
Level 25 Skydancer
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Glitterfreeze Ambassador
Glitterfreeze Ambassador
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Energy: 50
out of
Ice icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
Hibernating icon
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Ghost Flame Candles
Winter Wind
Black Cat
Silver Earrings of Science
Silver Seraph Headpiece
Twice-Dyed Mantle
Silver Seraph Wing Ornament
Dire Kelpie Mane
Gossamer Silk Veil
Glitterfreeze Halo
Icicle Chains
Simple Iron Bracelets
Deadpan Jester's Cape
Frosted Woodbrace
White Linen Arm Wraps
Frosted Woodtreads
Silver Seraph Tail Bangle
Hoary Scale Greaves
Heraldic Tail Tatters
Glowing Blue Clawtips


Accent: Spirit Markings SD


Scene: Winter


3.56 m
6.51 m
596.18 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 08, 2018
(6 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level




  • none




The Frigid Prince

trait • trait • trait



Full Name: Aquarius Zima
Affiliation: The Great Iron-Forged Empire
Elemental Allegiance: text text
Alignment: text text text text
Rank: Royalty
Caste: Gold

text text text text text text text text text



The hallowed lands so far behind
As fleeting dreams still linger
Like distant voices through the rain
Like grains of sand cast from my hands
I never thought I'd go this far
Without a star to cross the seas
So far from shores I'd left behind
Still far from shores I've yet to reach

I try to find the strength I need
To calm the doubts in my belief
With the will, I know my heart won't break

And if I have strength, then I've belief
If I have love, my heart still beats
Here under stars
Far from home

- "Homeward" by VNV Nation


A splash broke the silence in the snowy clearing as a male Skydancer burst out of the large lake in the area, gasping for air. His feet kicked to keep him afloat while his hands splashed around, desperate for anything they could get a hold of to get him out of the water. The water wasn’t that deep where he was, but he wasn’t adept at swimming; something that was obvious due to his flailing movements.

As erratic as his motions were, he eventually reached the shore, where he slowly pulled himself out of the water, breathing hard from the exertion. He didn’t stop moving until he was completely out of the water, collapsing onto his stomach in the snow. He was spent… exhausted, from all that effort. Swimming was not something he had seriously done before, and thus, it had taken a lot out of him. He did not have the stamina for it.

Maybe he could just rest for a bit in the snow. That sounded good…


He sat up on his knees with a start, inhaling sharply as the realization hit him full force. No. He shouldn’t be alive. He shouldn’t be here, breathing and moving, in the snow like this. He should be dead. He had been pushed into a very cold lake, when he couldn’t swim. He had gone completely under. He remembered the blacking out, the horrendous feeling of not being able to breathe as everything went dark.

But yet, somehow. He was here. How?

The Skydancer stumbled to his feet, nearly falling back over as his legs nearly gave out on him, feeling dazed and overwhelmed. This couldn’t… it shouldn’t be possible. He had drowned. There was no way he should be able to stand and breathe and move around like he was doing now.

His heart was beginning to race at this point and he found himself having to lean against a nearby tree before he ended up falling back down due to his dizziness and his currently shaking legs. What… what even was all this? A second chance? No. He didn’t deserve that. Not one bit. So why? Why in all of Sornieth was he still alive?

A wave of cold washed over him and he shivered, pulling his arms close to him as he did so, shifting to lean further against the tree. And why was he so cold? He didn’t get cold. He was an ice dragon. This was a downright unnatural feeling and he despised it. Even in soaked clothing he shouldn’t be feeling cold like this. It made no sense…

Shivering again, his eyes moved around the area he was in, taking in his surroundings for the first time. Something wasn’t right. He couldn’t place it. He knew this area well, for it was a place he often spent time in, even though he preferred to stay away from the water, and so, it was obvious to him that something was amiss. But what? The clearing looked the same, was it the weather? It was snowing lightly now, and had been since he had crawled out of the cold depths of the lake, unlike the stillness that had fallen over the area not long before the argument…

What was going on? There weren’t any footprints in the snow at all, other than the ones he had just left moments before as he had stumbled through the snow. That made no sense. Where were his footprints from before he got pushed in? More importantly, where were her footprints? From when she had rushed up to him furiously, yelling in his face after he had gotten the nerve to finally confront her? Surely it hadn’t snowed so much in a short length of time to cover up all signs of that event?

He pressed the fingers of one hand against his forehead as he closed his eyes, sliding to his knees. Surely it hadn’t been longer than that. It.. it couldn’t be. It had only felt like he had passed out for a little while before coming to again, but as he thought, he became slowly aware of a blank spot in his memory. Like he had just woken up from a dreamless sleep, but a longer black area than for it to be just that. No. It.. surely wasn’t possible. How long had he really been out? How was he still alive if it hadn’t been only a few minutes?

Again, how was he even alive at all? He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. He didn’t suddenly gain the ability to breathe underwater, not when he had still needed to breathe when he became aware again. The memories of asphyxiation were still fresh and clear in his mind as well, no matter how long it had really been. It just… it just wasn’t possible. He couldn’t have died and come back either, surely. No. That wasn’t right either.

Bewildered and fearful, the Skydancer shifted off of his knees so he was sitting on a hip, shivering as he leaned against the tree. He had no idea what to do. He needed to figure out what was going on, get back to his home, tell the others he was not dead, that someone had attempted to kill him. That is, if they were still around. No. It couldn’t have been that long. They were still around, surely. Maybe even… she was still around. The one who had tried to kill him.

Could it have been even longer than that? He needed to find out soon. Really soon.

It couldn’t have been that long, could it?

First and foremost though, he needed to rest. For someone who had apparently been in some sort of strange coma for the past who knows how long, he was exhausted. Not just physically, either; his overwhelming thoughts had left him mentally tired as well. He just wanted to rest. He wasn’t up to wandering to look for someone he could talk to just yet. That could wait.

He let his eyelids slip closed, pulling his coat closer to him as he slowly drifted off into an uneasy and cold sleep.


Name Pronunciation: Uh-qwair-ee-iss
Gender (Pronouns): Male (he/him)

Breed: Skydancer
Birth Element: Ice
Elemental Strength:



Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.



Approximate Age: Young adult
Sexuality: Bisexual (biromantic), polyam
Marital Status: Single
---Mate: N/A
Relationship Status: Available







Location of Nesting/Hatching:

Other Known Relations:

Offspring: N/A


Closest Friend(s):



Royalty: some text will be here:

Frozen Knapsack Winter Wind 153.pngice.pngicef1.pngiceshieldl.png

Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.

[.] . [.] . [.] . [.]

Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.


Physical Details

Apparent Age:
Body Length:
Eye Colour:

Trinkets/Small Apparel:

Physical Abnormalities/Disabilities-

Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.



Homin/Bipedal Form

Physical Age:
Eye Colour:


Extra Details-

Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.



In aliquam orci in semper consectetur. Integer sed viverra nisl. Curabitur lobortis sapien sem, at pharetra tellus ornare at. In nec mauris quis nibh lobortis vulputate vel sit amet nulla. Ut fermentum vel leo ut interdum. Curabitur condimentum accumsan enim, eget ullamcorper sapien feugiat ac. In ullamcorper mi in lectus venenatis, vel molestie urna maximus. In pellentesque ut eros non euismod. Quisque vitae mi non justo suscipit faucibus ut in quam. Quisque gravida dictum massa ac faucibus. Quisque ornare purus vel lectus varius, id tempor justo scelerisque. Sed lacinia accumsan dignissim. Vestibulum nec suscipit risus.

Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.



In aliquam orci in semper consectetur. Integer sed viverra nisl. Curabitur lobortis sapien sem, at pharetra tellus ornare at. In nec mauris quis nibh lobortis vulputate vel sit amet nulla. Ut fermentum vel leo ut interdum. Curabitur condimentum accumsan enim, eget ullamcorper sapien feugiat ac. In ullamcorper mi in lectus venenatis, vel molestie urna maximus. In pellentesque ut eros non euismod. Quisque vitae mi non justo suscipit faucibus ut in quam. Quisque gravida dictum massa ac faucibus. Quisque ornare purus vel lectus varius, id tempor justo scelerisque. Sed lacinia accumsan dignissim. Vestibulum nec suscipit risus.

Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.



Outfit here





The Elder
quote here

Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.



The ???
quote here

Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.

name, the Glitterfreeze Ambassador

Status: Awakened

In aliquam orci in semper consectetur. Integer sed viverra nisl. Curabitur lobortis sapien sem, at pharetra tellus ornare at. In nec mauris quis nibh lobortis vulputate vel sit amet nulla. Ut fermentum vel leo ut interdum. Curabitur condimentum accumsan enim, eget ullamcorper sapien feugiat ac. In ullamcorper mi in lectus venenatis, vel molestie urna maximus. In pellentesque ut eros non euismod. Quisque vitae mi non justo suscipit faucibus ut in quam. Quisque gravida dictum massa ac faucibus. Quisque ornare purus vel lectus varius, id tempor justo scelerisque. Sed lacinia accumsan dignissim. Vestibulum nec suscipit risus.



In aliquam orci in semper consectetur. Integer sed viverra nisl. Curabitur lobortis sapien sem, at pharetra tellus ornare at. In nec mauris quis nibh lobortis vulputate vel sit amet nulla. Ut fermentum vel leo ut interdum. Curabitur condimentum accumsan enim, eget ullamcorper sapien feugiat ac. In ullamcorper mi in lectus venenatis, vel molestie urna maximus. In pellentesque ut eros non euismod. Quisque vitae mi non justo suscipit faucibus ut in quam. Quisque gravida dictum massa ac faucibus. Quisque ornare purus vel lectus varius, id tempor justo scelerisque. Sed lacinia accumsan dignissim. Vestibulum nec suscipit risus.

Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.



In aliquam orci in semper consectetur. Integer sed viverra nisl. Curabitur lobortis sapien sem, at pharetra tellus ornare at. In nec mauris quis nibh lobortis vulputate vel sit amet nulla. Ut fermentum vel leo ut interdum. Curabitur condimentum accumsan enim, eget ullamcorper sapien feugiat ac. In ullamcorper mi in lectus venenatis, vel molestie urna maximus. In pellentesque ut eros non euismod. Quisque vitae mi non justo suscipit faucibus ut in quam. Quisque gravida dictum massa ac faucibus. Quisque ornare purus vel lectus varius, id tempor justo scelerisque. Sed lacinia accumsan dignissim. Vestibulum nec suscipit risus.

Mauris semper arcu eu ultricies vulputate. Maecenas nec euismod nibh. In ornare magna eu pellentesque fringilla. Proin varius sapien lacus, non finibus mi tempor ultricies. Cras sollicitudin ligula sed turpis porttitor dictum. Suspendisse mollis iaculis ipsum. Donec at felis aliquam, gravida nisi eget, vulputate metus.



★ His skin is always cold to the touch. Due to this, he's wary of touching others. He doesn't want to hurt any who are negatively affected by the cold, and he also doesn't like getting negative reactions from others, which often happens when he accidentally brushes someone.
★★ Due to the above fact, he keeps his tail around/close to his legs, and keeps his hands/arms close to himself as well.




by DefinedVines!


by Wyrmilius!


by Iceluoxue!


by tysm!


by hatandclogs!


by Kaial!


by Duduri!


by LostStarship!


by SilverPhoenix!


by Griminal!


by Skyflu!


by Drytil!


by Liliun!


by Mynnthia!



Thanks To--



Please note that this dragon is NOT available for sale, for trade, or to breed with your dragon(s).


basic bio code by creosote #101073, editing by me
flag by RockportSlayer
golden divider by mibella
textured buttons by tinygryphon
other dividers/assets by archaic
artwork banner by starkindler
snowy banner by Brahkest
mini elemental divider, skydancer emblem and statues by drytil
elemental shield, bottle, symbol, scroll, vertical flags, and dividers by osiem
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Exalting Aquarius to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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