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Personal Style





8.93 m
4.96 m
682.27 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 10, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245


Tertiary Gene: Lace

Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.
~ Barbara Kingsolver ~
Daffodil Dandelion Seeds
Golden Milkweed

Maternal || Artistic || Self-sufficent


Past Mates

Future Mates
None Selected

100 Hatchling Challenge
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She was restless with no real reason why. The feeling manifested as a sort of wanderlust, but she discovered she didn't actually want to go anywhere once she'd left clan borders. Sulking back, she moped around her den for a bit before redirecting her energy into gardening. There was always gardening to be done. Antinonsense welcomed her with open arms, eager to put her strength and size to use. In a day all tasks were completed save for some saplings that needed relocation, and she easily powered though those the next day, dusting her paws off and stepping back so the more delicate hands of the druids could complete the replanting.

Frills giving a knowing flicker at a joke Geyanna didn't get, Antinonsense advised her to carve out her own patch of the jungle away from the clan. Such an endeavor would give Geyanna creative freedom not afforded in the clan garden, she said, and gardens always offered an answer once enough work was put into the task.

Pacing around for the day being a general grump to her clanmates for no real reason, Geyanna selected a patch of nasty land south of the clan. The overflowing gladeveins last season left behind mounds of now compacted dirt and logs, lending a small labyrinth appearance to the area. Bushes had already taken root, and vines laced the entire area. She bulldozed out the center of the mess, pushing up the sides to artificially deepen the middle. When she finished that untold days later, the courtyard area was big enough for even the clan healer to be comfortable. The mounds were secured in place with vine nets woven from what she ripped up, and in the netting holes she planted bushes with deep roots to hold the slope, interspersed with soft plants for ground cover to prevent erosion. A little time, a little care, and nature would blend all.

Into the side of the widest mound Geyanna dug her burrow. Mirrodin, sent by Antinonsense, brought her refreshments, though she oddly found his company more exciting than the selection of food. Mirrodin made himself useful by showing her how to fit rocks together into a stable wall for her den, and working shoulder to shoulder with the mature mirror sent funny little thrills through her. She called an early halt to the day under the pretense of finding more rocks. After he left she released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

The maze beyond her courtyard ambled with no set path or reason. Where the gladeveins had dumped it, she left it and enlarged it for comfortable passage. After moving a great amount of dirt, she finally took a day off and went back to the clan garden to study the plants therein. Armed with ideas, she returned to her labyrinth and explored it, noting features, looking at the exits. One exit was right against a waterway, and she spent another day blending that area, stomping down dirt, filling holes, working the slopes to more natural angles, creating a stone-lined area for wading, and finally planting tall water grasses for privacy along her section of the bank.

Geyanna lazed in the shade of a little tree atop a "wall" of the maze, admiring her work. Many of the plants she tended were difficult to obtain, but she loved the effect once they were all together. Cheerful yellow flowers were already gracing her work, fulfilling her in a way words could not. This was her hard work coming to light. She had raised these little things from the smallest of seeds and tender bulbs, warding off pests without outside help so her little shoots would be the adult plants they are now.

Content, mostly, she laid her head to the side of a cluster of ferns, idly brushing a claw across the broad leaves. She loved these despite their lack of flower. The leaves were a pleasant shape that came to a bit of a point, and were a healthy vibrant green that seemed to glow at even the faintest touch of sunshine. The whole mass came up from the center of a brown mound at the base of the plant where the outer leaves died off and the layers accumulated. There were five plants in this particular bunch. Five, wonderful, healthy perfect . . .

Oh. Oh! Oh. Her head jerked up and she shook off her daydream. They looked like eggs. Eggs buried in the dirt so only their tops showed. She released her gentle hold on the fronds as though burned, rearing back and almost toppling down the slope. The restless energy, the desire to nurture and create, being drawn to the male members of her clan--- the revelation crashed down on her in one powerful, breathtaking blow.

She slumped down next to her not-eggs with relief at both finding the case of her problem, and the flicker of sadness that she didn't actually have any eggs to tend. Now that she realized what she wanted, she really wanted it. Geyanna wanted eggs to guard, hatchlings to raise. She had no particular impulse about keeping a permanent mate, he didn't have to be around at all as far as she was concerned. Her bogsneak nature didn't need another adult around, she felt no desire for companionship, and the idea was even vaguely loathsome.

No, she could do this on her own. Her maze took on a new light. Here she would raise her offspring in comfort with plenty of prey easy to find, and the labyrinth to confuse intruders. A few secret tunnels would be the only additions, and then she would be ready.

Bogsneaks don't purr, but had she been able, she probably would.


Unwilling to court males in her own clan and risk fights with the established females (she was out of the loop on who was with whom having spent so many season carefully tending her garden), Geyanna waited impatiently in her maze for a potential mate to come along. She went to every market, made herself part of the gossip circles, even thought about visiting the Seer for a peek into her love-life before chickening out partway up the winding stairs to his shop.

Highlight ended up falling into her lap, almost literally. She heard a commotion to the southwest of her maze, and recognizing the sound of beastclan attacks on a dragon, bellowed an alarm. The attack ended as abruptly as it began, the aggressor unwilling to take on more dragons. Geyanna ventured out and discovered a battered guardian. She quickly ushered him to her home, and by the time the battlers arrived, all was quiet again.

Taking a chance, Geyanna offered to keep the guardian with her till he was better recovered, and then she would bring him to the clan leader. The battlers approved, hunted food for him, and left to report back to the clan. Alone with the exhausted guardian, she watched him sleep, wondering where he was from, why he'd come, and if maybe he would be interested in her.

When he was ready to move around the next day, he thanked her profusely for her aid and protection. She guided him to the clan, and on the walk they talked. He was on the Search for both his recently found Charge and his family. He'd left his mate on Search after their children scattered across the lands, and now he intended to visit his few offspring and their clans. His daughter had gone Nature direction last he knew, but he didn't know how to find her beyond that, and the Viridian Labyrinth proved more hostile than supposed, even just in the Garden area. He'd seen a few clans at a distance, but none proved friendly enough to approach.

In his meeting with the clan leader, he expressed his thanks and surprise over the clan willingness to defend a stranger after his previous experiences with other clans. He inquired after his daughter, but Kith Clan didn't know her. Antinonsense offered to check with local clans, and offered him a place to stay while he waited. The guardian must have been unfamiliar with fae expressions because Geyanna was gesturing he could stay with her behind Highlight's back where the leaders could see, and Antinonsense failed to totally erase the amusement from the flicker of her headfins as she spoke.

Highlight initially decline the offer to stay at her place, not wanting to be an imposition. Geyanna insisted. Antinonsense supported. Who was he to decline a second time? Glowing with success, Geyanna took him back home.

Hindsight being stronger than foresight, she could have been more subtle. But whatever. Whether it was her bold manner, the amenities of her lair, her ready nest, or her lingering looks, she won him. Her nest soon featured two healthy eggs which she tended with diligence bordering on obsession. He commented that motherhood suited her and maybe she did purr then, she was so pleased. Everything was perfect.

After the twins hatched, Highlight confessed to being torn between continuing his search and staying with his fledgling family. Geyanna dismissed him with her blessing. She loved him, but her love was not a clinging love. She could let him go and still be happy. Their sons, she promised, would be raised to the best of her abilities, and when they finally left, she would pass him word of their new clans so he would have more family to visit around Sorinth.

Highlight accepted her blessing and her promise. He continued on without regrets because of her confidence, and sent word later when he settled in a new clan. She dutifully gave word when one son moved out, and then the other. The two remain on good terms.

Shortly after Highlight left Geyanna was already starting to look around for her next potential mate. The flirting didn't seem to upset her aging sons who took their mother's oddities in stride. Both had promising careers in stone working, tutored by Geyanna's first crush Mirrodin, and she allowed her boys to make improvements on the lair. Pollux laid a stunning starburst floor in the center of the labyrinth, and Castor worked on the waterfront entrance so it was more stable, and re-working her entire wading area so it was larger and the stones formed an actual smooth bottom instead of the jumble she'd created.

Geyanna saw less and less of her boys as their skills grew and they traveled for work. Both finally settled elsewhere, but that was fine with her to have an empty lair. She was ready to nest again, her instincts strong on the subject. She'd been seeing a bright yellow mirror in the marketplace and her flirting was returned in kind. She finally took him home and he explored her maze extensively, an act which raised her hackles to a degree because this space was hers, but he returned, praising her stronghold and fortifications despite its distance from the clan.

She would realize later he just wanted to use her lair for his own purposes.

Together they had two eggs which she tended with as much care as her first two. He left her alone with them under the pretense of watching the border, and she shut out the world beyond, content he would protect her. However, he failed. Just before the eggs hatched she was surprised by a serthis who'd managed to work its way into her courtyard. She drove off the intruder, her confidence shaken, and when she called for CitrusGlow, he didn't answer. When he appeared later in the evening she snarled at him and demanded to know where he'd been. He maintained he'd been on watch, but she mistrusted his defensive body language.
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