
Level 6 Mirror
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Sentry Squawker
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Hewn Philosopher's Veil




5.84 m
5.52 m
514.14 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 14, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Mirror
EXP: 1581 / 8380


"Nearly all dragons can stand adversity, but if you want to test a dragon's character, give him power."

Favorite Region


Found at the back of the Lair

_________ Broken Heartstone
Tales of Terror _________
_________ Hallowed Ivy
Shale Hybrid Fragment _________

Teenage Years
The twins looked at each other doubtfully as they passed into the deep shade of a massive tree. There was a lair at the base of the trunk, the entrance to which was in disrepair and cast suspect on the quality of living within. "We shouldn't be here." Innel said. his sister nodded.

Their father shushed them. "It's fine, he's a friend!" He raised his voice. "Oleander, are you home? I've come with company!"

"Company?" A voice said from within. A blue tundra poked his head out from the den and looked at the group of mirrors. "Ah, your kittens." He smiled, warm and open, but Innel couldn't help noticing his eyes were still cold. "Do come in. Some of the others are already here."

Others? His sister's expression was wary. Reguardless of their feelings, the pair was herded into the den.

- * - * - * -

Innel was bored. After the first few hours he'd wandered away from the group and their suspicious conversations. His sister had disappeared some time ago, he didn't know where. He went down a surprisingly well made tunnel and found himself in a library of sorts. There was the blue tundra, Oleander, reading from a worn leather-bound volume. The book dropped slightly and Innel froze in his tracks, certain he was about to get in trouble. The tundra's gaze was sharp, calculating, his expression appraising. It barely lasted a second, then shifted into a more welcoming expression and Innel doubted himself. "Welcome. Please, come in."

He didn't know what to say. "You've got a lot of books in here."

"I certainly do. This collection is from all over Sornieth. I picked of this particular volume" He indicated the one in his paws by lifting the book, "in the Starfall Isles." He pointed across the room. "The bulk of those came from the Sunbeam Ruins. And some of those came from the Ashfall Waste. Do you read?"

"I can." Innel said.

"But you prefer not." Oleander chucked. "While your father finishes his business, you should take a look at this volume. I found it enlightening at your age. I'm certain you'll glean something from it." He turned the book in his paws around and passed it to Innel. The mirror took the book, flipped it to a random page, and scanned the paragraph with little interest. Midway through he actually started reading, though what he read, he couldn't say.

Hours later his father came to get him. Innel reluctantly released the book back to its owner, his eyes lingering on the unusual heat signature the book emitted. The patterns danced, but he was torn away as his father herded him from the room. His sister waited by the entrance. She stiffened at the sight of him. When they were outside she whispered, "What happened to you?"

He briefly considered. His gaze lingered on her face, too long, too sharp. She flinched when he spoke. "I have learned things. Things about myself. Things about others." Things he would have to do something about.

A Thirst for Dominance
Innel was not the bigger of the twins growing up and that raked his nerves. His sister always had that much more wingspan on him, a measure more length, a bit more height to her stance. His inferiority was all in his head, but after reading part of that Book and speaking with Oleander, he came away more than certain his sister quietly mocked him. They all mocked his small stature. And not just about that, but about other things as well.

His mother noticed his shift in behavior as soon as he returned home that fateful evening. She tried to get at the heart of the matter, but Innel evaded her questions, then evaded her. She had no right to question him. He saw through her now, saw through her pettiness and so-called "motherly" behavior. The Book had shown him. But she went behind his back and arranged for him to tutor under the clan battlers. His discipline would be her downfall, he swore to himself. He would become the knife at her neck. He would use this opportunity to gain power, and then he would teach a lesson of his own.

Burning with fury he went to his first lessons with Nightmare and Gargoyle, ready to learn the killing arts and put everyone in their place for their behavior.

The pair of teachers, upon realizing his mindset, promptly beat him out of it.

Looking back, it went pretty well. He got the shock of a (relatively short) lifetime when a very strong but minuscule spiral knocked him flat on his back. Innel realized in those moments before blacking out that he'd been deceived by the magic of the Book and its tundra keeper. He could not unread It, would always be tainted by Its views, but his biggest challenge was not the supposed mockery of clanmates: it would be overcoming a moment of childish behavior that forever altered his perspective.

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Exalting Innel to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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