

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Cheeb adopts - new undertide [FULL]
[center][img][/img][/center] [right][size=6][b]Howdy hey![/b][/size][/right] ----- ----- [center][b]I AM CURRENTLY [u]...drawing[/u] [/b] [b]all slots claimed![/b] — [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color][nextcol][size=2][b]updates:[/b] new undertide bases on both options! also new pearlcatcher cheeb and snapper squish <33[/size] [pinglist=1945][nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][nextcol] [size=2][b]trello:[/b] [url=]click! this will take you to all the information you'll need regarding your order and my slots![/url][/size] [/columns] ----------------- ----------------- [b]Rules & Information[/b] [size=2].[b]I am subscribed,[/b] but I do not mind pings! .[b]I use a[/b] 1:1000 conversion rate .[b]You[/b] [u]are not[/u] allowed to edit my adopt in anyway. (cropping and resizing is fine, just [u]do not[/u] remove my ID number) .[b]You [/b][u]must credit the adopt[/u] with it either linking back to this shop, or my profile. .[b]I require[/b] payment sent upon confirming the order in either a CR or a PM and will accept CRs only after the adopt has been finished. If your [b]payment includes items[/b] they [u]must [/u]be sent through a PM. .[b]You may[/b] order your dragon, your friends dragons, a strangers dragon, a dragon that doesn't exist -- so long as it has a clear scry I will draw it. .[b]Please know [/b]I will either have your adopt done within seconds of you ordering, or week after. There is no in-between, my concentration is a very fickle thing. .[b]I will happily[/b] accept adopt trades and items from [url=]my wishlist[/url] as alternative payment. .[b]Please save your adopt[/b]. While I will not be deleting them from imgur myself, you never know what could happen. Better safe then sorry. .[b]All adopts will be saved[/b] as a png and housed on an external -- but the sai file for individual adopts will not be saved. .[b]Want a breed that I don't have completed?[/b] please see information regarding sponsoring on the base type that you're looking to sponsor! <33 [b].Bases are gender neutral[/b] I will not be doing sexual dimorphism. [/size] ----------------- ----------------- [b]Have any questions?[/b] Feel free to ask![/center]
Howdy hey!

I AM CURRENTLY ...drawing

all slots claimed!

xxxxxx updates: new undertide bases on both options! also new pearlcatcher cheeb and snapper squish <33
xxxx trello: click! this will take you to all the information you'll need regarding your order and my slots!

Rules & Information

.I am subscribed, but I do not mind pings!
.I use a 1:1000 conversion rate
.You are not allowed to edit my adopt in anyway.
(cropping and resizing is fine, just do not remove my ID number)
.You must credit the adopt with it either linking back to this shop, or my profile.
.I require payment sent upon confirming the order in either a CR or a PM and will accept CRs only after the adopt has been finished. If your payment includes items they must be sent through a PM.
.You may order your dragon, your friends dragons, a strangers dragon, a dragon that doesn't exist -- so long as it has a clear scry I will draw it.
.Please know I will either have your adopt done within seconds of you ordering, or week after. There is no in-between, my concentration is a very fickle thing.
.I will happily accept adopt trades and items from my wishlist as alternative payment.
.Please save your adopt. While I will not be deleting them from imgur myself, you never know what could happen. Better safe then sorry.
.All adopts will be saved as a png and housed on an external -- but the sai file for individual adopts will not be saved.
.Want a breed that I don't have completed? please see information regarding sponsoring on the base type that you're looking to sponsor! <33
.Bases are gender neutral I will not be doing sexual dimorphism.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[right][size=6][b]Cheeb Bases[/b][/size][/right] [center] ----------------- ----------------- [center][i]All rules listed on the first post apply to these adopts along with what is listed below.[/i][/center] [columns][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=3][b]actual size:[/b] 1000x900[/size][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [emoji=subscription update size=1][b]rules & information[/b] ---------- - max of 2 per order - no sexual dimorphism - accents can be added - apparel can be added - can be flipped to face desired direction [nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color] ------------------------ [b]status:[/b] check status on first post <33 [b]breeds:[/b] 19 completed sponsoring is 500g/kt[/columns] ------------------- [url=]>> finished examples here <<[/url] [img][/img][img][/img] [quote=Pricing Information] [b]Price: 200[emoji=gem size=1] | 200k[emoji=treasure size=1][/b] [size=2] [b]apparel[/b] +25-100g | [b]accents/skins[/b] +25-100g | [b]sponsoring[/b] 500g **some genes will have a +25-50g sponsoring [/size] [/quote] ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- [columns] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [center][b]Yes![/b][/center] [b]All/most[/b] genes [b]all[/b] eye types [b]all/most accents & skins[/b] -- but if you're unsure feel free to ask! [b]Flip image[/b] so its facing desired direction [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [center][b]No![/b][/center] [b]incredibly gory skins[/b] feel free to ask! [b]heavy edits[/b] to the base [b]Some apparel[/b] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [/columns] ----------------- ----------------- [img][/img] [i]**you get 4 adopts for the price of 6usd! below 10% coverage accents and recolours of apparel and accents are free with this option -- any new accents and apparel will have a .25-.75 charge depending on complexity and coverage.[/i] ** [quote= Order Form] [b]hey @hawkeyyee, i want a cheeb![/b] [b]Dragon(s):[/b] [i]Please use the BBC widget or link directly to the dragon.[/i] [b]Payment:[/b] [i]G/T/other[/i] [b]Apparel/Accent:[/b] [i]Please use [/item= item name here] & [/skin= skin id here] and remove the / at the start of the coding.[/i] [b]Additional information:[/b] [i]Let me know any information I need on the dragon! whether you would like it facing right or left and if you would like an outline and if so what colour! [/i] [/quote]
Cheeb Bases

All rules listed on the first post apply to these adopts along with what is listed below.
xx actual size: 1000x900 xx rules & information
- max of 2 per order
- no sexual dimorphism
- accents can be added
- apparel can be added
- can be flipped to face desired direction

check status on first post <33

breeds: 19 completed
sponsoring is 500g/kt

>> finished examples here <<
Pricing Information wrote:
Price: 200 | 200k

apparel +25-100g | accents/skins +25-100g | sponsoring 500g
**some genes will have a +25-50g sponsoring

All/most genes
all eye types
all/most accents & skins -- but if you're unsure feel free to ask!
Flip image so its facing desired direction
incredibly gory skins feel free to ask!
heavy edits to the base
Some apparel

**you get 4 adopts for the price of 6usd! below 10% coverage accents and recolours of apparel and accents are free with this option -- any new accents and apparel will have a .25-.75 charge depending on complexity and coverage. **
Order Form wrote:
hey @hawkeyyee, i want a cheeb!
Dragon(s): Please use the BBC widget or link directly to the dragon.
Payment: G/T/other
Apparel/Accent: Please use [/item= item name here] & [/skin= skin id here] and remove the / at the start of the coding.
Additional information: Let me know any information I need on the dragon! whether you would like it facing right or left and if you would like an outline and if so what colour!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[b][/b][right][size=6][b]Squish Bases[/b][/size][/right] ----- ----- [center] [center][i]All rules listed on the first post apply to these adopts along with what is listed below.[/i][/center] [columns][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=3][b]actual size:[/b] 385x216 [b]signature size:[/b]178x100[/size][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [emoji=subscription update size=1][b]rules & information[/b] ---------- - max of 3 per order - no sexual dimorphism - accents can be added - apparel can be added - can be flipped to face desired direction - can be made into pairing images with a heart - can be resized for signature[nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color] [b]status:[/b] check status on first post <33 [b]breeds:[/b] 14 completed sponsoring is 200g/kt[/columns] ---------- [center][url=]click here for finished examples![/url][/center] [img][/img] [quote=pricing information][center] 100[emoji=gem size=1]/100k[emoji=treasure size=1] add apparel; 25-100g/kt || add accent; 25-100g/kt [/center][/quote] --------------- [columns] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [center][b]Yes![/b][/center] [b]All/most[/b] genes [b]all[/b] eye types [b]all/most accents & skins[/b] -- but if you're unsure feel free to ask! [b]Flip image[/b] so its facing desired direction [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [center][b]No![/b][/center] [b]incredibly gory skins[/b] feel free to ask! [b]heavy edits[/b] to the base [b]Some apparel[/b] which will busy the adopt too much [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [/columns] ------------------- [center][emoji=ping size=1] [size=2]because of how condensed these adopts are i can't do some apparel, and a lot of detail in some skins may become lost. if your wanted accent/apparel is on the head/chest/wing/tail i can easily do it! some leg apparel is also doable. anything on the torso or the length of the body may become squished. as i get more experience with these bases i may be able to do more apparel but for now i am going to have to ask people to choose between apparel and accents. if your accent is heavy in detail i'll only be able to do small apparel like scars and any apparel that wouldn't cover the detail of the accent i'll be doing.[/size] feel free to ask any questions you may have! <33 [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] --------------- [center][i][b]usd bundle:[/b] 4 for 6usd. while the g/t price is 100g/100kt the base in usd is 2usd, much like the above bundle you save 2 dollars! all non-line breaking accents with this offer are free, and all apparel will be an added .25. [/i][/center] [quote=order form] [b]hey @hawkeyyee i want a squish![/b] [b]Dragon(s):[/b] [i]Please use the BBC widget or link directly to the dragon.[/i] [b]Payment:[/b] [i]G/T/other[/i] [b]Apparel/Accent:[/b][i] Please use [/item= item name here] & [/skin= skin id here] and remove the / at the start of the coding.[/i] [b]Signature or pairing alt?[/b][i] just let me know what alt varieties of the adopt you'd like! i dont provide signature sized or pairing images unless asked <33[/i] [b]Additional information:[/b] [i]Let me know any information I need on the dragon! whether you would like it facing right or left or anything else that comes to mind![/i] [/quote]
Squish Bases

All rules listed on the first post apply to these adopts along with what is listed below.
xx actual size: 385x216
signature size:178x100
xx rules & information
- max of 3 per order
- no sexual dimorphism
- accents can be added
- apparel can be added
- can be flipped to face desired direction
- can be made into pairing images with a heart
- can be resized for signature
check status on first post <33

breeds: 14 completed
sponsoring is 200g/kt

pricing information wrote:
add apparel; 25-100g/kt || add accent; 25-100g/kt

All/most genes
all eye types
all/most accents & skins -- but if you're unsure feel free to ask!
Flip image so its facing desired direction
incredibly gory skins feel free to ask!
heavy edits to the base
Some apparel which will busy the adopt too much

because of how condensed these adopts are i can't do some apparel, and a lot of detail in some skins may become lost. if your wanted accent/apparel is on the head/chest/wing/tail i can easily do it! some leg apparel is also doable. anything on the torso or the length of the body may become squished.

as i get more experience with these bases i may be able to do more apparel but for now i am going to have to ask people to choose between apparel and accents. if your accent is heavy in detail i'll only be able to do small apparel like scars and any apparel that wouldn't cover the detail of the accent i'll be doing.

feel free to ask any questions you may have! <33
eCxQjvT.png Rlee8hy.pngkhCHXLt.png

usd bundle: 4 for 6usd. while the g/t price is 100g/100kt the base in usd is 2usd, much like the above bundle you save 2 dollars! all non-line breaking accents with this offer are free, and all apparel will be an added .25.
order form wrote:
hey @hawkeyyee i want a squish!
Dragon(s): Please use the BBC widget or link directly to the dragon.
Payment: G/T/other
Apparel/Accent: Please use [/item= item name here] & [/skin= skin id here] and remove the / at the start of the coding.
Signature or pairing alt? just let me know what alt varieties of the adopt you'd like! i dont provide signature sized or pairing images unless asked <33
Additional information: Let me know any information I need on the dragon! whether you would like it facing right or left or anything else that comes to mind!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
[right][size=5][b]Hawkeyyee's Discord Server[/b][/size][/right] ----- ----- [quote=Discord Invite Link] [center][size=5] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size] [i](click image for link!)[/i][/center] [center][b]Why a discord?[/b] This is where all announcements for my shops are stored! I also offer in-discord giveaways and discounts. Ko-fi subscribes get exclusive previews and first pick when it comes to ordering across all my shops. If its something that may interest you please do swing by <33[/center] [/quote] [right][size=5][b]Looking for other adopts?[/b][/size][/right] ----- ----- [center]ask about affiliations![/center] [center][color=#73C4C4][url=]CHIBI [/url]♦ [url=]TREASURE HOARD[/url] ♦ [url=]HEADSHOTS [/url]♦ [url=]TINY PIXEL[/url][/color][/center][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][url=][img][/Img][/url][/center] [url=][center][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]my banner:[/b] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
Hawkeyyee's Discord Server

Discord Invite Link wrote:
(click image for link!)
Why a discord? This is where all announcements for my shops are stored! I also offer in-discord giveaways and discounts. Ko-fi subscribes get exclusive previews and first pick when it comes to ordering across all my shops. If its something that may interest you please do swing by <33
Looking for other adopts?

ask about affiliations!
my banner:
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
Shoot, no fae yet ;;

Can I get a ping when faes are ready?
Shoot, no fae yet ;;

Can I get a ping when faes are ready?
Congratz on your shop opening. I love all the adoptables, but I'll hold on to my treasure and gem until the tundra base is released. May I get a ping by then?
Congratz on your shop opening. I love all the adoptables, but I'll hold on to my treasure and gem until the tundra base is released. May I get a ping by then?

-» Adopt
-» Selling/trading
-» Free Hug

fae's are done actually!

just still tweaking the base a tiny bit, can see what I have here as I'm not happy with the wings and head but plan to fix those up (why I'm letting those order them and banescales since the lines are mostly done just need edits) if that makes any sense!
fae's are done actually!

just still tweaking the base a tiny bit, can see what I have here as I'm not happy with the wings and head but plan to fix those up (why I'm letting those order them and banescales since the lines are mostly done just need edits) if that makes any sense!
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)

of course! added to the pinglist for new breeds! <33

of course! added to the pinglist for new breeds! <33
FsFxwyX.png Dani

art_shop | art_gallery
pixel_adopts | headshot_adopts
chibi_adopts | valentine_YCH
pride adopts
| bongo adopts (tba)
Dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] Payment: G Apparel/Accent: [item=gloomy highnoon brimmer][item=black highnoon hank] [item=advisor rings] Additional information: facing left please! ;v;
Dragon: 69630037_350.png
Payment: G
Apparel/Accent: Gloomy Highnoon Brimmer Black Highnoon Hank Advisor Rings
Additional information: facing left please! ;v;

Dragon(s): [url=][img][/img][/url] Payment: Other: My love and affection Apparel/Accent: VULTUR Additional information: TOAD REQUIRES ARP!
Payment: Other: My love and affection
Apparel/Accent: VULTUR
Additional information: TOAD REQUIRES ARP!