
Thanks Arcanist.
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Amethyst Flourish Tail Clasp
Amethyst Flourish Bracelet
Regal Masque
Bewitching Bangles
Starfall Crystalcloak
Desert Dynasty Headdress
Desert Dynasty Tail Rings
Desert Dynasty Cuffs


Skin: Celestial Vapors


Scene: Flowering Wasteland


7.46 m
7.26 m
735.99 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 20, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level
Rune Slash




  • none


Likely staying
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune. In the center the vine wraps around a runestone in shape of an arcane rune.

A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flower puds.

Astrologer, Mage, Nova's Assistant

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Astral was the youngest of her litter having three older sisters one of them being a coatl. She, Luna, was colorless and because colorless coatls were cursed or something there was a lot of arguing in the hatchery. Astral was not interested in that being annoyed by all the stupid arguments and spent her first nights looking stars. She had a feeling that they moved but she wasn’t sure not seeing them well enough no matter how hard she tried, though she saw something that could help but it being outside the hatchery she was not able to reach it. When she eventually, two nights after Luna had been hidden underground due to her ”curse”, was allowed to leave the hatchery she made her way straight to an observatory it looking like having been made to look up to the stars.

Kaamos, their hatchling-sitter, had told that the observatory belonged to Nova, one of clan’s most important dragons clan being very strict of how to treat him he being their arcane ambassador. Astral assumed that meant she should not bother him but at the observatory she noticed the building to be empty and wanting to try the telescope she broke the lock and stepped in. The observatory was empty ignoring few familiars in there and Astral made her way to upper floor to the telescope freezing every time she tripped with something. She reached her destination and after studying the large thing for some time she put her eye on the hole smile spreading to her face when the stars seemed to be now so close she could touch them.

She was so spellbound that she barely heard a cough coming from lower level of the building the arcane spirit having slapped her just a moment earlier. Astral turned around accidentally dropping some books as she saw a fae watching up to her his glowing symbols telling her he was Nova. Astral had not thought about being caught in action and not sure how she was supposed to react she offered to clean the entire observatory if he didn’t tell anyone what she had done. Judging by what Kaamos had told the clan would not take is lightly if they heard she had broken into Nova’s observatory out of impulse.

She started cleaning before Nova had actually said anything he asking why she had broken into the observatory. Astral wasn’t entirely sure but she had wanted to see stars closer up feeling like they tried to communicate with her, or at least to find out if they actually moved like they seemed to do. Nova was silent for a moment Astral avoiding to think it too much when he eventually asked if she wanted to become his student. Astral was not sure if she had heard right and dropped the books she was carrying asking if Nova had just said what she heard. He said that she had curiosity and he had no student at the moment so if she wanted that spot it was free.

Astral was excited to become Nova’s student and the two met the following night Nova showing her few dozens of constellations and telling a lot of them. There was even more constellations to talk about but with the Sun rising they had to stop and Astral returned to her nest. She returned the following night and seeing Nova studying something she did not want to bother him. She went to his desk it being full of potions and powders and took a closer look on them. She saw something on a shelf above herself and reached to pick it up standing on the desk to do so. As she tried to reach the book, or maybe a relic next to it, she heard something sizzling. She looked down to see having dropped a potion bottle on some powders before the mix exploded Astral tripping off the desk.

Her wings felt like freezing while her lungs felt like being on fire, and she noticed coughing glimmering vapor. The pain started to go away when Nova flied down to check her she not being sure if she was panicking due to having messed up Nova’s research or due to her own state. Nova tried to calm her down and escorted her to Malvadust who, after checking her, gave something soporific while Nova returned to his observatory. Upon waking up Astral took a closer look of herself and along with now breathing colorful glitter vapor that made her cough her wings were now more glass like with somewhat blurry moving images. She felt like having failed so badly she was no longer welcomed to the observatory and shaming how she looked she decided to hide in her nest for the following nights.

While Astral was keeping her face hidden Tango brought her food asking her to stop sulking. Astral wasn’t sure if it was because her sister got sick of looking after her but the following the night, after Farby was caught for planning a revolution, she said she would move to the Observatory they needing volunteers. She asked if Astral was going to come say goodbye to them which Astral was not willing to do she not wanting to show herself to other if she looked like that. However, after Tango left Luna, living in the caves somewhat connected to the nests, came to see her Astral not wanting to answer her question about what happened to her. She was not sure if the coatl was offended by that but she asked Astral to at least go watch as their sisters left. She knew Luna wouldn’t leave before her and Astral got out making her way to where the volunteers, and Farby being in chains, were preparing to leave staying far away from the group.

She stood there avoiding watching towards the group not wanting others to see her and didn’t see Nova before he was right next to her. He asked why she had not come back after getting out of the healing offices and she explained having not seen herself worthy after messing up that badly. Nova though didn’t seem to think it was even bad having seen worse with much worse outcomes. He asked if she wanted to escort her sisters to the Observatory sounding like he was talking about current weather it being the most common in the Isles.

Astral assumed she was being sent to the Observatory as punishment, like Farby, and given the most dangerous works available but Nova assured her that that was not the case. He told being in need of an assistant and having noticed Astral’s love for stars thought that she would be fitting. Visit to the Observatory would be to sign her up for the job and to show her the place when she needed to run his errands. Astral was so happy that she would have cried if she had not cough first, and after making their way to the heart of the Isles they left the volunteers to other Observatory dragons and went to sign Astral as Nova’s assistant. She got her symbol and after walking through the most important hallways of the grand building they returned home Astral moving to live with Nova.

Small pile of pink petals.

Astral started to work as Nova’s assistant as well as started to study magic and astrology in the middle of it all Nova teaching her if he had time. Usually Astral was either doing research in the Observatory when Nova was not or she was organizing his shelves he not being that good with that himself. While doing that she ended up finding old studies about Luna’s dull coloring and molting feathers and found out that Nova was her big brother. That though wasn’t that big of a deal most of the residents being related one way or another but the unfinished study was rather interesting. Astral had not seen her sister in a long time since having become mage student and decided to pay her a visit to see how she was, and maybe continue Nova’s studies.

Luna lived in ever changing cave system in the middle of the rising land and Astral entered in through Crystal cave. The cave was big enough to hold at least ten guardians, if personal space was not an issue, but the corridor leading deeper was too small for Astral to crawl into. She was not sure how Luna managed to move in there and called her the pale coatl coming in through a portal. She was happy to see Astral and she was proud having heard she having become Nova’s assistant. Astral was not sure how she knew that but assumed she having not much to do just listened rumors through small cracks.

Luna was gushing over Astral’s status and she starting to get sick of it asked what she had been up do. Luna promised to tell but not in the open cave. She made a portal and asked Astral to follow the portal getting them past the narrow corridor to another, smaller, cave from which Luna followed another corridor to another opening Astral getting curious from where she had learned the portal spell. They eventually stopped Astral not being sure where they exactly were Luna telling that she had met someone in the caves who came to visit her often and taught her some spells, and then she did some boring stuff like spy others hiding in caves or being outside. Astral was curious about the spells she had learned and Luna showed few of them using old sounding language when casting them. Astral wanted to learn more about them but it was early in the morning already and she needed to get back to the observatory.

Astral came to visit Luna every time she had some free time she showing her new spells but refused to teach them her teacher having said not to do so. She, however, told when she would meet the teacher again it usually ending up in time when Astral had other things to do. However, one night she got lucky and after meeting with Luna near the residents’ nests she made a portal path to what Astral assumed to be rather far away from the lair. Upon arriving they met with who Luna introduced as Nemo, an elderly fae who Astral had hard time reading she having hidden her crests under her hood.

Nemo used telepathy to communicate with the sisters due to Luna’s presence. Ignoring the uneasy feeling that the usage of telepathy caused Astral asked to be taught same spells she had taught to Luna. Nemo praised Astral’s dedication to magic and said understanding her desire to learn more but she was not willing to teach her new spells, yet. She said it was easier for her if she didn’t accidentally use her spells in front of her teachers, be them Nova or the ones in the Observatory, as that would make them curious and Nemo wanted to keep herself as secret. She however said that once she saw her ready she would be happy to teach her too. Astral understood and Luna took her home.

Wanting to learn Nemo’s spells Astral started to study twice as hard wanting to graduate as fast as possible. One night when learning to master what placements of stars meant a magical shock wave was felt in the observatory. Both she and Nova stopped what they were doing and rushed to the temple from where the wave came from. They found the room with Shadow, Nova’s previous student, and Sapny lying in there unconscious Astral taking a look at the burnt walls as Nova went to check girls’ researches and others started to wake them up.

Nova was not happy with what he saw revealing that they had tried to summon the Shade. Astral had heard that Shadow and Nova’s student-mentor relationship was cut short due to something Astral assuming Shadow’s Shade obsession to be the reason. Nova destroyed Shadow’s research Sisi just outside the room asking why he was doing that being like summoning the Shade wasn’t even a big deal. Astral explained the situation the best she could the bogsneak not seemingly understanding Astral she getting nervous that someone didn’t take the situation seriously at all. The tension rose between the two and before Astral realized Sisi had been shrank to be about same size as Nova.

Astral knew she had cast the spell though her first reaction was to deny it when Nova asked what she did. They left as soon as possible Astral wondering what would have happened if Nemo had taught her some spells. Luna had told she knew a spell that turned dragons into crystals and it would have been hard situation to get out of. The size spell was rather common and all Astral had to do was to listen some reproach. Their problems though didn’t end there as Nova was soon invited to the Observatory he coming back with bad news their clan having been banned from the Starfall Celebration approaching. In order to not be totally left outside they had to do what neither of them liked which was to sneak into the Observatory like spies in order to get the goods. Astral was sure that the harpy that joined them during that was Observatory’s spy they had made sneak into their observatory as revenge. The harpy denied that but Astral was distrusting towards it.

Month later, after Riot of Rot, both Astral and Nova got a random idea of trying to get clan promoted to Ancient clan the two starting to work like lunatics in the Observatory to get that. During that time the clan had a crystal creature incident during what a dragon was turned into a crystal monster and sent to attack another resident. Astral blamed the harpy but Nova was sure the magic had been dragon magic, and strong one of that. Other than she and Nova clan didn’t have that many mages other two being Luna and Nemo but no one knew about what they did, and Nemo was borderline a myth. Astral was sure Luna would not have done that and wondered if Nemo could have.

Clan got promotion half way of a month to the earth holiday and when the Rockbreaker’s Ceremony started Astral was invited to the Observatory Nova coming with her. The teacher who had helped Nova to teach her told Nova that Astral started to be too good to be just a student and she was given the graduation papers and official status of astrologer. Astral was more than happy and after calming down she wondered if Nemo would finally teach her some spells as she took her new job with pride still staying as Nova’s assistant.

Small pile of pink petals.

Astral met with Nemo the same night she graduated she asking if she was still willing to learn some spells. Astral was and Nemo started to teach her old language to use her spells but asked Astral to not mention about her to anyone. Astral promised that and came to see Nemo whenever she was free in the lair and not busy in the Observatory.

Astral spent last half of the Night of the Nocturne in the heart of the Isles and was there even after it was over the bad weather having had hold back her work. She was reading future from the stars which she did often but never seemed to get them right and practiced to fix that. While she was doing that a scholar knocked the door and said someone was asking for her in the lobby. That was weird as if it was from the clan the harpy would have come straight to the room. When Astral arrived to the lobby she saw Storm who demanded her to get back to the clan, now.

Astral had ran faster than Storm, who had not wanted to ride her, and before she was left behind she had told Astral to go straight to Kanerva she needing to go see healer made her nervous. Astral eventually reached the office where Kanerva looked like not having slept in weeks she just turning her sleepy head towards her patient saying she did not understand it. Astral took a look to what looked like mix between a fae and crimson emperor she almost choking to her vapors when she realized it was Nova. She asked what had happened but Kanerva was too tired to answer. Azul came to tell that Malvadust was talking with Megabrain in his lab.

Megabrain was Nova’s rival and very disliked dragon. Astral sneaked to listen why Malvadust was with him assuming the alchemist was blamed for Nova’s state. She tried to be quiet but her cough betrayed her and she stepped in the annoying fly asking her to cover her mouth as he started to explain what had happened. Astral felt like there were many words but no content and she felt annoyed when Megabrain eventually stopped. He gave Astral a bottle in which he said to be the liquid that was in the cauldron when Nova fell in that. Astral left as soon as possible Malvadust giving her some books to study the plants in the soup.

Astral went to study trying to figure what exactly had happened when she had an idea of asking Witchi for information. She usually knew secrets others didn’t want her to know. Before she could get off the chair, however, someone knocked the door behind it being an Observatory mage Nightsky having come to see Nova. Astral was sure lying would only cause harm and led Nightsky to healing offices where Nova looked more and more like crimson emperor and losing what made him a dragon.

Astral and Nightsky worked to solve what had happened and why they having found something sticky on Nova’s fur that was probably the cause instead of what Megabrain had given. Witchi had gone missing no one having seen her in weeks and Pinkapi had given them a pink-eyed pocketmouse saying she had found it in Megabrain’s lab, and Astral was struggling to stay awake when she tried to find answers. They had asked Megabrain about the mouse and the stuff they found on Nova’s fur he not answering and Astral pulled her feathers off in frustration. The clan was demanding answer as was the Observatory and they were running out of time. She was sure Megabrain had caused the things to happen but she could not prove that and Karmiini would not sentence him without proof.

Nightsky eventually found out that the liquid Megabrain gave didn’t do anything but the thing they found on Nova did, and soon after Astral realized what was wrong with the mouse Pinkapi had given to them. Nightsky found a spell that Nemo had left on Astral’s desk clearly just recently Astral blaming the spirit of the arcane when Nightsky asked where she had gotten it. The clan wanted answers by midnight and Astral being sure that the mouse was Witchi decided to try the spell she needing a witness to prove that Megabrain was behind Nova’s ”accident”.

The duo tried to cast the spell multiple times it being harder than what they had expected, and eventually Nightsky left to join the conference approaching. Astral, being determined to turn Witchi back to normal, had stayed and was barely awake when she cast the spell knowing it would knock her out no matter what happened. She was lying on the floor when coughing nearby woke her up and she saw Witchi in her dragon form. She told what had happened to her it being enough proof for Astral, and rest of the clan, that Megabrain had planned Nova’s ”accident” and started a rush towards the conference area taking Witchi with her. She made her way straight to Megabrain to who she released her anger Witchi causing a surprised reaction on his crests. Witchi tried to punch the alchemist and Astral seeing him try to throw something hit him with a crystallization spell trying to crush him right after only to be lifted by someone Astral not being able to tell who.

Astral was forced to rest and after that she was allowed to heal Nova his story being similar to what Witchi had told. Luna having taken job as jailer had looked after Megabrain until the trial during which Nova had been willing to forgive Megabrain no one agreeing with him. He ended up being sentenced to serve them for a week and Astral hated every second of it. She did not trust Megabrain and was very happy when she heard that mages from the Observatory had come and increased his punishment. Hoping she would never need to deal with him again she returned to her work wanting to ask about the spell Nemo had given to her when finding the fae.

Small pile of pink petals.

Life carried on peaceful for Astral she studying, practicing and meeting Luna. One night the coatl asked to have a word with Astral she telling that she had found out that Theia wanted to fly to a moon. Neither of them knew the ridgeback, and she was a bit mean, but Luna still wanted to help her and Astral asked Azul to bring her to the observatory Nova not being there at the moment.

The ridgeback seemed offended by the fact that she had been invited to the observatory and she did not like how they had found out her dream. After Astral showed her books about space travelling she though softened up a little bit and the trio started to study if it was possible to get to the moons and survive there. It all seemed possible they being able to cast spells that allowed surviving on there but they had no way of getting Theia up there. There though was something they could do and Astral hoped Nova wouldn’t mind she hanging out with lightning scientists for a bit.

Tempest and Parcha were happy to help their daughter and started to work on a rocket. Astral not really able to do anything useful for them provided them some information and tried to see if stars allowed things to go smoothly. Everything seemed to be alright for the moon flight but she had been wrong before and was careful when stars seemed to tell that Nemo was being exiled and Glade needed to be made less threatening.

However, after Glade attacked Alfa being followed by Nemo being captured for having been the one behind multiple transformations, and running away when Astral had been visiting the Observatory, she got the feeling that she had gotten her predictions right for once. With that in mind Astral told about what she had found out about Glade to Luna and they agreed they needed to do something to him he having tried to kill other dragons at least twice by now.

The girls, using invisibility spell they had learned from Nemo, sneaked to Glade when he was sleeping. They took his staff away in case something went wrong and cast a spell successfully turning the imperial into king parda but being barely able to walk away their younger brother Halti coming to help them. After the clan found out what had happened to the nature ambassador Astral took the blame alone being surprised by how uninterested everyone, except Glade, was and Astral was happy of having done something not entirely bad out of impulse. She didn’t fear Glade’s bitter eyes that looked at her when the rocket took off knowing no one would help him out of it.

Life was peaceful in the clan like it often was Astral doing her job like before. However, one night she started to see worrying signs in stars among them an eclipse that should not hit their clan just yet it contradicting with the eclipse cycle. There were also many more signs but Astral had hard time telling what they were trying to say or when they were going to happen. Those worried her and she had hard time getting excited over the new constellation Nova discovered or the observatory plan Pernis and Rosalin showed her they planning to make Astral her own observatory. She though accepted it and showed her support for clan's name change when its time came.

The worrying things in the lair though seemed to start happening soon after the motivation in the clan had reached its highest. First Arcanist and His scholars opened the Forbidden Portal that letting some space creatures to the lair. That itself wasn't bad Astral being curious about them but then clan's familiars turned hostile for no clear reason being followed by Silence attacking a plague clan. The clan worked hard to avoid a war with the attacked clan with hostile familiars already making the life hard.

Nova was sure reason to the hostile familiars was some kind of spell and Astral tried to help him figure out what kind of spell it was and how to counter that. Nemo had returned months ago and though clan thought her to be prime culprit being followed by the new creatures neither Astral or Nova believed it to be either of them. They though were unable to figure out what the reason was during the plague crisis, after the crisis or during the House Cup to which both Nova and Astral were too tired to participate. That was sad but Astral thought she needed to figure out the issue with familiars before she could relax. She though had wanted at least Nova to participate to support their house.

The House Cup had just ended and Astral and Nova were continuing their research despite being in desperate need for rest. Last time Astral had felt that tired was when Megabrain had turned Nova into a crimson emperor, and little bit like that after having turned Glade into a parda. The imperial had since been turned back to dragon months ago by Shadow and Sapny. That should have been quite obvious red flag when it happened and more so when things started to go bad following it.

Shadow arrived to the observatory after the cup ended asking the two in there to stop their work her unblinking starry eyes freaking Astral out. She said they could not do anything that telling Astral that she was behind all of the warning signs she had seen in stars weeks ago Shadow confirming that by asking the two to help her to summon the Shade. Astral was not going to do that and attempted to fly down to the skydancer to hit her but before she could get fully over the railing she felt magic being drained from her. She fell somehow not breaking her neck as she hit the floor too weak to move.

Nova had also had his magic drained and the two just lied on the floor unable to move at all. They had heard an earthquake, the observatory being on a floating island so they had not felt it, being shortly visited by Megabrain the lunatic working with Shadow he just laughing at the two powerless scholars. The nights passed by Astral starting to feel hungry and thirsty she just sleeping as she waited someone to come get them out. She was once again sleeping when she was awoken by someone moving her bones she hearing Their voice in her head asking her to submit to Them. Astral was too tired to give it much thought and remained silent assuming she was still asleep she soon hearing battle noises from somewhere outside those waking Nova up.

The battles went on for some time dragons eventually arriving to the observatory. Group of unfamiliar dragons carried the two scholars to the healing offices where they waited Observatory dragons to return they having apparently gone to report the events. Once they returned both Astral and Nova were taken to the Observatory to recover their magic faster than in the lair Azul eventually coming to tell what had happened. Shadow and her gang had tried to summon the Shade but that had failed and she and Sapny had ran away, Glade was now outlaw and Megabrain was trapped in a mirror with a mimic. She also told that the clan had experienced some losses but didn't give details she needing to return to the lair.

Back in the lair the scale of the events was made clear to Astral. Clan's old healer Kanerva had died as was Nemo and Luna Astral cutting any ties to Halti after hearing he had been helping the summoners. She really wanted to see Tina burn him when the fire ambassador wanted to have her revenge on the coatl but Astral had to petrify the fire ambassador for sake of Kronk who interfered. She later freed her the fire ambassador getting the clan some help from fire to finish some of the clan's building projects Astral getting her own observatory before the Night of the Nocturne started near the midwinter.

Small pile of pink petals.

Greyish purple stone frame filled with pink glowing runes. Inside it a shooting star, pale pink on dark pink background.

A pink curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a pink glass arcane rune.
Name origin:
Finlandia wanted a dragon with this name.
Astral means "of, connected with,
or resembling the stars".

A pink curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Astral is an arcane wildclaw with darkish pink body having dark purple stripes on back and over her darkened-with-age eyes, and dark and pale purple head feathers. Her wings were originally silver like her tail tuft but after the magical explosion they have turned more glass like though still flexible with slowly moving images of blurry planets, and they glow dimly, while her tail tuft has gained glimmering attributes due to the same explosion. The biggest change the explosion caused was to make Astral breath pinkish and blue glimmering and slightly glowing vapor. Other than looking weird the vapor isn’t dangerous to anyone and many say it smells sweet. Her horns are small and round.

Being a somewhat high-ranking dragon working in the Observatory Astral wears rather expensive looking mage outfit to make that clear. She had pink silk dress with golden parts and crystal collar, purple and dark silver headdress that goes down all the way to her chest and it had a mask infused with it it protecting her face from magical explosions and eyes from the vapor as well as allowing her see better in dark, and she later added two gilded horns to the headdress. She also has cuffs on her legs and arms they being decorated with amethysts and gold and her tail has rings decorating it and near the tip she has an amethyst cuff similar to ones on her arms, and she has golden necklace. She also has arcane assistant symbol which is similar to ambassador symbol being half the size. However, she wears it only in the Observatory and she has never taken it to the clan.

Astral has a strong and confident voice and she is direct with what she want to say. She is usually easy to understand dragon but she coughs a lot due to vapor coming up from her lungs and though nothing severe it may make her hard to understand. She has clean Swedish accent.

Small pile of pink petals.

Astral is confident and strong-minded dragon who keeps pushing through obstacles until she gets through no matter how useless it feels. She is determined but is also prone to impulsiveness and she has often caused some harm by acting before thinking. Though messing up somewhat often she is rarely willing to clean up the mess usually leaving it to be cleaned up by someone else only taking action if forced, or if she actually messed so badly that she can’t push her head into bush. Astral has always been a bit rebellious and usually fights back towards authority if not agreeing with them but usually calms down somewhat fast and lets the decisions go through without too much resistance once her temper spike fades away. However, if she strongly disagrees she won’t back down until someone holds her down. She has rather fierce nature for an arcane scholar.

Astral has her close friends and family members and though she tends to put herself before others she doesn’t close her eyes from those who need help. She has rather high standards when it comes offering her help she not being willing to help dramas or emotional issues she consider herself either being a bit too impulsive for those or studying being much more interesting. She isn’t a loner and enjoys company over being totally alone but she does not appreciate company that doesn’t appreciate her desire of mastering magic and astrology. Those who share her desire are equal to her and she treats them as such but she can be very direct if there are conflicting ideals, and what she says is either passive aggressive or what she is thinking and that may not be nice to hear.

Astral has a mischievous magnifier called Horizon as her company. It can’t speak and most of the time it is by itself looking into stars being happy when Astral comes to rest with it. It communicates through high hums and through its one eye and not being able to tell much that way it mostly just listens to Astral if she wants to get something off her chest it doing its best to cheer her up. For Astral Horizon is a comfort company and she doesn’t pay mind to it if she is not needing comfort. Actually she spends way more time with Nova’s familiars than what she does with Horizon. Later Astral got the Zodiacs as her room mates after getting her own observatory they more or less just decorating the building. They can't talk and don't bother using telepathy or even communicate with Astral in the first place. They only appear at night not really caring about Astral and even if she tries to ask their opinion there is high chance they ignore her. They are only drawn to her due to her profession.

Small pile of pink petals.

Astral is a mage and can use many spells without too much problem, if her impulsiveness doesn’t interfere. She is great with practical magic but lacks skills when it comes to theoretical magic often failing to explain or understand how the spells work but still being able to cast them. She knows wide variety of spells including the basic levitation and size altering spells but she can also use two types of teleportation spells with and without portals, she can reverse transformations, turn living beings into crystal and dragons into familiars. She is determined to learn as many spells as she just can master and keeps on looking for new spells to practice.

Astral works as astrologer and is decent at finding start patterns from nightsky and connecting them to right individual. However, actually foretelling what is happening and when tends to be a bit hit or miss she either predicting totally or partly wrong what happens and timing is almost always off. She is aware of her lack of accuracy and avoids believing her own prediction just in case and she avoids telling them to others always. She is, however, working to improve her skills.
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.

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