
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | lump's art | full
[center] [b][ if you found this thread no you didn't ][/b] [emoji=cat 3] [size=2]Welcome! Please read through carefully. Thanks for your time~ USD commissions are always open regardless of shop status and slot count. [b]I am subscribed![/b][/center] ----- [center]• [b]Art[/b] •[/center] ----- [columns][size=4][b]Icons[/b][/size] there is NO art!!!!! we are CLOSED!! ----- [center]• [b]What I'll Draw[/b] •[/center] ----- [center][columns][b][size=4]Okay:[/b] [color=transparent]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/color] • Anthros • Ferals • Creatures • Dragons [nextcol] [b][size=4]No:[/b] [color=transparent]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/color] • Political art • Humans • Aberrations • NSFW/L [nextcol] [b][size=4]Ask:[/b] [color=transparent]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/color] • Complex designs • Humanoids • Blood • Props [/columns] ----- [center]• [b]Info[/b] •[/center] ----- [/center] [size=2]• [b]Please order with the form provided.[/b] After submitting, I will message you for confirmation and further clarification. • [b]Payment is upfront. [/b] You may send it through private messages, crossroads, or PayPal for USD. No additional methods of payment for USD are available other than PayPal. • [b]Credit me for my work.[/b] Credit my profile for onsite use, credit my [url=][color=#fe73ed]toyhouse[/color][/url] account for offsite use. • [b]Do not copy or trace my art. [/b] I am okay with you referencing poses or angles that if nothing is directly stolen from the original drawing. • [b]I will send you WIPs![/b] I will send you a sketch before I get started with the line art and any further WIPs requested. I am very flexible and can work with you to make sure everything is satisfactory. Please do not hesitate to tell me if anything looks off! [center][size=2][b]Any discussion other than form submissions and pinglist requests stays in PMs. This makes it easier for me to navigate my thread. Thank you![/b][/center][/size] ----- [center]• [b]Form[/b] • ----- [code][center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent] [b]Type[/b]: [b]Payment[/b]: [b]Background[/b]: [b]Expression/pose[/b]: [b]Notes:[/b] [b]Reference:[/b] [/code] ----- [center]• [b]Slots[/b] • ----- [b]1[/b] - drearburh [b]2[/b] - scauldron ----- [img][/img]
[ if you found this thread no you didn't ]

Welcome! Please read through carefully.
Thanks for your time~

USD commissions are always open regardless
of shop status and slot count.

I am subscribed!


there is NO art!!!!! we are CLOSED!!
What I'll Draw

• Anthros

• Ferals

• Creatures

• Dragons
• Political art

• Humans

• Aberrations

• Complex designs

• Humanoids

• Blood

• Props


Please order with the form provided.
After submitting, I will message you for confirmation and further clarification.

Payment is upfront.
You may send it through private messages, crossroads, or PayPal for USD.
No additional methods of payment for USD are available other than PayPal.

Credit me for my work.
Credit my profile for onsite use, credit my toyhouse account for offsite use.

Do not copy or trace my art.
I am okay with you referencing poses or angles that if nothing is directly stolen from the original drawing.

I will send you WIPs!
I will send you a sketch before I get started with the line art and any further WIPs requested.
I am very flexible and can work with you to make sure everything is satisfactory.
Please do not hesitate to tell me if anything looks off!
Any discussion other than form submissions and pinglist requests stays in PMs.
This makes it easier for me to navigate my thread. Thank you!

[center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent] [b]Type[/b]: [b]Payment[/b]: [b]Background[/b]: [b]Expression/pose[/b]: [b]Notes:[/b] [b]Reference:[/b]

1 - drearburh
2 - scauldron

lil-shark.png art . skins . lf umas

i like colors
and shapes

ave rosier
[center][emoji=cat 3] [size=2]forgot to earlier, but you asked to be pinged when the shop opened! @umbers @nahum

forgot to earlier, but you asked to be pinged when the shop opened!

@umbers @nahum

lil-shark.png art . skins . lf umas

i like colors
and shapes

ave rosier
[center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent][indent] Got payment confirmation and now I can order! [b]Type[/b]: Fun size [b]Payment[/b]: PayPal USD [b]Background[/b]: Transparent [b]Expression/pose[/b]: Bubbly/happy [b]Notes:[/b] Can be anthro or feral, up to you! [b]Reference:[/b] [url=]Here[/url]

Got payment confirmation and now I can order!

Type: Fun size
Payment: PayPal USD
Background: Transparent
Expression/pose: Bubbly/happy
Notes: Can be anthro or feral, up to you!
Reference: Here
[center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent][indent] [b]Type[/b]: fun size, like the lil green spiral baby you draw :] [b]Payment[/b]: treasure [b]Background[/b]: something bright,, that you feel like would reflect the flight clan :] sun and stuffs [b]Expression/pose[/b]: playful [b]Notes:[/b] nothing at the moment, but if i think of anything ill let you know :] [b]Reference:[/b] my dragon, [url=]skarrue[/url]
Type: fun size, like the lil green spiral baby you draw :]
Payment: treasure
Background: something bright,, that you feel like would reflect the flight clan :] sun and stuffs
Expression/pose: playful
Notes: nothing at the moment, but if i think of anything ill let you know :]
Reference: my dragon, skarrue
i'd like to be added to your pinglist please!
i'd like to be added to your pinglist please!
[center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent] [b]Type[/b]: fun size [b]Payment[/b]: treasure [b]Background[/b]: none [b]Expression/pose[/b]: defensive/wary [b]Notes:[/b] feel free to look at examples or how other people have simplified his design in smaller art and use it as reference! [b]Reference:[/b] [url=]here[/url]
Type: fun size
Payment: treasure
Background: none
Expression/pose: defensive/wary
Notes: feel free to look at examples or how other people have simplified his design in smaller art and use it as reference!
Reference: here
[center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent] [b]Type[/b]: Fun size! [b]Payment[/b]: USD [b]Background[/b]: Transparent pls [b]Expression/pose[/b]: Whatever you’d like! She’s a warrior, so including a weapon would be amazing. [b]Notes:[/b] [b]Reference:[/b] [url=]Here![/url]
Type: Fun size!
Payment: USD
Background: Transparent pls
Expression/pose: Whatever you’d like! She’s a warrior, so including a weapon would be amazing.
Reference: Here!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9Ts3Q4r.png
[center]are you comfortable drawing deer? if so...[/center] [center][emoji=cat 3][/center][indent] [b]Type[/b]: fun size! [b]Payment[/b]: gems. [b]Background[/b]: transparent. [b]Expression/pose[/b]: whatever strikes your inspiration! [b]Notes:[/b] their personalities are on their pages. [b]Reference:[/b] [url=]phos[/url], [url=]eden[/url].
are you comfortable drawing deer? if so...

Type: fun size!
Payment: gems.
Background: transparent.
Expression/pose: whatever strikes your inspiration!
Notes: their personalities are on their pages.
Reference: phos, eden.
[center] [emoji=gold star size=1] [size=2]Commissions completed! This shop is open. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Commissions completed! This shop is open.

gildedsmall.png luxsmall.png cinnamonsmall.png small.png seraphsmall.png

lil-shark.png art . skins . lf umas

i like colors
and shapes

ave rosier
Type: fun size
Payment: USD
Background: transparent
Expression/pose: whatever you'd like! both have some short lore/info in bio
Notes: simplify as needed!
Reference: periun
Type: fun size
Payment: USD
Background: transparent
Expression/pose: whatever you'd like! both have some short lore/info in bio
Notes: simplify as needed!
Reference: periun
