
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
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[center][color=#72F4D7][b][url=][u]Twitter[/u][/url] ♦ [url=][u]Toyhouse[/u][/url] ♦ [url=][u]carrd[/u][/url][/b][/color][/center] [center][size=6][color=#F4D772][u][b]Hawkeyyee's Art Shop[/b][/u][/color][/size][center][img][/img][/center] [color=#72F4D7] i am subscribed; but i do not mind pings![/color] [color=#F4D772][size=4][u][b]SLOTS[/b][/u][/size][/color] [emoji=money bag size=1][b]GBP:[/b] [color=72F496]open[/color] || [emoji=gem size=1][b]G/T/FRC:[/b] [color=F4728F]full[/color] SLOT ONE SLOT TWO [emoji=subscription update size=1][size=2][url=]click here to be taken to my trello to find out my queue![/url][/size][/center] [center][color=#F4D772][size=4][u][b]PINGLIST[/b][/u][/size][/color] [pinglist=1942]
Hawkeyyee's Art Shop

i am subscribed; but i do not mind pings!

GBP: open || G/T/FRC: full


click here to be taken to my trello to find out my queue!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[center][size=6][color=#F4D772][u][b]Prices & Examples[/b][/u][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=5][color=#73C4C4]1GBP/100[emoji=gem size=1]/100k[emoji=treasure size=1][/color][/size] [color=#73C4C4]10gbp/1kg/1mt[/color] [size=2][emoji=ping size=1][i]All prices are written in GBP, please use the above ratio for conversion into FRC. for convivence i have written the conversion beside the GBP![/i][/size][/center] [center][emoji=rose size=1][url=]here's a quick link to a small gallery of my most recent work![/url] [b]boy oh boY do i need to update all the images here they are,,, so out of date[/b][/center] [right][size=4] [color=#F4D772][u][b]Pixels & Pagedolls[/b][/u][/color][/size][/right] [columns][quote= Pixel Art (UNAVAILABLE)][center] [emoji=cloud size=1][b]100x100 (chibi style)[/b]£5.00/500g/500kt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]100x100 (regular style)[/b] £8.00/800g/800kt [i]animation is an additional £1.00/100g/100kt per frame and discussed at order.[/i] PLEASE BE AWARE; pixel commissions are open by announcement only. please inquire about the pinglist. the pixels only come in fullbodies.[/quote] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][color=#73C4C4]♦♦♦[/color][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote= Chibi Art][center] [columns][emoji=cloud size=1][b]Minimal Shading:[/b] £10.00/1kg/1mt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Fully Rendered:[/b] £15.00/1.5kg/1.5mt[nextcol] Can do [u]pairing art[/u] with this style for a bundle price: [emoji=cloud size=1][b]minimal shading:[/b] £18.00/1.8kg/1.8mt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]rendered:[/b] £24.00/2.4kg/2.4mt[/columns] [i]Pricing may change based on complexity of the order. pairing bundle price stands for up to 3 characters, after that a fee will be included. chibis only come in fullbodies.[/i][/center][/quote] [center][url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [right][size=4][color=#F4D772][u][b]Minimal Shading[/b][/u][/color][/size][/right] [columns][quote= Minimal Shading][center] [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Headshot: [/b]£20.00/2kg/2mt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Half-body:[/b] £30.00/3kg/3mt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Fullbody:[/b] £40.00/4kg/4mt [i]Pricing may change based on complexity of the order. All arts will have a layer of cel-shading and may not be as polished as my full renders, but should have a quicker turn around time because of that.[/i] [/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [right][size=4][color=#F4D772][u][b]Rendered[/b][/u][/color][/size][/right] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote= Rendered Art][center] [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Headshot:[/b] £30.00/3kg/3mt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Half-body:[/b] £40.00/4kg/4mt [emoji=cloud size=1][b]Fullbody:[/b] £50.00/5kg/5mt [i]Pricing may change based on complexity of the order. Rendered art are fully polished with shading and texture. These may take up to several months to complete based off of complexity and details of order.[/i][/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [size=4][color=#F4D772][u][b]additional charges[/b][/u][/color] [center][emoji=shield size=1][size=2]All prices listed above are the base price for the piece of art you're wanting drawn, in some cases the order may have a fee. Below are some fees that may occur![/size][/center] [columns][emoji=paintbrush size=1][b]Complexity fees [/b] [LIST] [*] humanoid characters with unique silhouette's (centaurs/dragonkin/some anthro) [*] weapons and machinery [*] detailed and complex outfits [/LIST][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][nextcol][emoji=palette size=1][b]Add ons[/b] [LIST] [*] adding a non-simple background to any piece [*] additional characters in one scene [/LIST][/columns]
Prices & Examples
All prices are written in GBP, please use the above ratio for conversion into FRC. for convivence i have written the conversion beside the GBP!
here's a quick link to a small gallery of my most recent work!

boy oh boY do i need to update all the images here they are,,, so out of date
Pixels & Pagedolls
Pixel Art (UNAVAILABLE) wrote:
100x100 (chibi style)£5.00/500g/500kt
100x100 (regular style) £8.00/800g/800kt

animation is an additional £1.00/100g/100kt per frame and discussed at order.

PLEASE BE AWARE; pixel commissions are open by announcement only. please inquire about the pinglist. the pixels only come in fullbodies.
Chibi Art wrote:
Minimal Shading:
Fully Rendered: £15.00/1.5kg/1.5mt
Can do pairing art with this style for a bundle price:
minimal shading: £18.00/1.8kg/1.8mt
rendered: £24.00/2.4kg/2.4mt
Pricing may change based on complexity of the order.
pairing bundle price stands for up to 3 characters, after that a fee will be included. chibis only come in fullbodies.
Minimal Shading
Minimal Shading wrote:
Headshot: £20.00/2kg/2mt
Half-body: £30.00/3kg/3mt
Fullbody: £40.00/4kg/4mt

Pricing may change based on complexity of the order. All arts will have a layer of cel-shading and may not be as polished as my full renders, but should have a quicker turn around time because of that.

Rendered Art wrote:
Headshot: £30.00/3kg/3mt
Half-body: £40.00/4kg/4mt
Fullbody: £50.00/5kg/5mt

Pricing may change based on complexity of the order. Rendered art are fully polished with shading and texture. These may take up to several months to complete based off of complexity and details of order.

additional charges
All prices listed above are the base price for the piece of art you're wanting drawn, in some cases the order may have a fee. Below are some fees that may occur!
Complexity fees
  • humanoid characters with unique silhouette's (centaurs/dragonkin/some anthro)
  • weapons and machinery
  • detailed and complex outfits
xxxx Add ons
  • adding a non-simple background to any piece
  • additional characters in one scene
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[center][size=6][color=#F4D772][u][b]TOS & Order form[/b][/u][/color][/size] [size=4][color=#73C4C4]for full TOS please refer to [url=]this link[/url]. below is a basic tdlr of what to expect when ordering from me on FR.[/color][/size][/center] [center][size=2][b]By purchasing any artwork from me, you automatically agree to these following terms. Please read carefully, as I will deny your commission if it does not correspond with my terms of service. These terms are subject to change at any time. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask through PM.[/b][/size][/center] [right][size=5][color=#F4D772][u][b]Terms of Service[/b][/u][/color][/size][/right] [columns] [b]Slots & Payment[/b][LIST] [*]Order priority will be GBPand what i feel i can get done quickest. [*]FRC orders gone through PM will be the priority of FRC slots, as CRs will not be touched until the art is completed. [*]All FRC payment is required upfront before any progress will be made on the order. For all GBP orders, payment is required upon agreement of a sketch. If the first sketch is not to your liking I will completely redo it until we come to an agreement. Once the sketch is done, no progress will be made until the GBP payment is received via paypal invoice. [*]If you would prefer to give me artistic freedom the above step for GBP can be ignored and payment will be required upfront. [*]I am open to taking items listed on my [url=]Wishlist[/url] at LAH value. I will also consider all Art Trade offers (please DM me if you are interested in an Art Trade.) [/LIST] [nextcol] [b]Process & Walk-through[/b] [LIST] [*]All orders will not be completed until payment is received. [*]No payment is to be sent to me until asked. [*]You will be filling out one of the order forms below depending on what it is you wish to commission, and once i have confirmed and given you a quote you are to do as i ask; [*]For GBP orders I will confirm your order and later get back to you with a sketch of your order. once that sketch is approved i will ask for your information in order to send you an invoice for the order -- once the invoice is filled i will work on your order to completion. [*]For FRC orders I will conform your order and ask that you send it via CR or PM depending on your payment method. All FRC items are to be sent via PM, and any G/T is to be sent via CR or PM. Whichever you prefer, I do not mind. [*]Crossroads will not be touched until the art is completed. [*]Please look at [url=]my trello[/url] for immediate update on where your order is in the queue. My trello will always be 100% up to date; if you cannot see the trello let me know so i can fix that. [/LIST] [/columns] [columns] [b]What I Can do[/b] [LIST] [*]OCs [*]Animals [*]Dragons and other fantasy creatures [*]Humans, humanoids, and anthros [*]Weapons, armor, and accessories [*]Mild gore [*]Simple machinery [/LIST] [nextcol] [b]What I Can Not do[/b] [LIST] [*]Anything which breaks FR TOS [*]Explicit nudity or anything sexual (NSFW) [*]Racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, pedophilia, etc. (basically nothing gross or dehumanizing) [*]Fetishes [*]Extreme gore [*]Very complex machinery [*]Real Life People [*]Emulate another individual artist's style. [*]In general, I won't draw anything that I'm uncomfortable with, so you can always ask if you're not sure about something [/LIST] [/columns] [b]Artist's Favourite:[/b] I especially love to draw World of Warcraft Races (particularly Draenei), warrior cat ocs, wolves, banescales, and femme body types. I struggle with masculine body types and if that's something you're looking for you may want to find another artist. I love being able to draw sharp angles, and i love drawing long curling hair and smirky-toothy smiles. [columns] [b]Hi there![/b] If you have read this far i would like to thank you! If there are any questions feel free to drop a comment in the thread or DM me. I would love to clear anything up with you if needed <33 [nextcol] [b]Contact Information:[/b] [LIST] [*][i]Discord provided upon inquiry[/i] [*][url=]Twitter[/url] [*][url=]message on FR[/url] [/LIST] [/columns] [right][size=5][color=#F4D772][u][b]Order form[/b][/u][/color][/size][/right] [quote=Pixel Order form] [i]hey @hawkeyyee i want a pixel friend![/i] [b]Character(s):[/b] [i]please either put your dragon's bbc widget here or your character's ref! i will not work off of written description.[/i] [b]Payment Type:[/b] [i]GBP/g/t/other[/i] [b]Static or animation?[/b] [i]yes/no[/i] [i]**If yes; please specify how you would like it animated**[/i] [b]Additional information:[/b] [i]lemme know of anything else thats important to your order here! <33[/i] [/quote] [quote=Chibi Order Form] [i]hey @hawkeyyee i want a chibi![/i] [b]Character(s):[/b] [i]please either put your dragon's bbc widget here or your character's ref! i will not work off of written description.[/i] [b]Payment Type:[/b] [i]GBP/g/t/other[/i] [b]Pairing or single?[/b] [i]yes/no[/i] [b]Minimal or Rendered?[/b][i] minimal/rendered[/i] [b]Brief description:[/b] [i]lemme know of any desires pose/how you want characters interacting/information on your character/s to get a feeling to what you'd like me to draw![/i] [b]Additional information:[/b] [i]lemme know of anything else thats important to your order here! <33[/i] [/quote] [quote=Minimal/Rendeed Order form.] [i]hey @hawkeyyee i want art![/i] [b]Character(s):[/b] [i]please either put your dragon's bbc widget here or your character's ref! i will not work off of written description.[/i] [b]Payment Type: [/b] [i]GBP/g/t/other[/i] [b]Minimal or Rendered?[/b] [i]minimal/rendered[/i] [b]Brief description:[/b] [i]lemme know of any desires pose/how you want characters interacting/if they're interacting/information on your character/s to get a feeling to what you'd like me to draw![/i] [b]Additional information:[/b] [i]lemme know of anything else thats important to your order here! <33[/i] [/quote]
TOS & Order form
for full TOS please refer to this link. below is a basic tdlr of what to expect when ordering from me on FR.
By purchasing any artwork from me, you automatically agree to these following terms. Please read carefully, as I will deny your commission if it does not correspond with my terms of service. These terms are subject to change at any time. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask through PM.
Terms of Service
Slots & Payment
  • Order priority will be GBPand what i feel i can get done quickest.
  • FRC orders gone through PM will be the priority of FRC slots, as CRs will not be touched until the art is completed.
  • All FRC payment is required upfront before any progress will be made on the order. For all GBP orders, payment is required upon agreement of a sketch. If the first sketch is not to your liking I will completely redo it until we come to an agreement. Once the sketch is done, no progress will be made until the GBP payment is received via paypal invoice.
  • If you would prefer to give me artistic freedom the above step for GBP can be ignored and payment will be required upfront.
  • I am open to taking items listed on my Wishlist at LAH value. I will also consider all Art Trade offers (please DM me if you are interested in an Art Trade.)
Process & Walk-through
  • All orders will not be completed until payment is received.
  • No payment is to be sent to me until asked.
  • You will be filling out one of the order forms below depending on what it is you wish to commission, and once i have confirmed and given you a quote you are to do as i ask;
  • For GBP orders I will confirm your order and later get back to you with a sketch of your order. once that sketch is approved i will ask for your information in order to send you an invoice for the order -- once the invoice is filled i will work on your order to completion.
  • For FRC orders I will conform your order and ask that you send it via CR or PM depending on your payment method. All FRC items are to be sent via PM, and any G/T is to be sent via CR or PM. Whichever you prefer, I do not mind.
  • Crossroads will not be touched until the art is completed.
  • Please look at my trello for immediate update on where your order is in the queue. My trello will always be 100% up to date; if you cannot see the trello let me know so i can fix that.
What I Can do
  • OCs
  • Animals
  • Dragons and other fantasy creatures
  • Humans, humanoids, and anthros
  • Weapons, armor, and accessories
  • Mild gore
  • Simple machinery
What I Can Not do
  • Anything which breaks FR TOS
  • Explicit nudity or anything sexual (NSFW)
  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, pedophilia, etc. (basically nothing gross or dehumanizing)
  • Fetishes
  • Extreme gore
  • Very complex machinery
  • Real Life People
  • Emulate another individual artist's style.
  • In general, I won't draw anything that I'm uncomfortable with, so you can always ask if you're not sure about something
Artist's Favourite:
I especially love to draw World of Warcraft Races (particularly Draenei), warrior cat ocs, wolves, banescales, and femme body types. I struggle with masculine body types and if that's something you're looking for you may want to find another artist. I love being able to draw sharp angles, and i love drawing long curling hair and smirky-toothy smiles.
Hi there!
If you have read this far i would like to thank you! If there are any questions feel free to drop a comment in the thread or DM me. I would love to clear anything up with you if needed <33
Contact Information:

Order form
Pixel Order form wrote:
hey @hawkeyyee i want a pixel friend!

Character(s): please either put your dragon's bbc widget here or your character's ref! i will not work off of written description.
Payment Type: GBP/g/t/other
Static or animation? yes/no
**If yes; please specify how you would like it animated**
Additional information: lemme know of anything else thats important to your order here! <33
Chibi Order Form wrote:
hey @hawkeyyee i want a chibi!

Character(s): please either put your dragon's bbc widget here or your character's ref! i will not work off of written description.
Payment Type: GBP/g/t/other
Pairing or single? yes/no
Minimal or Rendered? minimal/rendered
Brief description: lemme know of any desires pose/how you want characters interacting/information on your character/s to get a feeling to what you'd like me to draw!
Additional information: lemme know of anything else thats important to your order here! <33
Minimal/Rendeed Order form. wrote:
hey @hawkeyyee i want art!

Character(s): please either put your dragon's bbc widget here or your character's ref! i will not work off of written description.
Payment Type: GBP/g/t/other
Minimal or Rendered? minimal/rendered
Brief description: lemme know of any desires pose/how you want characters interacting/if they're interacting/information on your character/s to get a feeling to what you'd like me to draw!
Additional information: lemme know of anything else thats important to your order here! <33

FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[right][color=#F4D772][size=5][b][u]Hawkeyyee's Discord Server[/u][/b][/size][/color][/right] [quote=Discord Invite Link] [center][size=5] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size] [i](click image for link!)[/i][/center] [center][b]Why a discord?[/b] This is where all announcements for my shops are stored! I also offer in-discord giveaways and discounts. Ko-fi subscribes get exclusive previews and first pick when it comes to ordering across all my shops. If its something that may interest you please do swing by <33[/center] [/quote] [center][size=6][color=#F4D772][u][b]Affiliates[/b][/u][/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#F4D772][url=]CHIBI [/url]♦ [url=]TREASURE HOARD[/url] ♦ [url=]HEADSHOTS [/url]♦ [url=]TINY PIXEL[/url][/color][img][/img]
Hawkeyyee's Discord Server
Discord Invite Link wrote:
(click image for link!)
Why a discord? This is where all announcements for my shops are stored! I also offer in-discord giveaways and discounts. Ko-fi subscribes get exclusive previews and first pick when it comes to ordering across all my shops. If its something that may interest you please do swing by <33
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[center][size=6][color=#F4D772][u][b]Recently Finished Orders[/b][/u][/color][/size] [img][/img] [color=#72F4D7]for xLILM0NSTERx --------------------- [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=#72F4D7]for JinxxYouOweMe <33 [/color] --------------------- ---------------------
Recently Finished Orders

for JinxxYouOweMe


FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
hey @hawkeyyee i want a chibi!

Character(s): Nero, since I loved the art you made of him last time!
Payment Type: treasure!
Pairing or single? single
Minimal or Rendered? minimal
Brief description: i would like him to face right! i also prefer him being drawn on all fours!
Additional information: he's quiet, gentle, and likes nature!

Also, is it okay if I order another chibi as well? I have a few d&d characters that I'd love to have some art for! If not, that's fine! If I'm allowed to order multiple chibis, I have a couple characters to decide between, depending on which species you're most confident with drawing!

One more question, are the chibis a fullbody?
hey @hawkeyyee i want a chibi!

Character(s): Nero, since I loved the art you made of him last time!
Payment Type: treasure!
Pairing or single? single
Minimal or Rendered? minimal
Brief description: i would like him to face right! i also prefer him being drawn on all fours!
Additional information: he's quiet, gentle, and likes nature!

Also, is it okay if I order another chibi as well? I have a few d&d characters that I'd love to have some art for! If not, that's fine! If I'm allowed to order multiple chibis, I have a couple characters to decide between, depending on which species you're most confident with drawing!

One more question, are the chibis a fullbody?

the chibis only come in fullbodies! thank you for reminding me how i should probably have a note of that ^^; the examples all click to the full sized images I just wanted thins compact reasoning why some may look like headshots/icons

but! thank you so much for being my first order here on the new thread! ;u;

as for the first question as well; i'd say can order up to two characters in at one time! i'm also fairly confident in all humanoid species and most animal species! <33

do let me know if that changes up your order in any way so i can give a proper quote!

the chibis only come in fullbodies! thank you for reminding me how i should probably have a note of that ^^; the examples all click to the full sized images I just wanted thins compact reasoning why some may look like headshots/icons

but! thank you so much for being my first order here on the new thread! ;u;

as for the first question as well; i'd say can order up to two characters in at one time! i'm also fairly confident in all humanoid species and most animal species! <33

do let me know if that changes up your order in any way so i can give a proper quote!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
@hawkeyyee thanks for the info! I would still like Nero as my first chibi, and I would like to order my d&d character Thurrg as my second chibi (minimal shading for both)!

I have a link to a 3D model of Thurrg on Heroforge, does that work as a reference? If that website doesnt work, I can provide some screenshots from the website or some sketches!

If that character is okay, I can provide additional info about him! If not, I can pick a different character!
@hawkeyyee thanks for the info! I would still like Nero as my first chibi, and I would like to order my d&d character Thurrg as my second chibi (minimal shading for both)!

I have a link to a 3D model of Thurrg on Heroforge, does that work as a reference? If that website doesnt work, I can provide some screenshots from the website or some sketches!

If that character is okay, I can provide additional info about him! If not, I can pick a different character!

oooo is he a gnoll? or an anthro hyena? regardless he cute! i dont mind using heroforge as a reference, though a digital copy of his colour pallet would be beaut just because of the shadows and rim-lighting on the site make things a bit muggy for colour picking

i should also mention i am not a masculine artist, and heavily muscular body types aren't my forte. not to say i cant draw them, just they're something i struggle with. as its my chibi style i tend to simplify and stylize a lot so most likely will not be as muscular as the mini -- if that's not a concern for you i can work on him. if it is theres no worries on offering another character ^^;

nero however is perfect, and i absolutely love his design so much and would be honoured to draw him again!

all in all both wouldn't really give any extra fees so it would be 1mt each making the total 2mt!

oooo is he a gnoll? or an anthro hyena? regardless he cute! i dont mind using heroforge as a reference, though a digital copy of his colour pallet would be beaut just because of the shadows and rim-lighting on the site make things a bit muggy for colour picking

i should also mention i am not a masculine artist, and heavily muscular body types aren't my forte. not to say i cant draw them, just they're something i struggle with. as its my chibi style i tend to simplify and stylize a lot so most likely will not be as muscular as the mini -- if that's not a concern for you i can work on him. if it is theres no worries on offering another character ^^;

nero however is perfect, and i absolutely love his design so much and would be honoured to draw him again!

all in all both wouldn't really give any extra fees so it would be 1mt each making the total 2mt!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
hi! Im interested in ordering another chibi couple, but before i send the form i wanted to check to see if you'd be alright with drawing a centaur? ^^
hi! Im interested in ordering another chibi couple, but before i send the form i wanted to check to see if you'd be alright with drawing a centaur? ^^
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