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Personal Style





14.33 m
16.34 m
12445.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 10, 2024
(1 month)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245





Agol - Familiar Crystal Shop - Scene

Keep to do some Agape wonegg lore!! - PS yes, he does have all alignments at once, don't question him >:( Oh ps, roll a 1-3 die to see what alignment the kids get! Truth = 1 / False = 2 / Despair = 3!!! From there place the Order IMG for the kid there and then take the BLOODED image from the bottom and place the alignment's correlating image. Ex ; Truth/Hope Order with Hope Blooded.
The Reef Keeper

All Mighty Atomic

All Mighty Aer

All Mighty Swallow

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬xxA G H A S T.

And, here and there, in groves about this grass, like wildernesses of dreams, sprang up fantastic trees, whose tall slender stems stood not upright, but slanted gracefully toward the light that peered at noon-day into the centre of the valley.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in ornare nulla. Sed semper, libero a ultricies rhoncus, ante sem pulvinar metus, ac molestie nisi orci quis magna. Nam semper est id ex faucibus lobortis. Quisque tempor eleifend justo, in tristique dui iaculis eu. Maecenas ligula quam, aliquet suscipit dui vel, sodales auctor libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum et enim eget quam ultricies vehicula venenatis eu orci. Cras rhoncus ante ac tortor mollis elementum. Aenean finibus vel odio a varius. Phasellus interdum porta posuere. Phasellus in enim eget sem porttitor vestibulum eget eu augue. Aliquam mollis justo a lorem gravida tempus. Duis porta urna sit amet lacus feugiat mollis quis sed augue. Aliquam eu porta arcu.

Integer massa nisl, ullamcorper a dui sed, ornare volutpat eros. Suspendisse vitae justo sit amet mi posuere faucibus. Etiam nec turpis id velit euismod congue a vitae ante. Sed sapien leo, convallis ut neque eget, auctor aliquam justo. Maecenas fermentum mauris id nulla egestas, at ornare dui condimentum. Mauris auctor quam non libero facilisis, id lobortis justo mollis. Duis sodales scelerisque fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eleifend nulla non blandit finibus. Aliquam urna ante, tristique vitae quam id, hendrerit molestie sem. Praesent non purus eget lorem elementum venenatis. Quisque nec elit ut ex gravida ullamcorper ut vel massa. Nam dapibus sem dolor, in vehicula erat tristique fermentum. Curabitur ullamcorper ante id nunc posuere, ac gravida orci elementum. Proin pellentesque mollis sollicitudin. Proin placerat vulputate aliquet.

name • friend

A small description of the nature of their relationship can be written here.

name • friend

Example: Eleanor and Agrippa have known eachother since childhood. They are inseparable.

code by archaic #19153

DND one ;

lvl 00 *role here*


color gene
color gene
color gene

• content
• content
• content

• content
• content
• content

• trivia here??
• idk why i made this
• try to keep short, but extending it a bit wont hurt anyone :]
HP⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀50 / 100
EXP⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀50 / 100

STR⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀50 / 100
DEF⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀50 / 100
SPD⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀50 / 100
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A piece of history from the first beastclan conflicts. more lore,, idk what to put here as space filler

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ok lorem ipsum time. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

code by #533644 | pixels

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QPZTC75.png _____
Generation 8, Gladioli Line

Freed from the burdens of the Mourning Flowers, the Hybrids walk among the mortal dragons as equals. Whilst their souls are free, there is still a sense of duty in them, and they dedicate themselves to safeguarding and aiding their Flower kin throughout their mortal lives. They see no souls, and does not hear the call of the Beyond, but they know the Graveyard will take them back when the time is right.

Standing tall as beings of love and dedication, the Hybrids are the strongest link between mortals and creatures, and the Graveyard longs to reclaim these souls...
Generation #

I am part of Sunset's Legacy! Sunset and her mate Mudpuppy awoke from hibernation to discover they had no living descendants. The pair love caring for and teaching hatchlings, so they vowed to grow their family tree far and wide across Sornieth! Sunset's offspring have taken to the skies to flaunt their powerful flight ability and wide range of beautiful colors - sharing in a goal to spread their great lineage. Click the badge to view Sunset's colorful family tree!

Sunset Lineage:

Delta Orchid Gen 15 Orchid Fragrant Orchid
Gen 24 Naomi
-Fouguri's 100 Babies Challenge-
Voiken's 100 hatchlings descendent
Voiken - Scale - Lyani - Vio - Andromeda - Ash - Red - Hanahakiragun - Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin ->
Essential ->Me!
Generation 13
Dragons descended from Rivule and her mate Runne, though they retain the powerful water-bending abilities of Dew and Rill, tend to prefer small, trickling streams. They are entranced by the calmer waters of these rivulets, gentle babbling of the shallow rills over the rocks, and the variety of wildlife that make these waters their homes. They will venture into deeper waters when necessary without fear, but always return to their bourns.

Rill+Dew->Rivule->Arroyo->Droplet->Red->Hanahakiragun->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!
Generation 13
I am a Descendant of Thanos! This lineage project aims to spread the family tree of Forrest and Jade, two industrious snapper brothers who wish to honor their father's legacy by spreading his blood far and wide. Children of this line tend to be smart, business-savvy, idealistic, and resourceful... but some of them tend to get megalomaniacal and crazy in the pursuit of their ideals.

Thanos->Jade->Birb->Droplet->Red->Hanahakiragun->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!
Generation 11/13
Is it so far from madness to wisdom?

Congratulations on adopting a descendant of the Court of Thorns! Borne of the mad Queen of the Court of Thorns, Queen Guinevere's descendants fill her court to vie for her favour and flaunt their rightful place in her lineage. The Thornlings are well known for their vanity and pride, and to end up on their bad side is to end up in pieces. If you'd like to know more about The Court of Thorns Lineage Project, just click the button!

Guinevere->Luck->Gabriel->Hanahakiragun->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin ->Essential -> Me!

Guinevere->Gareth->Allium->Blackberry->Flint->Rall->Anemone->Ecriostroom->Hossein->Lancir->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
Generation 13
I am a Warrior of Light! These dragons are descended from three legendary siblings blessed by the Lightweaver with Shade-killing magic. This bloodline has a mostly-deserved reputation for altruism and a tendency to be found wherever there is Shade that needs to be vanquished! Click the button to read up on them!!

Eirota->Citlalmina->Lad->Seaweed->Gabriel->Hanahakiragun->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!
Generation 11
I am a part of the Sweet Dreams lineage! This family of dreamweavers is dedicated to dispelling a wave of nightmares that plagued Sornieth in the wake of the rise of the Ancient breeds, and crafting better dreams to take their place. Of course, the dreamweavers are just as diverse a group as any other dragons, and merely having a power doesn't obligate them to use it to help... Click the badge to learn more

Oniero->Icyene->Vannescula->Fleetfoot->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!
Gen 13
I'm one of Vitalli's Warriors! Vitalli is a noble, powerful warrior who has started a long line of strong progeny to send to as many clans as possible to help safeguard dragons in need. Learn more about the project by clicking the fish!

Vitali->Juno->MamaMax->Alfred->Vannescula->Fleetfoot->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli -> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!
Gen 25
I am a Naomi descendant! Who is Naomi? To read the original thread, click the button! For a concise explanation, click here!
Gen 14
I am a part of Project Ugly! This project is dedicated to growing the massive family tree of the "legendarily ugly" Gengyar... based on the founder's appearance pre-scatter, of course. Just because he's ugly doesn't mean his children will be! I want him to have a mostly, if not totally, unexalted lineage because IT IS AN HONOR TO BE THE SON OR DAUGHTER OF A LEGENDARILY UGLY DRAGON. Learn more about the project by clicking the button!

Gengyar->BoastfulWretch->SLURMP->SMEEF->Were->Adina->Antonio->Fleetfoot->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!
Gen 14
I am a Traveling Missionary! Tucked away within the isolation of Greatwyrm's Breach sits a small collection of dragons in their self-named "Redemption's Maw". This sect of dragons follows a rare religion known as Redempestism - one that promises to save Sornieth from future tragedy if the involved dragons devote their life to reflecting upon and apologizing for the multiple sorrows that their world has known. Learn more about the project by clicking the button!

Somewhat+Somehow->Someday->Synthesized->BlazingStar->Tegan->Antonio->Fleetfoot->Jiiruinohakike->Yaretzi->Morlais->Lunarayn->Nicoli -> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me!

Gen 10 Dragonized
Gen11: Blessed + Cursed > SwampWater > Ghast > Sugar > Valentia > Rall > Anemone > Ecriostroom > Hossein > Lancir > Nicoli > Tarkin -> Essential ->Me
Gen14: Loki + Eris > Caern > Fruition > Ghast > Sugar > Valentia > Rall > Anemone > Ecriostroom > Hossein > Lancir > Nicoli > Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
Gen14: Ember > Jupiter > Fruition > Ghast > Sugar > Valentia > Rall > Anemone > Ecriostroom > Hossein > Lancir > Nicoli > Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
Gen 13: Konungur & Holden > Horizon > Snowdrop > Allium > Blackberry > Flint > Rall > Anemone > Ecriostroom > Hossein > Lancir > Nicoli > Tarkin -> Essential -> Me

Gen 17: Aurum Regis & Aqua Regia > Wohl > Loam > Hanakoi > Magdalene > Blackberry > Flint > Rall > Anemone > Ecriostroom > Hossein > Lancir > Nicoli > Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
Eleventh Generation Temporal Rifter
Welcome to the Temporal Rifters. Here you will find many different dragons all spanning down from Allison. Her story is a sad one at least in the beginning and the fight has only just begun! If you wish to register your Dragon as a Temporal Rifter do not hesitate to portal on over ^^ There is a requirement of at least 50 words of Lore to register your rifter with the project.
Allison->Kali->Shiva->Kyole->Miro->Loz->Atarangi->Lancir->Nicoli -> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
11th Generation Night Warrior
But in order to grow his family's influence, Pulchrior needs help. To this end, he has created the Night Warrior Project. Through this initiative, Pulchrior and his mate, Kidara, find clans who are in need of new warriors and send their hatchlings there for training. These children, called the Night Warriors, form a network that connects and protects the many clans where they live.
Pulchrior->Sága->Torsten->NightWish->Crowley->Breda->Atarangi->Lancir->Nicoli -> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
11th Generation Nightcaller
There are many tales surrounding the Nightcallers that warn of the danger that they represent. These children derive from the sacrilegious union of Death and His Maiden, representing the impending demise of all dragonkind.
Urban & Peyton->Hallow->Irilyn->NightWish->Crowley->Breda->Atarangi->Lancir->Nicoli-> Tarkin -> Essential -> Me
Hoen's Legacy Gen 3
Hoen -> Regard -> Essential ->Me!




Coding made by Disillusionist | Dividers made by Vertigris

Also figure this out!! Made by BlueDragon

-Exclusive Agape Bloodline Lore-


The False alignment often has high charisma and intelligent stats. Often times it's said that these dragons will lie and trick others for mere entertainment. Dragons with this title have clever minds and can create air tight alibis for what they do to dragons and others in a flash. Due to this, not many catch them in their tricks or pranks. If one happens to wrong a False, they will turn to a path of revenge and divert into a more dangerous alignment ;


Those whom have reached this path often will have a charge similar to guardians and often torment their wrongdoers. They harass and constantly target whatever has wronged them until the Fallen has felt satisfied. In multiple cases this could include ; Fighting, Petty work practice, Extreme pranks or tricks, and in some cases, Death.

Many of those whom are targeted seemingly never come out in one piece.. Though dragons who have been accidentally hurt or effected by this revenge will be blessed by some form of nature that is assumed to be caused by the Fallen. They may appear more lucky or certain positive events may occur. This effect only lasts for so long and depending on the dragon's actions, will lead to their own downfall.

Rarely does a Falsely-Fallen ever restore it's former title but if it does, it may choose whatever alignment depending on if said charge was completed or not.

If it has let go of the goal and even has forgiven said individual, this Fallen will restore and turn into a TRUTH ORDER, for they have found the true meaning of forgiving and moving on.

If they have completed their goal via a violent or harmful way, their alignment will corrode and deteriorate into a DESPAIR ORDER, for they have taken their out anger and grudge out on others, whether that be wrongful or seen as deserved.

If said Fallen eventually fails, gives up on the goal, or has completed it in a non harmful/violent way, they shall return and become simply False Order once more, for their charge and strive in life is now completed.

These Falsely Restored Order [FRO], often distance themselves even more from society or their instincts eventually burst and take over their mind. If they are enraged, an [FRO] can be the most terrifying version of Falses, often are rumored to have caused havoc and wreckage upon towns, Villages, and even KINGDOMS.

It's spoken as a fairytale that once a [FRO] had something to do with the summoning of the EMPEROR in Lightweaver's lands, angered and frustrated with it's failed mission due to the target being eliminated. Due to this, they've helped create the process of fusing the imperials to destroy and go after the target's clan.

Though that's simply a mere fairytale to most...

For Children of this Dragon ; (Don't forget to add the Parent's original Alignment! Their Offspring Carries it <3)



-Exclusive Agape Bloodline Lore-


The Truth [or aka HOPE Holy/Operation/Pursuing/Elimination], alignment often has a more peaceful demeanor compared to their counter-part, Despair alignment. They're seen as more serene and graceful with them taking supportive roles such as healing, political/social work, and more. Due to this, many truths often find themselves creating their sanctuary or residence near locations seen as more positive and/or radiate joy. Despite their clear theme towards a more virtuous/holy theme, even these 'holy' ones can descend. In these cases, many of these truths will become ;

Hopelessly Fallen [Or Immoral Angels for some.]

These Fallen will often attempt to correct their wrong, whether it be a murder, a sin, or something even merely small like pranking or joking. No one knows exactly what dictates what a wrong exactly is, but it's surely confirmed that no one knows when it'll be counted. The type of wrong is varying, along with it being possible to carry multiple wrongs.

Either way, in many cases these fallen fail. Finding themselves unable to right their wrong or confused/simply ignorant to what they've done. If this is the case, these Fallen will find themselves often becoming apart of the DESPAIR ORDER, for they have failed to correct their errors.

Though if they have successfully completed correcting their wrong.. They simply turn to the F A L S E O R D E R. They may recover/revive their true form if they've successfully triggered a few set events. What these events are?

No dragon on Sornieth truly knows...

Though, that's left up for thought for the newly FALSE ORDER aligned dragon...

As for who decides what's a wrong..

Many assume it's the deities, especially since the Tidelord sudden disappearance occurred around the time when the alignment first appeared. Though a now seemingly unreal fairytale suggests something else. This story tale is spoken by Agape, whom hums it as a mere story time to lull the children into their nests.

" There once was a stunning dragoness with shimmering creme scales and the most purest maroon coloring to her skin.

The dragoness came from a rough upbringing, with constant harm and damage that'd come her way.

Due to this, she was a strong fighter despite her more physically/mentally powered siblings.

Though despite the unfairness and lack of respect she was given by her family, she would fight for what was correct and right in her sight.

With passion burning in her eyes, she'd constantly would challenge those whom were wrong or violent.

Eventually, standing up to her bullying siblings whom now respect her.

Some have said that due to this. the deities have chosen her to become the Goddess of.. Justice.

Rumors has it that the Goddess now rests in a secluded place deep within the Mire, giving out curses or blessings out to dragons whom deserve them. "


-Exclusive Agape Bloodline Lore-


The Devilish Order are seen to be the most terrifying order. Their immense strength and rash thinking often leads to brutal fights amongst others, in which most fights the Devilish win. Many do not know where this sudden growth in power comes from though most assume it's the Order's instincts and adrenaline that carry the Devilish. Due to this, many avoid or serve the dragon to appease their fighting spirit. Typically these dragons often work as assassins, using the inborn trait that's given to them upon birth they can easily make traps or create secure armor for themselves with the ' Dreamweaving ' ability.

This comes from their family member, Agape, who isn't too sure why her descendants do this either. Agape simply likes to think that the Devilish are special, but not as much as their sibling order The Truth O R D E R. It's proven that the Devilish are naturally able to spun and shoot out threads with the color of ichor shining through (but it sure does look creepy since they flow like blood!). These threads are durable and strong as well and could be used for dreamweaving but the Devilish don't typically want to (mainly due to their instincts).

Although, if a Devilish Order by chance changes alignments their power may fade over time or be heavily weakened.

When they turn into a Truth Order (For they have ascended either physically and/or mentally and no longer harm for no clear reason) their power disappears and is replaced with the Truth's power due to the overwhelming conversion to the new alignment. These are known as Demonic Risen.

As for turning into a False Order, their power may either fade slowly and come to an eventual halt or they will have a sort of hybrid between the two powers. These are known as Demon Fading.

Either way, changing to a new alignment helps reduce their rash instincts and violent tendencies. Though the Devilish must make a very hard commitment in order to change and stop the cycle of pain.

They also usually heavily dislike the Truth Order but are also not unwilling to fight the shade along side one due to their charge/purpose.


The first ascended Truth Order Devilish [Also known as a Demonic Risen] has disappeared from the plane of existence [being unreachable by dreamweaving means] as a log, found abandoned nearby CrystalSpine Reaches and was delivered to Agape ;

[Loading Log..]

' Hello mother, it's been a while since I've last seen you in my dreams.

I've missed you dearly and ever since Hummer left, I've been trying to change.

My actions had terrified him that day and due to it, the memory has plagued my mindspace.

Although while my trek through the Shade's mainlands may leave me damaged and broken, know that I have tried.


The threads that use to come out of my palms no longer sway like blood, but instead like a falling piece of paper.

I feel my mindspace clearing up from the once violent thoughts that controlled my thoughts.

Should I seek a healer before I go? I'm worried that since my own thread will not obey me that I'll suffer a terrible fate.

~ Your Son, 5Five.


For Children of this Dragon ; (Don't forget to add the Parent's original Alignment! Their Offspring Carries it <3)







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