I am currently revamping this entire thread. There will be no major changes as far as what’s offered, other than a NEW service and order forms, but I just figured it’d be worth mentioning since some of the information will be lost or temporarily missing. Started revamp on 10/29/20 at 4:10
Bios For Those Intriguing Souls
No Need To Ping, I Am Subbed.
Hello all. I have decided to share my love for art and writing to the users of FlightRising out of a whim. I begun to browse multiple bio shops around the forums, looking for some bios to purchase for mine since I was too lazy to write for a large majority of my dragons. Finally, after I purchased one for
Rai, I decided I might as well write for the users here! I quickly found out that writing for other people became more and more enjoyable as long as I limit myself to a few commissions at a time. I learned that I’d rather write for you guys than write for my own dragons, as you can see since there are still a couple without bios.
So, I have provided a reasonable selection of bio templates to choose from. All you have to do is order, pay, and be kind! Just as a note, I welcome constructive criticism with open arms! Just please limit it to just a couple thing at a time however so I don’t get overwhelmed or anything. Thanks!
Services and What You Can Expect:
I can provide the following
(and of course the list is not limited. I am open for suggestions):
I can provide up to three per user of either Full Bios or Bio Scenes. There will be more information on these in the upcoming posts.
How I Do Things
I know a large majority of people just send the bio when they believe it’s completed, but I have a different way of doing things here.
I will send a progress report (If I am able) each day with the new additions if applicable. I typically expect feedback from you if I send you any new additions, as it’s easier for me to organize and stay focused, since I tend to have issues with that.
Rules and Guidelines
Here are a couple general rules and guidelines when ordering and talking on this thread. They should be pretty simple and typical (since, really, they are rules for everything), but I figured I’d still tack them on here since everything requires rules nowadays.
1. No swearing. this includes in the chat and on the bio. I might accept minor swear words, but big ones (no F-bombing, PLEASE) are not tolerated
2. I have the right to reject your order IF and only if I have a valid reason, like “not payed” or “too inappropriate”
3. Please follow general and specific FlightRising rules when ordering. If something’s not appropriate for FR team, it’s not appropriate for me!
Next Post-
Full or Complete Bios
Following post-
Scenes or Stories
Fourth post-
Wall of Fame
Final post-
Order Slots
I am currently revamping this entire thread. There will be no major changes as far as what’s offered, other than a NEW service and order forms, but I just figured it’d be worth mentioning since some of the information will be lost or temporarily missing. Started revamp on 10/29/20 at 4:10
Bios For Those Intriguing Souls
No Need To Ping, I Am Subbed.
Hello all. I have decided to share my love for art and writing to the users of FlightRising out of a whim. I begun to browse multiple bio shops around the forums, looking for some bios to purchase for mine since I was too lazy to write for a large majority of my dragons. Finally, after I purchased one for
Rai, I decided I might as well write for the users here! I quickly found out that writing for other people became more and more enjoyable as long as I limit myself to a few commissions at a time. I learned that I’d rather write for you guys than write for my own dragons, as you can see since there are still a couple without bios.
So, I have provided a reasonable selection of bio templates to choose from. All you have to do is order, pay, and be kind! Just as a note, I welcome constructive criticism with open arms! Just please limit it to just a couple thing at a time however so I don’t get overwhelmed or anything. Thanks!
Services and What You Can Expect:
I can provide the following
(and of course the list is not limited. I am open for suggestions):
I can provide up to three per user of either Full Bios or Bio Scenes. There will be more information on these in the upcoming posts.
How I Do Things
I know a large majority of people just send the bio when they believe it’s completed, but I have a different way of doing things here.
I will send a progress report (If I am able) each day with the new additions if applicable. I typically expect feedback from you if I send you any new additions, as it’s easier for me to organize and stay focused, since I tend to have issues with that.
Rules and Guidelines
Here are a couple general rules and guidelines when ordering and talking on this thread. They should be pretty simple and typical (since, really, they are rules for everything), but I figured I’d still tack them on here since everything requires rules nowadays.
1. No swearing. this includes in the chat and on the bio. I might accept minor swear words, but big ones (no F-bombing, PLEASE) are not tolerated
2. I have the right to reject your order IF and only if I have a valid reason, like “not payed” or “too inappropriate”
3. Please follow general and specific FlightRising rules when ordering. If something’s not appropriate for FR team, it’s not appropriate for me!
Next Post-
Full or Complete Bios
Following post-
Scenes or Stories
Fourth post-
Wall of Fame
Final post-
Order Slots
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
Full or Complete Bios
What’s Available:
Small Bios— This is about one paragraph of length. I typically require information such as personality, mates, hobbies, and favorite things in a minimal amount. This is mostly good for dragons with little information or even new addition dragons or hatchlings. Here’s
Hamburger for an example of what this looks like.
Medium Bios— This can be anywhere between a paragraph to two long. I usually will ask for the same information as a small bio, just with more depth. For example, instead of “Bernardo dislikes tundras” I would need
why he dislikes tundras. If you’d like an example of this type of bio, please visit
Bernardo’s page.
Large Bios— This will be several paragraphs (2-5 usually, depending on the amount of information) and requires as much information as possible. I usually like a backstory of the dragon as well as employment and work information. If you’d like five paragraphs, I need the information for five paragraphs, if you know what I mean.
Special bios are literally just a regular bio completely re-coded so it’s colorful and has a much different layout. I’d suggest using these for your more well-known dragons. I’d also prefer you to have only one or two of these per order since they take so much more time than typical bios (and I like getting these to you guys sooner rather than later). Either way, a special bio is just a completely new layout of a regular bio, but with colors, pictures, columns, fonts, and structures. If you’d like an example, visit
Eirwen’s page.
*Note that these prices have changed as of 9-23-20*
Small- 3000 treasure, 3-4 gems, or 3-4 festival currency
Medium- 5000 treasure, 5-6 gems, or 5-9 festival currency
Large- 7000 treasure, 7-8 gems, or 10-15 festival currency
Special- 10,000 treasure, 10 gems, or 25 festival currency
Accepted Currency
I do allow currency other than treasure, as you have probably guessed from the pricing category. I do a 1:1000 ratio for gem/treasure (since it’s easier) and a reasonable range for festival currency. I do accept payment from hoard items such as skins, unhatched eggs
(will get you up to 10 bios), battle stones, and food (and occasionally dragons, but expect them to be fodder unless I really like them). Of course, if you have any inquiries about currency and pricing, you may ask in either PM or in the comments!
Currently Accepted Festival Currency
*updated October 29, 2020*
I am accepting either
Deepearth Geodes or
Eternal Snow as the festival currency you can pay with. The general rule here is either this month’s currency or the next month’s currency.
Full or Complete Bios
What’s Available:
Small Bios— This is about one paragraph of length. I typically require information such as personality, mates, hobbies, and favorite things in a minimal amount. This is mostly good for dragons with little information or even new addition dragons or hatchlings. Here’s
Hamburger for an example of what this looks like.
Medium Bios— This can be anywhere between a paragraph to two long. I usually will ask for the same information as a small bio, just with more depth. For example, instead of “Bernardo dislikes tundras” I would need
why he dislikes tundras. If you’d like an example of this type of bio, please visit
Bernardo’s page.
Large Bios— This will be several paragraphs (2-5 usually, depending on the amount of information) and requires as much information as possible. I usually like a backstory of the dragon as well as employment and work information. If you’d like five paragraphs, I need the information for five paragraphs, if you know what I mean.
Special bios are literally just a regular bio completely re-coded so it’s colorful and has a much different layout. I’d suggest using these for your more well-known dragons. I’d also prefer you to have only one or two of these per order since they take so much more time than typical bios (and I like getting these to you guys sooner rather than later). Either way, a special bio is just a completely new layout of a regular bio, but with colors, pictures, columns, fonts, and structures. If you’d like an example, visit
Eirwen’s page.
*Note that these prices have changed as of 9-23-20*
Small- 3000 treasure, 3-4 gems, or 3-4 festival currency
Medium- 5000 treasure, 5-6 gems, or 5-9 festival currency
Large- 7000 treasure, 7-8 gems, or 10-15 festival currency
Special- 10,000 treasure, 10 gems, or 25 festival currency
Accepted Currency
I do allow currency other than treasure, as you have probably guessed from the pricing category. I do a 1:1000 ratio for gem/treasure (since it’s easier) and a reasonable range for festival currency. I do accept payment from hoard items such as skins, unhatched eggs
(will get you up to 10 bios), battle stones, and food (and occasionally dragons, but expect them to be fodder unless I really like them). Of course, if you have any inquiries about currency and pricing, you may ask in either PM or in the comments!
Currently Accepted Festival Currency
*updated October 29, 2020*
I am accepting either
Deepearth Geodes or
Eternal Snow as the festival currency you can pay with. The general rule here is either this month’s currency or the next month’s currency.
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
***New addition in place of “Updated Bios” on 10/29/20***
This is relatively self-explanatory, but basically I will write a short story as a introduction and way to imply a dragon’s personality. The order form for this will be slightly modified than the regular bio order form, and if you want both a scene and bio you’d use the next order form.
Essentially I will need a setting and a small blurb of information about the dragon in question. If you’d like me to add an additional (named) dragon aside from the main one, that will come with an additional fee, as the pricing below shows.
Note there are only two sizes of scenes: medium and large.
Medium- about a paragraph long or slightly longer.
Large- a couple paragraphs long.
Medium- 5000 treasure, 5 gems, or 10 festival currency
Large- 7000 treasure, 7 gems, or 15 festival currency
***New addition in place of “Updated Bios” on 10/29/20***
This is relatively self-explanatory, but basically I will write a short story as a introduction and way to imply a dragon’s personality. The order form for this will be slightly modified than the regular bio order form, and if you want both a scene and bio you’d use the next order form.
Essentially I will need a setting and a small blurb of information about the dragon in question. If you’d like me to add an additional (named) dragon aside from the main one, that will come with an additional fee, as the pricing below shows.
Note there are only two sizes of scenes: medium and large.
Medium- about a paragraph long or slightly longer.
Large- a couple paragraphs long.
Medium- 5000 treasure, 5 gems, or 10 festival currency
Large- 7000 treasure, 7 gems, or 15 festival currency
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
[size=7]Order Card[/Size]
When you order, please copy and paste what is in the quote box below and fill that out as your order. Thank you for being cooperative!!
[b]Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID):[/b]
[b]Full Bio or Bio Revamp:[/b]
[b]Additional Information about my dragon:[/b]
[b]Payment Type preferred:[/b]
[b]Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily):[/b]
[b]Would you like to be on the Hall of Fame?:[/b]
This is what the order card should look like once you submit...I mean, I am not picky, but I do like neat....no offense to those untidy fellows out there XD
[b]UserName:[/b] GalaxyKitten1454
[b]Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID):[/b]
[b]Full Bio or Bio Revamp:[/b] Full Bio
[b]Choice:[/b] Special
[b]Additional Information about my dragon:[/b] Likes peanut butter, very silly
[b]Payment Type preferred: [/b]Treasure
[b]Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): [/b]7 months
[b]Would you like to be on the Hall of Fame?:[/b] nah
[size=7]Wall of Fame!!![/size]
[i]this is a list of all of the completed orders that have approved of being put on this list. Yaaay, thank you all, FR customers!!![/i]
[center]@Chardano @Fennecfox21 @Looshiana @Palikina @FrostyyKittens @SushiDragon101 @BarkBreath @ViLight @Lightslikestars @Rhaeyne @WolfiWonder @Mudy @Frozenn @Krekiz @ThunderFang @Dewclaw @ThornsofaRose @Packook[/center]
[center][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61100638]Ripple[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60315945]Flutter[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60827157]Flitter[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59934223]Bluefly[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59749534]Iceo[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=57352354]Hieta[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60363243]Brovia[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61502922]Margot[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61508144]Usha[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=42740981]Andala[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=38656099]Prince[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60924068]Nathan[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59993247]Lena[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61560874]Miranda[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60020494]Leliana[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59602385]Braelinn[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60309072]Nami[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60464430]SkyLark[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=52240380]Assult[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59047879]Twilight[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=50026551]Moonglow[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61517104]Hugo[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61633308]Lacey[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61633309]Angelfall[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61633310]Winn[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60641489]Halima[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=42760817]Peep[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=36439109]Fuil[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=36499467]Tamerial[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60039563]Aygul[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61641796]Megan[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61165398]Dawnmaiden[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61165397]Euhoria[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61565928]Jake[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61133245]Sente[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60923765]Trouble[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61645719]Cupcake[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60692477]Lily[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61502747]Rift[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61408256]Sacred[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61486556]Ella[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60193493]Thomas[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=38484695]Overgrowth[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=1451314]Hashi[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=38818043]Mistel[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=63987058]FeatherBrain[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=63206455]Pripyat[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=63790100]Mitsuko[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=63564726]Elm[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=62834183]Celeste[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=63459496]Teapot[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=53008498]Topaz[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=56041085]Aldanon[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=62717850]Katsuo[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60001604]Grym[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51117457]Serenia[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51117458]Ambershade[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=53800343]Venus[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=24273414]Charlotte[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=50682767]Newport[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64573430]Genie[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=62699931]Freedom[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=34279339]Zane[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64048951]Chandler[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=48831632]ShallowWater[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64271185]Cien[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=58114192]Fluorescent[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64782794]Bram[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64802814]Anya[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51423479]Adagio[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64785530]Altius[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=36270088]Gold[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=64782792]Lantern[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=62655980]Beetlejuice[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=41223951]Xiro[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=53602654]Maroon[/url], [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=58684734]Aegis[/url]
Order Card
When you order, please copy and paste what is in the quote box below and fill that out as your order. Thank you for being cooperative!!
[b]Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID):[/b]
[b]Full Bio or Bio Revamp:[/b]
[b]Additional Information about my dragon:[/b]
[b]Payment Type preferred:[/b]
[b]Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily):[/b]
[b]Would you like to be on the Hall of Fame?:[/b]
This is what the order card should look like once you submit...I mean, I am not picky, but I do like neat....no offense to those untidy fellows out there XD
EXAMPLEOrderForm wrote:
UserName: GalaxyKitten1454
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID):
Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Full Bio
Choice: Special
Additional Information about my dragon: Likes peanut butter, very silly
Payment Type preferred: Treasure
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): 7 months
Would you like to be on the Hall of Fame?: nah
Wall of Fame!!!
this is a list of all of the completed orders that have approved of being put on this list. Yaaay, thank you all, FR customers!!!
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
New addition as of September 29, 2020
I have the ability for up to ten bios at a time, likely, with no overwhelming. I’d like to stick to at least four people with the max of four bios each (at a time). If you ever are confused/want more slots...don’t hesitate to ask!
PS- I will try to keep up on this.....
Slot list
1. Mudy (X1)
2. WolfiWonder (X2)
3. Frozenn (X1)
4. ThunderFang (X1)
5. Thornsofarose (X2)
6. Packook (X1)
New addition as of September 29, 2020
I have the ability for up to ten bios at a time, likely, with no overwhelming. I’d like to stick to at least four people with the max of four bios each (at a time). If you ever are confused/want more slots...don’t hesitate to ask!
PS- I will try to keep up on this.....
Slot list
1. Mudy (X1)
2. WolfiWonder (X2)
3. Frozenn (X1)
4. ThunderFang (X1)
5. Thornsofarose (X2)
6. Packook (X1)
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
[size=7]Order Cards[/size]
[b][color=red]Please use the order form on the Wall of Fame post for now, as this post is still working in progress[/color][/b]
Please pay attention to the order card you use, as there are three types. One for bios, one for scenes, and one for both.
[b]Full Bios[/b]
*up to four dragons at a time per card please*
What it’ll look like:
[b]Username:[/b] GalaxyKitten1454
[b]Number of Dragons Ordering for:[/b] two
[b]Images (or the ID number if you don’t know how to do the images):[/b] (Y’all should know what this looks like. I’m not going through the trouble adding the images)
[b]Type of Bio:[/b] Dragon 1 small, Dragon 2 large
[b]Description of dragon(s):[/b] Dragon 1 is very outgoing and eccentric. She has many hobbies such as art and cooking. Dragon 2 loves to be alone and swim. He likes to eat and try new things and loves adventure.
[b]Currency (What you’re paying with):[/b] mixed/treasure/gems/festival currency
[b]Number of Dragons Ordering for:[/b]
[b]Type of Bio:[/b]
[b]Description of dragon(s):[/b]
*up to five dragons at a time per card please*
[b]Both Scene and Bio[/b]
*one dragon at a time per card please*
Order Cards
Please use the order form on the Wall of Fame post for now, as this post is still working in progress
Please pay attention to the order card you use, as there are three types. One for bios, one for scenes, and one for both.
Full Bios
*up to four dragons at a time per card please*
What it’ll look like:
Username: GalaxyKitten1454
Number of Dragons Ordering for: two
Images (or the ID number if you don’t know how to do the images): (Y’all should know what this looks like. I’m not going through the trouble adding the images)
Type of Bio: Dragon 1 small, Dragon 2 large
Description of dragon(s): Dragon 1 is very outgoing and eccentric. She has many hobbies such as art and cooking. Dragon 2 loves to be alone and swim. He likes to eat and try new things and loves adventure.
Currency (What you’re paying with): mixed/treasure/gems/festival currency
[b]Number of Dragons Ordering for:[/b]
[b]Type of Bio:[/b]
[b]Description of dragon(s):[/b]
*up to five dragons at a time per card please*
Both Scene and Bio
*one dragon at a time per card please*
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Ripple [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=61100638]
Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Full Bio (Include somewhere that he is the son of Iceo and Bluefly and the mate of Phantara)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: raffle tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): About 2 months... Almost three months now I think? I joined during or just before Mistral Jamboree.
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Flutter [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60315945]
Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Well, it's kiiiind of a revamp? I've got her personality planned out, but haven't written the lore. It's mostly full bio though.
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: raffle tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): Above
Other: I've already come up with a small description of her, which is that she is romantic and loves to read and write, and writes romance novels. Her mate is Flitter.
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Flitter [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=60827157]
Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Full Bio (just include somewhere that he is the mate of Flutter)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: raffle tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): Above
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Bluefly [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59934223]
Full Bio or Bio Revamp: full (Include somewhere that he is a sailor/merchant along with his mate Iceo and is the father of Ripple)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily):
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Iceo [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59749534]
Full Bio or Bio Revamp: large (Include that she is a sailor/merchant along with her mate Bluefly, and is the mother of Ripple)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily):
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Ripple

Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Full Bio (Include somewhere that he is the son of Iceo and Bluefly and the mate of Phantara)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: raffle tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): About 2 months... Almost three months now I think? I joined during or just before Mistral Jamboree.
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Flutter

Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Well, it's kiiiind of a revamp? I've got her personality planned out, but haven't written the lore. It's mostly full bio though.
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: raffle tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): Above
Other: I've already come up with a small description of her, which is that she is romantic and loves to read and write, and writes romance novels. Her mate is Flitter.
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Flitter

Full Bio or Bio Revamp: Full Bio (just include somewhere that he is the mate of Flutter)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: raffle tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily): Above
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Bluefly

Full Bio or Bio Revamp: full (Include somewhere that he is a sailor/merchant along with his mate Iceo and is the father of Ripple)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily):
UserName: Fennecfox21
Dragon Name and Picture (if you know how, otherwise the ID): Iceo

Full Bio or Bio Revamp: large (Include that she is a sailor/merchant along with her mate Bluefly, and is the mother of Ripple)
Choice: large
Payment Type preferred: tickets
Account Age (not required. And don’t lie. I can check this very easily):
Yay! Thank you so much!!! So I usually start with the small bio as like a bone structure, then build on it...if that’s fine. Here’s what I thought of as a ‘bone structure’ bio for your dragons. Let me know what needs changed, then I can make it beefier, if you know what I mean. (Also, please credit me once these are completed)
(Ps-the italicized pieces are things I need to check with you. Example, the “third son of five.” I need to check with you the sibling number and where the dragon stands.)
Let’s get started on Ripple first...
Ripple was born as the first of three eggs from the loving parents of Bluefly and Iceo. They raised Ripple to be a loving young women with the high admiration for water and the likes. Over time, he found a young coatl named Phantara, with whom he’s fallen head over heals for, and has become mates with over the years.
Now for Flutter....
Flutter is the romantic dragon of the clan, who loves everything literary with the hint of love swirled in. She’s a real sweetheart and has developed a knack for romance novels along the way, birthing the love to write soon thereafter. Her mate, Flitter, is also kind of a love bug, but has fallen for her for the sole purpose of romance alone.
Aaaaand Flitter (haha sounds like something from Tinkerbell)......
Flitter is yet another lovebird in the clan. He is not as romantic as his mate, Flutter, but still very romantic to Flutter alone. His favorite foods are green been and celery salad, coleslaw, and cockroach pasta, and his favorite colors are pink and blue, the very colors of love itself.
Now comes Bluefly.....
Bluefly serves as the sailor or merchant of his clan alongside his mate Iceo. Soon after Iceo and Bluefly met, they had a young coatl named Ripple, with his siblings Bluedrop and Rainbow that were raised both with care and tenderness until they grew up and went their ways, Ripple chiding to stay with his parents, growing older be the week, or so it seemed.
Lastly, Iceo.....
Iceo is yet another sailor or merchant of the clan. She has developed in infatuation of his now mate, Bluefly. After they met, they had a son named Ripple whom they raised with loving and care.
(Are you interested in breeding cards for any of your dragons? Check out my friend LunaLane’s business if you are interested. 5 cards for 1 gem, pretty cheap! I even got some for my dragon pairs)
Thanks again! Please message me back with anything you want changed so I can expand and beef these up a bit....they are small bios now, obviously, but the more details I get, the more I can expand.
Yay! Thank you so much!!! So I usually start with the small bio as like a bone structure, then build on it...if that’s fine. Here’s what I thought of as a ‘bone structure’ bio for your dragons. Let me know what needs changed, then I can make it beefier, if you know what I mean. (Also, please credit me once these are completed)
(Ps-the italicized pieces are things I need to check with you. Example, the “third son of five.” I need to check with you the sibling number and where the dragon stands.)
Let’s get started on Ripple first...
Ripple was born as the first of three eggs from the loving parents of Bluefly and Iceo. They raised Ripple to be a loving young women with the high admiration for water and the likes. Over time, he found a young coatl named Phantara, with whom he’s fallen head over heals for, and has become mates with over the years.
Now for Flutter....
Flutter is the romantic dragon of the clan, who loves everything literary with the hint of love swirled in. She’s a real sweetheart and has developed a knack for romance novels along the way, birthing the love to write soon thereafter. Her mate, Flitter, is also kind of a love bug, but has fallen for her for the sole purpose of romance alone.
Aaaaand Flitter (haha sounds like something from Tinkerbell)......
Flitter is yet another lovebird in the clan. He is not as romantic as his mate, Flutter, but still very romantic to Flutter alone. His favorite foods are green been and celery salad, coleslaw, and cockroach pasta, and his favorite colors are pink and blue, the very colors of love itself.
Now comes Bluefly.....
Bluefly serves as the sailor or merchant of his clan alongside his mate Iceo. Soon after Iceo and Bluefly met, they had a young coatl named Ripple, with his siblings Bluedrop and Rainbow that were raised both with care and tenderness until they grew up and went their ways, Ripple chiding to stay with his parents, growing older be the week, or so it seemed.
Lastly, Iceo.....
Iceo is yet another sailor or merchant of the clan. She has developed in infatuation of his now mate, Bluefly. After they met, they had a son named Ripple whom they raised with loving and care.
(Are you interested in breeding cards for any of your dragons? Check out my friend LunaLane’s business if you are interested. 5 cards for 1 gem, pretty cheap! I even got some for my dragon pairs)
Thanks again! Please message me back with anything you want changed so I can expand and beef these up a bit....they are small bios now, obviously, but the more details I get, the more I can expand.
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)
Those are perfect! Only two things that need to be changed - Ripple is a male and he was the only hatchling in the nest.
And yup, I’ve ordered 25 breeding cards, one for every pair that I’ve got! Probably too many, so I might just get a few of them.
Those are perfect! Only two things that need to be changed - Ripple is a male and he was the only hatchling in the nest.
And yup, I’ve ordered 25 breeding cards, one for every pair that I’ve got! Probably too many, so I might just get a few of them.
Haha oops. I will adjust that in a few. Kinda busy with online classes right now, but I will expand Ripple’s first after my lunch maybe
Haha oops. I will adjust that in a few. Kinda busy with online classes right now, but I will expand Ripple’s first after my lunch maybe
Friend | Sales
Only the Cats Care
Hello!! I am proud to announce that I have a hatchery, book, raffle, and bio service on FR! Please visit my clan profile for links to all four. Please be patient with me, as I am autistic (and a proud member of the Arcane Starcatchers Association)