
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Little Acorn Inn: lore - a small purge
@DescendentMoon - Look forward to it, and your gang is looking so classy! :D I hope they bring you great enjoyment!
@DescendentMoon - Look forward to it, and your gang is looking so classy! :D I hope they bring you great enjoyment!
The Mossy Stone
[b]General Pinglist -[/b] @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru I wrote a bit ahead, so expect some smaller hatches in the next few days. :) [quote][url=]Lorn[/url] turned towards [url=]Bier[/url] to signal the next song, fully aware of the thin looks the fiddler was getting from [url=]the skydancer[/url] seated nearby. But so long as the Inn was shut up for the night and the guests stranded, Lorn knew he and Bier had no choice but to keep the patrons entertained. The skydancer would wait. As Lorn ran the next ballad through his mind, however, Bier jerked his head to the side where [url=]Gentian[/url] hovered at the edge of the crowd, looking in a way that said he had something to discuss. "Listen," Lorn said, leaning towards the gathering of dragons before them, "why don't you all cozy down and put the kitchen to work for a bit? We've got to take five." As their audience filtered back to their seats, Lorn and Bier headed to Gentian. Over his shoulder, Lorn heard the skydancer intercept Bier and start a hushed argument with him. Lorn wasn't about to get into the fiddler's squabbles, but Bier spoke loudly enough for Lorn to overhear a firm, "No, I don't know when I'll be ready to talk. I'll let you know." The snapper's footsteps were heavier afterwards, and Lorn let out an exasperated whistle as Gentian's eyes wandered towards [url=]a striped pearlcatcher[/url] sitting at one of the back tables. "What's Sid doing here?" Bier groused. "All he said--" Gentian began, but Bier cut him off. "They." Gentian looked between the pearlcatcher and Bier, his eyes questioning. Then he shrugged. "[i]They.[/i] All they said was that it was Citadel business. Are they important? If they're not, I can tell them you're busy." "Citadel business," Lorn repeated, the words flat on his tongue. He had no great love for the coolness of society there, preferring instead the messy raucousness of the Inn and the Plains. "I've no truck with the Citadel." "[url=]My father[/url] works with Sidney, more or less," Bier said, his voice a low, deep rumble, like an earthquake. "Sid's the Citadel's very own Keeper of the Watch." Gentian looked uncomfortable between the performers and the waiting pearlcatcher. "I don't want us in any heat with the Citadel. Please hear them out." Then he turned back to the room and began taking orders for dinner. Lorn sighed through his nose, then looked at Bier, whose jaw was set and his eyes pinned on the stranger. That look made him worried. "Bad blood?" Lorn asked. "Not with Sidney," Bier answered, then lumbered towards the Keeper's table. Lorn followed, his steps light where Bier's were heavy, trying to learn all he could of the situation before it fully unfolded. [left][url=]<<Prev<<[/url][/left] [right][url=]>>Next>>[/url][/right][/quote] Project Offspring: [b]Project Stardust[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pair: [b]Ametrine & Calcite[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] That's all for today! Everyone is on the first page, and they'll be listed in the AH shortly. Thanks for looking!
General Pinglist - @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru

I wrote a bit ahead, so expect some smaller hatches in the next few days. :)
Lorn turned towards Bier to signal the next song, fully aware of the thin looks the fiddler was getting from the skydancer seated nearby. But so long as the Inn was shut up for the night and the guests stranded, Lorn knew he and Bier had no choice but to keep the patrons entertained. The skydancer would wait.

As Lorn ran the next ballad through his mind, however, Bier jerked his head to the side where Gentian hovered at the edge of the crowd, looking in a way that said he had something to discuss.

"Listen," Lorn said, leaning towards the gathering of dragons before them, "why don't you all cozy down and put the kitchen to work for a bit? We've got to take five."

As their audience filtered back to their seats, Lorn and Bier headed to Gentian. Over his shoulder, Lorn heard the skydancer intercept Bier and start a hushed argument with him. Lorn wasn't about to get into the fiddler's squabbles, but Bier spoke loudly enough for Lorn to overhear a firm, "No, I don't know when I'll be ready to talk. I'll let you know." The snapper's footsteps were heavier afterwards, and Lorn let out an exasperated whistle as Gentian's eyes wandered towards a striped pearlcatcher sitting at one of the back tables.

"What's Sid doing here?" Bier groused.

"All he said--" Gentian began, but Bier cut him off.


Gentian looked between the pearlcatcher and Bier, his eyes questioning. Then he shrugged. "They. All they said was that it was Citadel business. Are they important? If they're not, I can tell them you're busy."

"Citadel business," Lorn repeated, the words flat on his tongue. He had no great love for the coolness of society there, preferring instead the messy raucousness of the Inn and the Plains. "I've no truck with the Citadel."

"My father works with Sidney, more or less," Bier said, his voice a low, deep rumble, like an earthquake. "Sid's the Citadel's very own Keeper of the Watch."

Gentian looked uncomfortable between the performers and the waiting pearlcatcher. "I don't want us in any heat with the Citadel. Please hear them out." Then he turned back to the room and began taking orders for dinner.

Lorn sighed through his nose, then looked at Bier, whose jaw was set and his eyes pinned on the stranger. That look made him worried. "Bad blood?" Lorn asked.

"Not with Sidney," Bier answered, then lumbered towards the Keeper's table. Lorn followed, his steps light where Bier's were heavy, trying to learn all he could of the situation before it fully unfolded.

Project Offspring: Project Stardust -


Pair: Ametrine & Calcite -



That's all for today! Everyone is on the first page, and they'll be listed in the AH shortly. Thanks for looking!
The Mossy Stone
I knew your username was familiar! We used to be affiliates when you ran Oakrest. Wanna be updated affiliates now?
I knew your username was familiar! We used to be affiliates when you ran Oakrest. Wanna be updated affiliates now?
@Ithaca - Haha, you found me~! I didn't really tell anyone when I came back, because wow who wants a ping 2 years later, but I am so delighted to see people remember me.

As for affiliates, I would love to! I've always loved your hatchery. Is your code easy to find, or if it's not, can you toss it my way?
@Ithaca - Haha, you found me~! I didn't really tell anyone when I came back, because wow who wants a ping 2 years later, but I am so delighted to see people remember me.

As for affiliates, I would love to! I've always loved your hatchery. Is your code easy to find, or if it's not, can you toss it my way?
The Mossy Stone
Yeah you just have to scroll down for it lol, it's where my affiliates are. =D It's great to see you back!! I always loved your lore/hatchery too!
Yeah you just have to scroll down for it lol, it's where my affiliates are. =D It's great to see you back!! I always loved your lore/hatchery too!
@Ithaca - I got it! Thanks! And while I have you, I wanted to thank you again for this boy: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] You sold him to me one of my first weeks back, and he and his mate run the Inn that this version of my hatchery is named for. So big thanks, it's your fault I'm back in the Selling Dragons part of the game. Lol! (PS: I love him. Such a good handsome guard!)
@Ithaca - I got it! Thanks!

And while I have you, I wanted to thank you again for this boy:


You sold him to me one of my first weeks back, and he and his mate run the Inn that this version of my hatchery is named for. So big thanks, it's your fault I'm back in the Selling Dragons part of the game. Lol!

(PS: I love him. Such a good handsome guard!)
The Mossy Stone
[center]@ixris Awwww that makes me so happy! His parents and grandparents are so glad he's found such a nice home to settle into. In fact, side random note but I actually just bought a long-lost sister of Bellflower (who is Sunstar's maternal grandfather). [url=] [img][/img] [/url] So basically, his great-aunt Zelra says hi![/center]
Awwww that makes me so happy! His parents and grandparents are so glad he's found such a nice home to settle into.

In fact, side random note but I actually just bought a long-lost sister of Bellflower (who is Sunstar's maternal grandfather).


So basically, his great-aunt Zelra says hi!
@Ithaca - Oh, what a beauty! That whole family / your collection of blues-and-yellows is just GORGEOUS. I'm so delighted to have one of them.

Thanks again for stopping in. <3 I look forward to accidentally buying your kids some more in the future. :D
@Ithaca - Oh, what a beauty! That whole family / your collection of blues-and-yellows is just GORGEOUS. I'm so delighted to have one of them.

Thanks again for stopping in. <3 I look forward to accidentally buying your kids some more in the future. :D
The Mossy Stone
Thank you sooooo much! Bellflower is still one of my favorite dragons after all these years. I just love his soft look that he's passed onto Seasalt, and then of course to your Sunstar!
Thank you sooooo much! Bellflower is still one of my favorite dragons after all these years. I just love his soft look that he's passed onto Seasalt, and then of course to your Sunstar!
Oooo. Thanks for the update, ixris!
Oooo. Thanks for the update, ixris!
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