
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lore Whining Days v3
April 14th prompt: [columns] Oh yeah! Healing is a topic I've always liked to write about. There's your 'tradional' healers who use what nature provides them, like herbs and flowers to create like salves, pastes and remedies. There's only two dragons who still actively using this type of medicine, husband and wife, Ayato and Ayako. They like to keep their trade alive by showing the residents of the Northern Faction how to make simple remedies with what they can find in their enivornment. They do all this for free, as it's a passion as well as a job. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Then there's the healers who use magic. Think JPRG sort of magic. Father and daughter combo Atticus and Xanthe have been using this sort of magic their entire lives, and have astonishing control of it. It's the most effective treatment for all ailments and injuries under the sun. As powerful as magic can be, it can't fix everything. There have been many injuries too severe for magic to reverse, and it bears a great weight on their shoulders when a life has been lost. Healing magic possible for every dragon through study, but some bloodlines contain particularly powerful healing magic - Atticus and Xanthe's bloodline being one of them.[/columns] [columns]There's a single dragon who specialises in breaking spells and curses. Given, he doesn't use this skill very often, but it's a very important skill to have. I guess he can be called a healer? Giima's more of a mage than anything. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]As for chronic illnesses, Xanthe's partner Relictus suffers from both chronic pain and migraines, the result from a traumatic injury. [/columns] [s]oops all pearlcatchers![/s]
April 14th prompt:
Oh yeah! Healing is a topic I've always liked to write about.
There's your 'tradional' healers who use what nature provides them, like herbs and flowers to create like salves, pastes and remedies. There's only two dragons who still actively using this type of medicine, husband and wife, Ayato and Ayako. They like to keep their trade alive by showing the residents of the Northern Faction how to make simple remedies with what they can find in their enivornment. They do all this for free, as it's a passion as well as a job.

Then there's the healers who use magic. Think JPRG sort of magic. Father and daughter combo Atticus and Xanthe have been using this sort of magic their entire lives, and have astonishing control of it. It's the most effective treatment for all ailments and injuries under the sun. As powerful as magic can be, it can't fix everything. There have been many injuries too severe for magic to reverse, and it bears a great weight on their shoulders when a life has been lost. Healing magic possible for every dragon through study, but some bloodlines contain particularly powerful healing magic - Atticus and Xanthe's bloodline being one of them.
There's a single dragon who specialises in breaking spells and curses. Given, he doesn't use this skill very often, but it's a very important skill to have. I guess he can be called a healer? Giima's more of a mage than anything. 4135138.png
46714312.png As for chronic illnesses, Xanthe's partner Relictus suffers from both chronic pain and migraines, the result from a traumatic injury.

oops all pearlcatchers!

I don't think I've participated in this before, but the prompt caught my eye so I'm gonna do some writing thanks to being inspired xD

April 14th Prompt-

In my lore, there is no "insta-heal". You don't get healed completely of your injuries/illnesses on day one. There is magic to help speed things along in more serious cases, magic that can do things like close bleeding wounds immediately or provide instant, though temporary pain relief, and there are definitely plants and other things with magical properties that can help, but healing works, well, "normally", otherwise. You get bandaged up and made to rest (and of course sometimes have to participate in physical therapy).

Examples of dragons who use healing magic in the Empire include Bluebird (A grumpy shaman and one of the most powerful healers in the empire), Wintermoon (a physical therapist and also Bluebird's assistant), and Lilac (a combat medic).

There are multiple dragons who have chronic/permanent issues in the Empire as well, they include-
  • Aixa was permanentely blinded not long after he became an adult. He's mainly accustomed to it now since it's been several years since it happened; but moving to the Empire gave him access to some aids that he might not have been able to even know of beforehand.
  • Kiroyi has chronic issues with fatique, which he has dealt with for the majority of his life at this point. It's not severe enough to keep him from doing anything, but exerting himself too much can take him down for days and he rarely ever feels fully rested no matter how much sleep he has. Nothing seems to help with it, and he's very, very thankful for his childhood friend who is now his mate, Voinn, because of his everlasting patience and love.
  • Johnson has a combination of chronic pain and a permanent limp due to a traumatic event. He can ignore the pain most days, and he usually manages well with the limp, but when he has a bad day with it, it shows.
  • Kero has a large acid burn scar covering the majority of her right front leg that causes her chronic pain. She is able to mask well and doesn't appear to be in pain for the most part, but the pain is always there.
  • Draflor has been dealing with pain issues since he was little, something that has most healers stumped; he always has pain, but where it hurt varies, and will change throughout the day. Over the years, he has learned to manage it decently well, but it still affects him quite a bit. On top of that, he often has low energy as well.
  • And last for this list (though there are others who could easily be mentioned here), is Aquarius, who has some unique issues. He is always cold, no matter where he is (though it is slightly better in the Ashfall Waste, and more tolerable, making him the odd dragon who enjoys heat. Fire can still hurt him, however.) and his body is slightly cold to the touch for the most part. It's likely an effect of being Shade-Touched, and he also is currently wrestling with his magic; if he can use it or not seems to be unpredictable for the most part. He also burned his hands/front feet severely at one point, and has lost feeling in some parts of his palms due to it. This can made it hard to do delicate things at times, much to his sadness since he loves playing the piano.
I don't think I've participated in this before, but the prompt caught my eye so I'm gonna do some writing thanks to being inspired xD

April 14th Prompt-

In my lore, there is no "insta-heal". You don't get healed completely of your injuries/illnesses on day one. There is magic to help speed things along in more serious cases, magic that can do things like close bleeding wounds immediately or provide instant, though temporary pain relief, and there are definitely plants and other things with magical properties that can help, but healing works, well, "normally", otherwise. You get bandaged up and made to rest (and of course sometimes have to participate in physical therapy).

Examples of dragons who use healing magic in the Empire include Bluebird (A grumpy shaman and one of the most powerful healers in the empire), Wintermoon (a physical therapist and also Bluebird's assistant), and Lilac (a combat medic).

There are multiple dragons who have chronic/permanent issues in the Empire as well, they include-
  • Aixa was permanentely blinded not long after he became an adult. He's mainly accustomed to it now since it's been several years since it happened; but moving to the Empire gave him access to some aids that he might not have been able to even know of beforehand.
  • Kiroyi has chronic issues with fatique, which he has dealt with for the majority of his life at this point. It's not severe enough to keep him from doing anything, but exerting himself too much can take him down for days and he rarely ever feels fully rested no matter how much sleep he has. Nothing seems to help with it, and he's very, very thankful for his childhood friend who is now his mate, Voinn, because of his everlasting patience and love.
  • Johnson has a combination of chronic pain and a permanent limp due to a traumatic event. He can ignore the pain most days, and he usually manages well with the limp, but when he has a bad day with it, it shows.
  • Kero has a large acid burn scar covering the majority of her right front leg that causes her chronic pain. She is able to mask well and doesn't appear to be in pain for the most part, but the pain is always there.
  • Draflor has been dealing with pain issues since he was little, something that has most healers stumped; he always has pain, but where it hurt varies, and will change throughout the day. Over the years, he has learned to manage it decently well, but it still affects him quite a bit. On top of that, he often has low energy as well.
  • And last for this list (though there are others who could easily be mentioned here), is Aquarius, who has some unique issues. He is always cold, no matter where he is (though it is slightly better in the Ashfall Waste, and more tolerable, making him the odd dragon who enjoys heat. Fire can still hurt him, however.) and his body is slightly cold to the touch for the most part. It's likely an effect of being Shade-Touched, and he also is currently wrestling with his magic; if he can use it or not seems to be unpredictable for the most part. He also burned his hands/front feet severely at one point, and has lost feeling in some parts of his palms due to it. This can made it hard to do delicate things at times, much to his sadness since he loves playing the piano.
April 14:

How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of?

Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?

This is a really cool question!

I don't currently have a designated 'healer' dragon, but this is a reminder that it would be a good idea to have one. I do have many coli teams and they can get put through a bruising, depending on the things they fight.

I would say that healing magic does exist, but there's a limit to it. For example, if a dragon lost a limb, you couldn't grow it back. The only case this may be ignored is for Aberrations who may just decide to regenerate in the Soup and see what happens... for better or for worse. Most dragons would use prosthetics in that case, depending on what happened.

In the healing den I would imagine there are lots of different things that can be used as medicine and treatment. Dragons have eyeglasses and bandages, so treatments like that would be easy. For magic-based afflictions, the archives in the Library have plenty of records of things that have worked in the past. Generally one may have to quarantine to try to stay away from other magic sources that may trigger a reaction.
April 14:

How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of?

Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?

This is a really cool question!

I don't currently have a designated 'healer' dragon, but this is a reminder that it would be a good idea to have one. I do have many coli teams and they can get put through a bruising, depending on the things they fight.

I would say that healing magic does exist, but there's a limit to it. For example, if a dragon lost a limb, you couldn't grow it back. The only case this may be ignored is for Aberrations who may just decide to regenerate in the Soup and see what happens... for better or for worse. Most dragons would use prosthetics in that case, depending on what happened.

In the healing den I would imagine there are lots of different things that can be used as medicine and treatment. Dragons have eyeglasses and bandages, so treatments like that would be easy. For magic-based afflictions, the archives in the Library have plenty of records of things that have worked in the past. Generally one may have to quarantine to try to stay away from other magic sources that may trigger a reaction.
Fishes __ she/her | +3 FR time
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April 14th prompt

There’s two healers and an alchemist in the clan. Should be noted that, no matter how powerful magic is, that they can’t heal serious wounds/illnesses in one day. Minor scrapes are easily dealt with, but something like a broken bone (for example) is gonna take time. Then there’s things like poisoning (magical or not) - that might take a while to brew an antidote. And take something like an alchemist to solve.

Verdaunt is the main healer. Unfortunately he’s…not very popular. Mainly due to an extremely arrogant nature, and a tendency for smacking patients with the staff he carries. Thing is, though, is that he is probably the best individual to go to if you’ve got a serious injury. He tends to use natural remedies - things like flowers, plants etc.

Florentino’s more of a field/combat medic. He’s often away, since he’s allied himself to a band of mercenaries.

Yael’s an alchemist. She’s the best one to go to if you’ve been poisoned or enchanted. She’ll usually treat you for free as well.

As for those with permanent/chronic conditions…:
  • Thorne was born blind. He gets around just fine (mostly uses his whiskers & talons). He can also smell magic, which is as useful to others as it is to him.
  • Requiem got blinded by a curse before he arrived in the city. While his blindness probably could be reversed, he’s of the belief that only the one who cursed him can heal him, and he hasn’t found them yet. Still, he’s mostly grown used to navigating by sound/smell now.
  • Breac has chronic pain from a traumatic injury he sustained in the past. As a result, he can only move quite slowly and tends to use a cane to help him get around. Usually copes quite well, but he can have bad days every so often.
April 14th prompt

There’s two healers and an alchemist in the clan. Should be noted that, no matter how powerful magic is, that they can’t heal serious wounds/illnesses in one day. Minor scrapes are easily dealt with, but something like a broken bone (for example) is gonna take time. Then there’s things like poisoning (magical or not) - that might take a while to brew an antidote. And take something like an alchemist to solve.

Verdaunt is the main healer. Unfortunately he’s…not very popular. Mainly due to an extremely arrogant nature, and a tendency for smacking patients with the staff he carries. Thing is, though, is that he is probably the best individual to go to if you’ve got a serious injury. He tends to use natural remedies - things like flowers, plants etc.

Florentino’s more of a field/combat medic. He’s often away, since he’s allied himself to a band of mercenaries.

Yael’s an alchemist. She’s the best one to go to if you’ve been poisoned or enchanted. She’ll usually treat you for free as well.

As for those with permanent/chronic conditions…:
  • Thorne was born blind. He gets around just fine (mostly uses his whiskers & talons). He can also smell magic, which is as useful to others as it is to him.
  • Requiem got blinded by a curse before he arrived in the city. While his blindness probably could be reversed, he’s of the belief that only the one who cursed him can heal him, and he hasn’t found them yet. Still, he’s mostly grown used to navigating by sound/smell now.
  • Breac has chronic pain from a traumatic injury he sustained in the past. As a result, he can only move quite slowly and tends to use a cane to help him get around. Usually copes quite well, but he can have bad days every so often.
[center][i]Do you have a dragon that is known as a clown or a jester? What sorts of jokes and pranks do they pull. do others find their jokes annoying, or are there some that burst a gut over the silly puns being made?[/i][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] here in the Crackling Skies we have a famous Aberration known for his outrageous jokes, [b]Catalyst[/b]! he is literally one of not the MOST controversial dragons here. some hate him, some love him, but one thing we are all certain of is that he definitely knows too much about some dragons and things.[/columns] [center][i]How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of? Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?[/i][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [b]Primavera[/b] is the healer in my Clan. despite being the type of dragon who's aggressive and hates everyone, she gets the job done, and quite well in that matter! [size=1]might be getting a field medic guy soon, but i don't know when that's gonna happen[/size] for the second question, no - i currenty don't have any dragon with chronic illness... though now i'm considering...[/columns]
Do you have a dragon that is known as a clown or a jester? What sorts of jokes and pranks do they pull. do others find their jokes annoying, or are there some that burst a gut over the silly puns being made?
92994997_350.png here in the Crackling Skies we have a famous Aberration known for his outrageous jokes, Catalyst! he is literally one of not the MOST controversial dragons here. some hate him, some love him, but one thing we are all certain of is that he definitely knows too much about some dragons and things.

How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of?
Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?
84727087_350.png Primavera is the healer in my Clan. despite being the type of dragon who's aggressive and hates everyone, she gets the job done, and quite well in that matter! might be getting a field medic guy soon, but i don't know when that's gonna happen
for the second question, no - i currenty don't have any dragon with chronic illness... though now i'm considering...
[quote name="Kaitorubel" date="2024-04-13 19:47:26" ] How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of? Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like? [/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Kelgias is the primary healer of the Convergence, responsible for handling injuries and disease. Some can be treated with simple healing magic, but others require complex and invasive procedures that few can or are willing to perform. Ix is also a scholar in areas many would consider blasphemous, primarily the process of pulling a dragon from the realm of the deities and returning them to Sornieth. Ix loathes the seeming exploitation of souls as a source of magical energy by the titans of this realm, and seeks to convert others to ixs cause to eventually depower and dethrone these god-kings, freeing the ancestors of dragonkind from their suffering. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Grirzrin acquired veir condition after a treasure-hunting expedition in the Cairnstone Rest went horribly wrong. Veir body is slowly crystallizing, requiring daily treatment to prevent vem from becoming a living statue. Ve is currently a ward of Kelgias, who seems to be one of the only dragons with the patience to handle Grirzrin's disease.
Kaitorubel wrote on 2024-04-13 19:47:26:
How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of?
Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?

Kelgias is the primary healer of the Convergence, responsible for handling injuries and disease. Some can be treated with simple healing magic, but others require complex and invasive procedures that few can or are willing to perform. Ix is also a scholar in areas many would consider blasphemous, primarily the process of pulling a dragon from the realm of the deities and returning them to Sornieth. Ix loathes the seeming exploitation of souls as a source of magical energy by the titans of this realm, and seeks to convert others to ixs cause to eventually depower and dethrone these god-kings, freeing the ancestors of dragonkind from their suffering.

Grirzrin acquired veir condition after a treasure-hunting expedition in the Cairnstone Rest went horribly wrong. Veir body is slowly crystallizing, requiring daily treatment to prevent vem from becoming a living statue. Ve is currently a ward of Kelgias, who seems to be one of the only dragons with the patience to handle Grirzrin's disease.
no FObX7rS.png
nooo R3T9Jmp.png
How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of? Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like? Ooo this is a good one for me since I’ve been procrastinating updating Scilla’s bio. I have interactions with her frenemy business rival Fern in his bio, but I havnt updated hers yet to reflect that. I’ve got some downtime today, so I’ll update this post once I’ve finished that. Update: [url=][img][/img][/url] I added to Scilla’s bio and cleaned up some inconsistencies, and added the links inside. This part I reworded for clarity bc I redread the old version and it didn’t make any sense. [quote] Scilla relatively new addition to the clan, and since she’s not the most extroverted dragon she hasn’t made many friends yet. She’s a good healer, and the clan trusts her, but she’s struggling to form deeper connections. Being a veilspun, Scilla likes sleeping near others, and sometimes she struggles to fall asleep since she feels lonely.[/quote] And this part is new: [quote]One dragon that she has gotten to know recently is Fern. Though their relationship is more akin to frenemy business rivals, and they argue a lot, there’s a mutual respect. Despite their differences, they work well together.[/quote] I also added a bit about healing magic being used as well, it’s just not what she specializes in but it’s there. [url=][img][/img][/url] I also elaborated on some vague points in Fern’s bio. Like what his business actually is, reworded some parts for clarity, and I added lil item icons too! That part took forever. While I was doing that, I found some that would work for [url=]another dragon[/url] as well. Here’s some of what I added today: [quote]He’s not as cold-hearted as he may seem. Sure, he’s a businessman first and foremost, and his Primal eyes coupled with his stern expression can be intimidating, but he has a streak of generosity. If someone really did need his help, he wouldn’t withhold treatment just because they couldn’t pay, or leave them in debt.[/quote][quote]He markets most of his potions outside of the clan, to various rich clients who are willing to pay, it wouldn’t be good for his business if his clients and investors found out he’d been giving out freebies.[/quote] As for chronic illnesses, I did have my random progen with a chronic illness, but I scattered him again and ended up completely re gene-ing him, but his lore is completly unrelated now and I have to basically redo his entire bio from scratch. I do still want him to have some kind of chronic illness or disability since that kinda influences the dynamic he has with my other progen. I’ll edit this when I’m done. Edit: I ended up getting distracted and forgot to actually do this part. Whoops. But so far my idea is that I’m going to project my own disability onto yet another one of my dragons. And maybe use the new augment apparel as a brace or something somewhere.
How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of?
Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?

Ooo this is a good one for me since I’ve been procrastinating updating Scilla’s bio. I have interactions with her frenemy business rival Fern in his bio, but I havnt updated hers yet to reflect that. I’ve got some downtime today, so I’ll update this post once I’ve finished that.

I added to Scilla’s bio and cleaned up some inconsistencies, and added the links inside.
This part I reworded for clarity bc I redread the old version and it didn’t make any sense.
Scilla relatively new addition to the clan, and since she’s not the most extroverted dragon she hasn’t made many friends yet. She’s a good healer, and the clan trusts her, but she’s struggling to form deeper connections. Being a veilspun, Scilla likes sleeping near others, and sometimes she struggles to fall asleep since she feels lonely.
And this part is new:
One dragon that she has gotten to know recently is Fern. Though their relationship is more akin to frenemy business rivals, and they argue a lot, there’s a mutual respect. Despite their differences, they work well together.
I also added a bit about healing magic being used as well, it’s just not what she specializes in but it’s there.

I also elaborated on some vague points in Fern’s bio. Like what his business actually is, reworded some parts for clarity, and I added lil item icons too! That part took forever. While I was doing that, I found some that would work for another dragon as well.
Here’s some of what I added today:
He’s not as cold-hearted as he may seem. Sure, he’s a businessman first and foremost, and his Primal eyes coupled with his stern expression can be intimidating, but he has a streak of generosity. If someone really did need his help, he wouldn’t withhold treatment just because they couldn’t pay, or leave them in debt.
He markets most of his potions outside of the clan, to various rich clients who are willing to pay, it wouldn’t be good for his business if his clients and investors found out he’d been giving out freebies.

As for chronic illnesses, I did have my random progen with a chronic illness, but I scattered him again and ended up completely re gene-ing him, but his lore is completly unrelated now and I have to basically redo his entire bio from scratch. I do still want him to have some kind of chronic illness or disability since that kinda influences the dynamic he has with my other progen. I’ll edit this when I’m done.

Edit: I ended up getting distracted and forgot to actually do this part. Whoops. But so far my idea is that I’m going to project my own disability onto yet another one of my dragons. And maybe use the new augment apparel as a brace or something somewhere.
A sideways aromantic flag next to the word ‘aromantic’A sideways asexual flag next to the word ‘asexual’A sideways agender flag next to the words ‘they/them’
hi there, i have no clue what im doing
please ping me in all replies!
Fandragons | Wishlist
[center][i][b]Prompt for April 4th, 2024[/b] Do you have a dragon that is known as a clown or a jester? What sorts of jokes and pranks do they pull. do others find their jokes annoying, or are there some that burst a gut over the silly puns being made?[/i][/center] i have no certified jesters, but a few of my dragons are jokesters. [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]royal[/b] always enjoys a good joke, and often makes light of their own (or others) roles/jobs in the order. being luminax's servant gives you a lot of good material. the rest of the order finds them amusing, though to a point - [b]soleil[/b] is the first to shut him down, especially when he jokes about her. [b]ines[/b] and [b]patois[/b] find it endearing, though, and enjoy them. [/columns] [columns] [b]larae[/b] was once part of a circus of sorts that sought to make every dragon happy, with jokes and pranks being just one part of that. they've since left, but still keep their skills, even if their delivery is mostly deadpan. really, that tends to make things even funnier. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]cardania[/b] especially enjoys them and always looks forward to hearing the next. [i]her[/i] pranks... are not for the faint of heart, as someone who with access to, and the (weakened) power of, a nightmare-granting eldritch horror. her humor is an acquired taste that most other dragons resent. [/columns] [center][i][b]Prompt for April 14th, 2024[/b] How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of? Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?[/i][/center] mirie's clan get their healing through [b]majesty[/b], [b]lochlen[/b], or [b]mirie's[/b] magic. being in the wiretangle walk, i can see medical care being both scarce and abundant lol, but field medicine is probably quite common. her clan has picked up some skills in it during their stay on top of the ones in their previous home. [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]mirie[/b] heals through science and textbooks. "keep the arm at this precise angle," "symptoms include but are not limited to," "add the entolama, [i]then[/i] the peppermint to the solution..." she follows precise numbers and pages for her cures, but also takes her own notes. when the books fail, she'll try to find her own solution. this has it's own risks, of course, but she always tries to make sure it's safe to consume. all of her healing is done out of genuine care, so you can count on her to be thorough in finding help, even if it's incurable or a chronic illness. [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]lochlen and majesty[/b] go for a more natural form of healing. being the clan's foragers and all-around agricultural dragons, they know many natural and not-well-known remedies. lochlen is especially skilled in this; they're able to find a use in just about any plant, being from the scarred wasteland and having to often manage wounds and infections of all kinds. they also rely on guidebooks and such, but not exactly the textbooks mirie has - they're more like forest guides or notebooks to denote a plant's safety and uses. majesty is a mix of lochlen and mirie's methods, having hung around both of them for a while. they're not as experienced as them, but their methods are more out there or experimental than theirs, and tend to prove fruitful when they can't find a solution. however, this can easily lead to unforeseen complications or dangers - are you [i]sure[/i] you should be ingesting a [i]venom?[/i] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]hex[/b] is, inexplicably, more traditional and more experimental than anyone else. a lack of morals really opens up your horizons! being a developer of viruses themself, they've created adequate cures for them in case anything goes wrong. she also has some patients in the hospital ward, and even subjects to test her cures on. her solutions for any given wound or virus can get quite painful. sometimes they leave permanent scars or damage, such as burns or long-term chemical effects. but if you ask, they [i]will[/i] find that solution. sometimes, though, the best methods were perfected far back in history. she's open to using herbs and magic to cure ailments - and sometimes, the best medicine is just getting rest and nutrients. that won't stop her from using this glowing green "catalyst chemical" to speed up the process, though. healing has become a surprisingly major side-job for hex, being [b]possessor's[/b] main medic for all of his subjects, and having to fix what goes wrong in her experiments. [/columns] [columns] finally, [b]leafheart[/b] is a mainly magical healer. she uses nature magic to do her healing, alongside herbs and plants. she can form splints and crutches out of wood or vines with it, and can even stitch with it. it can be painful, though, which is something she can't prevent with her magical abilities. just bite this branch here, and after you can have this herbal tea to relax with! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns]
Prompt for April 4th, 2024

Do you have a dragon that is known as a clown or a jester? What sorts of jokes and pranks do they pull. do others find their jokes annoying, or are there some that burst a gut over the silly puns being made?

i have no certified jesters, but a few of my dragons are jokesters.

royal always enjoys a good joke, and often makes light of their own (or others) roles/jobs in the order. being luminax's servant gives you a lot of good material.

the rest of the order finds them amusing, though to a point - soleil is the first to shut him down, especially when he jokes about her. ines and patois find it endearing, though, and enjoy them.
larae was once part of a circus of sorts that sought to make every dragon happy, with jokes and pranks being just one part of that. they've since left, but still keep their skills, even if their delivery is mostly deadpan. really, that tends to make things even funnier. 83535878.png
79438681.png cardania especially enjoys them and always looks forward to hearing the next. her pranks... are not for the faint of heart, as someone who with access to, and the (weakened) power of, a nightmare-granting eldritch horror.

her humor is an acquired taste that most other dragons resent.

Prompt for April 14th, 2024

How are dragons in your clan healed. Is there a dragon that just casts healing magic to cure others, or is there doctors or some other other way the sick and injured are taken care of?
Are there some dragons that have chronic illness and can't be healed? What is their situation like?

mirie's clan get their healing through majesty, lochlen, or mirie's magic. being in the wiretangle walk, i can see medical care being both scarce and abundant lol, but field medicine is probably quite common. her clan has picked up some skills in it during their stay on top of the ones in their previous home.

81155516.png mirie heals through science and textbooks. "keep the arm at this precise angle," "symptoms include but are not limited to," "add the entolama, then the peppermint to the solution..." she follows precise numbers and pages for her cures, but also takes her own notes. when the books fail, she'll try to find her own solution. this has it's own risks, of course, but she always tries to make sure it's safe to consume.

all of her healing is done out of genuine care, so you can count on her to be thorough in finding help, even if it's incurable or a chronic illness.

lochlen and majesty go for a more natural form of healing. being the clan's foragers and all-around agricultural dragons, they know many natural and not-well-known remedies. lochlen is especially skilled in this; they're able to find a use in just about any plant, being from the scarred wasteland and having to often manage wounds and infections of all kinds. they also rely on guidebooks and such, but not exactly the textbooks mirie has - they're more like forest guides or notebooks to denote a plant's safety and uses.

majesty is a mix of lochlen and mirie's methods, having hung around both of them for a while. they're not as experienced as them, but their methods are more out there or experimental than theirs, and tend to prove fruitful when they can't find a solution. however, this can easily lead to unforeseen complications or dangers - are you sure you should be ingesting a venom?

91977646.png hex is, inexplicably, more traditional and more experimental than anyone else. a lack of morals really opens up your horizons!

being a developer of viruses themself, they've created adequate cures for them in case anything goes wrong. she also has some patients in the hospital ward, and even subjects to test her cures on. her solutions for any given wound or virus can get quite painful. sometimes they leave permanent scars or damage, such as burns or long-term chemical effects. but if you ask, they will find that solution.

sometimes, though, the best methods were perfected far back in history. she's open to using herbs and magic to cure ailments - and sometimes, the best medicine is just getting rest and nutrients. that won't stop her from using this glowing green "catalyst chemical" to speed up the process, though.

healing has become a surprisingly major side-job for hex, being possessor's main medic for all of his subjects, and having to fix what goes wrong in her experiments.
finally, leafheart is a mainly magical healer. she uses nature magic to do her healing, alongside herbs and plants. she can form splints and crutches out of wood or vines with it, and can even stitch with it. it can be painful, though, which is something she can't prevent with her magical abilities. just bite this branch here, and after you can have this herbal tea to relax with! 92073030.png
ash, any pronouns
username-based names also good!

FR time +3 | ping me!

proud lightning intern o7
we dont complain, we die at work




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dragonbunny workshop!

Lore Whining time!

Prompt for April 24, 2024

It's already festival time again. so Write about a dragon that most matches water flight in some way. it can be a dragon with a mysterious nature or a dragon dressed in lots of water flight apparel or your favorite Guardian or Undertide.

Lore Whining time!

Prompt for April 24, 2024

It's already festival time again. so Write about a dragon that most matches water flight in some way. it can be a dragon with a mysterious nature or a dragon dressed in lots of water flight apparel or your favorite Guardian or Undertide.

[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Oh, I get to talk about one of my favorite dragons, then! Amidst the clan's leaders, the only one not of the Light is Vivatune, a Water dragon with the power of song. A masterful musician and performer, her music is meant to be a source of inspiration and hope, remembrance and glory. Her expertise in manipulating Water magic also makes her a fearsome wizard when she had to defend herself, although she's pretty gentle and much prefers to avoid conflict. There are Skydancers, and then there's Vivatune, who paints the air and sky with her myriad bubbles and bursts them in succession to create harmonious melodies, weaving through the air and bubbles as she dances and creates her songs. Although a captivating sight to watch, she's vehemently against having a partner herself. She worries where the Tidelore has gone missing, only hoping that her deity is okay, somewhere in the depths.
34214741.png Oh, I get to talk about one of my favorite dragons, then!
Amidst the clan's leaders, the only one not of the Light is Vivatune, a Water dragon with the power of song. A masterful musician and performer, her music is meant to be a source of inspiration and hope, remembrance and glory. Her expertise in manipulating Water magic also makes her a fearsome wizard when she had to defend herself, although she's pretty gentle and much prefers to avoid conflict.
There are Skydancers, and then there's Vivatune, who paints the air and sky with her myriad bubbles and bursts them in succession to create harmonious melodies, weaving through the air and bubbles as she dances and creates her songs. Although a captivating sight to watch, she's vehemently against having a partner herself. She worries where the Tidelore has gone missing, only hoping that her deity is okay, somewhere in the depths.
STwixru.pngLight vs. Arcane 2023 IF Raffle Top 25 Total Tickets! Badge by irithyll!efc4RYV.png