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cinTamani's Clan
The beginning of Clan Ninuan
Clan Info
The short version is:
Local Guardian can't stop adopting other dragons, hatchling or not.
Troublemaking Fae encourages him.
The slightly longer version is:
Tairte ut-Napishtim is a Guardian with a soft heart, so perhaps it wasn't surprising that his Search led him to founding a clan of his own; one that would take in lost and orphaned hatchlings (and adults, for that matter) born in pretty much any flight, even those counted as enemies by the Gladekeeper. Clan Ninuan.
Iolithae Septimian is here to raise chaos-usually for a good cause. Tairte found her attempting to take care of a pair of abandoned Gaoler hatchlings whose eyes proclaimed them to be children of Plague. She does not have much in the way of loyalty to the Gladekeeper, nor to any of the gods; her concerns are with mortal dragons, and with her own idiosyncratic idea of what's right.
After making a go of it for a while in their own flight, Tairte and Iolithae moved the clan to Arcane territory, seeking a more welcoming environment and a way out from the war against Plague. The change of allegiance brought them a step closer to realising their dreams for the clan.
The short version is:
Local Guardian can't stop adopting other dragons, hatchling or not.
Troublemaking Fae encourages him.
The slightly longer version is:
Tairte ut-Napishtim is a Guardian with a soft heart, so perhaps it wasn't surprising that his Search led him to founding a clan of his own; one that would take in lost and orphaned hatchlings (and adults, for that matter) born in pretty much any flight, even those counted as enemies by the Gladekeeper. Clan Ninuan.
Iolithae Septimian is here to raise chaos-usually for a good cause. Tairte found her attempting to take care of a pair of abandoned Gaoler hatchlings whose eyes proclaimed them to be children of Plague. She does not have much in the way of loyalty to the Gladekeeper, nor to any of the gods; her concerns are with mortal dragons, and with her own idiosyncratic idea of what's right.
After making a go of it for a while in their own flight, Tairte and Iolithae moved the clan to Arcane territory, seeking a more welcoming environment and a way out from the war against Plague. The change of allegiance brought them a step closer to realising their dreams for the clan.
Recent Comments

Darksun (#71420985) was on the front page!

Queenie was on the front page!

Leander was on the front page! What a pretty guy!

Ophidium was on the front page!

Roxas was on the front page!

Thank you!! I worked hard on it! <3

yessss hohohoho *rubs my hands together evilly*

WAHH REALLY?? that is so nice of u!!!! id love that a lot :') i have no problem paying!! i can give u treasure, gems, or even try to doodle an oc/dragon of urs <333

Your Clan info "short version" is to live for.

Oh nice! He got his five minutes of fame!

yo! Cyrus was on the front page!

Of course, I'll send you a CR request :)
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