
Skins and Accents

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[size=3][font=cambria][color=#6F6A57]@reithya @KaichouKai @Sols @Askesis x2 @Silverishness @Laeyein @inn @hydde The first run of [i][b]i. lady of the forest[/i][/b] is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today! The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much! c: [center][img][/img] /////[/center] [size=3][font=cambria][color=#6F6A57]@reithya @Sols @HurricaneWinds @Askesis @xylocopa @ardisia @Silverishness @Laeyein @inn The first run of [i][b]i. lady of the lake[/i][/b] is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today! The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much! [center][img][/img] /////[/center] [size=3][font=cambria][color=#6F6A57]@reithya @Sols @KaichouKai @HurricaneWinds @Askesis x2 @knoggelvi @Silverishness @Laeyein The first run of [i][b]i. lady autumn[/i][/b] is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today! The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much! [center][img][/img] /////[/center] [size=3][font=cambria][color=#6F6A57]@reithya @Nahviintaas @Silverishness @ufology @Askesis x2 @Laeyein @SuzyChi @inn The first run of [i][b]i. lady of wheat[/i][/b] is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today! The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much! [center][img][/img][/center]
@reithya @KaichouKai @Sols @Askesis x2 @Silverishness @Laeyein @inn @hydde

The first run of i. lady of the forest is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today!

The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much! c:



@reithya @Sols @HurricaneWinds @Askesis @xylocopa @ardisia @Silverishness @Laeyein @inn

The first run of i. lady of the lake is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today!

The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much!



@reithya @Sols @KaichouKai @HurricaneWinds @Askesis x2 @knoggelvi @Silverishness @Laeyein

The first run of i. lady autumn is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today!

The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much!



@reithya @Nahviintaas @Silverishness @ufology @Askesis x2 @Laeyein @SuzyChi @inn

The first run of i. lady of wheat is filled! Please send me the payment in a One-Way CR or PM! Once I receive your payment I will mark you down as paid and once enough people pre-order I can go ahead and get the skin submitted today!

The accent is 850g and is for Gaoler Female! Thank you all so much!

b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
@allegoon Thank you so much for sharing! I love the tonal shifts it added and that his eyes look like jewels~ ♥
@allegoon Thank you so much for sharing! I love the tonal shifts it added and that his eyes look like jewels~ ♥
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
----- [center][size=2][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d][url=][b]I[/b] N T R O[/url] | [url=][b]R[/b] U L E S[/url] | [url=][b]C[/b] U R R E N T - [b]S[/b] K I N S & [b]A[/b] C C E N T S[/url] | [url=][b]A[/b] R C H I V E S[/url] | [url=][b]S[/b] H O W C A S E[/url] | [url=][b]P[/b] I N G L I S T[/url] | [url=][b]C[/b] R E D I T S[/url][/size][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]G[/b] O D D E S S - [b]S[/b] E R I E S |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d][size=4]Greetings All! You are being pinged for the release of my new skin, [i][b]The Goddess of...[/i][/b] series! I recently found a dragon who looked best as a banescale and then bewoed the fact I had no skins to go with her. So! Here is a small little series for banescale females! Just as a heads up, the other skins still haven't come back to me, the queue seems rather long atm, but once those come back and (hopefully) are approved I'll be sending the first run out and pinging for the other runs currently full! c: If you need a preview, ask or feel free to click the link to self-previewing! It may take me a minute to respond but I'll get to you ASAP. Feel free to comment if you have a question, are having trouble with the spreadsheet, etc! I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the accents I have made/will make! ♥ Thank you all so much for stopping by/viewing! ♥[/font][/color] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns][/center] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d] [I][b]ii.[/b] goddess of oasis[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]B[/b] A N E S C A L E - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [I]Does not retire.[/i] [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 850g ----- [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][url=]| [b]P[/b] R E V I E W |[/url] [url=]| [b]P[/b] R E O R D E R |[/url][/font][/color] [/columns] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d] [I][b]ii.[/b] goddess of wither[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]B[/b] A N E S C A L E - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [I]Does not retire.[/i] [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 850g ----- [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][url=]| [b]P[/b] R E V I E W |[/url][/url] [url=]| [b]P[/b] R E O R D E R |[/url][/font][/color] [/columns] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d] [I][b]ii.[/b] goddess of empires[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]B[/b] A N E S C A L E - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [I]Does not retire.[/i] [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 850g ----- [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][url=]| [b]P[/b] R E V I E W |[/url] [url=]| [b]P[/b] R E O R D E R |[/url][/font][/color] [/columns] ----- [center][size=5][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]G[/b] E N E R A L - [b]H[/b] O U S E K E E P I N G |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d][font=4]01. See [url=]Rules[/url] here for any general questions on how my pre-orders and other things work! Obviously feel free to just ask me and I can tell you as well. c: 02. For [I]the goddess series[/i] preorder please expect a ping when slots are filled at least 5 (or full)! Then expect a PA for 1 treasure in roughly one to two week's time for it to go through the queue. I will ping you if something goes wrong or I need to re-do something! [b][i]Just a heads up:[/b][/i] I have changed to submitting as many/all of the runs at once, so there will be multiple pings at once! But if I encounter a problem you'll get a ping from me, etc.[/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]P[/b] I N G L I S T |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=3][font=spectral][color=#968d7d] @Reithya @rookfern @SleepyTomato @Maeva @RainyCerdae @gentlytohear @Askesis @Rhapsodus @Mystel @maliketh @Meii @willowlight @lugia492 @CrowleyGhost @ikunoche @Marrigan @Sealterbloind @Closetcreep @606 @Hag @KaichouKai @cinTamani @Hideki @Mazurkas @Spookio @meteors @Necramancy @Jabberwocky09 @findingpears @Cringe @Suntouched @Bloomed @Luunai @Xemriss @Demonochorus @Solcie @Aku @Sic @Apology @Kael @Sanzuwu @exp @Altassar @Vulpen @Tuath @Croissants @Spark @Decaying @Hasufel @GermanicNordic @Laeyein @Flora @Subjugation @PlaguedPride @Vrtra @pensive @Paralian @CryptidUni @xoLunaox @insight89x @Behlair @LovelyDeeps @Novrre @Munchcatto @Schattenfeuer @Airmalli @Eviscerate @Moirne @TeenyTK @pedanticism @LArte @Marmite @Self @Outpost @Cao @batfossil @tokyoisms @Takora @inthedusk @Gurrero @Industry @Hemophobia @saltmarsh @Psi @Sinnouk @creosote @iniquitas @chaoticstars @SuzyChi @milkchai @pepster @MittensTheKitten @Microfauna @Joule @Skyleidge @Toska @Unrest @distaste @above @Hazelby @laivence @Digi @JavaMP @Neoo @Worgen @Yukivrali @Archaic @Invaki @Kaimon @Peachbug @Kiddo @dragonpals @onuo @morn @Wrath @ikelu @Zer00 @Houndstooth @xique @komi @Fortuna @Crim @GarbagePal @Vanitatum @Hydrocity @MineralTownNPC @dandyfrau @Sidya @bumblebree14 @Ridaine @HalfPintVerdance @romeus @sleepea @RogueHazel @PaigeBoi @Cynil @Lejsek @elvamere @BeingOfSalt @Defiance @lusterwing @chasegirl @arcanehierophant @myasmic @hex @Tuberose @Crim @AquaArcs @lanseax @Eucyon @HandleAnimal @StarrySkyTonight @Budsturga @Voltaic @Deva @Northerly @vortexbreakdown @knoggelvi @allegoon @sedge122 @Zelai @Lewyn @errika @weathering @Dimness[/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][size=3][font=spectral][color=#968d7d][url=]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Banescale F, Skincent, filigree, flowers/floral, gold, warm colors, royalty, piercings, markings, jewelry/silks, cool colors[/center][br][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@IAmStillATestAccount @jbapple @caelumdeity @Seadramon @velvetpaws @anrei @Naakka @Vespertiine @wildewinged @Soupy @reliquiaen @ofendlessstars @Trickilicky @Nevros @FairyArmadillo @BlackWinter @Akal @Redsparrow @hayum @Pumpcat @Mirrorface @Narif @MusicalMaladies @Oriel @mus @Faileas @Jazz @rethi @annadandelion @Velsim @Argonaut @ThirtyOne @OverlordFreya @Toxiee @Darlnim @Athexreh @Emordnilap @Stasha @HiddenMica @sorai @necrophades @kaaoqi @rubyredtan @Godspeed @Harribel @Maila @veevi @IndigoCat @Lynchly @LionMagnus @Geowlett @anhbon921 @Runi @Arrakis @BlackMistress @Maye @Goldenstorm @MollyMerula @qew23 @Cuddleh @theroiprocepios @Lonin @Cryptic @Raydioactive @Ysdaar @VolatileMatter @Gem4567 @HighFives @Hemospect @Ixnyeltha @Zayev @vely @Veevi @Niklia @Twiggies @Sharkbutt @Pieeee @selenomancy @Prelude @azhdrake @greyyourwarden @synnful @chocomonster @Snowkitsu @cutinstincts @hawwah @Xemriss @Ebrietas @Dior @ilimati @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Panopticon @Moonlace @Rosoidela @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Camrrito @Apothecaria @nemodave @Okacuine @Featherly @Minstri @BloodSentry @grr @Wrath @InHeritent @CatTangle @Peisinoe @Smokeybunny @Britty @Pseudoscience @jsquiddy @Whitefoxtails @Sonora @Lycoteuthis @Noirist @Dishonor @DawnRavenclaw @Naem @sableye @Tinytalkingtina @cywscross @Veracity @comette @Alraune @Leucine @Aoroen @Owlienerd @Irrwahn @MechWyrms @Necrovatai @Fukii @Gwendolyn @porifra @Ythequeris @Nardaviel @Rangiku @PeonydKingpin @Saraku @yomnea33 @Duskflame @Deana @Cethosia @Valolaire @Ashirene @Sagittarium @astroprojection @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @WheatleyScience @ThatOneGirl @oilux @brdey @pretend @londoner @Alstroemeria @ToxicE @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Shadowlugia711 @Steamplonk @loststarship @Apotheca @Tuatara @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Starrlight @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @wedredding @cloverly @Lauros @MadaMada @ffgrape @Illuminary @Ivypooll @Fujinyumi @uniquelykenn @NorthSong @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @perifinite @oly @TalaTari @Acacia @FernCoyote @limeypie @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @haylxx @MisfitsLanding @kumoko @Goolix @Shadowangel @RyukaTheDragon @Croissants @bioglitch @Deva @00Riku00 @nonaline @micchikureshima @Alive @Oodie @Jenkow @gemino @Keikoku @Mudguts @Fervanus @AntivirusAndroid @TxTiger @Hideki @Myndris @luckless @artillerychick @zeguk @Tangaroa @Pollen @NoodleMomma @bryna @ideunatty @Holi @Dangeroux @elfmoss @BizarreKitten @SparkleOfGold @manacampbell @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Felisaries @WildFlora @Noxclerati @Illume @bitmap @caedis @Raptora @Suntouched @koujakward @Peyp @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Lunox @Finne @Artichoke @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @CrossHound @24lovefancy @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @GryphonSong @Alliance @batcrooks @HermaMora @ancelstierre @Mickie @Karanja @Convexity @rosevoids @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @Facinarose @Sinai @SquidneyTsu @TheMeatloafQueen @DevilFlower @Cognitive @Guest @Doodeedoodah @Silence @cosmicConundrum @valiantmeasures @Addmon @Denryu @Jabberwocky09 @Elody @SquidMage @Darkrait @angsthound @firtarian @warthog @TwilightStars @Cynil @STRHKR @valkyrian @unsolved @AqunAthlok @Kaial @NorthernLiights @terato @Cascarones @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @Dalilah @terrellini @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @Bhaskara @arboretumm @Morvudd @amberrosalie @Ilesvia @Shaire @PhoenixFire36 @Rafaru @antiserum @Malachite @Artorias @X3X @ETVermin @foreboding @SylphOfHeart @ghxy @Drag0n5 @alatefeline @Bumblesweet @sensiblesoap @Ectopi @andersbegabt @Aeriel @tytonidae @Loyalties @ninjanuary @DragonDraws @Kikatzu @TheClassCalico @celastrea @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @dandyfrau @Eiyora @Weredogalism @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @TheBluestJay @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @Venture @briar @CoyoteFlowers @Ky0n @keyy @sneakys @SDSPAGE @schnauze @RainingAcid @Kryptica @Cyrya @VioletChachki @rattus @NowViewing @techmess @Bluwingskitty @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @WhisperSpirit @Vialheart @starskynadder @Hardycat @Chelo @Halua @Cryfie @deerfawn @Fukase @snberry @ThatOneSandWing @ribbonz @MildChameleon @solariaa @SoullessWendigo @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @PikaChan412 @ShadowPiper @Osmodeus @HayBay @Harana @dogma @Psi @Mip @TAOGTMI @Drachenhort @Fujo @shot @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @Duchess @LLev @viktowl @angstprxnce @LoyalStar @SepiaSenpai @Naahva @mayka @RinyshkaS @klee @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @Voidshadow @LemmeRest @Fawniti @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @Kaidi @stanley @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Eleventh @Snowtea @serron @ThePlasticTree @gefrorenerzahn @Anticx @Ebby172 @RubyZoisite @Taerar @inn @Spark @RoyalLudroth @choimango @leeedea @heckhound @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @Tremble @BillyRuffian @Mintso @Siris @MoonMelody28 @cobwebs @Realms @concept @Snivy88 @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @BitterTea @sicksip @Ellanoi @Drastalblight @CelestialMuse @SimFeetUnder @Nonsense @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @DeltaDragon246 @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @gracegraceplant @girlgirlDragon @MetalSpaghetti @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @apricotstarship @heathermoon @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @Acheri @Overcoat @Elisse @Adriel @Irmingard @Banhi @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @pwllhalen @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @Grovey @Sunline @Vovina @techne @Munancho @Juleatic @Riptidee @ReneDV98 @pilotbites @ArtofSocrates @lotusen @Zivo @Allychan @GoldStar @Banguela @WitchHunt @knifecentipede @Asterodea @Crumpet @Reverent @Liliun @Ravaarian @draaviinrays @CorvidKnight @LordDragonWubbs @Sadiegreen @Oxy @Lordofthepies @Maeva @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @squishypeachy @big @Xarina @mikaeia @Arkeyr79 @Starisia @moosesushi @Cerion @Azurine @Vulpen @lemecrazy @pooses @Lichtdrache @Icystorm @SilverQuark @Juni @ToxieToxie @pathfinder @iaqo @Endyr @faraway @Koneko @218715 @Trachynhawb @Aava @Zyanith @Dragonlaird @puppicino @flightyvandal @InkedMyths @mangoeclipse @titian @pandapaws @FlareSolaire @DeltaNegative @sunnyVista @Mistakes @TornadoTorrie @Rayzor @GoneWithTheSin @Kom @Magnanimous @Arka @Danizaurs @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @Suspended @Heliolisk @Gross @TehuMertt @Biird @desiher @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @Bantymom @CoffeeCaat @Njerro @Anduins @Starfire0 @amimari @ArcticFire @dustfawn @Visceryl @Watercolour @lightly @ghostheel @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @IromotNemem @Verosa @despairpods @xjsx @putrefaction @SolnaSuon @Ichorous @serpentarius @Joywing @junu @Mir @BurntCookies @Khezu @Lurkingbullfox @Rookery @LynterriaHatake @pinkkittens @Saerino @Tilli @Doxiunoia @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @razzamatazz @Kelpoyo @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @TenderVulture @Katigura @HPPJWoF @cvthedral @kijauni @minervamaga @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @chetungwan @TamneSenke @varjopeura @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @cantrip @Spooky @Namarie @Skeletiano @ashenraven @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @scarletskyz @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @bonesdarling @VeryMuchATest @batnap @suffragette @astereia @serpents @apathes @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @ladymoon2886 @CandyKacktus @summerwar @notamused @uncle @Gaston @succulents @fraudulentzodiac @Binardown @XSoldierAntX @Jaypaw @Nirwana @RaspyBone @vasily @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @nebulasandjays @Aushi @JotaroCujoh @Pinkuu @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @Sealterbloind @Reckless @Ponscha @Sarafina @Resorant @Mima @Iralla @BlazingSkyDragon @cholesky @Raptorgrrl @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @tambadabam @vendi @Luunai @CrystalExarch @Saeldryn @mega1omaniacal @Kisk @Aisuryu @Peafowl @durandal @RuinousOmen @xxxx @Dydomio @Desecrated @MathematicalMind @Taarnfalk @mrgbmommy @Kimmeh @hellieace @Solinary @Onyswift @FrostNiskare @Mysthia @decays @Ballad @LittleLuckyLucy @kaibutsu @Rubyserpent @orangesunrise @User9125 @Endofwave @tinkabelle @WyvernRathian @Natron @Paranatural @Denyzia @hydde @galaxytherobin @Nukleer @venvi @sallow @silveremouse @Johan @Varnaxis @5H4D0WDU57 @Lup @mistygold @Tarvalian @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @Fin72 @Lokey @drool @Atavistic @Atsumi @mistystep @Jazzghost @retrace @Noctiferous @Blubell @PepperClove @CrowleyGhost @hat17 @thatwhatthing @marropo @cloudfilledskies @Lunyra @Killunia @Mikada @lugia492 @Altassar @caution @KittyAoba @madameprez @SilverBelle @Andraya @Lynell @Doomslayer @shozurei @Clearical @Lycoriae @SkyCsxandr @MinnowFox @Bamf @KiteM @Galatheid @Keryth @Rainbowlight @ravenistic @Vyrelord @zephyrouss @Grune @peepsnibbles @LudSa @caathedral @Marrigan @Contaminate @Idyll @nephelle @strawyerberry @Qhersek @Kauria @Yilara @Diamondbacked @BunnySox @ptarmigan @eldrvtch @Tordue @Necramancy @Basileia @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @FoxyPlant @Riddance @sylvalley @mPhish @Druzy @torch @KariThorne @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @DemonChild77 @JamSandwich @WickedPixie @Shyia @sheppo @zeeboot @Galaxius @TypeFull @gaycaesar @Lethia @Kadvan @haxure @LeCheval @bullfrog @QuirkyTea @Farron @smolelf @brevityis @Nuthatch @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Exlann @smilefires @GLaDos42 @Kael1030 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @wolfbutterfly42 @Puffin25 @LSparrow @NadiyaSilver @Spookio @Catgirl742 @DawnBreak77 @137 @sekainouta @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @wanderingworlds @RisenWolf @Joule @Wizardry @lantadyme @pouchipouchi @DashieDoesThings @kingratb @Urza @Cirrostratus @elafralah @Scent @Makomo @Seraph822 @Spooner @SpecialDragon12 @yik @KreepyKrawlies @World @ladywindgrace @Gaze @Ambulocetus @Drymm @Miridiana @swinlock @Golurk @Kaneun @kyaniite @LavaKitto @CyanSenerade @softsylveon @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @EthicsGradient @Houndstooth @Hiii @Outpost @Hag @Shezarrine @Kazure @endlessstation @EmSheshan @artemiswanderer @crogge @Dabble @Astraya @Blushunt @Primrosefortune @Randodemon @rickshawpanther @FuzzyMelon @2towels @FableSky @Are @Tinble @Windowz @Sigmaglow @wintrecat @InkyBrush @valerakki @hallinhammas @Fenixinka @Hrathen @SaintStranger @ZombieBiologist @evidence @Swageus @mithrail @aecasia @Raboniel @MissMaira @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @copiouscrawdadz @Lunakitty @Madrigalism @Trinkets @arsenicxx @epitaffio @oof @kwozmotis @Legacywolf @Miasmas @Panicat @Formenos @Rabbitspirit @doniider @Dewberry @Sushimonsterr @Khayria @Lepton @archons @JustUneven @Euthymia @queenhelixxia @Tomoko10 @SaltyGhost @Courter @ulvesang @Mishra @pacem @CrystallizedMoon @azemn @Aversi @Viscount @frogletfern @sassibirb @liturgies @Rauv @Aletsan @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @Shizuku @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @dolohova @Turmoil @Revius @StarSpeckledInk @Fletchling @AlbinoDragon3605 @Sanzuwu @Oia @Vesperupus @bonivich @miuaki @Snallygaster @Vivarium @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Isyrii @Parad0xxy @KoifishLizard @Magala @WindChimes @Lightwarden @ChristianCutie @eieru @Reithya @CaptainAnabelle @OriginGiratina @IamNoHere @DementedDracon @Allstohel @HellsGate @Asgore @Searen @thelemonsnek @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @Orphism @CurrentFlight @Blackeyed @Glum @TheUltimateOwl @Fauvi @Lupen @Horsedog3799 @Maleficus @Noodlesper @Marmite @Flyteofheart @auldale @maybels @foredoomedRhythm @brightmeadow @kyruiz @InTheDarke @GayNidoKing @beastsniperemmy8 @Empyreal @ikunoche @Eryel @SatansAppendix @Drizzlesong @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @findingpears @Beruga @RheoTastic @Starwindrider @Aevios @Yelloweye @Plouvoir @seamists @Fruitling @meandering @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @makani @CorneliaR @Gravitaxis @Saltymew @kingcrown @ichorus @Yeechen @Hazardoush @TheDEV1L @SouthernPansy @seclusion @HoIIow @Rings @Barok @0hzarks @NimStratus @sgerj @Scaramouche @rinjing @chunsah @NaoNao @dragonNMR @Azureus @prefiringfort @vovatheboss @antmimic @GreatValueCereal @Vwoop @Cathat @Crescentstar711 @Paralian @sockmonkeygerald @munchea @Avair @Nihilus @Violence @Valmue @ghostingskies @Mortca @GuardianLioness @nonbearnary @Businessman @Cheryy @sowilo @thevvitch @whour @ColorfulLava @Jaguarthecat @That1DireWolf @EverestEcho @Zelai @Self @paladinpass @evilpassing @karrion @Sweetnest @BWAPPI @RandomPebble @mungmungbean @Subdued @Scaledowl @NobleRot @ONESTOP @Chickles13 @AlchemistG @DeadShift @Interest @VolcanicThunder @Floot @Pripyat @RahgolDok @gardener @ClownEngaged @lappland @calamityProphet @iniquitas @c4uni @WDGaster @belated @cotardsolution @Karikumik @Nephelid @Kreideprintz @SarynTheHuntress @Novrre @Accismus @rarewareofficial @Katargo @BurittoKimasan @serpentofmoe @meep5109 @eggstve @teetotaled @seen @Airazon @shanshui @Zosimos @Asra9 @ancestral @roastedsoymanny @Mazurkas @Syceris @Okapi @Airaly @lusbiana @Penumbra624 @Askesis @opalineteardrops @Lafite @RaynixAura @soaringmoon @harmonywish @saltmarsh @Benuyka @Gladiolusa @Strome @Hyenalope @Jinxls @Critique @wonderswan @Mutation @WaterMaloneDraws @Phlegethos @Amoeba @Nimrook @Curoi @Azurenight @zleepydelights @Person @Nenahel @lillynxtg @Arsenet5 @Eudialyte @Sashathebrave @draconispletora @Verdice @Zelrune @Tobin @Trilonyte @LordCorvidae @Pouchipouchi @Raan @KCDragons @Verdes @ookpik @ElectricBorelis @Ladyrivers @AsylumBat @Nhemesis @xylocopa @9th @NightmareGiraffe @Falgardien @Aku @meirah @ERabbit @FreyaShadow @BlackRayser @SugaywaraKoushi @SilentWanderer @Blackiebelle @Wytche @Letsgograss @valerianroot @caprisunaddict @Boundary @Lililira @Badendmusical @Silis @milkchai @MysticOfLight @ufology @monstergf @wwhirlybirb @Rohana @Snicket @Jessymetal @Avenue @Doodlepede @fisherboyman @juga @Lomon @Phisans @SirenSerenade @leyndell @leafwreath @yukublack @Nephtys @RobotMothPie @558575 @leoscreams @RThrax @morn @Enekokoro @cythesandwich @Haftlinger @Maliblu @tundraluvr @ardisia @xanax @FloofFeather @ladyvixen @RiztheHuntress @Allaprima @crownfisher @hibikiga @awayfrombirdland @SilvernFrost @XanTheGayCat @drakota77749 @Sols @Juriibirb @ridaine @sleepyrat @Velkhana @Rayvee @Fayo @NitrogenousBaes @Saeliran @Thunderbird21 @CupcakeNova @ANTIM0NY @Rifter @NefariousKing @Hasufel @541614 @EmiT @doremy @shapeshiftr @Comfrey @0Lullaby0 @forcedcoma @kylonaberrie @Arcticpearl @Helixstorm @AlaskanSnow @CountingCrows @Viritan @lanseax @Goldy86 @V0idBird @astora @yascherritsa @foxpaws @StarrySkyTonight @MistyFlame1 @sourlapple @swelter @AzaRein @despoinai @Arkenrall @venneris @MysteryGyn @Yashura @notwit @W0lfBait @Flannerie @penantiomers @kolowaskolo @orest @charaut @Peachbug @Bnemesis @granolabar @Tenuit @Outlook @Luluwi @bunnyfork @Ulises @FWD @spaceship1234 @bergamot @fumarate @MonsteraDelici @laeyin @SentientPumpkins[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]


| G O D D E S S - S E R I E S |
Greetings All! You are being pinged for the release of my new skin, The Goddess of... series! I recently found a dragon who looked best as a banescale and then bewoed the fact I had no skins to go with her. So! Here is a small little series for banescale females!

Just as a heads up, the other skins still haven't come back to me, the queue seems rather long atm, but once those come back and (hopefully) are approved I'll be sending the first run out and pinging for the other runs currently full! c:

If you need a preview, ask or feel free to click the link to self-previewing! It may take me a minute to respond but I'll get to you ASAP.

Feel free to comment if you have a question, are having trouble with the spreadsheet, etc! I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the accents I have made/will make! ♥

Thank you all so much for stopping by/viewing! ♥


ii. goddess of oasis
B A N E S C A L E - F E M A L E
Does not retire.


| P R E V I E W |
| P R E O R D E R |


ii. goddess of wither
B A N E S C A L E - F E M A L E
Does not retire.


| P R E V I E W |[/url]
| P R E O R D E R |


ii. goddess of empires
B A N E S C A L E - F E M A L E
Does not retire.


| P R E V I E W |
| P R E O R D E R |

| G E N E R A L - H O U S E K E E P I N G |
01. See Rules here for any general questions on how my pre-orders and other things work! Obviously feel free to just ask me and I can tell you as well. c:

02. For the goddess series preorder please expect a ping when slots are filled at least 5 (or full)! Then expect a PA for 1 treasure in roughly one to two week's time for it to go through the queue. I will ping you if something goes wrong or I need to re-do something!

Just a heads up: I have changed to submitting as many/all of the runs at once, so there will be multiple pings at once! But if I encounter a problem you'll get a ping from me, etc.

| P I N G L I S T |

@Reithya @rookfern @SleepyTomato @Maeva @RainyCerdae @gentlytohear @Askesis @Rhapsodus @Mystel @maliketh @Meii @willowlight @lugia492 @CrowleyGhost @ikunoche @Marrigan @Sealterbloind @Closetcreep @606 @Hag @KaichouKai @cinTamani @Hideki @Mazurkas @Spookio @meteors @Necramancy @Jabberwocky09 @findingpears @Cringe @Suntouched @Bloomed @Luunai @Xemriss @Demonochorus @Solcie @Aku @Sic @Apology @Kael @Sanzuwu @exp @Altassar @Vulpen @Tuath @Croissants @Spark @Decaying @Hasufel @GermanicNordic @Laeyein @Flora @Subjugation @PlaguedPride @Vrtra @pensive @Paralian @CryptidUni @xoLunaox @insight89x @Behlair @LovelyDeeps @Novrre @Munchcatto @Schattenfeuer @Airmalli @Eviscerate @Moirne @TeenyTK @pedanticism @LArte @Marmite @Self @Outpost @Cao @batfossil @tokyoisms @Takora @inthedusk @Gurrero @Industry @Hemophobia @saltmarsh @Psi @Sinnouk @creosote @iniquitas @chaoticstars @SuzyChi @milkchai @pepster @MittensTheKitten @Microfauna @Joule @Skyleidge @Toska @Unrest @distaste @above @Hazelby @laivence @Digi @JavaMP @Neoo @Worgen @Yukivrali @Archaic @Invaki @Kaimon @Peachbug @Kiddo @dragonpals @onuo @morn @Wrath @ikelu @Zer00 @Houndstooth @xique @komi @Fortuna @Crim @GarbagePal @Vanitatum @Hydrocity @MineralTownNPC @dandyfrau @Sidya @bumblebree14 @Ridaine @HalfPintVerdance @romeus @sleepea @RogueHazel @PaigeBoi @Cynil @Lejsek @elvamere @BeingOfSalt @Defiance @lusterwing @chasegirl @arcanehierophant @myasmic @hex @Tuberose @Crim @AquaArcs @lanseax @Eucyon @HandleAnimal @StarrySkyTonight @Budsturga @Voltaic @Deva @Northerly @vortexbreakdown @knoggelvi @allegoon @sedge122 @Zelai @Lewyn @errika @weathering @Dimness

Click here for the GASP thread!

Banescale F, Skincent, filigree, flowers/floral, gold, warm colors, royalty, piercings, markings, jewelry/silks, cool colors

@IAmStillATestAccount @jbapple @caelumdeity @Seadramon @velvetpaws @anrei @Naakka @Vespertiine @wildewinged @Soupy @reliquiaen @ofendlessstars @Trickilicky @Nevros @FairyArmadillo @BlackWinter @Akal @Redsparrow @hayum @Pumpcat @Mirrorface @Narif @MusicalMaladies @Oriel @mus @Faileas @Jazz @rethi @annadandelion @Velsim @Argonaut @ThirtyOne @OverlordFreya @Toxiee @Darlnim @Athexreh @Emordnilap @Stasha @HiddenMica @sorai @necrophades @kaaoqi @rubyredtan @Godspeed @Harribel @Maila @veevi @IndigoCat @Lynchly @LionMagnus @Geowlett @anhbon921 @Runi @Arrakis @BlackMistress @Maye @Goldenstorm @MollyMerula @qew23 @Cuddleh @theroiprocepios @Lonin @Cryptic @Raydioactive @Ysdaar @VolatileMatter @Gem4567 @HighFives @Hemospect @Ixnyeltha @Zayev @vely @Veevi @Niklia @Twiggies @Sharkbutt @Pieeee @selenomancy @Prelude @azhdrake @greyyourwarden @synnful @chocomonster @Snowkitsu @cutinstincts @hawwah @Xemriss @Ebrietas @Dior @ilimati @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Panopticon @Moonlace @Rosoidela @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Camrrito @Apothecaria @nemodave @Okacuine @Featherly @Minstri @BloodSentry @grr @Wrath @InHeritent @CatTangle @Peisinoe @Smokeybunny @Britty @Pseudoscience @jsquiddy @Whitefoxtails @Sonora @Lycoteuthis @Noirist @Dishonor @DawnRavenclaw @Naem @sableye @Tinytalkingtina @cywscross @Veracity @comette @Alraune @Leucine @Aoroen @Owlienerd @Irrwahn @MechWyrms @Necrovatai @Fukii @Gwendolyn @porifra @Ythequeris @Nardaviel @Rangiku @PeonydKingpin @Saraku @yomnea33 @Duskflame @Deana @Cethosia @Valolaire @Ashirene @Sagittarium @astroprojection @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @WheatleyScience @ThatOneGirl @oilux @brdey @pretend @londoner @Alstroemeria @ToxicE @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Shadowlugia711 @Steamplonk @loststarship @Apotheca @Tuatara @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Starrlight @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @wedredding @cloverly @Lauros @MadaMada @ffgrape @Illuminary @Ivypooll @Fujinyumi @uniquelykenn @NorthSong @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @perifinite @oly @TalaTari @Acacia @FernCoyote @limeypie @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @haylxx @MisfitsLanding @kumoko @Goolix @Shadowangel @RyukaTheDragon @Croissants @bioglitch @Deva @00Riku00 @nonaline @micchikureshima @Alive @Oodie @Jenkow @gemino @Keikoku @Mudguts @Fervanus @AntivirusAndroid @TxTiger @Hideki @Myndris @luckless @artillerychick @zeguk @Tangaroa @Pollen @NoodleMomma @bryna @ideunatty @Holi @Dangeroux @elfmoss @BizarreKitten @SparkleOfGold @manacampbell @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Felisaries @WildFlora @Noxclerati @Illume @bitmap @caedis @Raptora @Suntouched @koujakward @Peyp @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Lunox @Finne @Artichoke @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @CrossHound @24lovefancy @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @GryphonSong @Alliance @batcrooks @HermaMora @ancelstierre @Mickie @Karanja @Convexity @rosevoids @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @Facinarose @Sinai @SquidneyTsu @TheMeatloafQueen @DevilFlower @Cognitive @Guest @Doodeedoodah @Silence @cosmicConundrum @valiantmeasures @Addmon @Denryu @Jabberwocky09 @Elody @SquidMage @Darkrait @angsthound @firtarian @warthog @TwilightStars @Cynil @STRHKR @valkyrian @unsolved @AqunAthlok @Kaial @NorthernLiights @terato @Cascarones @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @Dalilah @terrellini @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @Bhaskara @arboretumm @Morvudd @amberrosalie @Ilesvia @Shaire @PhoenixFire36 @Rafaru @antiserum @Malachite @Artorias @X3X @ETVermin @foreboding @SylphOfHeart @ghxy @Drag0n5 @alatefeline @Bumblesweet @sensiblesoap @Ectopi @andersbegabt @Aeriel @tytonidae @Loyalties @ninjanuary @DragonDraws @Kikatzu @TheClassCalico @celastrea @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @dandyfrau @Eiyora @Weredogalism @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @TheBluestJay @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @Venture @briar @CoyoteFlowers @Ky0n @keyy @sneakys @SDSPAGE @schnauze @RainingAcid @Kryptica @Cyrya @VioletChachki @rattus @NowViewing @techmess @Bluwingskitty @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @WhisperSpirit @Vialheart @starskynadder @Hardycat @Chelo @Halua @Cryfie @deerfawn @Fukase @snberry @ThatOneSandWing @ribbonz @MildChameleon @solariaa @SoullessWendigo @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @PikaChan412 @ShadowPiper @Osmodeus @HayBay @Harana @dogma @Psi @Mip @TAOGTMI @Drachenhort @Fujo @shot @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @Duchess @LLev @viktowl @angstprxnce @LoyalStar @SepiaSenpai @Naahva @mayka @RinyshkaS @klee @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @Voidshadow @LemmeRest @Fawniti @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @Kaidi @stanley @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Eleventh @Snowtea @serron @ThePlasticTree @gefrorenerzahn @Anticx @Ebby172 @RubyZoisite @Taerar @inn @Spark @RoyalLudroth @choimango @leeedea @heckhound @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @Tremble @BillyRuffian @Mintso @Siris @MoonMelody28 @cobwebs @Realms @concept @Snivy88 @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @BitterTea @sicksip @Ellanoi @Drastalblight @CelestialMuse @SimFeetUnder @Nonsense @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @DeltaDragon246 @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @gracegraceplant @girlgirlDragon @MetalSpaghetti @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @apricotstarship @heathermoon @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @Acheri @Overcoat @Elisse @Adriel @Irmingard @Banhi @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @pwllhalen @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @Grovey @Sunline @Vovina @techne @Munancho @Juleatic @Riptidee @ReneDV98 @pilotbites @ArtofSocrates @lotusen @Zivo @Allychan @GoldStar @Banguela @WitchHunt @knifecentipede @Asterodea @Crumpet @Reverent @Liliun @Ravaarian @draaviinrays @CorvidKnight @LordDragonWubbs @Sadiegreen @*** @Lordofthepies @Maeva @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @squishypeachy @big @Xarina @mikaeia @Arkeyr79 @Starisia @moosesushi @Cerion @Azurine @Vulpen @lemecrazy @pooses @Lichtdrache @Icystorm @SilverQuark @Juni @ToxieToxie @pathfinder @iaqo @Endyr @faraway @Koneko @218715 @Trachynhawb @Aava @Zyanith @Dragonlaird @puppicino @flightyvandal @InkedMyths @mangoeclipse @titian @pandapaws @FlareSolaire @DeltaNegative @sunnyVista @Mistakes @TornadoTorrie @Rayzor @GoneWithTheSin @Kom @Magnanimous @Arka @Danizaurs @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @Suspended @Heliolisk @Gross @TehuMertt @Biird @desiher @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @Bantymom @CoffeeCaat @Njerro @Anduins @Starfire0 @amimari @ArcticFire @dustfawn @Visceryl @Watercolour @lightly @ghostheel @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @IromotNemem @Verosa @despairpods @xjsx @putrefaction @SolnaSuon @Ichorous @serpentarius @Joywing @junu @Mir @BurntCookies @Khezu @Lurkingbullfox @Rookery @LynterriaHatake @pinkkittens @Saerino @Tilli @Doxiunoia @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @razzamatazz @Kelpoyo @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @TenderVulture @Katigura @HPPJWoF @cvthedral @kijauni @minervamaga @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @chetungwan @TamneSenke @varjopeura @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @cantrip @Spooky @Namarie @Skeletiano @ashenraven @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @scarletskyz @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @bonesdarling @VeryMuchATest @batnap @suffragette @astereia @serpents @apathes @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @ladymoon2886 @CandyKacktus @summerwar @notamused @uncle @Gaston @succulents @fraudulentzodiac @Binardown @XSoldierAntX @Jaypaw @Nirwana @RaspyBone @vasily @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @nebulasandjays @Aushi @JotaroCujoh @Pinkuu @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @Sealterbloind @Reckless @Ponscha @Sarafina @Resorant @Mima @Iralla @BlazingSkyDragon @cholesky @Raptorgrrl @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @tambadabam @vendi @Luunai @CrystalExarch @Saeldryn @mega1omaniacal @Kisk @Aisuryu @Peafowl @durandal @RuinousOmen @xxxx @Dydomio @Desecrated @MathematicalMind @Taarnfalk @mrgbmommy @Kimmeh @hellieace @Solinary @Onyswift @FrostNiskare @Mysthia @decays @Ballad @LittleLuckyLucy @kaibutsu @Rubyserpent @orangesunrise @User9125 @Endofwave @tinkabelle @WyvernRathian @Natron @Paranatural @Denyzia @hydde @galaxytherobin @Nukleer @venvi @sallow @silveremouse @Johan @Varnaxis @5H4D0WDU57 @Lup @mistygold @Tarvalian @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @Fin72 @Lokey @drool @Atavistic @Atsumi @mistystep @Jazzghost @retrace @Noctiferous @Blubell @PepperClove @CrowleyGhost @hat17 @thatwhatthing @marropo @cloudfilledskies @Lunyra @Killunia @Mikada @lugia492 @Altassar @caution @KittyAoba @madameprez @SilverBelle @Andraya @Lynell @Doomslayer @shozurei @Clearical @Lycoriae @SkyCsxandr @MinnowFox @Bamf @KiteM @Galatheid @Keryth @Rainbowlight @ravenistic @Vyrelord @zephyrouss @Grune @peepsnibbles @LudSa @caathedral @Marrigan @Contaminate @Idyll @nephelle @strawyerberry @Qhersek @Kauria @Yilara @Diamondbacked @BunnySox @ptarmigan @eldrvtch @Tordue @Necramancy @Basileia @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @FoxyPlant @Riddance @sylvalley @mPhish @Druzy @torch @KariThorne @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @DemonChild77 @JamSandwich @WickedPixie @Shyia @sheppo @zeeboot @Galaxius @TypeFull @gaycaesar @Lethia @Kadvan @haxure @LeCheval @bullfrog @QuirkyTea @Farron @smolelf @brevityis @Nuthatch @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Exlann @smilefires @GLaDos42 @Kael1030 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @wolfbutterfly42 @Puffin25 @LSparrow @NadiyaSilver @Spookio @Catgirl742 @DawnBreak77 @137 @sekainouta @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @wanderingworlds @RisenWolf @Joule @Wizardry @lantadyme @pouchipouchi @DashieDoesThings @kingratb @Urza @Cirrostratus @elafralah @Scent @Makomo @Seraph822 @Spooner @SpecialDragon12 @yik @KreepyKrawlies @World @ladywindgrace @Gaze @Ambulocetus @Drymm @Miridiana @swinlock @Golurk @Kaneun @kyaniite @LavaKitto @CyanSenerade @softsylveon @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @EthicsGradient @Houndstooth @Hiii @Outpost @Hag @Shezarrine @Kazure @endlessstation @EmSheshan @artemiswanderer @crogge @Dabble @Astraya @Blushunt @Primrosefortune @Randodemon @rickshawpanther @FuzzyMelon @2towels @FableSky @Are @Tinble @Windowz @Sigmaglow @wintrecat @InkyBrush @valerakki @hallinhammas @Fenixinka @Hrathen @SaintStranger @ZombieBiologist @evidence @Swageus @mithrail @aecasia @Raboniel @MissMaira @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @copiouscrawdadz @Lunakitty @Madrigalism @Trinkets @arsenicxx @epitaffio @oof @kwozmotis @Legacywolf @Miasmas @Panicat @Formenos @Rabbitspirit @doniider @Dewberry @Sushimonsterr @Khayria @Lepton @archons @JustUneven @Euthymia @queenhelixxia @Tomoko10 @SaltyGhost @Courter @ulvesang @Mishra @pacem @CrystallizedMoon @azemn @Aversi @Viscount @frogletfern @sassibirb @liturgies @Rauv @Aletsan @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @Shizuku @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @dolohova @Turmoil @Revius @StarSpeckledInk @Fletchling @AlbinoDragon3605 @Sanzuwu @Oia @Vesperupus @bonivich @miuaki @Snallygaster @Vivarium @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Isyrii @Parad0xxy @KoifishLizard @Magala @WindChimes @Lightwarden @ChristianCutie @eieru @Reithya @CaptainAnabelle @OriginGiratina @IamNoHere @DementedDracon @Allstohel @HellsGate @Asgore @Searen @thelemonsnek @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @Orphism @CurrentFlight @Blackeyed @Glum @TheUltimateOwl @Fauvi @Lupen @Horsedog3799 @Maleficus @Noodlesper @Marmite @Flyteofheart @auldale @maybels @foredoomedRhythm @brightmeadow @kyruiz @InTheDarke @GayNidoKing @beastsniperemmy8 @Empyreal @ikunoche @Eryel @SatansAppendix @Drizzlesong @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @findingpears @Beruga @RheoTastic @Starwindrider @Aevios @Yelloweye @Plouvoir @seamists @Fruitling @meandering @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @makani @CorneliaR @Gravitaxis @Saltymew @kingcrown @ichorus @Yeechen @Hazardoush @TheDEV1L @SouthernPansy @seclusion @HoIIow @Rings @Barok @0hzarks @NimStratus @sgerj @Scaramouche @rinjing @chunsah @NaoNao @dragonNMR @Azureus @prefiringfort @vovatheboss @antmimic @GreatValueCereal @Vwoop @Cathat @Crescentstar711 @Paralian @sockmonkeygerald @munchea @Avair @Nihilus @Violence @Valmue @ghostingskies @Mortca @GuardianLioness @nonbearnary @Businessman @Cheryy @sowilo @thevvitch @whour @ColorfulLava @Jaguarthecat @That1DireWolf @EverestEcho @Zelai @Self @paladinpass @evilpassing @karrion @Sweetnest @BWAPPI @RandomPebble @mungmungbean @Subdued @Scaledowl @NobleRot @ONESTOP @Chickles13 @AlchemistG @DeadShift @Interest @VolcanicThunder @Floot @Pripyat @RahgolDok @gardener @ClownEngaged @lappland @calamityProphet @iniquitas @c4uni @WDGaster @belated @cotardsolution @Karikumik @Nephelid @Kreideprintz @SarynTheHuntress @Novrre @Accismus @rarewareofficial @Katargo @BurittoKimasan @serpentofmoe @meep5109 @eggstve @teetotaled @seen @Airazon @shanshui @Zosimos @Asra9 @ancestral @roastedsoymanny @Mazurkas @Syceris @Okapi @Airaly @lusbiana @Penumbra624 @Askesis @opalineteardrops @Lafite @RaynixAura @soaringmoon @harmonywish @saltmarsh @Benuyka @Gladiolusa @Strome @Hyenalope @Jinxls @Critique @wonderswan @Mutation @WaterMaloneDraws @Phlegethos @Amoeba @Nimrook @Curoi @Azurenight @zleepydelights @Person @Nenahel @lillynxtg @Arsenet5 @Eudialyte @Sashathebrave @draconispletora @Verdice @Zelrune @Tobin @Trilonyte @LordCorvidae @Pouchipouchi @Raan @KCDragons @Verdes @ookpik @ElectricBorelis @Ladyrivers @AsylumBat @Nhemesis @xylocopa @9th @NightmareGiraffe @Falgardien @Aku @meirah @ERabbit @FreyaShadow @BlackRayser @SugaywaraKoushi @SilentWanderer @Blackiebelle @Wytche @Letsgograss @valerianroot @caprisunaddict @Boundary @Lililira @Badendmusical @Silis @milkchai @MysticOfLight @ufology @monstergf @wwhirlybirb @Rohana @Snicket @Jessymetal @Avenue @Doodlepede @fisherboyman @juga @Lomon @Phisans @SirenSerenade @leyndell @leafwreath @yukublack @Nephtys @RobotMothPie @558575 @leoscreams @RThrax @morn @Enekokoro @cythesandwich @Haftlinger @Maliblu @tundraluvr @ardisia @xanax @FloofFeather @ladyvixen @RiztheHuntress @Allaprima @crownfisher @hibikiga @awayfrombirdland @SilvernFrost @XanTheGayCat @drakota77749 @Sols @Juriibirb @ridaine @sleepyrat @Velkhana @Rayvee @Fayo @NitrogenousBaes @Saeliran @Thunderbird21 @CupcakeNova @ANTIM0NY @Rifter @NefariousKing @Hasufel @541614 @EmiT @doremy @shapeshiftr @Comfrey @0Lullaby0 @forcedcoma @kylonaberrie @Arcticpearl @Helixstorm @AlaskanSnow @CountingCrows @Viritan @lanseax @Goldy86 @V0idBird @astora @yascherritsa @foxpaws @StarrySkyTonight @MistyFlame1 @sourlapple @swelter @AzaRein @despoinai @Arkenrall @venneris @MysteryGyn @Yashura @notwit @W0lfBait @Flannerie @penantiomers @kolowaskolo @orest @charaut @Peachbug @Bnemesis @granolabar @Tenuit @Outlook @Luluwi @bunnyfork @Ulises @FWD @spaceship1234 @bergamot @fumarate @MonsteraDelici @laeyin @SentientPumpkins
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
Slot for all please!
Slot for all please!
aHHhHH these are sO GOOD. Unfortunately, and unbelievably so, I don't have any Banes that fit my fav so R I P

Good luck!!
aHHhHH these are sO GOOD. Unfortunately, and unbelievably so, I don't have any Banes that fit my fav so R I P

Good luck!!
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
Gorgeous work as always :) I’d love a slot for Goddess of Oasis please - do you want payment now or once the run is full? ( I couldn’t find it in your rules, but I’m literally packing to move tomorrow and am exhausted so this could totally be my bad, sorry !! ) so happy to see banes getting some uma love [emoji=banescale happy size=1]
Gorgeous work as always :) I’d love a slot for Goddess of Oasis please - do you want payment now or once the run is full? ( I couldn’t find it in your rules, but I’m literally packing to move tomorrow and am exhausted so this could totally be my bad, sorry !! )

so happy to see banes getting some uma love
Art of a frog on a leaf next to a bromeliad flower with the text Tropical Rainforest to the right
everbloomgardenspog 8VvjJ9p.png
Absolutely adore the blue recolors! Hopefully I can eventually snag more from you to create a series of dragons with similair colors <3 (Already signed up btw!) [img][/img]
Absolutely adore the blue recolors! Hopefully I can eventually snag more from you to create a series of dragons with similair colors <3 (Already signed up btw!)


• fr+3
• he/him
• uma & g1 addict
@Silverishness got you added for all!

@Natron hahah I completely understand! but thank you for the good luck~ ♥

@Comfrey hello! I have added you to the run of goddess of oasis; and as for payment, I usually wait until I ping for the run, but if you'd rather pay in advance you're free to do so. c:

@Silverishness got you added for all!

@Natron hahah I completely understand! but thank you for the good luck~ ♥

@Comfrey hello! I have added you to the run of goddess of oasis; and as for payment, I usually wait until I ping for the run, but if you'd rather pay in advance you're free to do so. c:

b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
@saltypie thank you! I am in a tarnish kick so I am glad someone else is enjoying those recolors, etc! c: and I appreciate the support! ♥♥
@saltypie thank you! I am in a tarnish kick so I am glad someone else is enjoying those recolors, etc! c: and I appreciate the support! ♥♥
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
FINALLY A BREAK IN THE BANE F DROUGHT these are so gorgeous!!!
FINALLY A BREAK IN THE BANE F DROUGHT these are so gorgeous!!!