
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Dragon Writers of October
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@LaurelOfTheRain Welcome to the chat! Feel free to hop in where ever.

@TheDragonsQueen Friends tell friends to go write three sentences. O:)

@Amut Awww, he'll be so disappointed he lost his spot. At least he got a little training while he was at my lair. And DANG, he's barely been around long enough for you to move twice! O_O You were in and out fast on your last flight!

That's an interesting idea, treating immortals the same way you'd treat a culture or a nation. Makes sense. It reminds me of the way people take personally actions that didn't involve them, like things their country did (or were done to their country) a century ago.

That "reincarnation by making babies believe they're the person they were told about" concept is creepy. O_O

I was amused by the way Babylon 5 lampshaded the monoculture problem with their alien races, by having all the aliens astonished by how varied human cultures were. Heh. B5 was pretty good about not having each member of an alien race share the same personality, but they definitely all shared the same culture, and none of them had more than three or four different languages for the entire species.

*starts to volunteer to take Zahar*

*... remembers it took her six months to write a bio for Winter*

... yeah you might want someone else to host him first. c_c

@Karika I've been sick for the last four days and the three-sentence thing is the only way I've made any headway at all lately. Ugh.

I envy you having only 18 permadragons. I could kill off 75% of my lair and get down to that, but I'd feel horribly guilty about it. I still miss some of the dragons I've exalted over the years. *shakes fist at self for being ridiculously sentimental over her pixeldragons*

@velvetpaws The lineages are my favorite part of FR, too. Especially cross-clan lineages.

*awws for Zyrah* I'm glad she's enjoying life as a bogsneak!

*giggles at Talissa bullying Marehi into being a proper father* You tell 'im, girl!

@SadariEvenstar *admires Filia & Shadowknight's diversely-colored grandkids!*

@Umpaloompa Welcome to the chat! I see Theia had a rocky path to her current position in the Icefields.

@shadowtehninja Yup, I always figure that fanfic or nonfic or whatever counts for Nano. The spirit of the event is inclusive and to get people writing. :)

@benalene Oooh, babies! I like the gold/amethyst/coal girl.

@Pachirisu Hee, I use this thread as a way to procrastinate on my other writing. c_c

*giggles at Adil's whining* Sounds like he managed to grow up some, finally, when he decided to become a Wildclaw!

@luckgandor @coldshrieks *cheers the two of you on in critiquing* *kind of hates critique herself but more power to anyone who benefits from it* :)

@VioletWhirlwind The orca fae is a cutie too! Ah, so many dragons, so little lair space.

@Merahunt Ice cream dragon! :9 I like the idea of nest-father as a profession. Sweet!


So I went to Seattle on 10/12, got sick on Monday, flew home on Tuesday, had Wednesday off, and then called in sick on Thursday and Friday. I am STILL sick. UGH. I haven't done much of anything in the last 10 days. Today, I've actually managed to get a noticeable amount of writing done -- up to 800 words so far, and I'll probably write a little more before the day's out. I kind of hate that 800 words is a lot by my standards lately. I would like to not be sick any more. Like, a couple of days is one thing, but c'mon, a whole WEEK? x_x

I was looking at my lair yesterday and thinking about writing a bio, but couldn't think of anything I wanted to write for anyone. I'm kind of thinking of exalting all my dragons without bios in the next couple of months, whenever Light is pushing. c_c

So, looking for a prompt for any of my dragons that doesn't already have a bio, now's a good time. Especially if you don't want me exalting them. O:)
@LaurelOfTheRain Welcome to the chat! Feel free to hop in where ever.

@TheDragonsQueen Friends tell friends to go write three sentences. O:)

@Amut Awww, he'll be so disappointed he lost his spot. At least he got a little training while he was at my lair. And DANG, he's barely been around long enough for you to move twice! O_O You were in and out fast on your last flight!

That's an interesting idea, treating immortals the same way you'd treat a culture or a nation. Makes sense. It reminds me of the way people take personally actions that didn't involve them, like things their country did (or were done to their country) a century ago.

That "reincarnation by making babies believe they're the person they were told about" concept is creepy. O_O

I was amused by the way Babylon 5 lampshaded the monoculture problem with their alien races, by having all the aliens astonished by how varied human cultures were. Heh. B5 was pretty good about not having each member of an alien race share the same personality, but they definitely all shared the same culture, and none of them had more than three or four different languages for the entire species.

*starts to volunteer to take Zahar*

*... remembers it took her six months to write a bio for Winter*

... yeah you might want someone else to host him first. c_c

@Karika I've been sick for the last four days and the three-sentence thing is the only way I've made any headway at all lately. Ugh.

I envy you having only 18 permadragons. I could kill off 75% of my lair and get down to that, but I'd feel horribly guilty about it. I still miss some of the dragons I've exalted over the years. *shakes fist at self for being ridiculously sentimental over her pixeldragons*

@velvetpaws The lineages are my favorite part of FR, too. Especially cross-clan lineages.

*awws for Zyrah* I'm glad she's enjoying life as a bogsneak!

*giggles at Talissa bullying Marehi into being a proper father* You tell 'im, girl!

@SadariEvenstar *admires Filia & Shadowknight's diversely-colored grandkids!*

@Umpaloompa Welcome to the chat! I see Theia had a rocky path to her current position in the Icefields.

@shadowtehninja Yup, I always figure that fanfic or nonfic or whatever counts for Nano. The spirit of the event is inclusive and to get people writing. :)

@benalene Oooh, babies! I like the gold/amethyst/coal girl.

@Pachirisu Hee, I use this thread as a way to procrastinate on my other writing. c_c

*giggles at Adil's whining* Sounds like he managed to grow up some, finally, when he decided to become a Wildclaw!

@luckgandor @coldshrieks *cheers the two of you on in critiquing* *kind of hates critique herself but more power to anyone who benefits from it* :)

@VioletWhirlwind The orca fae is a cutie too! Ah, so many dragons, so little lair space.

@Merahunt Ice cream dragon! :9 I like the idea of nest-father as a profession. Sweet!


So I went to Seattle on 10/12, got sick on Monday, flew home on Tuesday, had Wednesday off, and then called in sick on Thursday and Friday. I am STILL sick. UGH. I haven't done much of anything in the last 10 days. Today, I've actually managed to get a noticeable amount of writing done -- up to 800 words so far, and I'll probably write a little more before the day's out. I kind of hate that 800 words is a lot by my standards lately. I would like to not be sick any more. Like, a couple of days is one thing, but c'mon, a whole WEEK? x_x

I was looking at my lair yesterday and thinking about writing a bio, but couldn't think of anything I wanted to write for anyone. I'm kind of thinking of exalting all my dragons without bios in the next couple of months, whenever Light is pushing. c_c

So, looking for a prompt for any of my dragons that doesn't already have a bio, now's a good time. Especially if you don't want me exalting them. O:)
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@LadyRowyn yes! it really suits him, i think. he's still a little clumsy, but when you're small and clumsy it's easier to not almost kill your friends XD. and he still whines sometimes, i'm sure. just way less lol.
@LadyRowyn yes! it really suits him, i think. he's still a little clumsy, but when you're small and clumsy it's easier to not almost kill your friends XD. and he still whines sometimes, i'm sure. just way less lol.
I know this is technically over, but they just now pinned it and it's not locked yet, so if you want to get in on it, be my guest!

I'm excited to announce that I'll be doing an Author Spotlight on Reddit from 2-5p ET October 22! (I'm not using the whole slot because seven hours is a LONG time!) If you've never seen an Author Spotlight, it's an AMA for independently published novelists--same rules apply, I'm sure.

If you have any questions before the event, ping me and I'll try to answer as best I can. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you on the 22nd--stop by and say hey if nothing else!

@Almaren, @Aloysius, @Alpharaposa, @Amut, @Azurenight, @Batme, @benalene, @Bhelryss, @BlackWinter, @blaireau, @BombSwan, @brilliantsky, @Caiiore, @CanisLupus03, @Catbag, @Celetia912, @chalcara, @chaosheart13, @chibithulu, @cinderrain, @Cinnimoncynic, @clarax, @CosmicCoelacanth, , @Darkersolstice, @Darkwarrior101, @disbounded, @dransnake, @Dreamnorn, @DTEvie, @Duchannes, @egyptelf, @Elfnextdoor, @encarmine, @EonFlamewing, @Erratic, @Eyries, @Fixeddotdice, @Fuurin, @gendersquare, @GreyWardenNova, @growingthebear, @gunslinger, @HeartThief, @hitoritabi, @Hurricanesong, @Iceyriver08, @Ickyrus, @Iriexiris, @IronPen, @IvoryMuffin, @Jane13, @JiggertyPokery, @Joying, @kanashiiichigo, @Karika, @kayn, @Kazaera, @Kelwyn, @Kemonomimi, @Kerynean, @KittyHamilton, @LadyKnightKatsa, @LadyRowyn, @Ladyslayer, @lamarqueisdead, @li0nessrampant, @LilacsandFreedom, @Lckgandor, @LuckieChanm, @LucklessLady, @Lundlaeva, @Lytic, @ManaStar, @Marmite, @maw, @melonLord, @MeraHunt, @Metamochi, @micahjaguar, @MischiefSword, @Mistwalker, @Moonwater, @Morichinatsu, @Mort, @mwingzero, @Namira, @nano, @nargothrond, @Nemera, @Neroelysium, @Nightlilac, @NightwindDragon, @Nikita, @Oakwick, @ObsidianNights, @pachirisu, @Paintminion, @Pasafatu, @Pielonious, @pixeltune, @Plagueheart, @PlatinumDream, @PocketTheSaurus, @PoofinBurd, @Pookasaur, @psychocanes, @puffbird, @purplpeanut, @Pyrasaur, @quartzcrusher, @Rabbithearts, @Rexcaliburr, @ruthie, @SadariEvenstar, @SapphireElegy, @Serpenthyne, @ShadesofCyan, @shimo, @ShockZephyr, @SierraKomodo, @SilverFoxDemon, @Silverspun, @SingingBirdy, @SirWermo, @SN1006, @Snaphance, @SocialBookWorm, @Soleil, @SpiritKin, @SpringyBirdd, @Srewolf, @Steffon, @Stoat, @Suraya, @SylphofPens, @Syrinx, @tacroy, @The13Inquisitor, @TheDragonsQueen, @TheMaskedHunter, @thetinyshiloh, @typoAdventure, @Upstart, @Velg, @velvetpaws, @VigilanteSnail, @VioletWhirlwind, @WhoDoVooDoo, @Wisecakes, @Wymetz, @WynterDragen, @xxsnowyxxx, @Yukino, @Zidderinni, @Araaska, @nemodave
I know this is technically over, but they just now pinned it and it's not locked yet, so if you want to get in on it, be my guest!

I'm excited to announce that I'll be doing an Author Spotlight on Reddit from 2-5p ET October 22! (I'm not using the whole slot because seven hours is a LONG time!) If you've never seen an Author Spotlight, it's an AMA for independently published novelists--same rules apply, I'm sure.

If you have any questions before the event, ping me and I'll try to answer as best I can. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you on the 22nd--stop by and say hey if nothing else!

@Almaren, @Aloysius, @Alpharaposa, @Amut, @Azurenight, @Batme, @benalene, @Bhelryss, @BlackWinter, @blaireau, @BombSwan, @brilliantsky, @Caiiore, @CanisLupus03, @Catbag, @Celetia912, @chalcara, @chaosheart13, @chibithulu, @cinderrain, @Cinnimoncynic, @clarax, @CosmicCoelacanth, , @Darkersolstice, @Darkwarrior101, @disbounded, @dransnake, @Dreamnorn, @DTEvie, @Duchannes, @egyptelf, @Elfnextdoor, @encarmine, @EonFlamewing, @Erratic, @Eyries, @Fixeddotdice, @Fuurin, @gendersquare, @GreyWardenNova, @growingthebear, @gunslinger, @HeartThief, @hitoritabi, @Hurricanesong, @Iceyriver08, @Ickyrus, @Iriexiris, @IronPen, @IvoryMuffin, @Jane13, @JiggertyPokery, @Joying, @kanashiiichigo, @Karika, @kayn, @Kazaera, @Kelwyn, @Kemonomimi, @Kerynean, @KittyHamilton, @LadyKnightKatsa, @LadyRowyn, @Ladyslayer, @lamarqueisdead, @li0nessrampant, @LilacsandFreedom, @Lckgandor, @LuckieChanm, @LucklessLady, @Lundlaeva, @Lytic, @ManaStar, @Marmite, @maw, @melonLord, @MeraHunt, @Metamochi, @micahjaguar, @MischiefSword, @Mistwalker, @Moonwater, @Morichinatsu, @Mort, @mwingzero, @Namira, @nano, @nargothrond, @Nemera, @Neroelysium, @Nightlilac, @NightwindDragon, @Nikita, @Oakwick, @ObsidianNights, @pachirisu, @Paintminion, @Pasafatu, @Pielonious, @pixeltune, @Plagueheart, @PlatinumDream, @PocketTheSaurus, @PoofinBurd, @Pookasaur, @psychocanes, @puffbird, @purplpeanut, @Pyrasaur, @quartzcrusher, @Rabbithearts, @Rexcaliburr, @ruthie, @SadariEvenstar, @SapphireElegy, @Serpenthyne, @ShadesofCyan, @shimo, @ShockZephyr, @SierraKomodo, @SilverFoxDemon, @Silverspun, @SingingBirdy, @SirWermo, @SN1006, @Snaphance, @SocialBookWorm, @Soleil, @SpiritKin, @SpringyBirdd, @Srewolf, @Steffon, @Stoat, @Suraya, @SylphofPens, @Syrinx, @tacroy, @The13Inquisitor, @TheDragonsQueen, @TheMaskedHunter, @thetinyshiloh, @typoAdventure, @Upstart, @Velg, @velvetpaws, @VigilanteSnail, @VioletWhirlwind, @WhoDoVooDoo, @Wisecakes, @Wymetz, @WynterDragen, @xxsnowyxxx, @Yukino, @Zidderinni, @Araaska, @nemodave

Great for you! never ever done anything on reddit and it looks like I gotta create an account to interact with you, and it's not letting me complete the account thingy right now, but I am working on it. I do hope you had some folks come along!

On it! And now I know why I have not done anything on there before, it's a bit...overwhelming an confusing! But i posted my question :-) At least...I hope that's you...

Great for you! never ever done anything on reddit and it looks like I gotta create an account to interact with you, and it's not letting me complete the account thingy right now, but I am working on it. I do hope you had some folks come along!

On it! And now I know why I have not done anything on there before, it's a bit...overwhelming an confusing! But i posted my question :-) At least...I hope that's you...
An open book that reads Stories & Poetry MJ 24uZeuhOu.pngBk78Myp.pngLaSYQ19.gif8d7o509.png
@PaintMinion Did you hit save after you finished your post? I have no unanswered questions right now...
@PaintMinion Did you hit save after you finished your post? I have no unanswered questions right now...
@LadyRowyn I've fi~~nally written up the bios for Caris and Chirante, two of Athene's kids that somehow both ended up in my lair. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And while I was trucking around in Athene's family looking for inspiration, I found her newest clutch and that moon/pink/white girl, aaaaaaah, so pretty! T_T Not that I need another dragon right now--I'm trying to clear out a few. (And people keep not finalizing their CRs, grah.)

I've fi~~nally written up the bios for Caris and Chirante, two of Athene's kids that somehow both ended up in my lair.



And while I was trucking around in Athene's family looking for inspiration, I found her newest clutch and that moon/pink/white girl, aaaaaaah, so pretty! T_T Not that I need another dragon right now--I'm trying to clear out a few. (And people keep not finalizing their CRs, grah.)


It was at at the top and then suddenly it was at the bottom, Shrug, I thought I did it right. :-(

My question was basically, what's been the best thing about being Indy and what's been the worst? Do you still try and publish traditionally?

It was at at the top and then suddenly it was at the bottom, Shrug, I thought I did it right. :-(

My question was basically, what's been the best thing about being Indy and what's been the worst? Do you still try and publish traditionally?
An open book that reads Stories & Poetry MJ 24uZeuhOu.pngBk78Myp.pngLaSYQ19.gif8d7o509.png
@PaintMinion Here's a reply that will get you started...

That takes care of "worst", I think...oh, except no marketing unless I do it. requirements to stick to a genre. No deadlines unless I set them. No demands that I appeal to an audience or to something that the editor desires. (Full creative control, in other words.) Bigger royalties (which would be cool if I actually made money sometimes!) No waiting 6-12 months to see my book out--unless I do pre-release, it's out when I decide I'm done.

I've never tried to get an agent to publish traditionally. I want to one day, but I have yet to write something that I feel is "agent worthy", and the annual guide to agents is expensive. (Guess it's not $50 anymore!)

I'm dreaming that my thesis (which is hopefully a manuscript) is worth a try, but I don't have the foggiest on what it will look like...
@PaintMinion Here's a reply that will get you started...

That takes care of "worst", I think...oh, except no marketing unless I do it. requirements to stick to a genre. No deadlines unless I set them. No demands that I appeal to an audience or to something that the editor desires. (Full creative control, in other words.) Bigger royalties (which would be cool if I actually made money sometimes!) No waiting 6-12 months to see my book out--unless I do pre-release, it's out when I decide I'm done.

I've never tried to get an agent to publish traditionally. I want to one day, but I have yet to write something that I feel is "agent worthy", and the annual guide to agents is expensive. (Guess it's not $50 anymore!)

I'm dreaming that my thesis (which is hopefully a manuscript) is worth a try, but I don't have the foggiest on what it will look like...
@Karika Oh man, I wish I had only 18 permies sometimes -stares at lair which consist of so many permies- I'll probably work on and off on bios next month between novel writing and stuff. I'm actually working on a bio for my Seer Galileo right now because I was prompted to write his. I'll post about it once I finish it :D Ooo, that sounds like a fun idea to write about for NaNo. I wish your friend luck on that! @LadyRowyn -rolls away and adds another three sentences to Galileo's bio- I'm sorry to hear that you've been so sick, it's the worst D: -browses your lair for bioless dragons- What about one of these two? They look like the could be fun! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Also, I read Gentle's bio (I didn't remember she had one apparently!) and it made me want to cry. That poor dragon -places hands over heart- ----- I feel like showing off my latest pride and joy of my lair. She's currently my favourite of my new dragons. I love how bright she is, I love it so much. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She doesn't have a name yet, because I have no idea what to name her, but oh well. She'll get one eventually lol

Oh man, I wish I had only 18 permies sometimes -stares at lair which consist of so many permies-

I'll probably work on and off on bios next month between novel writing and stuff. I'm actually working on a bio for my Seer Galileo right now because I was prompted to write his. I'll post about it once I finish it :D

Ooo, that sounds like a fun idea to write about for NaNo. I wish your friend luck on that!


-rolls away and adds another three sentences to Galileo's bio-

I'm sorry to hear that you've been so sick, it's the worst D:

-browses your lair for bioless dragons- What about one of these two? They look like the could be fun!



Also, I read Gentle's bio (I didn't remember she had one apparently!) and it made me want to cry. That poor dragon -places hands over heart-

I feel like showing off my latest pride and joy of my lair. She's currently my favourite of my new dragons. I love how bright she is, I love it so much.


She doesn't have a name yet, because I have no idea what to name her, but oh well. She'll get one eventually lol

I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick, that's an awful feeling. I hope taht it clears up soon and you can be back to feeling like your usual self! <3 800 words is good progress. Try not to be too disappointed in it, and least you're still moving forward ^-^

As for your permas... I'm a big supporter of the 'Kill them all' stance. \o/ I've just purged a lot of my old permas from my lair - and am even selling 5 of my level 25s with elims, even though two of them were the first dragons I was ever gifted, two of them have been my main fodder trainers for the longest time, and the last one is Zaire, daughter of my progen Barinthus. They just don't make me happy anymore, so they have to go haha. A lot of my older dragons are being shipped off. It hurts, but not enough for me not to do it. Be strong! ~


As I just said to LadyRowyn. Kill them all >:D

Hooray for getting more progress on bios! You're going well~

what a beautiful bright dragon. I'm sure you'll think of a wonderful name for her <3


I went into Sydney today for a writerly gathering, and although I had to leave early due to anxiety, I got some good prompts for my NaNo story and a bit of a courage boost, as well as some progress on reading through my last draft while I was on the train. I'm well aware of the impeding November, but I think I can do it. I haven't lost a NaNo yet, and I'm too stubborn to start now.

The Ice Flight discord chat has been a huge help with my anxiety stuff. I've made some wonderful friends who are so supportive, and the chat has become the place I run to when I'm feeling like it's hard to breathe, so I owe them a lot~ Just watching them babble on about random things is so calming ^-^

But yeah, I'm gearing up to dive headfirst into all this writing. I can do this! \o/

I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick, that's an awful feeling. I hope taht it clears up soon and you can be back to feeling like your usual self! <3 800 words is good progress. Try not to be too disappointed in it, and least you're still moving forward ^-^

As for your permas... I'm a big supporter of the 'Kill them all' stance. \o/ I've just purged a lot of my old permas from my lair - and am even selling 5 of my level 25s with elims, even though two of them were the first dragons I was ever gifted, two of them have been my main fodder trainers for the longest time, and the last one is Zaire, daughter of my progen Barinthus. They just don't make me happy anymore, so they have to go haha. A lot of my older dragons are being shipped off. It hurts, but not enough for me not to do it. Be strong! ~


As I just said to LadyRowyn. Kill them all >:D

Hooray for getting more progress on bios! You're going well~

what a beautiful bright dragon. I'm sure you'll think of a wonderful name for her <3


I went into Sydney today for a writerly gathering, and although I had to leave early due to anxiety, I got some good prompts for my NaNo story and a bit of a courage boost, as well as some progress on reading through my last draft while I was on the train. I'm well aware of the impeding November, but I think I can do it. I haven't lost a NaNo yet, and I'm too stubborn to start now.

The Ice Flight discord chat has been a huge help with my anxiety stuff. I've made some wonderful friends who are so supportive, and the chat has become the place I run to when I'm feeling like it's hard to breathe, so I owe them a lot~ Just watching them babble on about random things is so calming ^-^

But yeah, I'm gearing up to dive headfirst into all this writing. I can do this! \o/
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