April Fools avatars

MeraHunt's Clan
hoard /ALL/ the glowy things
Clan Info
Badges found here!
In Progress
- Hermaeus Mora - The Elder Scrolls Series (Breeding for Multi-Gaze)
- Merala - OC (Need to Gene)
- Misdreavus - Pokemon (been trying for five years please give me the colours needed
i'm so close now) - Sheogorath - The Elder Scrolls Series (Oblivion outfit) (Need to Gene)
Planned - Need to scry derg or wait
- Shuppet - Pokemon (will start finding parents after Misdreavus)
- Willow - Grounded
- Cicero - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Nocturnal - The Elder Scrolls Series
- Vicente Valtiere - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Recent Comments

Durlosos was on the front page! I love her!

Maz was on the front page!

Oh gosh, it took me WAY too long to reply to your comment :(. You're welcome! I saw her (Scylla) and *had* to have her, lol!

Yep, that's fine :)

I'm very interested in Krasnovaar (the Pumpkin/Cinnamon/Wine Guardian), but I don't have enough for her yet. Would you be willing to hold her for a bit? (I just spent 62kg on G1 projects and now I'm broke but I must do more xD)

Can I trade for Sharpscale? In the FOR SALE tab

3 eggs for HermaeusMora pair. Fingers crossed you get a multi-eye!

I love AprilFools!!!!

AprilFools was on the front page!

AprilFools was on the front page!

You are welcome! Thanks for listing 'im!

It's hard to find traditionally pretty primals for a low price. I probs wouldn't have bought him if the clay didn't change color so dramatically with noxtide. But he's great with purples and greens! Very shadow-murky-overgrowth! ♥
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