Go to VioletWhirlwind's Clan page

VioletWhirlwind's Clan

Kumo for Moderns, when? Plz?
Ancient Lair
in the roots of the
Behemoth icon

Clan Info

(Occasional exalting lair. (Usually our own offspring only.))

Clan Lore: (Note most of this is WIP, and subject to change.) Clan name is The Hidden Glen Retreat and Refuge (Hidden Glen Retreat, Hidden Glen, or HGRR for short).

Our goal is to provide shelter, safety, and sanctuary to dragons with troubled pasts. Be they abused, abandoned, refugees from war-torn clans, pariahs, or just weary wanderers or visitors. All are welcome, as long as they follow one simple rule: Do not harrass our residents or push them for information on their pasts. They are free to talk about it if they wish, but they are not required to. They may take a while to warm up to you, but given time and gentle treatment, you may one day learn their stories.

(NOTE: Dragons in my lair with scries in their bios are merely ideas, and are subject to change/not final. I am often fickle about derg designs. XP )

01. Get more Treasure and Gems. :P
02. Get at least one of every breed, gene type, and element of dragon.
03. Give Arrix Shimmer and Gembond.
04. Maybe give Interval Gembond. Maybe species scroll.
05. Give all Faes with basic secondary Shimmer.
06. Give Charity a primary gene.
07. Give Nosila Spiral species scroll? and Shimmer.
08. Give Ironfrill Shimmer, Irridescent, and Circuit (maybe)
09. Bombard lair with Gembond, Crystal, Facet, Iridecent, Shimmer, and Glimmer genes. XD;
10. Acquire 2013 Light Holiday items. (Psshh...yeah RIGHT! In my dreams...)
11. Get retired familiars. (another impossible goal.)
12. Acquire dragons with the following genes (or gene scroll them) : Current, Hypnotic, Vipera, Piebald, Paint, Cherub, Falcon, Poison, Toxin, Butterfly, Petals, Skink, Spinner, Bee, Wasp, Jaguar, Rosette, Jupiter, Saturn, Giraffe, Hex, Metallic, Alloy, Tapir, Striation, Capsule, Contour, Lace, Opal, Scales, Smirch, Stained, Pinstripe, Trail, Ghost
13. Tincture one of my coli teams and fix stats.
14. Write more dragon bios.
15. Get Obs Iri/Lemon or Spring Hypnotic/Aqua Glimmer Lightning dragon (not Guardian, Pearlcatcher, Snapper (male), Wildclaw (male), or Nocturne (male), though)
16. Get Falcor fan-dragon (Ice Irri/White Shim/Maze Glim male wind or earth Imp)
17: Get a male Wildeclaw
18: Get a female Bogsneak

1. genes: Tiger, Stripes, Speckle, Freckle, Eyespot, Seraph, Irridescent, Clown, Shimmer, Gembond, Underbelly, Ripple, Circuit, Crackle, Bar, Daub, Smoke, Crystal, Facet, Glimmer, Okapi, Spines, Peregrine, Savannah, Safari, Runes, Thylacine
2. elements: All done! :D
3. breeds: Tundra, Mirror, Fae, Guardian, Wildclaw, Snapper, Ridgeback, Skydancer, Pearlcatcher, Imperial, Spiral, Coatl, Nocturne,

Crystaline Gala 2016 Pokemon caught:

630.gif altaria-mega.gif 507.gif 3HXvLsS.gif 141.gif 618.gif 476.gif 656.gif

Crystaline Gala 2017 Pokemon caught:



Rel7wTl.gif q2xn5Xo.png I6lyeEL.png AQni2Dm.png euJm1B0.png YzyDNBC.png VxFZh1f.png VTSZwHX.png BJjhwv5.png M8CP3I5.png 3YOC8YZ.png Xba9KvR.png tumblr_oesqvmhEFF1ql1x1no8_r1_100.png 3aoJlA5.png n793bJ7.png qOYpsE1.png VIKjMWi.png maGQFx6.png 0StTIvS.png iIT9NR9.png OMjxOpw.png dcxryt2-e553475c-908b-4a93-94f4-aa8138a48601.png r42NR4M.png nzAUL0i.png fJKCiGl.pngKeLhSaG.png KJtBCyH.png IVDt6w4.png uF45l8y.png GDXv2cg.png 2VjamCk.png tumblr_inline_prt3csjj7f1r3h1o8_540.png tumblr_inline_prt2xpxw2e1r3h1o8_540.png B2qFh7i.png
mfVLSwE.png 6Gsxrks.png

GG 2020 badges:

UiIrsvC.png 0W4IVSB.png

FF 2020:

D19oUol.png fw19gF4.png kHES06w.png 3Ojuwdo.pngx2 yOPAdt3.png pUMPn8A.pngaNROPhR.png

RBC 2020:

[missing badge image]

CrG 2021 (only got one day in, but...participation points at least) :

[missing badge image]

Trickmurk Tri-riddle 2021: Truckmirk:

YxjMyrE.png bNmGse7.png DQcZoqS.png
5BvXTAm.png PyU2DXy.png dK2g19m.png
Z9P2IAa.png GiunURw.png

MistJam 2021 Clouded Images Badge:


WaveSat 2021 Beguiling Bayou Bogsneaks! Badges:

2FkMctg.png 863ENtt.png [missing badge image]

GG 2021 Second Explorer's Query Badge:


GG 2021 Bonescout Safari Badges:

[missing badge images]

GG 2021 Undiscovered Familiars Badges:

[missing badge images]

Trickmurk Tri-riddle 2022 Runaway Shadow:

vTOO18z.png XDpP2O7.png 3izeKsE.png
O0aaKmN.png 45u4Lih.png gf5Anyp.png
dMlGvsC.png mOS8lgA.png

[MJ-22] Clouded Images Badge:


2022 Mistral Masquerade Badges:

[missing badge images]

Flameforger's Ember Toss 2022:

7uX1sQn.gif x2 6oOPbuN.gif YVRng7z.gif 6k99vUe.gif

RBC 2022:
Shadow Puppets:

[missing badge images]

Crypt Chic:

[missing badge images]

WaveSat 2024:
Search for the Skywhale:

fpf8CRB.png foyd6Yl.png

Wind Dom Boarding Oct 2024 Greyhound Badges:

Greyhound in a floral Nature costume Greyhound in a Light head-wrap and sunglasses Greyhound in an Arcane astronaut suit Greyhound in a Lightning construction vest and hard hat Greyhound in flamin' Fire welding gear Greyhound in Water snorkeling gear Greyhound in jangling Shadow jester gear Greyhound in snug Wind skydiving gear Greyhound in a cozy Ice parka Greyhound in Earth excavation gear Greyhound in spiky Plague gear

Recent Comments

Dazu's avatar
January 21, 2025 09:35:05
Tanika Was on the front page!
aziraphale1001's avatar
January 21, 2025 09:29:55
Tanika was on the front page!
StarScales' avatar
October 09, 2024 00:50:46
Just wanted to say I really like your submission for this year's RoR, and I hope it wins!
Flowerchildwild's avatar
September 24, 2024 10:32:27
Aw, I'm glad I got her then so she can have a good home and not be fodder or exalted! I love the name Windrun and she is perfect for the skin I had so she's very special and will be taken care of.
arawoods' avatar
June 14, 2024 15:53:29
thank you! it is indeed, I'm still in awe haha
wetdog15's avatar
September 28, 2023 15:42:51
viriya was on the front page! stunning dragon with a gorgeous outfit, and her lore is really nice too! :D
ArcanusCloaked's avatar
September 28, 2023 15:42:43
Viriya was featured dragon, stunning!
VioletWind's avatar
June 13, 2023 03:50:23
Hello! Violets are my favourite flowers. It seems we have a common interest.
Narlord's avatar
May 03, 2023 05:24:25
Interval was on the front page!
Gavynthetoad's avatar
April 30, 2023 10:47:28
I don't think you know just how much I want Amethyst... she's gorgeous.
Suomi's avatar
December 26, 2022 13:47:53
Macaw was on the front page! Cool dragon.
Bisons' avatar
May 18, 2022 08:53:53
Festiva (#66079541) was on the front page!
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Elemental nature flag
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Date Joined
Jul 11, 2013

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VioletWhirlwind's Friends

AboveClouds' avatar
AboveClouds (#11191)

Khimera13's avatar
Khimera13 (#5840)

Until you stalk and over-run you can't devour anyone
DuskieLynn's avatar
DuskieLynn (#48111)
Ulta's avatar
Ulta (#35855)
Talihawk's avatar
Talihawk (#49511)

Hi! Check out my Artwork http://lady-cybercat.deviantart.com
mariethefallen's avatar
mariethefallen (#88952)
pulunpilke's avatar
pulunpilke (#102589)
Feniiku's avatar
Feniiku (#66359)

The skies are open and the winds are guiding
FlySkyHigh's avatar
FlySkyHigh (#108310)
trinshutup's avatar
trinshutup (#188975)

Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?

Recent Activity

Feb 22
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Male
Feb 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Bogsneak Male
Feb 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Female, 1 Spiral Female

Recent Achievements

Feb 22
Modern Egg-stravaganza (250)
Feb 22
Extended Family (100)
Jan 26
That’s a Good Point
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