard, yes, but it’s also good to take time for yourself and reflect on what you’re already wealthy in—friends? Family? An interesting collection? Whatever it is you’re working towards, it will come in due time, and it will be more than what you initially imagined. Just manifest it calmly and politely, and everything will be all good.
Would it be okay if I used this reading in one of my dragon's bios? With credit?
Would it be okay if I used this reading in one of my dragon's bios? With credit?

>> she/her
>> FR +2
